08x10 - Ghoul Fools

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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08x10 - Ghoul Fools

Post by bunniefuu »

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob




Weren't you gonna put your vacation slides

in the projector, Patrick?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!

- Patrick, those are hash browns.

- Hash browns!

- Umm, Patrick? The slides?

- Right! The slides!


Uh...now what?

- Now you put the slides in the projector.

- Right! I knew that.

Put the slides in the projec--


Don't worry, Spongebob.

I've got something even better!

Okay. Here we go.

There I was-- - oh! A shadow puppet show!

- Please, no interruptions. - Sorry.

- As I was saying,

I was lyin' around my house,

not even planning to have a vacation

when I heard a knock at my door....

For clammin' out loud!

Aww, sheesh!

I'm still not there yet?!

- Patrick!

Patrick! What have you done to yourself?

- I've been waking up,

eating, sleeping,

waking up, eating, sleeping,

waking up, eating, sleeping for my whole life without a rest!

I need a break from the hustle and bustle

of my everyday life.

It's so exhausting!

Help me, Spongebob! Please help me!

- Pal, what you need is a vacation!

- That's it! I need a vacation!

- So you'd like a vacation.

- Guh?! Oh, great!

Another thing for me to--

- yes, he'd like a vacation!

- Well, your options are endless, Mr. Star!

Anywhere from beautiful, white Sandy beaches

to exhilarating jungle safaris.

It all depends on your budget.

- I guess I'll just have to stay home.

- "Stay home"? That's it!

You can take a "stay-cation"!

- What's that? - Take your vacation at home!

No packing, no travel.

Just do whatever you want to do!

Best of all, it's free! - Oh, boy!

All right, Patrick, enjoy your staycation!

- That's what I'm gonna do, buddy!

- Welcome to star rock inn, sir.

My name is "Todd". Can I check you in?

- I don't know. Can you?

- Ah, yes, star... star...Star...

Patrick star, room .

Your key, sir. And please don't hesitate to let us know

if there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable.

May I take your bags, Mr. Star?

- I don't have any ba. Uhh...

- Follow me, sir. Your room is right this way.

Your room, sir.

- Oh, dear. - Is something wrong, Mr. Star?

- Well, um, honestly, I'm not sure

I like the way this room is arranged.

- Arranged?

Mr. Star, are you sure about this?

- No, i-- maybe it's the walls.

- I got it.

Let's put the room back the way it was originally.

- The pool is one of the star rock inn's

most relaxing features.

- Oh! A pool!


Where's the diving board?

- The diving board?

Ooh. Oh, one diving board, coming up!

Your diving board, sir!

- All right!

- You okay, sir?

- My head is swimming just fine, thank you.

- Oh, no!

Lifeguard on duty!

Are you okay, sir?

- So cold.

- This calls for cpr.

Candy peppermint resuscitation!

- So weak.



But I'm still hungry. - Follow me, sir.


If you would take your seat, sir.

Your dining bib, sir.

- Wow! What luxury.

- One krabby Patty coming up!

What, no tip?

- Hey!

What kind of resort is this?

Where's the entertainment?

You are absolutely right, sir!

Presenting the Spongebob follies!

What the hey!

- Boring.

- Lame.

- Lift off.

- Well? What do you think?

- You are smokin'!

- Aw, it was nothing.

- No. No, you're really smoking!

- What?

Oh, no! The krabby Patty!

My tummy is still lonely!

Ahh! Delish!

Oh! Silly me. I forgot the napkin.

And now an elegant meal for an elegant person.

- I am quite refined.

- What are you doing here?

- I'm on vacation!

The last resort I was staying at was a dump,

but this place is awesome!

Oh, hey, waiter. Napkin, please.

- Mr. Star?

Your meal is ready!

Patrick? Where is he?

Patrick, you dim-witted moron.

Get out of my kitchen!

- Good idea.

I think I'll head over to the spa.

I could use a massage.

- Get this into your tiny, tiny, little, tiny brain:

This is not a resort.

It's my house. There is no spa.

And you can't get a massage!

- Oh! Oh! Oooh! Yeah, that's the spot.

Oh, hey, you should get a massage too.

- Pfft! Not likely.

- What the hay.

Move over.

I want a deep tissue treatment, and don't forget the feet.

- So tired.

- Patrick, what are you doing here?

- That resort next door is too crowded.

Then I found this place. It's quiet and peaceful.

Good night, Spongebob.

Wake up, laddy.

Hi, Mister Krabs.

- You have another nasty ol' dream?

Patrick in your bed again?


Well, good night, laddy. - Good night, sir.

Salutations, puny mortals!

I am the great genie of the slide carousel! Oooh!

Endure my vacation slides or I shall Grant you three miseries!

- Hey, it's supposed to be three wishes!

- Silence, red one!

Withstand my slides!

- Oh, for... - Yay!

- Everything okay in there, oh great genie?

- What, are you mocking me, kid?

Of course everything's not okay! I can't show my slides!

- Well, that's not the "can do" spirit!


- Now we're cookin' with blubber.

My second honeymoon.

It started out just as any romantic getaway should:

With five days of round-the-clock surveillance.

- Whoa!

Ooh, a letter!

Thank you, Mr. Mailman!

Boy, if I weren't already on parole...

Mail call!

- Attaboy!

It's free tickets!

- Free tickets! For what, Mister Krabs?

"You and a guest have won a week of relaxation

on a luxury ocean cruise ship."

- Whoo-hoo! Works for me!

Gentlemen, I'm leavin' you in charge.

See ya when I see ya!

- Oh, Mister Krabs. This says "you and a guest"!

- Well, I suppose I could make that extra ticket available

to, say,

whoever wants to be me manservant!

- Right this way, sir!

- You might as well hand over

that secret formula right now!

'Cause once you shove off, it's as good as mine!

What in sea bottoms?

- Lookie here, boy,

I'm bringin' along the secret formula

as a precaution...

Just in case our absence proves too tempting

to a certain one-eyed creepy-crawly.

- Well played, krabs. Well played, indeed!

But as usual, this "one-eyed creepy-crawly"

is one step ahead of you!

Ya can't beat plan b!

Ya can't beat it!

Oh, this is gonna be so sweet!

Karen, we are going on a luxury cruise!

- A cruise? Just the two of us?

Oh, Plankton!

Hey, if this is another scheme to steal the secret formula,

you can leave me home!

- No, of course not.

Just think of it as our second honeymoon.

- Don't you have to have a first honeymoon

before you embark on a second?

- Why don't I bump up those vacation settings up a smidge?

- Oh, Plankton, this second honeymoon

is going to be so great!

- Yeah, it's gonna be groovy, babe.

Now, a quick check of the vacation inventory.

Suntan lotion, sunglass, death laser...

- Got it!

Did you see the pretty laser, honey?

- See it?! It almost split me in half!

- Whoops! Sorry!

I'm just so excited about our cruise!

Cruisey cruise cruise!


Cruise! Cruise!


- Gotta rethink that vacation algorithm when we get back.

Nothing tops kickin' back

next to my loving computer wife

and soaking up the rays.

- Oh, I hope I don't get screen burn!

- Let me give you a hand with that, honey!

- Oh, Plankton! You're such a sweet husband

when you aren't obsessing over that stupid secret formula!

- There he is, that swabby fool!

Your turn now, krabs.

- Plankton? Who are you denouncing now?

- Oh, the...Hors d'oeuvres guy!

He's late with my nibbles again!

- Oh, don't get all worked up, Plankton.

Let's just focus on spending some quality time

together alone for a change.

Now push me back up to the top!

Push me to the top!

- Would you like a nibble, sir? - Is that kelp cheese?

- That snack is as big as you are!

Very funny, Karen.

Perhaps you should have married a pile of cheese!

That's it!



- Did you hear that?

- I could have sworn I heard plankteron.

- Hey...me, too.

- Oh, well. One more time around the deck!

- I'm so exhausted!

How's it going, honey?

Oh, hi, Plankton!

I must have activated sleep mode!

Oh, what a great idea this was,

getting away from your usual shenanigans!

- Yeah, heh heh, sure is.

- Uhh, just sit back while I massage your wheels.

- Now you're making me so tired...

- Sleep well, babe.

Whew! That was close!

- Boy, I am so sweaty.

I hate you, krabs.

- Whoo-hoo!

- You're not getting away this time!

I'm feeling lucky!

- Oh, yeah! Whoo-hoo!

- Go, Mister Krabs!

- I don't care anymore!

Formula or no formula, I'm taking you down!

- Whoa! Whahh!

All right, all right. I give up!

I know when I'm beat.

- Ooh! What's all this?

"Free land food"! Sounds so exotic!

This looks promising.


That tastes like putrefied coral stems

dipped in rotten butter sauce.

- Mmm...yeah.

- Ugh, how can anyone stand this slop?

Makes me miss our grub back at the old krusty krab.

Spongebob, be a good manservant

and fix me up a krabby Patty, would ya?

- A good fry cook is never far from his grill, sir!

- What is that delicious smell?

- I don't know, but I want it, whatever it is!

- Order up, Mister Krabs!

Looks like we got a business venture on our hands.

This vacation just got a whole lot more lucer-ative,

if ya know what I'm saying.

Krabby patties!

Come and get your krabby patties!

- Ahem! Good day, sirs!

I would like to pilfer your--

I mean, purchase a krabby Patty.

- Watch me sucker this guy.

That'll be a mere $ !

- That's all? Why, certainly!

- Come to daddy!

Hey, wait a minute.

There's chum all over this bill!

Hey, buddy, where'd ya get this?

- From the same place this is going--

the chum bucket laboratory!

Nice doing business, krabs!

- Noo!

- Stand back, sir.

Leave this to your trusty manservant.

Choke on that, you big--

- I knew you were up to something!

I can't believe you tried to fool me

for your own selfish needs!

My second honeymoon ruined!

Well, technically,

it's your first. - Oh, would you can it already?

I guess I have no choice

but to turn up the settings on my vacation app.

- I don't think that's such a good--

- If I wasn't on parole...

- Me customers!

Ah, this vacation is a total bust!

- Thanks, my sweet little gondolier!

This is gonna be the best... honeymoon ever!
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