01x06 - Cat Fingers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x06 - Cat Fingers

Post by bunniefuu »

- "Cat fingers"

Almost done. Steven, get the hubcaps.

Hubbin' it up!

Hub it good. This is a high-profile job.

You mean 'cause it's the mayor's election-mobile?

If we do this right, we might get political favors.

I'm not sure what that is, but I like it.

Hey, hey, hey!

I'm not paying for father-son bonding here.

Universe! Control that kid!


I'm sorry, mayor Dewey. Uh, this one's on the house.

On the house, eh?

I like the way you do business, Universe.

Mayor Dewey! Mayor Dewey!

Political favors!

Ah, you rascal. Enough with the hose fights.

Ah, okay.

What the...


What is with this cat?

Ha-ha! Got you guys.


Uh, pretty cool, Amethyst.

Really cool. I wish I could shapeshift like you.

You could probably learn.


Sure. You got a Gem.

Whoa! Magic stuff. Should I get out of here?

Is there gonna be an expl*si*n?

Ah, it's no big deal, dad.

Yeah, it's fuuuun.

Hey, Pearl.

Do more!

Check it out.


Amethyst, you are overdoing it.

Uh, chill it, dude.

Just because you can shapeshift doesn't mean you should.

Can you shapeshift?

Well, of course...

Well, of course I can. I'm perfect. Whomp! Whomp!

All Gems have shapeshift powers, Steven.

We can turn into objects, we can change parts of our bodies, or... we could do that.

e ca tu to objects, e ca c a ge pa ts o ou bod es, o ... e cou d do t at.

Whomp! Whomp!

I want to try it all!

Don't bite off more than you can chew, Steven.

All right! Show me how to change into a huge lion!

Actually, for once, Pearl is right.

If you're gonna do this, you got to start with something easy.

Like that cat you turned into?

That sounds good. Now follow my lead.

First - think of what you want to be, and then just shake it out.

See? Now your turn.



Nah, you're too tense. Just relax and feel it.

Biorhythms, yo.

Fe-e-e-e-el it.

Eeeh, if you are not ready, we can try later.

No way. I can do it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, it was a good try.

This is so cool!

You should go show your dad. He's gonna freak out!

Dad, I'm back.

Hey, Stu-ball.

Check it out.

C ec t out.

I shapeshifted my finger into a cat.

Is that a thing you can do now? That's pretty cool.

I know. Right?

I'm gonna take this show on the road.

That'll be $1.05, Steven.

Mmm, okay. Here's a nickel. And a buck!


Oh, Steven, that's adorable.

Are you making it purr?

It kind of does what it wants.


See what I mean?

Bad cat finger!

Ah, I'm sure it just wants to play.

You are right!

And he doesn't have any friends.

Oh, my gosh! It's just like you, Steven.

Hey, Petey!

Whoa! You work the deep fryer now?

Make me some fry bits.

Steven, I take my job seriously. Please, use the actual menu.

Give me the bits. The bits!

All right, listen. It'll be over sooner if you just give him what he wants.

Whoa. Hey, hey! It's not for me. It's for these guys.

oa. ey, ey! t s ot o e. t s o t ese guys.

What the...

Uh, here's your... bits.

I can't look away.

Steven, that is freakish.

No, it's not. It's natural.

Shake... it... out!


You know who would love this? Your older brother. Yo, Ronaldo!

What's up, dad?

I got to take a pic for "Keep Beach City weird".

What's that?

It's my blog!

Keep... Beach... City... weird.

Can I see the picture?


Oh, ooh. Sorry, guys.

I guess cat fingers don't function well as... fingers.

Shh! I'm just getting a snack.

Steven! Need some help?

Nah, it's cool.

Oh, good. See you later then.


We're taking the Gem sloop out to sea to fight a living island.



Uh... Amethyst, wait!

I want to go on the Gem sloop! I want to see a living island!

Wait, wait, wait!


Come on! You can make it!

Steven! What's going on?

Uh... i-it's nothing.

Uh, I just turned all my fingers into cats.

We have to stay and help Steven.

We can't. This is a tectonic emergency.

We'll deal with Steven when we get back.

Amethyst, I blame you for this!

Eh, that's fair.

Steven! Just try to stay calm!

Enough! No more cat fingers. I want Steven fingers!

And I don't mean little me-heads on fingers. I mean my regular fingers.


Amethyst! Pearl! Garnet!


Hello? Who's there?

We're closed.

Come back tomorrow...



Ste e ?


Help! The cat fingers are taking over my body!

Hold on!

I'll get you out of there!


No! Bad! Bad cat fingers!

Can't you make them go away?

I tried, but it made it worse.

My life is over! I can't go on magic adventures!

I can't even open the fridge.

And I'll never get to have another water fight with you, dad, 'cause these things hate... water.

They hate water!

Dad, spray me again!

It's not enough water!

Turn on the superwash!

No! I won't do it! It's too dangerous.

You've got to! I'm a monster! I'm an adorable cat monster!

No, you're not! You're my son!

Dad, please!


We did it.

Steven! Okay, let me see it.

Well, you... you... you got them to go away?

It just goes to show - always listen to me and never listen to Amethyst.

That's fair.

It goes to show - you should have a little more faith in Steven.

Yeah, that would've been a total cat-tastrophe.

But I'm feeling much better meow!

What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

Okay, that's enough.

Wait. I've been coming up with cat jokes all morning.

You guys, I'm feline fine!

Everything's purr-fect!

Oh, come on! I'm just kitten around!
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