06x22 - Masquerade

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x22 - Masquerade

Post by bunniefuu »

-Everyone left?
- Yes. Finally.

I told them you weren't feeling well
suddenly. They understood.

Thank you.

It's Alexis, isn't it?

Oh, Blake, how I hate that woman.

Arranging this whole evening so you
could be face-to-face with your brother.

Why? Why?

Krystle, darling, if you don't mind,
I'd rather not talk about it now.

I don't understand.
Why can't we talk about it?

It's very personal. It's very private.

- But, darling--
- Yes, I know.

I know that you want to help me
and I love you for it.

But there's nothing that you can do.

- Blake--
- Please.

No, no. Not now, please. Please.


It's been a long night for you.

But it was a wonderful party.

Thank you very much.

Has Amanda come home yet?
Have you seen her?

No, not since she left the party.

Ah. Not too long
after Dex left the party.

Gerard, tell Alfred
to bring the car around.

Oh. I will never, ever forget tonight.

I will never forget that look on Blake's
face when he first saw you.

All his complacency
completely shattered.

I guess you could say that.

Ben, we've won the first round.
We have triumphed.

Surely that rates a little more
good cheer on your part.

What happened tonight, Alexis,
is just the beginning.

Blake's smart, very smart.

And I can't pretend
I'm not a little concerned.

Ha, ha. You think this is just
a fool's errand, is that it?

Well, you're no fool
and I am certainly not a fool.

Ben, just think about
how he's made you suffer.

That's what he might do to me
in court.

Oh, you're not really worried
about that, are you?

- No.
- Good.

Because I guarantee you that
this is all going to work

and your brother is going to
be nailed to the cross.

You guarantee that?

- How, Alexis?
- Ah.

You'll see.

Just remember that
you want vengeance, I want justice.

And $ million.
Let's not forget that figure, Ben.

Don't worry.
With my help, you'll get it all.

The justice, the money, all of it.

Good. Just see to it
that you don't sacrifice me

and make everyhing
worthwhile for you.

Because I can be even more of
an enemy to you than Blake ever was.

Let's go. It's late.

It's suddenly rather chilly in here.

MAN [ON PHONE]: Front desk.
- This is Amanda Carrington.

Still no word from Mr. Dexter?

-Yes, he's on his way up to the room.
- Oh, I see. Thank you.

What are you doing here?

You walked out on me at the party.
Have a late date?

As a matter of fact, yes.
I met with a friend.

"Friend" as in what sex?

Male, okay?

We talked about his working
on the pipeline.

He's joining me up north and we'll be
doing some surveying together.

In other words, you're leaving?

That's right.

Well, that's great, Dex.
I'd love to get away.

Amanda, I'm leaving alone.

So it's all over between us, is that it?


I have to be honest with you.
Very honest.

I'm, uh--


It's just--

I don't love you.

You can't mean that, Dex.


You're only doing this because
my father wants to see us separated.

Amanda, you might think you love me,
but you don't, not really.

I do love you.

I've never been more in love
in my entire life.

I should never have allowed things
to get this far.

I was wrong. It was a mistake.

Is that all I mean to you,
a mistake?

Now I see, Dex.

Maybe that's just what I am
in everybody's life, just a mistake.



Cassie, where are you?
Are you upstairs?

Alexis. I thought you and Ben
were stopping off for a nightcap.

Yes, we did. Just for a short one.

Well, look what you've done.

Caught me admiring
your incredible wardrobe.

Darling, that sable looks absolutely
fabulous on you.

Why don't you keep it?

- Are you serious?
- Oh, of course I'm serious.

I've got others.
Anyway we're sisters.

And in my book, sisters share.

Speaking of books...


A thought just crossed my mind.

Have you ever thought
about writing one?

A book? Oh, why would l?

I can't even sit still long enough
to write a postcard,

never mind make it interesting.

Darling, you underestimate yourself.

You were always so good
at telling stories.

I remember those fancy fibs
that you used to tell Daddy. Heh.

Creative lying, I used to call it.

I always used to admire you,
even envy you,

because those lies, they got you
out of so much trouble.

Yes, I know, but, um, a book?

Well, why not?

I mean, after all, Cassie,
you are a very attractive woman.

In all those years alone in jail,

I'm sure there must have been
some male prisoners

or guards or assorted riffraff
who must have hungered after you.

Oh, I'm sure it would be
a fabulous book,

and it would give you something to do
while you're here in Denver.

Heh. And if you run out of ideas,
there's always me.

- You?
- Well, yes.

I should be good for at least a chapter,
don't you think?

I mean, my life as the head
of the Colbyco empire

has not exactly been dull.


No, I imagine it hasn't.

Cassie, did I say something wrong?

No, I've got a headache. That's all.

Oh, my poor pet.

Why don't you just go to bed
and sleep on it?

Yes, I will.

Good night, Alexis.


You forgot your fur.

Thank you, Alexis.

Sleep tight.


Just a minute.

- What do you want, Blake?
- I'm looking for my daughter.

- Well, she's not here.
- I don't believe you.

The doorman downstairs said
he saw her come in.

Obviously the doorman didn't
see her leave.

I'd appreciate your getting
out of here.

One minute.
I warned you about this once.

I'm not a man who warns
a second time.

It's been a hard night.
I'm not in the mood for any of this.

I don't care what mood you're in,
I want you to stay away from her.


To, uh, let her grow up?

What, she's still merely a child,
barely a woman?

- Is that what you mean?
- Yes, that's what I mean.


She was here a little while ago.

She wanted to stay with me.

I told her no,
that it was over between us.

And I meant it.

Blake, I'm rarely in a mood to admit
that somebody else might be right.

But you were when we talked
about Amanda.

I resented our talks then,
but you were right.

Wish I could believe you, Dexter.

What does it take
to get through to you, Blake?

I'm telling you the truth.
What's important is Amanda.

She needs you. She needs you bad.

Morning, Alexis.

Good morning.

Uh, Lin, I'll just have black coffee.
I'm not very hungry.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

- You're looking wonderful this morning.
- Thank you.

Last night you told me that
you could be even more of an enemy

towards me than Blake could.

I don't take kindly to threats, Ben.

Not many people I know do.

Yes, well, I'm not going to take them.

Not if we're going to continue
to be partners.


you can't blame a guy who's been
double-crossed as often as I have.

You get a little wary.

If you're weakening about this,
if you don't feel as strongly as I do,

then I suggest that you just pack up
your little duffle bag

and go on back down under.

You mean that, don't you?

I never say anything
that I don't mean,

particularly towards somebody
whom I consider to be an ally.

Well, that was last night.

Know what I did
when I woke up this morning?


I smiled.

For the first time in a long while,
I really smiled,

because I realised that
you were right.

We will pull this off.
Together we are unbeatable.

Yes. That's right, Ben.

The wheels are in motion.

The subpoenas are ready
to be delivered.

Ah. We will bury him.

To my brother's funeral.

At which I will happily dance
on his grave.

Thank you.

Good morning, darling.
You're up early.

Beat me down for breakfast.

Well, I have a lot to do today.

Has Amanda been down
for breakfast yet?

Uh, she's not home yet, Blake.

She's not?

Uh, she'll call or be back soon.
You know your daughter.

That's just it.

I don't know her.
I don't know her at all.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I've had a--

Had a bad night last night.

Blake, what is it?
You're so angry and upset.

It's not just Amanda, is it?

It's your brother too.

Blake, I still don't understand.

You've always put your family
above everyhing else.

I wasn't talking about my brother.
I was talking about you, our children.

Krystle, I would rather not
get into this again.

- Is that all right?
- No, it isn't all right.

Blake, you mean everyhing to me.

And I want to know what happened
between the two of you.

I've been a long time
not talking about my brother.

Trying not to think about him.

I am not going to start now.

Was what he did so awful?


Blake, last night in your sleep,
you called out for your mother.

Does that have anything
to do with this?

Krystle, please. Please.

I have some phone calls to make.
Some important phone calls.

Excuse me.

Krystle said you wanted to see me.

Yes, I do.

Amanda, you still live in this house.

And as your father, I'd like to know
where you've been all night.

I spent the night out on my own,
just thinking.

Thinking? About what?

About my life.

Yes? Go on.

And I called Dex.

And you'll be happy to hear that
he said he was leaving town soon.

And he was very abrupt with me.

I, on the other hand,
was not happy to hear

that you went to visit him
after I'd left last night.

- We had a good talk.
- Yes, about me.

Yes, about you and him
and what he's decided to do.

Tell me, Daddy.

What was the price?
How much did it cost you?

- What?
- Well, you obviously paid him off.

What did you do,
write him a cheque for a million dollars

and say, "Lay off Amanda"?


My God.

How could you think
I would do a thing like that?

And how--?

How could you think he would accept
something like that from me?

I'm sorry.


It's just that I love him so much.

I know it's wrong
and I can't help myself.

What am I gonna do without him?

Come on. Come on, now.
It'll be all right.

Everyhing will be all right.

Except for me.
I mean, what am I good for?

Oh. Darling,
you've got so much to offer.

I know you'll find a way. I know it.

Maybe this is what we both needed,
a good cry.


Adam, we have some
unfinished business.

Talking about that article
in the papers this morning?

- Yes, I am.
- Steven, I told you last night.

If some sharp reporter dug up the fact
that Bart Fallmont is gay,

and it could play havoc with his chance
to run for the senate, tough.

- I had nothing to do with it.
- It's got Adam Carrington

- written all over it.
- What's the matter, Steven?

Your friend not talking to you, hmm?

- Had a lonely night?
- What's the matter with you?

Take your hands off me! Get off me!

- Hey, just stop it.
STEVEN: Why you--


What the devil is going on?

Brawling at the party last night
and again today.

Something we've got
to get out of our system.

- Well, I'd like to know what that is.
- It's personal.

Isn't it, Steven?

Yes, it is.

Well, stop it.
Just talk it out. Work it out.

Stop acting like a couple of hoodlums
off the street.

You're brothers
and you're gonna get along.

- Is that clear?
- Certainly, Father.

I'm willing. Steven?

I can only give you a few minutes.
I'm late for an appointment.

I'm leaving Denver, Alexis.


I wanted you to know that, uh, Amanda
and I won't be seeing each other again.

It was a mistake and I'm sorry.

I've hurt a lot of people.

Is that all?


Alexis, if you can't forgive me,

at least don't turn your back
on your own daughter.

I have no daughter.

- You don't mean that.
- Oh, yes, I do.

She betrayed me, as did you.

So she's no longer important
in my life.

It's strange.

I mean,
you know people's weaknesses,

but you don't understand them,
do you?

Oh, I understand them only too well.

That's what's made me
what I am today.

Look, Alexis,
I didn't come here to argue.

I came to say goodbye.

So you've said it, so you can go.

I'm going, Alexis.

But first I want you to know
that I love you.

I always have.

I always will.

And maybe someday you'll, uh,
miss me and want me to come back.

You know what?

I'll be on the first plane.

That's very touching, Dex, but...

But what?

Don't wait for the call.




This chapter, Caress,

are you sure the information
is absolutely accurate?

What, that Alexis
loved Cecil Colby to death?

Of course I'm sure.

I have medical records that prove

that Mr. Colby was suffering
from a severe heart condition

years before my sister decided
to become Mrs. Colby

and put him away
on their prenuptial night,

to coin a phrase.

Carl, is it my imagination
or are you not quite so pleased

with my material as you were
a few weeks ago?

Oh, no, Caress. Ha, ha.

If I seem a little preoccupied,

it's because I have a crisis
back in New York, you know.

Now, my enthusiasm for this book
is endless, believe me.

As my gratitude will be if you could
advance me a little more money

and, uh, extend the deadline
by another couple of weeks.

I'm sorry, but this has to be
to the printers by the first of the month

in order to beat the deadline.

Now, um, about the money...

Do go on.

You're not going to try
and tell me that the true story

of one of the meanest, nastiest,
most selfish women in the world

isn't going to make your company
a fortune from the moment it appears?

- Well, of course not.
- Well, then?

All right.

If we agree that I'll fly to New York
with all of the material to date,

and you send me the balance
within one week,

I'll add to your advance.

Couple of thousand, shall we say?

Or shall we say, uh, ?


I'll have it delivered in the morning.

Thank you, Carl.

Oh, and when it comes
to writing a sequel,

I have even more juicy stories
about that woman.

Including the sudden appearance,
at her behest,

of the very mysterious,
very attractive Ben Carrington.

I'm on top of that one.

Well, almost,
in a manner of speaking.

- Ha, ha.
- Bye, Carl.

Thank you.


- I presume you heard everyhing.
- Everyhing.

You should have settled
on $ , not five.

- After all, it is my money.
- I know, Mrs. Colby.

But I did, uh, want to get rid of her
so she could get to work

and we could have the rest of
the manuscript and be done with this.

A sequel.

Is there no end
to my sister's treachery?

I wonder how she's going
to react, though,

when she finds out that
there will be no book about me,

because I've bought
the publishing company.


It's a shame that the one book

that could have brought your company
out of the red

will never go to the printers.

I must admit,
she does have a way with words.

All right, Howard.
You can let him come in.

I'm busy, so make it brief.

Where's my brother?

How should I know?

I'm not a social secretary,
nor am I your brother's keeper.

I know who's behind this little scheme,
bringing Ben to my house last night.

What I don't know is
what the hell you're up to.


You don't really expect me
to answer that, do you?

I answer to no man and you know it.

I could make a long list of the rotten
things you've done in your time.

But now you've gone too far.
I can play at this too.

Whatever you're plotting,
I'm gonna fight you.

I'm gonna fight you
with everyhing I've got.

If you've quite finished
with your petty threats,

why don't you take this piece
of information with you?

I don't care what you think about me
or anything that I do or what I don't do.

Because I no longer have
any interest in any of you.

You or the Carrington clan
or Dex or your daughter, Amanda.

Amanda has got nothing
to do with this.

I'm talking about you,
you and your filthy games.

Oh, I learned those filthy games
from a master, you.

I've also learned
how to match you, Blake.

So watch out.

Because not only
am I gonna match you this time,

but I'm going to see to it that you get
down on your knees

and beg for mercy.

And when you do,
I'm going to be there,

watching and cheering.

And waiting to see you rot.

You're gonna have a long wait,

- Did you see this?
- Yes.

I'm sorry about it, Buck.
I'm very sorry.

Is that all you've got to say?

Someone digging up garbage,
implying my son's a h*m*.

Someone who's trying to put him away,
put all the Fallmonts away.

Are you accusing me
of planting this story?

You're damn right, I am.

You or somebody else
in this company.

You really think I would do something
like this to beat that injunction?

I'd say
there's a clear enough motive.

Now look, I make no bones about it.
I'm against the injunction.

But I don't fight this way.

And what your son does with his life

has got nothing to do
with building that pipeline.


You must know that--

That I went through this
with my son, Steven.

Yes, I'd heard about it.

It wasn't easy.

It's a hard thing to deal with.

That someone you love
is someone you really don't know.


I remember how angry
I was at the time, how hurt I felt.

I know what you're going through now,

How can l--?

How can I accept this, Blake? How?


He's your son.
You love him, don't you?

Of course I love him.
I've always loved him.

I've always been so proud of him.

He was about to take
my senate seat in Washington.

His mother is heartbroken.

She says a part of her
always knew that he was...

Uh, that he was...


She couldn't accept it.

But he's your son, Buck.

Don't you and Emily ever forget that.

Not if you don't want to lose him.

The way I almost lost my son.

Now, Blake,
about this fight over the pipeline,

it's been so divisive,
it's taken a toll on all of us.

I just don't wanna fight anymore.

You just do what you think is right.

I'll see that the injunction
is withdrawn.

You go ahead and build that pipeline
if you want to.

You really mean that?

We've known each other
a long time.

And I know you love this land
just as much as I do.

But I've got more important things
on my mind right now.

I've got a family that needs me.



You're back.

So it seems.

- I've been worried about you.
- Have you?

Yes. I've missed you.
I need you, you know.

Oh, Adam, please.
Save the lies for Blake.

Going to tell me that you convinced
him to give me my oil well back?

Claudia, we had that out in Tulsa.
Look, let's start over again, shall we?

That is why you're here?
That's why you've come back?

No, it isn't.

- But I thought--
- What did you think?

- That I was unpacking?
- Yes.

Well, I'm not. I'm packing.

I'm moving into La Mirage.

- You can't do that. You belong here.
- Oh, please.

Claudia, you're my wife.

Wife, that's become
a tired phrase to me.

As far as I'm concerned,
our weary marriage is over.

Now, Adam, please leave me.
I've got things I have to do.

And, Adam,

tell Blake that he hasn't heard
the last from me.

Yes, operator, I'm still holding.

Hello. Is this the Registry of Births?

Yes, I need a copy
of my birth certificate.

My name is Jacqueline Deveraux.

No, that's A-U-X.

My birthday is May th, .

Okay, I need it sent special-delivery.
It's urgent.

How long will it take to get
from Paris to Denver?

Dominique, welcome.

We didn't have much of a chance
to talk at the party.

I didn't come here
to discuss the party.

I received a subpoena
from your attorney.

Ben Carrington v. Blake Carrington,

Alexis Colby
and Dominique Deveraux.

So, Ben, you are suing us.

That's right.
I'm contesting T om Carrington's will.

Would you please explain to me

why your attorney expects me
to testify on your behalf

when I am one of the people
that you are suing?

Well, I'd say that's for you to go
to court and find out, Dominique.

You know this is madness.

You don't actually expect me
to testify against Blake?

I would never do anything
to hurt Blake.

Who was very good to you. Wine?

He has been very good to me.

As a matter of fact,
he's been wonderful to me.

Well, be that as it may,
I'm afraid you'll be under oath

and you'll have to answer
whatever questions you're asked,

so help you God.

So you are going ahead with this?

You're going to harass the family

and drag the Carrington name
through the courts

even though this is a case
you can't possibly win?

Can't win?

It's funny, but I thought that you
of all people would understand me,

understand my position.

You see, in a way, we're both the
illegitimate children of Tom Carrington.

So you should know what it's like
to be an outsider,

to fight for one's birthright.

Don't, Ben.

Don't lay that one on me.

That's an old song
that I could hum backwards.

Uh, Dominique.

You were at my father's bedside
when he died.

Yes, I was there.

Did he ever mention me to you?

Yes, he did, Ben.

He said that he despised you.


It's a shame he won't be able to
show up at the court and repeat that.

A shame for Blake Carrington
and you, that is.

And not for Alexis Colby,
the other defendant.

Ben, why the hell did
you come here?

It isn't just the money, is it?

And you know that I know
that anyone involved with Alexis,

and you are involved with Alexis,

can only mean one thing: trouble.

Could be.

I haven't travelled , miles
just for a weekend.

I'm here for a lot longer than that.
I'm home, Dominique.

And this time, I'm gonna let
Blake Carrington know that I'm home.

Put these back in the file, Howard.


And confirm my reservation.


- Mother.
- What is it, Amanda?

I just dropped by to see Steven.

Then you've finished
your business here.

And I also wanted to talk to you.

It's over between Dex and me.

So I've heard.

Are congratulations in order?

Or should I enquire as to
whose husband

you've set your sights on next?

Mother, please.
I've come to apologise.

To make things right between us.

Oh, you should have thought of that

before you made your foray
into my husband's bed.

I'm sorry. Believe me.

I just don't want to talk about this
anymore, Amanda.

Why must you be so unforgiving?

Why can't you believe
that I wish it had never happened?

You wish it had never happened?

Regrets are for dinner parties,

You destroyed my marriage

and you think that an "I'm sorry"
is gonna make things all right again?

It doesn't turn back the clock,

You made your choice.
You're gonna have to live with it.

Take it like a woman
and not like a child,

and think about all the suffering
that you've caused.

Now just leave me alone.


You wanted to see me, Father?

Yes, Adam.

Buck Fallmont stopped by today.

He's asking the courts
to drop that injunction.

Well, that's wonderful news.

Now we can get on with the pipeline.

He made the decision
because he didn't wanna cause

any further pain to his family.

The news about Bart.
Yes, I read the paper.

It's too bad. Things don't look good
for him, do they?

Did you have anything
to do with this?


Father, how would I know anything
about Bart Fallmont's life in the closet?

I want an answer.

Is this what you and Steven
have been fighting about?

I knew how important
this project was to you.

And the Fallmonts
were out to destroy it.

You were willing to ruin a man's
reputation to destroy his career?

The voters have a right to the truth,
the whole truth.

There's no excuse
for what you've done.

Why isn't there?
Bart Fallmont is a fraud.

He was building
an entire career on lies.

I know how important
the truth is to you.

How can you possibly be angry
with me for telling the truth?

This is not a question of truth.
It's a question of decency.

Something apparently
you don't know anything about,

nor do you care about.

Father, I did this for you.

You wanted that injunction dropped,
I got it dropped.

You don't understand, do you?

The cost of what you've done.

Well, understand this.

What you have done is wrong.

I'm always wrong in your eyes,
aren't l?

- Caress.
- Ben.

You're just in time to join me.

I'm always very suspicious
of solitary drinkers.

Have you seen Alexis tonight?

She's gone off
to an engagement of some sort.

So that just leaves the two of us.

Let's see. What can we do?

Well, we can have a drink together,
watch television,

read Keats to each other,

or make love.

You're a very direct woman, Caress.

I always have been, Ben.

And you're very beautiful.

There are those
who have said desirable.

Well, that too. But--

I'm not Alexis. Is that it?

There's nothing going on between us,
if that's what you're asking.

Oh, come on. Of course
there's something going on.

Why else would you leave Australia
and come to Denver?

Call it business.

From the little I've been able to gather,
I'd call it vendetta.

Interesting-sounding word.

Italian, isn't it? I'll have to look it up.

I'm due at a dinner meeting
with my lawyer in minutes.

I'll see you later.

If not in the boudoir.
Another night, perhaps?

Let's just play it one night at a time.

Hi, darling.

What is it?

I was handed a subpoena today.



He's suing for a quarter
of my father's estate, million.

- Blake, that's terrible.
- Yeah.

Headlines again. Reporters again.

Dragging a man's good name
through the mud again.


I promised my father before he died,
I won't let Ben get away with this.

Darling, I wish you didn't have
to go through this.

Yeah, so do l.

Because it's gonna get worse
before it gets better. A lot worse.

My brother's not gonna rest
until he destroys me.

Well, I am not going to let him.

I won't.

You know something, Mama?

Krystle very often asks me
about you.

What you were like,
what our relationship was like.

The other night,
I told her about your smile.

You had a wonderful smile.

Of course,

I remember you occasionally
frowning too.

I didn't tell Krystle about that.


I remember you used to give us
that funny look and you'd say:

"You two sons of mine.

I love you from my soul,

but, oh, you, Blake,

sometimes you're too stubborn,
you're too hardheaded.

And you, Ben,

sometimes you're a little too much
on the wild side.

But you're both going to shape up.
You will, by God, you will,

or my name is not
Ellen Lucy Carrington,"


"Too much on the wild side,"


Aren't you gonna ask me
what I'm doing here?

I'm not gonna be around
long enough to ask.

Look at this. Ha, ha.

What a damned hypocrite
our father was.

"Beloved wife,"

The man who cheated on her
from the day they met,

whored his way
through their entire marriage.

- And you.
- What about me?

"Beloved mother,"

You were the loving son,
weren't you?

But to our mother, Blake,

or the father
you turned against me?

You haven't changed,
have you, Ben?

Still blaming others
for what you've done.

You say that after
what you've put me through?

It's hard to believe
I looked up to you once,

my big brother
who could do no wrong.

But I've learned better.

And I swear I'm gonna punish you
the way you punished me.

Or don't you think
I've been punished enough?

No, I don't.

Did you hear that, Mama?

I'm back and he's still jealous of me.

Of us and what we shared.

She loved me, Blake.

She loved me more than anyone
on this earth.

You've never forgiven me for that,
have you?

She loved both of us
and you know it.

How can you live with yourself,

How can you sleep at night, hearing
her screams ringing in your ears?

I'll tell you about that in court.

Yeah, I got your subpoena in court.

I'll finally be vindicated,

and the world will know
what a sham you are.

You no-good, arrogant...

Tell me, do you think
there's a court anywhere

that'll give you $ million?

A man who k*lled his own mother?
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