07x18 - Another Brick in the Wall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x18 - Another Brick in the Wall

Post by bunniefuu »

I could get used to this
babysitting gig.

Jack in bed,

Your parents
on their date.

Too bad you need
to sneak out

As soon as they get home.

School board policy.

Only until my dad's name
is cleared.

well, what do you expect
when they-

Oh my god! They're home early,
you should...

That's my cue.

poor you.

You didn't have to be so rude
to that waiter.

I wasn't rude.

His snotty attitude reminds me
of why I cook at home.

(Snorted chuckle)
his attitude?

Or your paranoia?

Oh, right,
because I imagine everything.

Like being falsely accused
of sexual as*ault, maybe, hm?

Have fun on your date?

It's nothing, emma.
We're fine.

(Home phone ringing)

That's your ring.




Thank you.

That was my lawyer.


What has two thumbs

And is officially
not a pedophile?

This guy!

you've been cleared?
That's amazing!

(Excited squeals
and chuckles)

See? I told you
stay positive,

But did you believe me?

(excited laughter)

Woo hoo hoo!





(lively overlapping chatter)

(Cleansing exhale)
new day, fresh start,

And the sweet smell
of vindication.

It's the parking lot,
not the green mile.

I'm fine.

mr. S., They letting you
run loose?

Nice to see you too, lucas.

(Under his breath)



They're losers.
Just ignore them.

what a burn. Classic.

Um, maybe it's too soon,

Well, what'll people think
if you chicken out?

Won't that be worse?

I'm sorry, emma.

I'm not convinced
I belong at degrassi anymore.

Well, what can I do
to convince you?

(School bell rings)

You'd better get to class.
Um, I'm gonna call ms. H.

most of you did very well,

But for those
who are having trouble,

You know the answer -

Tutoring works!

I so crammed for this!


eight-six percent.

Holly j,
how did you do?

Anya, for my sake,

Could you at least try to stop
being boring?

Let's figure out
what we're gonna do tonight.

Oh. Um...

Didn't I tell you?
Sav and I are going out.

lucas is taking isabella
and me for pizza.

We could so double!

Holly j:
"we could double!"

Greasy food
and greasy company?

Try to aim up, girls.

Although considering
the "boys" in question,

You're doing
the best you can.

Somebody's single
and bitter!

Somebody's baby daddy's
a neanderthal!

holly j, you can come too.

Just because you're single,
it won't be weird.

got better things to do,

like what?

A big solitaire tournament?

Holly j:
oh, mia.

When do you sh**t your pilot
for the not funny network?

(Sarcastic laughter)

(School bell rings)

I can leave,
if you want.

I was looking for you.

Not to k*ll me,
I hope?

No, darcy.

I am so sorry

For putting your family
through all this.

I know you've been
through a lot.

It's no excuse

For falsely accusing
your dad.

I was...
I was in a bad place

And I panicked

It's okay.

He's been cleared,

The school board called.

That's amazing!
When's he coming back?

That's the thing.

I don't think he wants to.

What? Why?

He's not sure he belongs
at degrassi anymore,

That everyone will
want him back.

He's such a great teacher,
of course they will!

That is where you come in.

I'll do it.

show mr. Simpson
how much you miss him!

Show one of degrassi's best
how much you care!

Where do I sign?

Thanks, manny.

And I'll sign another name
with my left hand.

Mrs. Jay hogart.

Have fun explaining
that one to him.

Get simpson back to degrassi!

Hey, you guys,

Do want to sign
simpson's card?

Show him your support?

so we can have a pedophile
in our school?

No thanks.

If he got anywhere
near my kid...

You have a kid?



Mr. Simpson
is not a pedophile.

You're his stepdaughter.
You have to defend him.

I'm defending him too.

Okay, you said that
he did something,

Then you said he didn't.

It's hard to know
what's the truth.


We know the truth.


and remember, yearbooks
don't sell themselves!

To think,
in a few weeks,

My role will be entrusted
to one of these infants.

Little sinclair
could be your heir.

perish the thought.

Eeek. I think she saw me.

Good luck!

(Voice trailing off)
wait, liberty don't
leave me with her...

Toby isaacs, right?

I need to ask you


I need... Help,
in math.

My sister said
you're the nerdiest...

I mean, the best tutor.

Heather sinclair
said that?

Among other things.

Look, I have cash.
In or out?

You know what?
Forget the money.

How 'bout
I scratch your back,

You scratch mine?

Oh, god.

what is it going to take,

You've seen how worked up
emma is.

I know, but it's not
about her.

it's affecting her!

Can't you see she's trying
to control things?

don't blame me, okay?!

you know what happens, archie.

She's a recovering anorexic!

all right.

If I go back,

How am I gonna save face,
huh? How?

You just do it.

I had to,
if you remember?

Are you gonna bring up
my seconds of stupidity

With daphne
over and over again?

Well, it depends.

Are you gonna tell me
the real reason

You're afraid
to go back?


I molested a student? Hmm?

If I'm some kind
of sexual predator?

no! But maybe...

Maybe you weren't
careful enough.

I mean, are you sure
you didn't give the girl

The wrong idea?

I did nothing wrong, spike!

How can you even
ask me that?!

Where are you going?

Get some air.

(Door shuts)

Okay, so just insert
the y value,

And... Voila!

If armstrong had
taught it like that,

Maybe I'd understand it.

Yeah, well,

Armstrong would have
to learn it himself, first.

Don't you hate being
such a mathlete?

It's all relative.

I mean, I'd hate to go up
and bounce around

In front of the whole school
every week,

But you love it.

Spirit squad?

It's really the only time
you're not scowling.

Well, ten years of jazz
and five years of tap

Taught me
to save your smiles

For when they count.

So do I get one

For getting you through
your next math test?

When I ace it.


So I believe
we had a deal.

I'm not giving you
my underwear.


Have you ever heard
of dance dance revolution?



You're back.

Thank you
for doing this.

Three hundred reasons
to go back to degrassi.

So, will I see you

I don't think so.

Just suck it up, snake!
They want you back.

I know this has been
hard for you.

Everything at school

no, it's not just that.

You're sleeping on the couch.

Is it that bad
between you and mom?

How worried should I be?


I'll go back to work.

All right?

And this will all start
to get better.

it better.

Good night.

(Eggers whines)

(Car rumbles past,
low hum of student chatter)

pa announcement)

hey! You're back!

Can't a guy teach
some immersion,



Why didn't you tell me
he was back?

We missed you so much!

Oh! Okay.
No touching!

That's the kind of stuff
that got me in this mess.

Right. Sorry.

See? It's not so bad.

I believe it's what
the kids call...

"Sucking it up".

So the student
becomes the teacher.

Not for long.
Take a seat, ms. Nelson.

Video game:
(music plays)
awww, to bad!

Video game:
try harder!

Forget it!
You're hopeless!

Yeah, well,
if I don't nail this

Then I flunk phys ed,


Forward. Right.

Left. Right.



No, other backward!

(Game ends)

Some things should be done
in the privacy of the home.

Yeah, it does kind of give
a whole new meaning

To "dance like nobody's


Why is something
that's so hard for me

So easy for everyone else?

story of my life.

When heather was here,
she was smart

And popular and cute.

Yeah, well,
now you're here.

You're filling her shoes.

holly j?

You coming to french?

I try to help
and you grope me?

You, mr. Simpson...
What is it with you digi-pervs?

Looks like you'll be
failing p.e., Toad.

Yeah. I get it.


now the lesson here is,

Never underestimate
the power of the student.

(Stifled snort)
he should know.

...facebook, google -
all created by students.

Have you ever searched
your name, mr. S.?

Um... Not recently.

well, there's a webpage.
You should check it out.

Close it, lucas.


I can handle this.

You get yourself down
to hatzilakos.

What? I was just...

I said now!

Looks like
she came to me.

You stay put.
I'll deal with you in a minute.

Everything okay?

Everything's fine.

First day back.
Must be a lot of pressure.

I'm okay.

Um, one thing though.

The uh...
The class list?

Lee crofton,
she-she isn't on it.

She decided to withdraw.

Do I need to ask why?

Her parents didn't give
a reason.

But they didn't have to.

I guess I can't blame them,
can i?

I mean, if I were in
their shoes, i...

They don't know you,

I do,

And I know you won't
let this get to you.

(Withdrawing footsteps)

Holly j:
hey! How was the test?

you're talking to me?

Just as long as no one's
around, right?

social su1c1de.

Stop being so pouty.

Think you're the first girl
to pull a stunt like this?

Well, excuse me for having
a reputation to protect!

From whom?

For who.

I need to be holly j. Sinclair
for my friends.


If think if you dropped
the bitch act,

They'd actually like you.
I might.

Oh, and by the way,
it's "for whom".

(Objects clatter)

I heard a crash?

I dropped some ice.

It's :
in the morning.

I know.
Go back to bed.

Don't believe everything
you see on the internet.

Isn't that what you teach us
on day one?

Sometimes the html
doesn't lie.

Wow. So that's it?

If I'd known going
back to degrassi

Would make you this crazy,

I never would have made
that stupid card.

(Snorts) I'm not trying
to disappoint you.

Then don't.

Just go back to work

That's all it takes.

Okay. I will.

Good night.

(School bell rings)

mr. Simpson can't make it

I will be covering for him

what's going on?

Where is he?

I don't ask questions.

So, I believe we have what?
Photo essays,

According to mr. Simpson's
lesson plan number .

(Hum of students chattering)

Never forget
I'm a genius, anya.


Sure looks like
that tutoring paid off.

You're like the toby
of our class.

Anya, do you realize
how dumb

Some of the things
you say are?

You're nothing like toby.

He's disgusting.

oh, anya.

He's not disgusting.

Geek chic.

He might be rich one day,
like bill gates.

Okay, so we like him...
Now then?

Try to keep up,

We might like him,


Tv announcer:
this is (unclear) sports
weekend spectacular

Demolition derby in a row.

He's got two-thirds
of the second place...

Don't go to work.

Stay home and get wasted!

And watch cars
smash into each other.

It's awesome.

You're a coward.

(Muttering with his mouth full)

This morning,

I got up and grabbed my laptop
and I tired -

Because you wanted me to -

And I couldn't even get out
the door.

What if mom sees you
like this?

Well, maybe she needs to.

Wallow in self-pity.

You know, when bad things
happen to me,

You tell me to be strong.

But you're not strong,

You're a hypocrite.

Maybe. I'm sorry.

(Door opens)


What is this?

It's fine, mom.

Are you drunk?

I'm sorry,
I failed you guys.

You didn't fail.
You gave up.

Trying to run away
from your problems.

The kids shouldn't see this.

Look, I'll be fine,
christine, okay?

I just needed a day
to get my head on str...

(Bowl clatters)

(Eggers whines)

I think the kids and I
should go stay with my mom

For a while.

Mom, don't overreact.

emma, I'm your mother,

And being around this...
This environment,

I just think we might need
some time away.

(Students chatter,
bus rumbles past)

Well, my test
was a success,

All thanks
to my super tutor.

A little privacy from
your man-made fibres, please?

My pleasure.
I'll let you guys "talk".


We can be seen together;
it's out in the open.

Some people think
I'm kind of a loser,

And until - what? -
Like ten seconds ago,

Weren't you one of them?

Well, I changed my mind.

Lowered my standards
'cause I like you.

(Incredulous laugh)
wrong answer, holly j.

It would be so sweet
to have a girlfriend,

But it just can't be you.

No, you don't understand.
I made everything okay!

I told my friends.

I don't care who you told.

This isn't about you,
it's about me.

And your poor

Get over it, toby.

It doesn't matter
what you think.

If people see you with me,
they'll worship you.

Not the people
I care about.

Who, liberty?

Look, you had your shot
with me

And you blew it.

Toby isaacs
calls the sh*ts.

Anya, come over tonight.

I don't care.
Ditch him.

We need to talk about this
disturbing new dependence

On boys.

Didn't expect you
to be up.

I'd, uh, wallowed in self-pity
long enough.

So are you gonna
try again?

I do want to go back,
you know.

But not yet.

I thought I could do this
on my own, but uh...

I can't.

The union has counselors,
so, um...

We're gonna talk.

Where's your bag?
Come on, em,

Pack your things.
Let's go.

I'm not going.


You don't have to stay,

I don't know
what's gonna happen,

But I can't just stand by

And watch our family
fall apart.

Em, you need to take care
of yourself.

I know, you're worried about me
trying to control things.

But the one thing I can do
is stay here,

And so can you.

I'm sorry, emma,

But I need to take care
of myself too.

I'll call you tonight.

Your mom and i,
we just...

We need some time.

Thanks for staying
with me.

I believe in you,

Don't make me
regret it.
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