01x07 - Year of the Rat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gaslit". Aired: April 24, 2022 - present.*
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Modern twist on the 1970s Watergate scandal centering around untold stories and forgotten characters of that time.
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01x07 - Year of the Rat

Post by bunniefuu »


Look, let's just both take a breath.


My mama slaps me harder than that.

[LIDDY] True immortality rests
in a pure and mighty will...

♪ ♪

For history isn't written
by the feeble masses.

It is written and rewritten by soldiers

carrying the banner of kings.

There she is, machos. Our destiny.

That is what it means to be strong.

I want you to know
that I fired those bastards.


They had no right roughing
you up the way they did.


You are the first person
that I am aware of

to publicly accuse the president

of responsibility
for the Watergate break-in.

Pretty sure I won't be the last.

How do you feel about your wife
potentially speaking to the Senate?

Well, I support Martha
in whatever she decides to do.

I'm testifying on Monday.

[LIDDY'S SON] They said
the judge was sending you

to a bad prison for a long time.

When I was a boy,

my only friend was my nanny,
Frau Teresa.

She told me the story of a boy

who, from the power of his own will,

became the leader of her Fatherland.

She made me realize that I,
too, could choose to be strong.

This will be Father's trial by fire.

I'm at the center of this thing.

I mean, that guy...

Well, what if you're the guy
who saw an injustice

and decided to do something about it?

Mr. Dean, Mr. Dean, how do you feel?

Everyone seems to think
you did pretty darn good.

I hear Martha is on deck for Thursday.

The problem

with loving something too much

is that you can't do
what needs to be done.


I trust you'll do what needs to be done.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[SINGER] ♪ I'd like ♪

♪ Just one Old-fashioned Christmas ♪

- [MITCHELL] Well, let's see.

I don't, uh, know
where I end up on this thing.

According to this, I was born
in the Year of the Rat.

Says I'm bright, patient,
and inspiring to others.

Somebody's been reading your mail.

f*ck off.

It also says I can be happy on my own

or make an outstanding partner.

I'll be sure to inform your wife.


Yeah, good idea.

What's going on with these girls?

I thought they were supposed
to be here at : .

John, you're not screening them
for the secretarial pool.

As long as they know
their way around an inseam...

I don't think they heard you
in the kitchen.

Who gives a shit?

Nobody speaky the Engrish around here.


You're a terrible man.

[FRIEND] I've learned it all from you.

But before they do come in,

there's something you should
probably know about your girl.

I-I... Don't tell me she's a cryer.

I can't deal with another cryer.

No, nothing like that.
But she's married.


- Not happily.
- Oh, Christ.

As though I-I don't have
enough stress in my life.

So she's married. You've been
with married girls before, and this...

this broad's got a rack
like Claudia Cardinale.

You're gonna love her. Trust me.

She's a real alley cat, boy.

Yeah, I should go.

No, why?

Because these girls are minutes late,

and the only marriage I
can stand getting in the way of

right now is my own.

Come on, don't be like this, John.

Look. Hey, speak of the devil.

Ladies, we've been waiting for you.

Sorry. It was bumper-to-bumper
all the way to Columbus Circle.

[FRIEND] Hey, John, this is Peggy Quinn.

- Pleasure.
- [FRIEND] And, uh,

I'm sorry, darling.
What's your name again?

- Martha Jennings.
- [FRIEND] Martha Jennings.

John Mitchell, meet Martha Jennings.

I'm-I'm John.

I heard. [CHUCKLES]

Are you going somewhere?

Uh, no, I was, uh...

Looking for the coatroom.

Yes, could you take this? Thank you.

Could you point me toward the restroom?

No, no, no. I'll walk you.
It's right up here.

[PEGGY] Okay, great. Thank you.

Would you?

Oh, sure. Sorry.

Thank you.


Yes, thank you. Uh, may I?

♪ Wait for Santa to sail in ♪

♪ With your presents in a canoe... ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

So, uh, Peggy tells me you're married.

♪ ♪

Well, evidently, Peggy likes to talk.

That she does. [CHUCKLES]

Ken tells me the same
about you, marriage-wise.

Wow, those two are cut
from the same cloth.

Absolute vipers.


♪ ♪

Can I come a little closer to you?

♪ ♪

Now, there's one thing
you can say for marriage.

Makes everything beyond it

a little more fun.

Little more, uh, beautiful.

♪ ♪

Oh, um...

it's a little... you have an eyelash.


♪ ♪

Yeah, make a wish.

You know, I don't believe in wishes.

Well, I don't believe in wasting them.

[ANDREWS SISTERS] ♪ ...Christmas ♪

♪ On Christmas Island ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You will never stray, ♪
♪ For every day... ♪

What was it?

Mm-mm. I can't tell you.

That's the first rule of wishes.

But I do hope it pans out for you.

Really, I do.

It's a doozy.


- Wow.

- Can I get you a drink?
- Yes, please.

And what would you like?

Gin and tonic.

Sir, can I get the lady
a gin and tonic, please?

Thank you.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Where is everybody?

Your lawyer opted for a
closed-door session, Mrs. Mitchell.

No press. Take a seat.

Now, we've got a long day ahead of us,

so let's get to it.

I understand, uh, you have
an opening statement prepared.

Yes, Sam. Thank you.

[GURNEY] Mr. Chairman, before we begin,

I would just like to register
the minority's skepticism

regarding the relevance
of Mrs. Mitchell's testimony.

It's still unclear to me
what official role

she held within the administration.

Senator Gurney,
as Mrs. Mitchell's counsel stipulated,

she maintained an official
public relations role

within the Committee to Re-Elect.


Doing what, appearing on game shows?

- Ed, that's...

Now just hold on a second.
I was employed in the campaign

at the direct request of the president.

Oh, and I'm sure

we're all very appreciative
of your tireless dedication

to your own celebrity...

Pardon me?

...but I'm still unsure
what any of that has to do

with the matters that uh, we are
examining in this committee.

Honestly, Ed, this is beneath you.

Senator Gurney will suffice.

- Not according to your wife.

- [INOUYE] Mr. Chairman.
- Order.

With all due respect,
there are significant facts

that this witness
has failed to disclose.

I would like to submit
this official report

from Bellevue Hospital.

[ERVIN] So submitted.

It indicates that

Mrs. Mitchell was institutionalized

after the birth of her daughter,

January of .


It was given to me
by a close, personal source.


♪ ♪

Your father suffered from
acute mental illness, just like you.

Isn't that so?

I do not suffer
from acute mental illness.

♪ ♪

[GURNEY] In interviews,

you have stated that your father

died in a car accident,
but that isn't true, is it?

In fact, he, uh...

he was a drunken, degenerate gambler,

a fanaticist prone
to paranoia, delusion,

and, ultimately, su1c1de.

What's your point, Ed?

[GURNEY] Isn't it possible
that your instability

could perhaps have been
passed down from your father?

Could it be that... that
that's why you see conspiracies

and plots where...
Where none, in fact, exist?

♪ ♪

But if there is an issue
with her mental stability...

There are no issues.

[GURNEY] Then why risk your marriage?

Why risk your husband's position?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Mrs. Mitchell, why risk the
happiness of your own daughter?


Because it's the truth.

♪ ♪

It is the truth.

And what about your husband?

Does he share your
understanding of the truth?

♪ ♪

The f*ck are you doing?

What are you doing?

You told them everything.

Told who what?
What are you talking about?

[MARTHA] You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

You set me up. You gave them the knife,

and you told them exactly
where to stick it!

Sweetheart, I only wanted to keep you

on the right side
of this whole g*dd*mn thing.

You're the one who wanted to testify.

Oh, my God, you're driving me crazy!

You make me feel
like I am losing my mind!

[MARTY] What's going on?

[MARTY] Go back to your room, honey.

- [MARTY] But...
- Now!

Oh, cleaning up after Martha again.

I'm grown so used to it.

[MARTHA] Big John Mitchell,
lord of the manor,

living in devoted service

to a man who won't even return
his phone calls.

Okay. Just... you're just drunk.

It's enough. Another drunk.

Martha's on another...

Blow it out your ass, Mitchell!

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Huh?

I've been watching you for
months just sitting around here

staring at the phone
like some teenage girl

waiting for a call from the boy
with the magic fingers.

When are you gonna get it
through your thick f*cking skull

that nobody on the whole f*cking planet

gives a g*dd*mn what you think?

Plenty of people care what I think.

Barbara Walters wants me on
The Today Show to tell my story.

Huh? My story!

They're just looking
for a f*cking sideshow!

And that's you, lady!

Do you know why d*ck
hasn't called you back?

Why he hasn't made any effort
at all to contact you?

[MITCHELL] Oh, f*ck off!

Because he doesn't give a shit.

He never gave a shit about you ever!

You think you're so much better
than the rest of them, right?

Don't you?

Dean, Magruder, Haldeman.

Oh, they're just in it
for the money or ambition,

but you're the only one

dumb enough to think
you actually matter to d*ck,

that he valued your friendship.

Hey, Martha, I am warning you...

You have ruined everything
in your life, in my life!

Your reputation, your marriage,
and for what?

For what?

I can't stand the sound of your voice!

Well, that makes two of us!

- I can't stand to look at you!
- I can't stand you!

- I can't stand your face!
- Get f*cking off of me!

[MITCHELL] I love you, Martha,

'cause you're America's clown,
and you're a pig.

And all your moaning and bitching

and your morning drinking

and your day drinking
and your night drinking,

and your own daughter
has to fish you out of the tub

'cause you're too stoned
on pills and booze to stand.

Whose idea were the pills?

- To stand!
- Who?

I thought it would help you!

I didn't know you were gonna
eat them like M&M's!

It's the only way I can sleep in my bed

when it smells like your whores.

Oh, you f*cking bitch.

I should have had them
go harder on you in California.

- What did you just say?
- Yeah, you heard me.

Even you can't be so f*cking dense

as to think that this was just
an overzealous bodyguard.


You're a cheap joke, Martha.

And every f*cking word

that comes out of your mouth

humiliates you and humiliates me.

- [MARTHA] Is it...

- See, no...
- No.

- [MITCHELL] No, no, no.
- No.

I'm leaving you,
and I'm taking Marty with me.

I'm not going to let her
watch you melt the f*ck down.


No. No, you will not.
You can't take her.

You can't... wait.

Mitchell, you will not take my daughter.

You... I know what you've done.
I'll tell everyone.

You and d*ck, both of you,

worse than the break-in at Watergate.

Worse than anyone knows.


And who the hell is gonna
believe you, Martha,

after all this?

Who's gonna believe little Martha?

I'm just realizing this is my
favorite new position with you.

What's that, Martha?

You're gonna have to speak up,

'cause for once, I can't hear you.



Go back to your room, honey.


[INTERVIEWER] Oh, I love this.
This is great.

How groovy.

Yeah, maybe we could do
a little uh, shaken not stirred.

That's great.

Hey, sweetheart, can you fix his hair?

Right on.

Just one thing more.

I'm the first married woman in Playboy.


Great. Uh, could you put
your arm around her?


Gotta say, Mr. Dean,
for a man who just went through

a nationally televised gauntlet,

you seem to be in incredible spirits.

Oh. Well, thank you.

I, uh... I didn't go
through it alone, so...

Why did you decide to come out
and speak at all?

I mean, wouldn't it have been
easier if you'd kept quiet?

Well, sure.

Um, I guess you could
say I, uh, I saw an injustice,

and I decided to say something about it.

Simple as that.

And, uh, how have you held up

throughout this experience, Mrs. Dean?

I imagine it's been uh, difficult.

On the contrary, uh,

I think when you strip
everything away from someone,

you know, all the power and prestige,

that's when you really get a glimpse

of who they truly are inside.

John and I have gotten to know
each other more completely

than we would have if
Watergate had never happened.

And that's, um... that's a gift.

[INTERVIEWER] You'll have to be sure

and send a thank-you card
to the president.

- Right.

- Straight up his ass.

Don't... don't print that.


Would you um, [CLEARS THROAT]
would you excuse me?

- Please don't print that.


Oh, Charlie. Come on in.

Hey, everybody, this is
Charlie Shaffer, my lawyer.

This is, uh, Anthony
and uh, Joaquin from Playboy.

I'm trying to convince them
to give us the centerfold.

John, do you mind if I talk to
you in private? It's, uh, urgent.

Oh, sure. Uh, excuse us.

Just through here.

You want a ice water or a Prosecco?

We're doing mimosas. [CHUCKLES]

[SHAFFER] No, thanks.

Hey, look, uh,

I know you said keep
the interviews to a minimum,

but, you know, it's Playboy.

And, uh, they said
they might even publish

one of Mo's short stories, so cheers.

Yeah, I'm-I'm not, uh, here about that.

Um, John, do you wanna, uh,

maybe sit down in the other room?

No, I'm fine. What's going on?

I got word on Sirica's
preliminary ruling on your case.

He's recommending
a sentence of five years.

W-what? I testified.

I was the first to flip.
I... I cooperated.

[SHAFFER] He took that into account.

A reduced sentence
was never part of the deal.

Then what the hell did I go
through all of this for then, huh?

Ostensibly, because you wanted
to do what was best for the country.

[LAUGHING] Oh, f*ck that.

[SHAFFER] John, the good news
is that you can still

appeal for leniency
if you cooperate further.

The special prosecutor's going
after Haldeman and Ehrlichman

and... and then Mitchell.

No, no, no way.

I am not ratting on anybody else.

John, I hear you.

That was not part of the deal, Charlie.
They can't ask me to do that.

They are not asking you
to do anything, John.

You obstructed justice.

You broke the law.

Oh, f*ck that, Charlie.

People break the law all the time.

What, you think Kennedy's boys
didn't color outside the line?

Or Johnson's or Roosevelt's?

They all lied. They all cheated.

And not a single one of them

would hesitate to do it again
if it suited their needs.

- [SHAFFER] Maybe.
- No, definitely, Charlie.


So how do they get
to walk away scot-free,

and I'm the one who spends five years

testifying against my friends,
sleeping in a cell?


Oh, God.

You're not wrong, John.

Thing is, those guys...

they didn't get caught.

You did.

Mo, uh...




♪ ♪


[LIDDY] "Dearest Frances,
I bet you and the boys"

are wondering how life's been for me
since I left you and the children

and arrived at Danbury.

Well, I'm happy to report that
things are going just fine.

Upon my arrival, I discovered
that the prison staff

"are just as courteous and
polite as you might expect..."

[GUARD] Arms up!

[LIDDY] ...from our hardworking
law enforcement community.

[GUARD] Lift your stick.


♪ ♪

Turn around and spread 'em.

[P.P. ARNOLD] ♪ I know... ♪

Like what you see back there, Jimbo?

♪ ♪


[LIDDY] " And surprisingly,

the atmosphere among the prisoners
is one of congeniality."

[PRISONER] m*therf*cker!


♪ ♪

[P.P. ARNOLD] ♪ When it comes
To lovin' me, he's the worst ♪

[PRISONER] How that d*ck taste, bitch?

♪ ♪

[LIDDY] " I even found a way

to help some of my more
civilized compatriots

with their legal queries."

If there's double jeopardy...

is there triple jeopardy?

♪ ♪

Excellent question, Meat Machine.

Everyone, if you'll turn
to chapter two in your books.

"Of course, I've had
my share of gloomy days,

most of them brought on by the knowledge

that our brave president
is beset on all sides

by quislings and traitors.

I'm ashamed to say
that my dispirited attitude

even caused me to run
into a little trouble

with one of my more unruly neighbors.


[P.P. ARNOLD] ♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ The first cut is the deepest ♪

♪ Baby, I know ♪

♪ The first cut is the deepest ♪

♪ 'Cause when it comes
To being lucky, he's cursed ♪

♪ When it comes to lovin' me,
He's the worst ♪

In the cage, m*therf*cker.

[P.P. ARNOLD] ♪ But when it
Comes to being loved ♪

♪ He's first ♪

- ♪ That's how I know ♪

♪ The first cut is the deepest ♪

[LIDDY] "But in the end,

I was given a great,
little room of my own.

And ever since then,
I've been truly happy here,

able to reconnect
to my natural rhythms."


♪ ♪

"My only regret is that
I will not have the chance

to watch our boys grow into young men."

♪ ♪

"But perhaps by my example,

I can teach the boys
what my nanny, Teresa,

taught me all those years ago.

When a man's trial by fire arrives,

he must meet it with the power
of his indomitable will.

"If not, he will perish."


♪ ♪


"Yours, in love and in victory..."















Oh, you m*therf*cker.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- [SCREAMING] Oh, God!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[LIDDY] "Dearest Frances..."


"I am afraid that
since our last correspondence,

things have taken a turn for the worse."


"I was foolish to think
my trial was nearing its end."


"It seems now to have only just begun."


[LIDDY] "I realize now that
life has brought me here"

to my unholy solitude in this cell,

waging holy w*r with a demon

- "I know all too well..."

"...my own weakness."

♪ ♪

"I now know that it has been
lying in wait inside of me

all this time.

Festering, growing,
quietly gathering strength

as it prepares to devour me whole.

And the only way for me to defeat it now

is to flush it out and crush it,

"once and for all."


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Where are you?

What do you want, what do you want?

What do you want, some food?

Oh, the food. I'll play with ya.

I'll play with... no, no. [SNARLS]


Come on, where are you?

Where are you?

Come on, come out. Come on, come on.

Come on out.

Come on out, come on out!



♪ ♪

- Oh, come on, come on!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I strike at thee!


♪ ♪

[GUARD] Shut the f*ck up, you nutcase!


[GUARD] God damn it, Liddy,
you crazy f*ck!

Oh, Jesus.

Liddy, Liddy.

- Get up. Get the f*ck up.

- Come on.

- Leave it, leave it.
- I had him!

- Leave it!

I had him! I f*cking had him!

- [GUARD] Liddy, f*cking dummy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[MARTHA] The wheelie king.

♪ ♪

[CHUCKLES] Oh, my.

♪ ♪

Nice boy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Slumber party time, baby.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- Shh.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Mm, your bed is nice. [SIGHS]

Mm, baby...

it's just gonna be the two
of us for a little bit, okay?

Okay. It's good. We'll have fun.

We can listen to all your records.

♪ ♪

We don't need Daddy right now.

Just you and me, baby.

♪ ♪

I called Dad.

♪ ♪

I'm... I'm gonna stay with him
for a couple months...

until school starts up.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

I just... just need to go.

♪ ♪

We can, um, celebrate
birthdays together,

and we'll see each other for Christmas.

That'll be so fun.





[BARBARA WALTERS] As Congress begins

its historic impeachment inquiry,

I take a moment to sit with the woman

who claims to know more

about the inner workings
of Watergate than anyone else.

The indomitable, the formidable,

the complicated Martha Mitchell.

She joins us to set the record
straight right after this.


[ASSISTANT] I'm sorry, Mrs. Mitchell,

but you're wanted on stage.

Thank you.

[ASSISTANT] All right.
We'll see you in a minute.



[PERSON ON TV] It's a throbbing
of my heart to the beat of the wing!

It's me and Carol riding off
into the sunset!

Welcome back to The Today Show.

Last Monday night, I received
a telephone call from someone

I had not heard from in quite
some time, Martha Mitchell.

For the past two months,
Mrs. Mitchell has been living alone

in a luxurious Washington apartment

her husband used to call the Taj Mahal.

Her husband, John Mitchell,
left her after a -year marriage.

He now lives in a Georgetown hotel.

Some say that in a matter of weeks,

Mr. Mitchell is expected to be indicted

by a grand jury for conspiracy,
obstruction of justice,

and perjury in connection
with the Watergate break-in.

Mrs. Mitchell told me
that she would like to clear up

some matters which have
been reported inaccurately.

We asked her to appear on this program.

She gave us her word that
she would, and now she's here.

Good morning, Barbara. How are you?

[BARBARA] I'm fine.

I'm sorry I cannot welcome you
to the Taj Mahal.

Well, we welcome you here.

It's a lonely place,
but it's awfully pretty.

[BARBARA] You have said,
and you said to me last week,

that President Nixon
is asking his subordinates

to take the blame for things
of which he is guilty.

What do you know, Martha?

Well, Barbara, you can't say
that I-I know anything,

and I would tell this to
the Senate Watergate Committee

if they ever asked to see me again,

is that I am now so confused
by what I have read,

what I've heard, what I've seen,

that I-I-I-I couldn't possibly be a
good witness, not in the slightest.

Do you think the President
should be impeached, Martha?

I have no idea whether the
President should be impeached.

I can't answer that.
I'm not sitting in...

Let's move on.

Let-let me ask you some questions

- about you.
- Oh, Martha.

[BARBARA] Let's talk about Martha.


I started out by asking you,
why after years?

Why after a marriage
that looked awfully good

to an awful lot of people?

- [MARTHA] It was. It was great.
- [BARBARA] Why...

It was the greatest thing in the world.

You think perhaps somebody's
forced him to leave you?

I think very definitely,

because a man doesn't tell you two weeks

before he walks out and causes
a conspiracy on his wife

that it's legitimate, put it that way.

Why do you think they did this, Martha?

Whoever they are?

Well, I don't... I don't know.

That would be, uh, hard for me to say.


Again, I just need to get myself

back to a train of thought

where I'm not so emotionally
involved, you see?

I need to do a doctorme...

Documentary on the whole thing
to analyze it.


When you called me the other day,

you said something to me.

Very frankly, you said,
"Barbara, a lot of people

say that-that I drink,
that I am an alcoholic..."

Why are you watching this?

[BARBARA] "And that's why
I say a lot of things."

- It's depressing.
- [MARTHA] Let me interrupt you.

Do you drink, Martha?

Do you drink when you
make those phone calls?

When I... when I make phone crawls?

- Phone calls?

What I think has happened, Barbara,

is that the... the media has kinda

built me into this sort of character,

and a lot of people don't even know me.

Martha, we have three minutes left.

Is that all?

I know you have a lot of fans
watching, Martha.

What would you most want them
to know about things now?

I think just that

the trying things
that have been imposed on me...

No one in this country realizes
or understands

that I... I'm working very hard.

I'm not just sitting
in an apartment lonely.

I'm doing a great deal
of research on this book,

and you've done a book.

You know how much work it takes.

And... and I have other offers

and all kinds of various
and sundry things

and other things to keep me busy.

I'm not just sitting lonely.

I ha-I have my bad days.

I have days when I'm terribly blue,

but other days when...

When I-I-I can get ahold of
myself and-and go ahead.

So just that's all that.

And uh, and also, I-I want to
say to all the people

who have always corresponded with me

that my mail hasn't been coming through.

Well, we've laughed together,

we've been on programs together,

and I want to just say now

that I think for a great many people

that you have, at this point,
our compassion.

We look forward to your book.

We know it's been a hard time for you,

and I thank you for being here
and for expressing yourself.

Thank you, Barbara.

[BARBARA] We'll be right back
after this message.

[PRODUCER] And we're out.

[BARBARA] That was wonderful. Thank you.

Thank you.

And you look beautiful, and I
really hope I see you again,

and I'm thinking about you
and your family.

- Take good care.
- [MARTHA] Okay.

- Bye-bye.
- [BARBARA] Bye-bye.

[PRODUCER] She can kiss
that book deal goodbye.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[LIDDY] "Dearest Frances",

I'm not sure
if I'm really writing to you

or if this is all happening in my head.

I don't know if I ever told you
about what eventually became

of my beloved nanny, Frau Teresa.

She k*lled herself after the w*r.

Mother said it was because
she suffered from hysteria,

a mental sickness,

but I knew the truth.

She was destroyed
by the death of the Fuehrer...

"toppled by life's unceasing
splendor and cruelty."

♪ ♪

"I always hated her
for giving in to that sadness."

"But now, I understand her."

♪ ♪

"Our noble leader, too,
has been devoured by rats,

and their sickness
has infected the rest of us."

♪ ♪

"I know now what Frau Teresa was doing

with that rope around her neck.

She wasn't k*lling herself.

She was freeing herself from love.


♪ ♪

"If they ask,

tell the boys I died in battle."

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Fraulein... Teresa?





♪ ♪

I lost my strength.


♪ ♪





♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I found you! I found you!

I knew it! [LAUGHS]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, this bad m*therf*cker's...

♪ ♪

Oh, oh. f*ck, I can...

♪ ♪


I knew it! I knew it!

♪ ♪


No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- So that's it, huh?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

I don't know what I was picturing.

It doesn't look like a jail to me.

Well, it's... it's a military base.

This is... this is home
sweet home until we testify.

Hunt's in there, Colson, Magruder.

Huh. Getting the g*ng back together now?


[WHISPERS] How much longer do we have?

Three minutes.


You don't have to stick around,
you know?

I-I'd understand if you wanna...
If you wanna move on,

find somebody else.

Oh, I already have another boyfriend.


I'm serious.

Five... five years is a long time.

I am yours.

I'm in this, even if I'm not in there.

That said, I was thinking

I could pull some strings
with the airline.

[DEAN] Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I think I could get us
as far as Manila.

- We could change our names.


♪ ♪

I'm sorry. [SIGHS]

[BOTH] I love you.

♪ ♪

Oh, here are my dates.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[MITCHELL] Marty left her books.

She's in the car.


This is, uh, all of them.


I guess that's it.

She said that you, uh...
Your migraines were acting up.

Oh, um...

I'm fine, thank you.
Thank you for asking.

Well, take care of yourself.

[MARTHA] Wait, Mitchell, I just
wanna talk to you for a minute.

- No, no. Please.
- [MARTHA] Just... just...

- Martha, don't.
- Please.

- I just...
- Martha, don't. Don't.

I just wanna talk to you for a minute.

I just wanna...

I know I'm a disappointment
to you, Mitchell.

And I... I've been an
embarrassment with the press

and the... and the interviews,

and I've learned my lesson,
and I'm just ashamed,

and I'm sorry.

But I know I can do better
and go back to the way

that it used to be with you and me.

Just please stay here with me.


[SOFTLY] Please don't
leave me here alone.

I'll send someone for the rest
of Marty's things.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[PEGGY] Well, he's handsome,
for starters,

and well-established at his firm.

[MARTHA] Is he boring? He sounds boring.

[PEGGY] Oh, God no.

No, he's the kinda guy
you can really cut loose with.

Look, he's a card,

and he has the most macabre
sense of humor.

- No.
- I'm telling you, Martha.

You're really gonna like this guy.

Come on.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

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