06x21 - Ben

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x21 - Ben

Post by bunniefuu »


Answer, damn it.


Cassie, wake up.

Alexis, what is it?

I've been calling you for hours.
I thought you were dead.

No, just dreaming lovely dreams

about attractive men
and faraway places.

Far away from Denver, I hope.
What time are you leaving?

I'm not going anywhere, Alexis.

May I remind you
that this is my apartment

and there's no room at the inn.

Maybe last night, suffering from jet lag,
you didn't quite hear what I said.

You owe me for what you did.

You abandoned me in that prison, and
then sailed away on a yacht with Zach.

Let's get this straight, Cassie.

I never abandoned you.

I did everyhing that I could
to try and get you out of there.

I spent a fortune on lawyers,
I tried to have the case reopened--

But the fact is that I remained
in that miserable cell

while you had it all.

The money and the man
I happened to be in love with.

- Zach Powers?
- Yes.

Oh, Cassie, don't be so ridiculous.

I never had the slightest interest
in him.

So now, if you're finished
hurling accusations at me,

I am going to help you pack, dear.

Alexis, the other day in your office,
when we had lunch together,

I was pretending
that everyhing was all right, but...

But what?

It's not.

I don't have a job,
I've got nowhere to live.

I don't quite know how to say this,
but you're all I've got in the world.

I'm just asking for a chance
to get my life together again.

Please, Alexis.

Oh, please, Cassie,
save your crocodile tears.

I know all your little routines, dear.

You've been performing them
since you were years old.

What I don't know
is what you're doing here.

But whatever the reason,
I am going to let you stay,

just until the end of the week.

Not because I owe you
a damn thing,

but because, God help me,
you're my sister.

Thank you, Alexis.


She flew in from Australia last night
with Ben Carrington.

What's he doing here?

My sister is one of the most
devious people in the world.

It's no accident that she's brought
Blake Carrington's brother to Denver.

What's she up to?

So how are you enjoying your steak
and eggs and hash browns

and bacon
and biscuits oozing with butter?

A -percent American breakfast.

The only thing from the States
that I missed all my years in Australia.

What is this TV thing all about, Alexis?
Sounds mysterious.

Don't you enjoy a bit of suspense?

As a matter of fact, I don't like
surprises, unless they're my own

Well, if we're going to surprise Blake
with this lawsuit,

we're gonna have to get started.

What I really want to see
is my brother's face

when he realises I'm here.

It's going to have to wait
until he gets back from Hong Kong.

But I have got a reunion planned
for you and your brother

that he's never going to forget.

All you have to do is cooperate.

Well, whatever it is,

it had better be worth my coming
halfway round the world for.

Oh, it will be worth it, Ben.

Believe me, it will.

What is it, Steven?
I can let you have about a minute.

Good. That will give you enough time
to explain these purchase orders.

We've never dealt
with this company before.

I approved these purchases.

- Why is none of your concern.
- Yes, it is, Adam.

I'm on the Denver-Carrington
board of directors now.

I'm doing
a complete financial review,

which means watchdogging
every large purchase order

that comes out of this office.

So fair warning.

If there's anything wrong,
you'd better be able to explain it.

I don't have to explain anything
to you.

You may be on the board now,

but that may prove
to be a temporary assignment.

I guess I'm supposed to ask
what that means,

but coming from you,
I really don't care.

This is Adam Carrington.

I want to cancel
order number .

Never mind why. Just cancel it.

This is a : news special feature.

We're live with Alexis Colby,

whose company, Colbyco,
along with Denver-Carrington,

is proposing construction
of a pipeline across Colorado.

Now, it's received some opposition
from environmentalists.

So to demonstrate their concern
for our state environment,

these two companies last week
jointly announced

that they will donate a -acre park
to the people of Colorado.

We understand, Mrs. Colby,
that you are now planning a benefit

to raise funds for the new parkland.

Yes. We need the funds to develop
recreational facilities for the new park.

The benefit is going
to be the gala event of the season.

A costume ball
to be held one week from tonight,

and tickets will be $ , a person.

Can you tell us, Mrs. Colby,
where will the ball be held?

At first, we were considering
the Botanical Gardens.

But then I remembered
the wonderful parties

that Blake Carrington and I
used to have at the mansion

when we were married.

Superb elegant parties
that Denver hasn't seen

since I was mistress there.

So Blake and I decided
that the best place

to have the
Denver-Carrington-Colbyco benefit

would be the Carrington mansion.


Hello, Krystle. It is you, isn't it?

Yes, it is me, Alexis.

I was expecting your call.

I imagine you're thrilled
about the party.

Just what the hell do you mean
by making that announcement?

Maybe you still have some mud
in your ears, dear.

Which part didn't you understand?

Oh, I understood it all, Alexis.

Then there's no point
in this conversation, is there?

Isn't there?

You announced a party
that Blake never agreed to,

and then you had the nerve
to say it was being held here.

I'm tired of your games, Alexis.

Blake's on his way home
from Hong Kong,

and if you think we're gonna go along,
you're wrong.

Listen to me, Krystle.

This whole park project
was supposed to be a joint venture.

But I donated the land, and all that you
and your self-serving, greedy husband

have done is bask in the glory.

So it's time
that you did something to earn it.

if you want the whole world to know

that you don't give a damn
about the environment,

then go ahead, cancel the party.

See if I care.

Blake, you're not gonna let Alexis
win on this, are you?

- We should let her have the party.
- Why?

You see, darling, it's not a question
of who wins or who loses,

or who gives the party or where.

That's unimportant.

The important thing
is that there'd be a party.

Now, Denver-Carrington has got to be
on the side of protecting the land.

Listen to me,
I sound like I'm making a big speech.


Before the party,
I've gotta call Buck Fallmont,

set up a meeting.

Or better yet,

how about having Fallmont
and his family over here for dinner?

Any night this week
would be just fine.

The Fallmonts? You don't get along
with them, do you?

Well, it will just be a gesture
of friendship.

In spite of the fact that our families
have never been friends politically,

I think it'd be helpful if they knew
that we were on the same side

as far as this environmental issue
is concerned.

You don't really mind, do you,
having them to dinner?

- Oh, of course not.
- Good.

Now, as far as Alexis is concerned
we are going to enjoy the party.

We're gonna see old friends,
we're gonna dance,

and we're gonna be together.

That should be enough
to irritate Alexis.

But for now, all I want to do
is just be alone with you.

Ben, where have you been?
I've been trying to reach you all day.

Sticking myself where it hurts.

I went to see what my brother's done
with the strike he and my father

grabbed from me,
Blake's Number field.

I checked into a motel on the road.
I needed to be alone to think.

Oh, my God, are you mad? I'm
trying to keep you out of Blake's sight

and you go roaming around his oil field
where he could show up any minute.

Alexis, I don't give a damn.

Let him see me
because I belong there.

- Part of that empire is mine.
- I know.

And you never saw a dime from it
while Blake got rich.

And you are never going to see a dime
from your father's estate either

unless you do things my way.

- Stay away from Blake.
- No.

Ben, will you listen to me?

I know him a lot better than you do.

Now, if you go head-to-head with him
on this, you are only going to lose.

I'll handle it. Just be patient.

Just until the party.

I can't wait to see Blake's face
when he first sees you.

Well, patience may not be one
of my virtues,

but acknowledging a smart lady is.

Well, let's drink to the past.

And to the future.

And the decline and fall
of Blake Carrington and his empire.

You lived in Washington a long time.
Do you miss it?

No, not really, Krystle.
No, thank you.

And I certainly don't miss
the social merry-go-round.

Bart here
is gonna move to Washington

soon as the election's over.

- lsn't that right, Bart?
- Oh, right, Dad.

In fact, I'm already packed.

Well, you're confident,
to say the least.

I read in the papers where the polls
are pretty much in your favour,

even this early in the game.

That should make you
pretty confident.

And make you a happy father, Buck.

I am, Blake.

But I'd even be more happier
if my other son, Clay, were on time.

Emily, didn't you tell him
that cocktails were at : ?

He's probably on his way.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you. He phoned
and said he'd be a few minutes late.

Good. I thought maybe he'd taken off
to the Galapagos.

Or maybe he's out
measuring the Bermuda Triangle.



- Hi.
- Hl.

I guess you think I'm pretty silly,
sliding down the banister like that.

- Just an impulse.
- I'm all for impulses.

In fact, if it weren't for them,

I wouldn't dive for hidden treasures,
climb mountains, ride bulls.

Oh, is that
why you're using the cane, a bull?

Why jump to conclusions?

Maybe this happened
during a more intimate-type adventure.

That's pretty wild.

I'm only kidding. I'm Clay Fallmont.

I was invited to dinner tonight.

I'm Sammy Jo Reece.

I dropped by to visit my son, Danny.

And I was not invited
to dinner here tonight.

Just my bad luck.

Doesn't matter.
I already have another engagement.

You father was Daniel Reece, right?

I met him a few times, great guy.

Gave the word "adventure" a whole
new meaning as far as I'm concerned.

I'm grateful to him for that,
even if my family isn't.

Oh, they don't approve
of hidden treasures, bulls and stuff?

No, they definitely do not.

Listen, maybe we can meet again

at the international banister slide

That would be really fun.

- Bye.
- Bye.

BUCK: Well, Blake,
we've agreed on a few things here,

but I have to remind you
of something here.

What's that?

Some top politicians in several states

aren't gonna grant you an easement

for that pipeline of yours.

They don't want it running
along their interstate highways.

BLAKE: Well, in all candour, I was
hoping that this get together this evening

would give us a chance
to get into that problem.

And do what with it?

You want me to tell
these state senators and governors

that they're wrong?

First of all, I don't think they are.
No, no, I won't do that.

I can't do it.

Senator, don't you think some of those
officials might change their thinking

when their states realise the jobs
that the pipeline will provide?

Yes, I think--

Well, it might change their thinking

if you people go in there
and help them.

What does that mean,
"Go in there and help them"?

Grease a few palms,
some crispy handshakes.


Now look, I don't operate that way.

doesn't operate that way.

Now, this case is riding
on the upcoming environmental report.

And when you get that report,
when you see it,

you're gonna be eating
your words, Buck.

I doubt that.

A hundred reports
aren't gonna change the facts, Blake.

And the facts are that nobody can live
with that damned pipeline of yours.

What about you, Clay,
what do you think about all this?

Well, I'm not plugged into politics,
as the family knows.

But I have spent
most of my life out there,

enjoying our lakes,
mountains and forests.

And yes, I agree with Dad.

And, Bart, you obviously agree.

Of course I do.

For one thing, look at the damage
by oil spills in some parts of the world.

I'm afraid that we could have exactly
the same problems here.

Strong case
against your pipeline, Blake.

And I think you're gonna lose because
of it, and I think you know that.

I don't know any such thing.

Well, I guess we're gonna have
to decide all this in the courts after all.

If you'll forgive me, Krystle.

Obviously, you're running scared,
old buddy,

trying to buy us off
with this beautiful dinner

and the wonderful wine and good food,
but it isn't gonna work.


KRYSTLE: You're not leaving, Buck.
- Yes.

Krystle, thank you for everyhing.
I'm sorry.

We're very sorry about this, Krystle.

So are we, Emily.

I was so looking forward
to this evening.

It's all right, Emily, we understand.

Good night, everybody.

STEVEN: Good night.
BLAKE: Good night.

Excuse me, please.


A word of advice.

You make your father
see the light, or...

Or what?

I can't make my father
do anything he doesn't want to.

Oh, but you will.

Play the game our way
or you personally are going to find

that closet door
of yours opening up very wide.

I play according to my own rules
and nobody else's.

Especially not yours.


Well, don't say you weren't warned.

Cassie? Cassie, are you here?


- Hello?
- I'd like to speak to Caress Morrell.

She's not here.

Oh. Well, yes, would you ask her
to call one of her editors in New York,

at Creighton Publishing?

It's about the book she's writing for us,
and it's very important.

Oh, yes, her book. Um--

Hold on a moment.
I think I hear her.

Hello, this is Miss Morrell.

Miss Morrell.
Hi, this is Betty Kingsley at Creighton.

Oh, yes, Betty.
What can I do for you?

Well, I hate to be a bother,
but you know how it is with deadlines.

So we have to know
about the last chapters of your book

and when you plan to mail them in.

Especially the part
in which you describe

how your sister
loved Cecil Colby to death. Ha, ha.

Oh, yes, that.

Well, tell everyone in New York
not to worry.

I'll get on to it immediately.

Is that all right? Good.

Book? What bloody book?

"Sister Dearest.

The True Story of
Alexis Morrell Carrington Colby Dexter.

By Caress Morrell,"

"There are those who call her
the most powerful woman

in the Western United States.

There are others, however,
who simply call her--"

Hello, Steven.

Hello, mother.

Steven, I want you to find out
how many outstanding shares

there are
in the Creighton Publishing Company.

All right. Do you mind if I ask why?

I'm diversifying.

Oh, Jackie, that was wonderful.
What fun.

I loved it. I had such a good time.

Look at these beautiful flowers.

- And this says "Jackie,"
- Ooh.

"Dear Jackie,
how's this for room service?"

Our private joke.

"Hope to see
your bright smile again soon.

- Fondly, Garrett Boydston,"
- Hm.

It's gorgeous.

Yes, it is.

It's absolutely beautiful.

It's much too extravagant a gift
for you to accept

from someone
you really don't know, Jackie.

Mother, look, isn't it obvious?

The only reason
why he's being so nice to me

is because he's crazy about you.

Why are you getting so upset?

I am not upset, Jackie.

I just don't wanna have anything to do
with that man.

Does this have anything to do
with my father?

Your father?

Why would this have anything to do
with your father?

Because you've made him a legend
for me.

And sometimes
I think you're afraid to remarry

because you think you'll hurt me.

But, darling, I did remarry.

I married Brady Lloyd.
Don't you remember?

I remember
that you were happy then.

Why won't you let yourself
be happy again?

Jackie, please don't you turn
into a little matchmaker for me.

Okay, I won't.

What would you like me to do
with the bracelet, mother?

A penny for your thoughts?

Is that all they're worth?

I'll throw in a quarter.

Oh, thanks a lot.

No, Dex, I wasn't thinking about you.

I was thinking about the benefit
and what costume I was gonna wear.

What have you decided on?

I've decided I'm not going.

- Oh, but I want you to come.
- Amanda, the answer is no.

I'm not showing up
at your father's house.

Is it because you're ashamed
to be seen with me?

Or is it because you're afraid
of running into my mother?

Well, there's got to be something
I can do

to make you change your mind.


BLAKE: Emily.
EMlLY: Good evening.

Good evening, Buck. It's very nice
of you to come here this evening.

- Quite a surprise.
- Believe me, I'm as surprised as you.

Well, I figured this cause
was bigger than both of us.

I might disagree with you
on the pipelines,

but not on this fundraiser.

Good to hear you say that, Buck.

Are your sons with you?

Well, Clay's on his way
and I'm not sure about Bart.

Oh, it's lovely.

Oh, excuse me.

There a couple of people here
I'd like you to meet.

Hello, Krystle.

Your costumes are fantastic.

And yours is beautiful, Krystle.

Or should I say Lillian Russell?

- Am I right?
- Well, yes, you are.

Jacqueline Deveraux,
you continue to amaze me.

- How did you know that?
- Well, TV, The Late Show.

Lillian Russell, starring Alice Faye,
Don Ameche and Leo Carrillo.

- Am I right?
- Yes. Ha, ha, ha.

This looks fabulous.

Excuse me,
I think I'm gonna look around.

KRYSTLE: All right, bye.
JACKlE: That's beautiful.

It must be such fun for you
showing her around Denver.

Hm. Well, Krystle, it's not all fun.

Dominique, is something wrong?

If I said no, I'd be lying.

Yes, there is a problem.

It's not an easy problem,
but I will solve it, I will.

Well, she just feels that we don't really
know each other that well and--

Oh, then by all means, let's take care
of that little issue by talking,

and telling each other
the fascinating stories of our lives.

That sounds good to me.

- Good evening, Garrett.
- Dominique.

- It's a nice party, isn't it?
- Yes, it's a lovely party.

Jackie, would you please excuse us
for a moment?

I'd like to speak
to Mr. Boydston alone.

- Yes, mother.
- Thank you.

I received a phone call
from Madame Grillet,

headmistress of Jackie's school.

She said that you've been
making personal enquiries

about my daughter.

Yes, I have.

I've also had someone in Paris
trace down her birth certificate.

My God, Garrett.

What business is it of yours
to interfere in our lives?

Dominique, her birth certificate
reads, "Father unknown,"

Could that be unknown
as in "Boydston"?

I don't care what it says.

I know who her father was
and so does she.

How does she know, Dominique?

You listen to me, Garrett.

I have told Jackie all about her father,
and she loves her father.

And she knows
that he would have loved her

had he lived.

Well, I am living, and I have a right
to know my own daughter.

She is not your daughter.

And as far as your right,
that is only in your mind.

You know, Dominique,
I think you're protecting someone,

and it isn't Jackie.

Who could it be? Yourself?

Jackie cherishes
her father's memory.

And I will never allow you
to destroy that.


There's Blake.

Centre stage,
playing the perfect host as usual.

Do you recognise the winning smile
of your big brother?

How could I forget him?

I assume the beautiful woman
with him is his wife.

Heh, heh. As the old saying goes,
never judge a book by its cover.

Excuse me a moment,
I'll be right back.

what are you doing here?

Well, I didn't have the $ ,
in ready cash for an invitation,

so I gatecrashed.

You seem to make a habit of that,

Gatecrashing into people's homes,
people's private lives.

Do you mind telling me exactly
what that's supposed to mean?

It doesn't mean a thing.
It seemed to make you a bit nervous.

Did I hit a nerve?

- No, of course not.
- Good.

By the way, you didn't tell anybody
that Ben's in Denver, did you?

- Or that I brought him to the party?
- You know me better than that, Alexis.

I gave you my word.

Of course.

And there are some things in life that
even you hold sacred, aren't there?


Good evening, Blake.

Krystle, you look so elegant,
I hardly recognised you.

Alexis, what a realistic courtesan
you make.

My dear, didn't you know
that Madame de Pompadour

was a marquise?

But you make
a very realistic gold digger.

- Well, takes one to know one. Heh.
- Heh, heh, heh.

Krystle and I were just saying what
a splendid idea to have this party.

We haven't had this much fun
in years.

I know.

Not since those wonderful parties
that you and I used to have.

And the fun's only just beginning.

We haven't met yet.

I'm Krystle Carrington.
This is my husband, Blake.


Hello. Welcome.

- I hope you enjoy the evening.
- Thank you.

My friend's been away on a long trip.

I'm reacquainting him
with the Denver high life.

Excuse us. I wanted you
to meet some other people, darling.

Who is that man, Blake?

- Did you notice the way he stared?
- Yes.

The voice, I know that voice.

I just can't place it. But I will.

Mr. Fallmont.

Excuse me, sir. Did you realise
this was a costume party?

I'm not here for a party.
I'm here to see Steven Carrington.

Where is he?

Well, if you care to wait in the library,
I'll see if I can find him, sir.

Well, what do you think?

Pretty slick, huh?

Come on, Bart, it's for a good cause.

What's the matter?


It hits the newsstands
first thing in the morning.

"Senatorial hopeful admits gay past,"

Oh, my God.

How could you have done that
to me, Steven?

- What are you talking about?
- Our talk.

That night in your office.

That paper quotes
almost everyhing I said to you.

You know me better than that.
I couldn't have done this.

You expect me to believe that?

You're a Carrington, I'm a Fallmont.

You people would do anything
to crucify us. Anything.

I told you, I didn't do this.

Of course you didn't.

But then, who did?

I think I know.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Don't you ever stop?
Don't you realise what you've done?

What are you talking about?

The story about Bart
you planted in the paper.

What makes you think
I'd do that?

Because I know you, Adam.
Because it stinks of you.

You can ruin a man's life,
and you just stand there

with that damned smug look
on your face.

Steven, I'm enjoying this party,
and I intend to keep on doing so.


Stop it.

Do you hear me?
Both of you, stop it.

I don't know
what the devil is going on here,

but I will not stand for this kind of
behaviour in my house, is that clear?

Now, if you're finished acting
like hooligans, and I assume you are,

Iet's get down
and get the party started again.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I invite you to join me in the ballroom.

Gerard, is Bart Fallmont
still in the library?

No, Mr. Steven.
He left a few minutes ago.

It's not over.



Do we know one another?

No, Dominique, we don't.

Then how do you know my name?

Your fame precedes you.

I'm glad we've finally met.

Dominique, do you know that man?

No, I don't, but there's something
very strange about him, Blake,

and he makes me
very uncomfortable.


Darling. Amanda, you look beautiful.

Thank you, Daddy.

I didn't realise
that you were gonna be here, Dex.

The truth, Blake?
I didn't wanna come.

I asked him to.

Dex, you've never really seen
this house,

so I'm gonna give you
the guided tour.


Mrs. Carrington.

This library
must be your husband's domain.

It has the feel.

Well, you could say
it's his favourite room.

I hope it's not off limits.

No, of course not.

There's a lot you can tell
about a man from his books.

All these first editions.

For one thing, he's rich.

Heh. That's too obvious,
but that's just the point, isn't it?

A man has to be fiercely driven
to achieve so much wealth.

Well, my husband's worked very hard
all his life.

I'm sure he has.

Worked hard, fought hard.

Probably even had to be ruthless
at times.

Blake's had his fights.

But I assure you,
he's never been purposely ruthless.

That's good to hear.

I didn't mean
to keep you from the party.

Why don't we get back to it.

First stop, my room.


What did you lock the door for?

To keep out the world.

Are you out of your mind?


But now that we're alone,

I thought we could make our party
more interesting.

Amanda, you are crazy.

I didn't wanna come
to this masquerade in the first place.

Dex. Dex.


It was absolutely hilarious.

So as I was swimming away
from the yacht,

I suddenly thought
that I saw a shark.

Excuse me.

Hello, Alexis.

Up the stairs together,
down the stairs alone.

Trouble in paradise already?

We have to talk.

I have nothing to say to you, Dex.


Clay Fallmont.
Heard a lot about you.

Oh, same here.

You know, that was quite a job
you pulled off last month.

Exploding that wreck underwater.

Well, when you look for treasure,
you take chances.

Like you did in the rescues
you pulled off with Daniel Reece.

I hear you're building
Blake Carrington's pipeline.

Well, I'm about to start.

As a matter of fact,
I'm looking for a good demolition man.

If you're interested, give a call.

All right.

I'm Clay Fallmont,
and you're Amanda.

I was here for dinner the other night,
your father showed me your picture.

A few, in fact.

He's very proud of you.

Sometimes, I guess.

Do you know what I'd like, Amanda?

I'd like to dance with you right now,
bruised leg and all.

How about it?

I told that doctor
I didn't need a cane. Hm?

I got an idea. Let's get out of here.

Let's go somewhere, keep on dancing,
away from this mob.

I'd rather we didn't.

Oh, I'm wasting my time, is that it?

You might say so.

You see, I'm very interested
in someone else.

Dear John letter and we just met.
How about that?

I'm sorry, but I really have to go.

Amanda, darling, where
are you going? How about a dance?

Oh, Daddy, I can't stay. I'm sorry.

Oh, come on, this is home for you.
Don't go, please.

I've got to go and see Dex. I'm sorry.

Would you like a glass?

Yes, thank you.

There were times when it had
to have strawberries floating in it.

You've changed, Emily.

I pray you have.

Good evening, everyone.

On behalf
of Denver-Carrington and Colbyco,

I want to thank you
for coming here tonight.

You know,
this is a very significant evening

for each of us.

Because by giving our money,
by lending our presence here,

we're about
to make a dream come true

for the people of this state,
for our children

and their children to follow.

Because this will enable them to enjoy,
in all its natural beauty,

the parklands, the lakes,
the streams, the rivers,

this magnificent
Rocky Mountain area of ours.

Of course, it's taken
many, many years to get here.

But time
is not the most important factor here.

More important
is that we have taken this initial step.

So, um...

So I'd like to thank you all
for making this

the most successful
environmental fundraiser

in all of Colorado's history.

Thank you very, very much.


I'd like to have a word with you.

What the hell are you doing here?

I heard
you were having a party, Blake.

Yes, a party with booze, of course.

That's what they usually serve
at parties, isn't it?

I asked you,
what are you doing here?

Well, maybe I'm just passing
through Denver.

- Or...
- Or what?

Maybe I've decided
to come back to stay.

Or maybe, just maybe,
I've come back to bury you.

If that's some kind of a threat,

you're wasting your breath,
dear brother.

Because nobody top-dogs
my big brother, right?

Time's passed, Blake, -odd years.

And times have changed.

I want you to go through that door,
and walk out of this house

and don't ever set foot in it again.

Because if you do--

What will you do to me?

I'll make you wish
you'd never been born.

Now get out. Get out of this house.

And stay out of my life.
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