08x14 - The Way of the Sponge/Bubble Troubles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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08x14 - The Way of the Sponge/Bubble Troubles

Post by bunniefuu »

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- What better way of spending an afternoon

than trolling the seabed for spare change.


There's gotta be a small fortune

in discarded paper clips in there.

I knew this area looked familiar.

What's this?

Well, that must be Sandy's tree dome dwelling.

And inside is what looks to be the most ginormous soybean

I ever laid me eyestalks on.

Hmm. Now this bears getting a closer look.

Good afternoon, Ms. Sandy.

- And a good afternoon to you, Mister Krabs.

What brings you out to this fine neck of the woods?

- Well, uh...

I just happened to be in the neighborhood

and was wondering if you could see your way clear

to grace me with a comprehensive tour

of your home sweet tree dome?

I hear the giant soybeans are lovely this time of year.

- Sure. Let's get you fitted with a helmet.

- Don't bother yourself.

As long as I keep the old lungs moist,

I can breathe your fancy air all day long.

- Come on in, then.

- It seems so much bigger once you're inside.

- That's what they all say.

Did I already show you my single-wheeled roller skates?

Or my helicopter that's powered by coconut milk?

- Huh? Oh yeah, that sounds interesting, Sandy,

but, uh, actually--

- or my artificial intelligence that comes in the form

of a multicolored cube-shaped puzzle?


It can solve itself.

- Uh, Sandy,

actually, I'm not really interested in all that.

- Well, is there something in particular you wanted to see?

- Tell me about your giant soybean.

- This is the result

of an experimental growth serum I developed.

It could easily feed a lot of hungry people.

Or supply an entire fast food restaurant,

lowering its operating costs

and increasing revenue exponentially.

- Once the testing is complete,

the growth serum could be used to do a lot of good things.

- I sure would hate to see it fall into the wrong hands.

Someone who might just use it to try to get--

- rich! I'll be rich!

- What's that, Mister Krabs?

- Uh, could I borrow your telephone?

It's ringing.

- Mister Krabs, I came as soon as I got the call.

Did you bring a krabby Patty

like I was planning to ask you to do?

- Aye, aye, Captain.

- Perfect.

Okay, Sandy. Administer the growth serum.

- I don't know, Mister Krabs.

I can't predict what's gonna happen.

- Well, you did say it needs further testing.

Test it on the krabby Patty!

- Well...i suppose so.

But only a single drop.

- Fair enough.

Is it supposed to smell like that?

- If you two will excuse me,

I need to pay a quick visit to the little squirrel's room.

Would you mind holding these for me while I'm gone?

I'll only be a minute.

- Oh, no, we don't mind.


- But Sandy said that-- - sh-sh-sh-sh.

Thanks for the tour, Sandy. See you later.

Eh, that Patty doesn't look like it's growing to me.

Growth serum.

Waste of a perfectly good krabby Patty

is what that is.

Mister Krabs...

- Quick! Let's get it to the krusty krab!

- Patty...becoming...awkward.

- Oh, here, here. Put it in this grocery bag.

- Grocery bag? Where did you get a grocery bag?

- The grocery store.

- So, uh, how big is this thing supposed to get?

Who cares?

It's an endless supply of free patties!

And cook 'em fast, boy. We've got customers.

- Spongebob!

Are you gonna cook that thing

or just stand there staring at it?

- Sorry, Squidward. Coming right up.

Order up, Squidward.

- All right, keep 'em coming.

- You betcha.

Oh, my goodness!

I almost forgot to flip that one.

There we go.

- Okay. That's great, Spongebob,

but you don't have to knock me in the--

- Squidward, why did you make that weird noise--

easy, boy, easy.

I never thought I'd say this,

but I gotta get out of this kitchen!

Squidward, that giant krabby Patty is on a rampage!

We have to escape.

- Do you always go barefoot at work,

or have I just never noticed before?

- Wouldn't this just count as half-barefoot?

Squidward, behind you!

Abandon ship!

- It's a krabalanche!

- Hold it!

And just what is it you two think you're doing?

- The restaurant's being invaded

by a -foot uncooked menu item.

We're getting out of here!

- Ho, ho. This is a dream come true.

You can't just leave.

- Do you have a better idea?

- Stay and...Work.

Okay. You go right ahead.

But I'd rather stay alive than stay and work.

Now if you--

- cashie!

- Mister Krabs, look out!

- I think it's our break time, don't you?

- What's this?

Krabs is cooking up some new scheme

to undermine the success of his biggest competitor,


I better get a closer look.

Outta my way, you boobs.

- Plankton, you're going the wrong way!

Turn back or be crushed by a giant monster!

- I can't hear you!

I need to see this.

Holy mother of all creatures great and small...

It's the largest krabby Patty the world has ever seen.



Oh, great Patty! Take me!

Take me home, daddy!

- Keep running! It's getting closer!

- No, it isn't!

Look where I'm pointing. It stopped.

- Hey, he's right.

- Snookums, look out!

You've got to promise mommy you'll be more careful.

Neptune knows what she'd do

if you were swallowed by the putrid ooze

that's running rampant in our streets.

- Gary, Gary! Wake up!

Pack your stuff!

Our house is about to be

knocked over by a giant krabby Patty!

Wake up, Patrick! We gotta get out of here!

- Ah. Hi, Spongebob. I just had the strangest dream.

I was being chased down the street

by a giant krabby Patty.

- That wasn't a dream!


- Say, Spongebob, what are we going to do?

- We're going to find Sandy. She'll know what to do.

- I don't think she's home, Spongebob.

- She has to be. This is her tree dome.

Sandy, where are you?

- Spongebob?

- Sandy?

- No, Spongebob. Up here.

And hurry.

I'm running out of coconut milk.

- Wow, what happened to your tree dome?

- Well, that giant soybean got too big,

so I chopped it up and turned it into a giant salad.

Anybody got any giant croutons?

- I think I'm going to be sick.

- What's the matter, Patrick? Air sickness?

- No.

The thought of a salad that size is more than I can handle.

- And now that I mastered the soybean,

I can master that Patty.

- Really? How?

- The puzzle cube told me

the key to defeating the Patty is you, Spongebob.

All I have to do is get you close enough to it,

so you can make direct contact.

- Direct contact? Are you sure?

- The puzzle cube never lies.

Okay, we have a visual.

Putting you into position, Spongebob.

- Mm-Kay. Bye.

Well, giant Patty.

I guess it's just you and me.

Wait, what was I supposed to do again?

- Just make direct contact.

- Direct contact. You mean like this?

- It's working.

Keep going, Spongebob. You can do it.

- Oh, my body...Filling with krabby Patty...

Enormous pain.

Never absorbed this much krabby Patty

into my body before!

In fact, never absorbed any krabby patties

into my body, come to think of it.

Okay. What do I do now?

- Step right up, folks!

For a limited time, pre-absorbed krabby patties.

- Spongebob. Two. Medium rare.

- Copy that. Over.

- That's it, don't crowd.

While supplies last. Don't be shy.

Come on.

Hey, you stupid bubble, I just washed those.

- Ah, my spine!

- Why don't you watch where you're going?

- Come back here! - I'll sue!

Hey, little bubble. Where'd you come from?

Perhaps this letter will shed some light on your origin.

It's from my old friend, bubble buddy.

Wonder what's up with him?

Let's see now.

"Dear Spongebob,

the missus and I have to go away for a few days.

And our regular bubble sitter is sick.

Could you please watch our son shiny until we get back?

I owe you one. Your pal, bubble buddy.

Please keep shiny away from sharp objects.

We don't want him to go pop like his late uncle Raymond."

Oh, boy! Did you hear that, Gary?

- They want me to watch little shiny.

Gee, I wonder when he's going to show up.

The letter doesn't say.

I can't wait to meet him.

Oh, hey. There you are, shiny.

Look at you.

You are just as cute as the dickens.


Say hello to shiny, Gary.

- Oh, you're full of soap and vinegar,

aren't you?

I can't wait for all my friends

to meet you.

- This is going to be great, shiny bubble.

Whoop, downsie daffodil.

Squidward loves meeting my friends.

- No, I don't.

- You're going to like Squidward.

He's lots of fun.

So how was your trip?

You don't talk much, do you?

Guess he's not home.

Oh, well. We can try again later.

Wait, shiny! Where are you going?

You can't go in there. You weren't invited.

- Would you please get your friend

out of my house?

- Where'd he go?

- Squidward!

This room is so full of sharp, jagged, broken things.

This is no place for a delicate little bubble boy.

There he is!

Don't worry. I'll save him.


Jagged glass.

Barbed wire.


Cactuses protected by barbed wire.


Shiny must be in this one.


No, guess not.

Oh no!

You don't think he p-p-p-popped in there?

- There he is.

He's headed right for my glass menagerie.

- Hold still, shiny. I'll get you down.


- Of course.

- Okay, shiny. Fun is fun.

But it's time to come down now.

Ugh, barnacles.

Ah! Oh, no!

Shiny, come back.

There he is.

He's headed for that open window.

I got ya, you little rascal.

It looks like shiny wants to be an artist,

just like you.

- Spongebob, I spent six long months on that painting.

- Don't worry, Squidward. Shiny's made of soap.

We'll just wash it off.

There you go. Good as new.

Really captures your inner self.

Oh my, look at that. Time to go to work.

See you there. Bye.

Hi, Mister Krabs.

- Mornin', laddie.

What's with the glass puppet?

- He's not glass, Mister Krabs.

Remember bubble buddy?

Well, I'm taking care of his son.

- Bubble buddy, eh? That guy still owes me money.

So, what's the little deadbeat's name?

Allow me to introduce shiny bubble.

He doesn't talk much.

Shake hands with Mister Krabs, shiny.

- Put her there, lad.


- Ooh!

You might want to be careful with those claws, Mister Krabs.

- Hold still, you little rascal!

- Don't worry, I've got him.

Wow, Mister Krabs.

Look how shiny shiny made you.

- Woo-hoo now, look at that.

I've never felt this clean on a weekday.

Why don't you take shiny there into the kitchen,

and let him play around with the dirty dishes?

- Wow, I think Mister Krabs really likes you.

Now you play with these while I tend to the grill.

You sure are lucky, shiny.

You get to learn all about the glories

of the service industry.

Yessiree, shiner.

You show me a sizzlin' grill,

and I will show you a happy customer.

- Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Whoa!


- What in the name of Neptune is going on--whoa!

- Yahoo, free money! - Woo-hoo, oh, free money!

- There you are, shiny.

- I've been looking all over for you.

Thank goodness you weren't hurt.

- You better get him out of here

if you want to keep him that way.

Bubbles today.

They don't seem to understand the value of money.

- That's okay, shiny.

It's too dangerous for you to work at the krusty krab, anyway.

But there are a lot of fun, safe things we can do.

Like, stand in place.

Or sit in place.

Or, uh... let's not move at all game.

Patrick is really good at that one. He--

shiny? Shiny, where are you?

Shiny, no!

- Not the city. It's too dangerous.

Shiny, where are you?

Shiny, no!

There now. Safe and sound.

Now, shiny, i--

now, shiny, you might--

that was a close one. Okay, shiny.

Let's get you back to my house,

and keep you away from sharp pointy things.

Oh, tartar sauce.

"Bikini bottom pin factory?"

Shiny, no!

I'll save you!

You need to watch where you're going.

You could get popped in a place like that.

Hold on, there's something tickling my nose.

Where's shiny?

Oh, no!

"Scissor works"?

I'll save you, shiny!

Oh, boy. Don't you know scissors are sharp?

And dangerous?

Luckily, we both escaped unharmed.


"Pitchfork pantry." Of course.

Shiny, how many times do I gotta tell ya?

No sharp. No pointy.

Let's see if there's some place safe for you to visit.

Ah. That's it.

The pillow foundry.

You'll like it in there.

Pillows aren't dangerous.

Okay, let's skip the pillow foundry.

I'll just take you to my house.

Here we are. Home safe home.

You must be hungry after all that running around.

Now, what would a growing bubble eat?

I know!


Don't worry, shiny. You'll be okay.

No, that ain't right.

Oh, come on, now.

He's okay.

- Hello there, Spongebob.

How's my little boy been faring?

Oh, what, ho--shiny? He's, uh--been behaving great.

- Well, now.

It looks like you gone and grown another head again, shiny.

- Again?

- Not to worry. I'll take care of it.

- So, Spongebob.

Did my boy shiny behave himself?

- Oh, he was just a little angel.

In a little devil sort of way.

- Well, so long, Spongebob.

Thanks for watching my boy.

- So long. Bye bye.

Any time you need a babysitter,

just give me a little advance notice.

I--uh, I work a lot.

I have to check with Mister Krabs and...

And there's Gary, he needs feeding and I...

Stand around a lot and that keeps me busy.
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