06x19 - The Divorce

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x19 - The Divorce

Post by bunniefuu »

"To my beautiful mother,
from your loving daughter,"


- Where is she, Gerard?
- She's in the library, sir.

I'm very sorry to have disturbed you,
Mr. Carrington,

but Mrs. Colby said it was important,
that she had to talk to you.

At : in the morning?

What could be so important?



We have to talk.

What do you want, Alexis?

I want you to do something
about Amanda.

I've got nothing to say to you
about her.

Oh, that's rich.

She's living in your house,
following your rules,

and looking to you for moral guidance
and where does she end up?

In bed with her stepfather.

And it's all your responsibility.

You of all people
have got the nerve to say that to me?

You come here
talking about our daughter's problems,

the girl that you kept hidden from me
for years?

Oh, that's the past.

I am talking about the present
and the future

of that little tramp
you call your daughter.

That little tramp
you left to be raised by strangers

miles away from here.

I'd hardly call my cousin Rosalind
a stranger.

Are you telling me you're not
gonna do anything?

Oh, no, no, no. On the contrary.

I am gonna do something about it.
But in my own way

and without instructions
from her loving mother.

Ah. Before she slept with my husband,
I did love her.

Yes, in your own peculiar way.

Don't tell me you didn't see this thing
with Dex coming on.

No, I didn't.

I never believed
in my wildest dreams

that my husband
and my daughter could betray me.

Well, be that as it may,

you've had your chance with Amanda
with no success.

So as of now, I'll handle it.

Well, you should handle it, Blake.

Amanda needs your strength now,
and your guidance.

Yes, and I'm gonna need you.

And Amanda's gonna need you too.

She needs
what Alexis could never give her.

After all,
she was raised in boarding schools

by people who weren't her parents.

It wasn't easy on the girl.

Well, she has the two of us now.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- Mummy.
- What do you want, Amanda?

We have to talk.

I have nothing to say to you.

Look, I'm sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.


I catch you in bed with my husband

and you tell me
that you never meant to hurt me.

What did you mean, Amanda?

I don't know, but hurting you
was not a part of it. Believe me.


As far as I'm concerned,
you are no longer a part of my life.

Go back to Blake and company

because I loathe you,
and your bed partner.

Well, then why don't you--?

- Why don't I what?
- Why don't you let him go?

Oh, I have.

Believe me, I have.

I'm not talking about the divorce.
I'm talking about his feelings.

He still wants you.
Why don't you tell him it's over?

He should have thought
about my feelings

before he took you to bed.

Why should I bother about his?

Because I love him.

Then I pity you both.

Oh, save your pity
if that's all you've got left.

No, Amanda.

I have my pride left,

which is something that you lost
between his bed sheets.

It's beyond me
what you two see in each other.

Well, whatever it is,

maybe I can give him something
you never could.

Ha, ha. And what, pray, is that?

Post-adolescent passion?

Take it from me,
Dex loves real women.

Not pale imitations.

Is that why he left you?

Oh, he didn't leave me.
I divorced him.

But if he's who you want
then you are welcome to him,

because you two
deserve each other.

Thank you, Mother,
for your generosity.

I told you before,

don't call me mother.

Not only is Dex
no longer my husband,

but you are no longer my daughter.


Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Mr. Carrington.

- Does this belong to you?
- Yes, sir.

- You're new here, aren't you?
- My second day, sir.

Well, if you wanna be here
a third day,

I suggest
you don't let this happen again.

- Is that understood?
- Yes, sir.

- What is it, Blake?
- Oh, it's nothing, darling.

- Can I see it?
- Well, believe me, it's nothing

- that you should be concerned with.
- Please.


Well, it didn't take them long, did it?

I'm sorry you had to see that.

I would have seen it somewhere.

On the street corner, a newsstand.

It hurts,
but there's no way to avoid it.

Blake, what really matters
is we're home together.

And we're safe.

Yes, we are safe.

But I promise you,
that woman and Abrigore, or Travers,

or whatever he's calling himself now,
are never going to be safe.

Because no matter how much it costs
or how long it takes,

I'm gonna make them pay
for what they've done to you.

Water, please.

Oh, wait a minute.


Hello, Amanda.

What's wrong?

The last time I saw you

you were rushing off to the airport
to see Alexis.

To beg her forgiveness.

So why are you still here?
What happened?

I'm still here because
your mother flew to the Caribbean

and got a divorce.

But then you're free.

Amanda, what happened between us
is over.

Not for me it isn't, Dex. I love you.

Amanda, Alexis means
everyhing to me.

She's still a part of my life.

Oh, well, then what was l,
just a momentary diversion?

No, of course not.

We both needed someone
to hold onto.

But that doesn't change the fact
that you've got a husband

and I love Alexis.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Well, apparently,
I wasn't the only one that was hurt.




Send him in.

I, uh, got your message.

You're my top priority, Dex.


Now that, uh, Galen is moving out?

- News travels fast.
- Yes, it does.

And my first reaction
was to help him pack.

My second was to see you.

I realise now that you were right
all along about Galen using me.

You were always so good
about looking out for my interests.

Then you admit
we all make mistakes?

Oh, yes, indeed we do.

And, um, whatever's happened
is behind us?

Finished. Over and done with.

Alexis, I have missed you.

You've also missed the point
of this meeting.

You said you wanted to see me.

Yes, but I have
several business meetings today, Dex.

You just happen to be one of them.


I wanna buy out your shares
of the Lex-Dex Corporation.

I no longer need you as a husband,
a lover or a business partner.

What are you talking about? That's
my company. I'm not gonna sell out.

It's not your company. It's ours.

I'll pay you above market value
for your shares

and then you can retire on your back,
for all I care.

Name your price.

It's not for sale, Alexis.
And neither am l.

Oh. I know, you give yourself away.

Look, whatever happened between
Amanda and me was a mistake.

Oh, hurray. Hoist the flags.

You finally spoke the truth.

Don't you know I love you?

That I've been fighting for you,
trying to protect you from Galen?

And all the time it was you
that I needed protection from.

Face it, Dex, our marriage is dead.

But if I have to do business with you,
I will.

Oh, you're damned right you will.

We're partners.

Oh, no, we're not.

We're enemies on a b*ttlefield.

Just wait until you see what happens
when I go to w*r.

Because there'll be nobody
left standing except me.

So why don't you tuck your tail
between your legs and run along?

Get out.



You're looking at a man
who takes charge,

and who is very grateful
he's married to such a beautiful wife.

- What is it? What's happened?
- Transformation.

I have been released, Amanda.

You see, my father has sold out.

He's flying to Lisbon and exile.

He demanded I go with him.

Exile? Are you going?

I said he demanded.
I didn't say I obeyed.

No, I'm staying here where I belong.

To be the man Blake Carrington
believed I could become.

To be part of this family,
head of La Mirage,

your husband and lover.

Michael, please.

And there's nothing,
nothing standing between us now.

We can finally
live our lives together.

Look, whatever you've decided
for yourself does not include me.

Of course, it does.
Look, we're part of each other.

I meant what I said yesterday.

I'm getting a divorce.

Look, this is a new beginning for us.

Forget the divorce.

I love Dex.

I think I always have.


All the times
I found the two of you together,

you denied
there was anything between you.

And now you're telling me
I was right all along?

I am sorry.

I never wanted to hurt you.

My God.

First, my father,

and now you?


- You liar.
- Mike, take it easy.

Michael, listen to me!

To what? To more lies?

About how you and Amanda
mean nothing to each other?

I could break you in two.
You know that.

You already have, Dexter.

I'm sorry for you, Michael.

I'm sorry for all of us.


He's beautiful.

And he's yours.

Mine? He belongs to you.

His name is Bandos.

He's the most important stallion
in our breeding programme.


Sammy Jo,
I know why you're doing this.

It's the least I can do
to repay you and Blake

for the money you lost
to Joel and Rita.

Look, I won't pretend that I don't hold
you responsible for what happened.

But the money we lost
isn't important.

What do you mean not important?

It was a lot.

Well, yes,
but that horse is worth a lot.

I don't want things from you.

What I want
is for you to change your life.

Maybe it's too late.

No, it isn't.

Sammy Jo,
what happened here was terrible.

For everyone.

But if you can learn from it,

if what happened
can help you turn your life around,

well, then it won't have been
for nothing.

You know what I'm trying
to say to you?

Yes, Auntie Krystle.

You'll see, I'll make it up to you.

I'll make you proud of me.

Come in, darling.

Hello, Daddy.

Like some coffee?

No, thanks.

But I would like to know
why you asked me here.

All right.

I asked you to come here

because I wanted to talk
some business with you.


- Ooh, that sounds important.
- Ha, ha.

Amanda, you are a Carrington.

And that means that some day,
all of this, everyhing,

is gonna be partly yours.

You do realise that, don't you?

Well, I never really think about it.

Well, perhaps it's time you did.

Now, this conglomerate
that I've built

goes beyond this office
and this building.

It goes beyond Denver.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

You've never been to Hawaii,
have you?

- No.
- Would you like to go?

Well, yes. I mean, someday.

I mean, I hear it's beautiful.

Oh, well, perhaps I can speed up
the trip for you. For both of us.

- Both of us?
- Mm-hm.

Yes, Denver-Carrington
is gonna do some building there.

How would you like
to come with me?

We'll go over the plans together,
we'll inspect the building sites,

and after we're finished,

I'll take you on a guided tour
of all the islands.

What do you think?

Well, it sounds lovely.

But I don't think so.

Why not?

Well, I'll be honest with you, Daddy.

I think you've hatched this little plot
to divert me, to get me away from Dex.

And if it is, do you really think
that I'll stop thinking about him?

Amanda, what I'm trying to do

is to make you realise
how special you are to me.

And Dex is special to me.

Daddy, believe me,
I'm not ungrateful to you.

And I really love you
for everyhing you've done for me,

but the answer to Hawaii is no.

Because of Dex?

Because I'm in love with Dex.

Amanda, you must know
he's a sophisticated man of the world,

he's been with dozens
and dozens of women.

And I'm just a passing fancy for him,
is that it?


Now, he may not mean
to be doing it,

but what he's doing is using you.

Using me? But for what?

Well, Alexis did divorce him.

And now he's using you
to help him forget her.

Now, whatever I think of that woman,
I do know this,

she will not allow herself
to be easily forgotten.


All I want, all any of us want,
is for you to be happy.

You do understand that, don't you?


What just happened in the courtroom
was round two, Adam.

If we lose another round
on this pipeline injunction,

we could lose the whole fight.

Is that what you're gonna tell Blake?

That we went into court today,

came up against Bart Fallmont,
and lost?

What would you tell him,
that we won?

We're a long way
from the final round.

The trouble with you is

you never had to fight
for anything and I have.

I've learned that if you're gonna win,
sometimes you have to play dirty.

What are you talking about?

I don't believe in heroes, Steven.

And that's what Fallmont
and his family are in this state.

Well, maybe it's time
we knocked them off their pedestal.

This isn't a personal fight, Adam.

Then let's make it personal.

Look, every closet
has a skeleton in it.

Let's just open the door,
and let it out.

I don't even know
what you're talking about.

Oh, come on, Steven.

I dropped by Chris Deegan's
office party the other day.

I saw you and Fallmont
in deep conversation.

ADAM: Body language.

He couldn't keep his hands off you.

Oh, that's such a damned lie, Adam.

Steven, look, it's me.
It's Adam you're trying to con.

- I can understand if you're trying to--
- Understand this, Adam.

I plan to win this battle
because I think we're right.

But I swear I'd rather lose
than to stoop to your level.

Bart Fallmont's life
is his own business.

We're gonna leave it that way.

I've got work to do.


I overheard your conversation
with your brother about me.

You could have gone along with
his airing dirty linen,

but you didn't. I appreciate that.

It's only dirty in your book, Fallmont.

You've already gone public.
I'm still--

Oh, still what?

In the closet?

Look, however you wanna live your life
is your business. But gone public?

When was the last time
you heard someone straight say

- he's gone public?
- They don't have anything to hide.

Neither do l.
I don't think being gay is an issue.

But being honest with yourself is.

You can only be blackmailed
if you've got something to hide.

Admit who you are,
and you end up with all the power.

Or lose everyhing.

Again, I do appreciate your
not saying anything to your brother.

Thank you.

Why did you ask to see me?

I was a fool to send you away,

I'm through with Alexis.

Or is she through with you?

It's over.

That's all that matters.

Not quite.

I know she won't take you back.

That's right.

And if that's the way she wants it,
that's what she'll get.

But what if she changes her mind?

What if she waves her little finger
and calls you back? Would you go?

Amanda, forget Alexis.

Have you?

Oh, God, Dex.
I want to believe you so much.

I want you.

Only you.

All right.

All right, I will. You too.

Thanks for calling, Claudia.



- That's right.
- I came in here

to discuss the injunction hearing
tomorrow, but I think we have

- more pressing business.
- Like what?

Like why were you talking to my wife,
and where is she?

Adam, if Claudia wanted you to know
where she was,

I'm sure she'd tell you.

You were the one who spoke to her.
You tell me.

Sorry, I can't. I gave her my word.

I thought you were the one

that was so insistent
on us working together.

When it comes to business,
we have to.

But that's where it stops.

Oh. Oh, Danny, you think
you're gonna beat me today, huh?

- Yeah.
- I don't know about that.

I'm pretty fast.

We'll see.

Sammy Jo?

Where are you taking Danny?

For a walk.

- No, Mommy, a race.
- Ha, ha. That's right.

Danny says he can beat me now.

Know something? I think he's right.

Does Steven know that
you're taking him out of the house?

Danny, honey,
why don't you go into the kitchen

and ask Mrs. Gunnerson
for some milk and cookies?

- I'll meet you in there, okay?
- Okay, Mommy.

All right.

Afraid I'll kidnap him, Amanda?

It's happened before.

Look, I'm taking my son for a walk,
that's all.

Well, then, why don't I call Steven
and ask him if it's all right?

Well, what do we have here?

Trying to fill Fallon's shoes as the
young witch of the house, Amanda?

No wonder
your marriage is in trouble.

You're so busy
holding onto your broomstick

that you can't even hold
onto your own husband.


Let's get back to the subject
of your mother, Adam.

You do realise-- No, thank you.

--that you haven't given me a chance
to eat my lunch.

I'm sorry,
there's so much I want to know.

So many questions.

For instance,
King Galen of Moldavia,

Suddenly he's gone,
on his way to Portugal.


Are the rumours of a romance
between your mother and him true?

Why not ask her?

Or better yet,
fly to Portugal and ask His Ex-Majesty.

I'm just trying to do my job.

Which you do very well.

Thank you.

Now, what about Mr. Dexter?

He's moved out as well.

- So that leaves your mother with--
- You.

What do you mean?

You don't need to ask me
any questions.

I think
you already know all the answers.

I saw you in this very room,

stalking Alexis
as if she were your prey.

Staring at her.

Granted, news hens
are a curious flock,

but your curiosity
goes beyond the professional.

Now, before I answer anything,

I want to know who you are,
and what you want.

- You've got a good memory.
- Mm-hm.

And the insight of a good lawyer.

I'm not under oath,

but I'll tell you the truth,
and nothing but the truth.

Please do.

Your mother and I are old friends.

I've been away for a while.

But I've read all about you.

Your kidnapping,

and sudden stunning reunion
with your family.

I'm very glad for you.

You're avoiding my questions.

Always the lawyer.

And the protective son.

All right.

Alexis and I parted on bad terms
years ago.

I was hoping
we could get together again.

You fought your way
back into your mother's life.

If I have to, I'll do the same.

And you never met
that Joel Abrigore prior to--

I told you, sergeant,
I never met the man.

- Not until Rita introduced me.
- Wait.

And you met that Rita at a bar
in New York, right?

Look, you want me to tell you
I met her in Salt Lake City, Utah?

Okay. I met her in church.

You know that attitude
is not gonna help me find them.

Well, what is going to help,

You've had enough time on this thing.
You can take all the notes you want.

You can look under the couches,
go into the closets,

but is that going to find them?

We're trying, Mr. Carrington.

Well, try harder.

We'll be in touch, sir.

I'm sorry. All of this is my fault.

You're doing all you can.
I know that.

Well, they may be able to hide
from the police,

but they're not gonna hide from me.

I just wish there was something
I could do to help.

You have helped and I appreciate it.
I want you to know that.

Morgan? It's me.

I've gotta see you.


No. No way.

It's easy, Morgan.
All you have to do is find two people.

The last time you told me it was easy
it cost me my licence.

Well, this won't cost you anything.

- It's worth a lot of money to you.
- Oh, yeah?

Tell me, Samantha Josephine,

what good is money gonna do me
in jail?

I'm not asking you
to do anything illegal.

Hey, forget it.

Look, you have no licence,
and no money.

All I'm asking you to do

as take an all-expense paid vacation
to Rio.

Stay at the best hotel.

Because my money says
that's where Joel and Rita are.

Tell me when you find them,
then you can retire.

You don't have that much money,
Sammy Jo.

Oh. Oh, I've got it.

And I'm more than willing
to spend it.

Ah, no, thanks, lady.

You're trouble.

Why, Mr. Hess,

there was a time
when you couldn't say no to me,

much less wanted to.

So I just want you to know

that I will be waiting breathlessly
for you to get back.

We're through.

You over-rated cowboy.

You thought you owned me.

Well, nobody owns Alexis.

And I told you that I hadn't slept
with any type after I'd met you.

- So, what?
- After I'd fallen in love with you.

Except I didn't know
that what I'd fallen for was a slut.

- Aah!
- You moved out, now stay out.


Oh, my God.

You bastard.


Oh, Blake.

The reason that you
and I have never stopped fighting

is because you and I have never
stopped caring about each other.

My young, handsome,
hungry husband

who shouted out to the world,
"I'll show them,"

And you did.

I've never stopped loving you
and I never will.

Oh, Blake.

Oh, Blake, it's always been you.


Very well.
Ask her to come in here, please.

Heh. You know, you could make
a fortune selling your secret.

What in the world
are you talking about, anyway?

You. You're as handsome
and vital as the day we first met.

Save your compliments, Alexis.

I don't know how you've got nerve
enough to come in here anyway

- after what you did.
- Oh, ho-ho.

What kind of a greeting is that?

Better than you deserve
after that stunt you pulled.

Sending that reporter into our home
dressed like Mary Poppins.

Do you realise how painful
that episode was for Krystle?

Yes, I'm sure it was,

but, uh, I don't really want to talk
about Krystle.

I've got more important things
to discuss.

Something that could affect not only us
but the entire State of Colorado.

Such as?

Steven has come up with the
brilliant idea of donating Lake Colby

and the surrounding acres to the state
as a sanctuary for wildlife.

Fine. What's that got to do
with Denver-Carrington?

Well, it would definitely offset
any potential damage

that the pipeline would do
to the wildlife.

There will be no harm to the wildlife.

How can you be so sure of that?

Think of the public relations, Blake.

If both our companies did this
as a joint venture,

it would prove
how pro-environment we were.

And it would totally disarm
our critics.

So why don't you look it over?

And assuming
you find nothing wrong with it,

we can meet and discuss it
later today.

Say : , in my office.


This headline is our cue, my dear.
It's time we went to press.

My sister's relationship with
King Galen is not my final chapter.

I want that book ready
for the summer market,

which means going to press now.

No, not yet.

There's one more chapter to go.

Caress, we have everyhing we need
to make one bestseller out of this.

Nothing can top your material
on Zach Powers

and what happened on his yacht.

Trust me.

The wait will be worth it.

There's one more chapter.

And judging from this,

I'd say Alexis needs
her sister's loving support.

It's time for a little visit.

What a delightful surprise.

It's Caress now, darling.

You remember
how I always hated Cassandra?

I always loved it.

Well, come and sit down
and have some lunch.

I had them prepare something light

because I know
you're always on a diet.

How thoughtful.

- A little wine?
- Lovely.

How do you do it, Alexis?

Ha, ha. Do what?

Remain so fresh-looking
after all you've been through.


Darling, my life has been a fairy tale
compared to yours.

All those years in jail.
It must have been hell.

Yes. Well, all that's
behind us now, isn't it?

Well, it's behind you.

And two years off
for good behaviour.

With whom?

Never mind.
I'm really glad you're free.

Yes, I'm sure you are.

Well, you've certainly come a long way
in five years.


Put it down to a combination of,
uh, business brains,


and feminine intuition.

And good timing.

You've always had
perfect timing, Alexis.


As Mummy use to say,
"Time serves us, or we serve time,"


Now that you're out,
what are your plans?

I really haven't made up my mind.

That doesn't sound like you,

I'm just enjoying my freedom.

Staying at La Mirage,
and then back to England.

But not before I've had a chance
to get to know my sister again.


Who is it?

It's Krystle.


Hello, Krystle.

I'm sorry to bother you,
but it's important.

It's about you and Amanda.

I'm sorry, l, uh, can't help you.

You've got to know
the situation is impossible.

Krystle, I don't wanna
talk about this now.

Dex, I don't want you to think
that I'm being judgemental,

but Amanda is impressionable
and very young.

I don't know
what you consider impressionable,

but she's over and
she is entitled to her own decisions.

Hello, Krystle.

You can just go back and tell my father
that I have made my decision.

You've got five minutes
to clear out of here.


I'm giving everybody
the rest of the day off.

- Mother, are you feeling all right?
- Oh, I'm feeling great.

But everybody's been working so hard,
I think they deserve a day off.

Mother, I've got work piled up here.

I've gotta finish
that Wyoming report by--

Darling, the Wyoming report can wait.
It's waited this long.

Now, I insist
on sending everybody home.

Right now.

Including you.


- Alexis?
- Good evening, Blake.

Uh, where is everyone?

Right here?

No, I'm talking about
your office staff.

No secretaries. No anyone.

Is this some holiday
that I don't know anything about?

We're not going out of business,
if that's your concern.

Sit down, relax.

This is a very special year, Blake.


Remember, South of France?

Sorry, I don't have time for a drink.

Ha, ha. A drink?

I'm not offering you branch water,

I'm offering you .

To better times, past and future.

Well, I've been studying
Steven's proposal,

and, uh, try as I might--

You can't find a thing wrong
with it.

That's right. It's a damned good idea.
There's one thing though.

I feel that Denver-Carrington
must reimburse Colbyco

for our share
of that wildlife sanctuary.

Say no more. Deal.

All right, you've got a deal.

Ha, ha. You see how painless
that is, Blake?

You always suspect the worst
from me,

but the fact is that you and l
have a lot more in common

than you'd like to think.

Well, whatever we have in common,
including ,

remember, there have been more than
years with nothing in common.

I think, perhaps,
it'd be better to keep it that way.


We could accomplish so much

I'm running late, Alexis.

You're running away, Blake.

I've been going through
our end-of-the-year reports

on both our companies.

Denver-Carrington and Colbyco
are wasting time and money

in competing with each other.

We should join forces and become

one of the biggest and most powerful
oil companies in the world.

Are you talking about merger again?

Alexis, merging with you
would be a nightmare.

That's not fair, Blake.

Have you ever wondered
why the explosions between us?

Why every time we meet,
sparks fly?

Because there's life between us,
Blake. A passion that's unique.

I'm afraid I turned off that passion
a long time ago.

Have your lawyers draw up
an agreement on that lake property

- and in the meantime--
- I divorced Dex.

It's over between us.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm not.

You see, every one of my marriages
since you has failed

because I've been trying to recapture
what you and I had.

- Alexis--
- Listen to me, Blake.

You think you hate me, but you don't
because hate and love are intertwined.

Whatever we had died years ago.

And there's no way
to breathe life into it.

I'll do business with you
because it makes sense.

We're gonna be strange bedfellows,
but only in the boardroom.

Never in the bedroom.

Every man I've ever loved
has tried to control me.

But not any more.

Oh, I tried
to become the wife you wanted,

the wife that Dex needed.

The woman to fit the mould.

But I broke that mould.

And now I'm going to break you.

I pity you, Alexis. I really do.

Oh. Save your pity.

I'll make you pay for this, Blake.

And I know just the man
who's gonna help me do it.

Because he loathes you
as much as I do.

Your brother, Ben.

You're gonna regret this.

Damn you!
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