02x04 - Reformed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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02x04 - Reformed

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We are the Crystal Gems ♪

♪ we'll always save the day ♪

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people #
- # of this world #

- # believe in... #
- # Garnet #

- # Amethyst #
- # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

2x08 - "Reformed"

Sniffling croissant!

You really know me, internet.

- Hey, guys!
- Yeah, Steven?

You guys should take
this online quiz I found.

It tells you what...

It tells you what character you are

- from "Crying Breakfast Friends"!
- Eh... why?

It's just fun to see yourself
as a cartoon character.

Like weeping eggcup,
who's neurotic and uptight,

or pining grapefruit,
the sensitive older one

who wishes he was a better role model.

Uh, maybe we can do that thing
after we've fixed the van.

I'll go find someone else!

Do you understand that cartoon show?

I don't understand anything anymore.

Hey, Steven. Is there
any more engine oil?

I need it for this sandwich.

- I...think that's for cars.
- Well, is there any more of it?

Dad's probably got some outside.

Oh! But, uh, you got to
take this online quiz.

- Which Crying Breakfast Friend are you?
- That show's really weird.

Who wants to watch
a cartoon about people crying?

- I do!
- Okay, okay!

Uh... what's the first question?

- Do you ever act without thinking?
- Nope. Never.

Are you afraid of taking
risks and trying new things?


Amethyst, are you taking this seriously?

- Of course I am.
- Okay.

Are you insecure about
your relationships

and how you're perceived
by other people?

Yes? Eh...

- What's the right answer?
- There is no right answer.

You're just supposed to answer honestly.

- Nah, I'm bored.
- Wait ... I have loads more

probing, personal questions to ask!

Garnet! W-What are
you doing in my room?

I saw a corrupted gem.

I followed it through the
tunnel it dug in the rock.

- Yeah, right.
- Where did it come from?

It's similar to Pearl's description

of the creature she saw
slinking through the temple.

- You saw the Slinker?!
- I thought we agreed there was no Slinker

and that we weren't going
to call it "the Slinker".

Yes, we did.

But now it's undeniable
the creature exists

- and that Steven's name stuck.
- Yes!

No! Look, why don't you
just let me look for it?

Because you won't.

- How long's this thing been in here?
- Ah!

Look, Steven!
I'm a pachyderm!

And there's a prize inside!

Shhh! Keep quiet.

Oh, Garnet.
Stern but practical.

Just like spilt milk.

You're not still on about
that dumb cartoon, are you?

Oh, right ... the quiz!

Do you get defensive when
people ask you questions

about the feelings you
prefer to keep hidden?

Don't get all
psycho-logical on me, Steven.

Uh... sorry?


Whoa, mama!
Did you get it?!


Aw, man!

I think my favorite
round thing was in there.

I'll get you a new round thing.

Ugh! This is my stuff
you're messing with!

If it's gonna get ... Ugh!
... wrecked,

I'm gonna be the one to wreck it!

That's how it's do...

Amethyst got poofed!



Steven, remember ... our
bodies are only an illusion.

Amethyst will be fine.

B-B-But Pearl took two
whole weeks to come back.

And I already miss Amethyst so much!

Don't worry. She'll be
back before you know it.


Amethyst's back!
Amethyst's back!

- Ugh. Huh?
- Looks like you...

grew a few feet since
the last time I saw you!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

That was fast.
Even for you.

Eh! It's no big deal.

I didn't want to keep my
biggest fan waiting.



Okay, okay!
We got a Slinker to slink!



Where would I go
if I was a monster?

Hey! Over here.

- Your new form is really interesting.
- Thanks, Steven.

I didn't even know you could
come back this different.

- Thanks, Steven.
- So, why'd you come back with four legs?

- 'Cause I like walking!
- Wow. I want four legs, too!

No, you don't.
Amethyst rushed her regeneration.

- She should have taken her time.
- Like Pearl?

Yes. Pearl put a bit more...
thought into how she came back.

Pearl, Pearl, Pearl!

You know I can hear you!

I'm sorry I'm not like
Pearl with her fancy form

and her clean room
with no monsters in it.


Amethyst's gem!
She got poofed again!

This is a good opportunity for her.

Now she can make a better form.

She's coming back!

You're right.
This is much better!

She's doing Pearl!

Hey, Garnet. What do you
think of my new look, Garnet?

I'm more like Pearl now.
Isn't it wonderful? Ha!

I feel...
practically perfect!

We need to focus on
listening for the creature.

Oh, but I can't focus.

All these rocks are different sizes.

We'll have to organize
them by shape and color.

Didn't anyone tell nature
how I want it to look?

- Don't encourage her.
- But I need encouragement, Garnet.

I need everyone's constant approval.

I need to loquaciously
converse so I can show off...

how smart I am.

You can converse with me.
Let's finish that quiz.

Do you need to plan
ahead before you act?

- Oh, thoroughly.
- Do you obsess over little details?

- Completely entirely!
- Wow, you're so method.

Next time, can you come back as me?

This is not a good choice for your form.

Lighten up, Garnet.
Can't you take a joke?

It's not funny.
You've made yourself ridiculous.

- Ridiculous?!
- Keep your voice down! The creature.

Grrr! You wanted me to be
more like Pearl, and now I am!

Pearl would have taken
her regeneration seriously!

What do you care?!
My form is my business!

It's my business when it
affects the strength of the team!

So what?!
I'm not strong enough?

- Amethyst!
- Are you saying I'm weak?!

Is it weird I'm getting numb to this?




You know, I wasn't
feeling this at first,

but I think I might be
coming around! Ha!

Yo, Ste-Man.
My seams straight?

Does that new form... hurt you?

Hey, Garnet.

How'd you like to mix
it up with this?

Just a little somethin'
I threw together. You know.

This form isn't sustainable, Amethyst.

But... you're the one who said
I needed to be stronger!

Okay, if it's my monster,
then I'll deal with it.



Stay behind me!




- Let it go!
- No!

You wanted me to be stronger!

I'm doing it!
I'm being what you want!

I don't want this!


Well, what do you want?!
Just tell me, and I'll do that!

I can't tell you, Amethyst!

You have to figure
this out for yourself!

She can't. She doesn't
want to think about herself!


Good catch.

I knew that thing was real!

When Amethyst gets back,
we have to go find it.

- How long has it been?
- Four hours.

Four hours?!
She's never taken so long.

What is she doing in there?

I'm not sure.
I was too hard on her.

Oh, oh!
She's coming back!

All right.
Everyone be supportive.

- What?
- Aw, you barely changed.


It's perfect.

Ehh, whatev.
It's just what feels right.

- That's why it's perfect.
- It is a marked improvement.

You finally fixed that shoulder strap
that's always bugged me!

- Welcome back!
- Well done, Amethyst!

Knock it off!

- We got to go find the Slinker!
- No, it's hug time!

Ugh! This is so dumb!
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