02x20 - Too Far

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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02x20 - Too Far

Post by bunniefuu »

"Back to the Barn"

As it seems I have no other options,

I have conceded to reveal some important

information to you Crystal Gems.

- This...
- Whoa!

...is the Earth.

At the very center of the
planet's core lies the Cluster.


This is the Cluster ...
a massive artificial fusion

composed of millions of gem shards.

It has laid dormant
for thousands of years

within this planet's crust.

When this gem activates
and takes its form,

the result will be catastrophic.

- What is that?!
- It's the Cluster.

It does not look like that.

But it is real, and it
can activate at any moment!

- What a Cluster.
- That abomination must be stopped.

But how? We'll need
to build some sort of

machine to take us to
the center of the Earth.

- It'll have to ...
- Hey!

I wasn't finished speaking.

What we need is to build
some sort of machine

to take us to the center of the Earth.

It'll need to withstand up
to 360 gigapascals of pressure

and temperatures of 9,800 degrees.

Well, we mustn't waste time.

We need to start finding parts
for this machine immediately.

Yes, obviously.

We'll start by dismantling all

- devices inside this dwelling?
- Wha?

This primitive
radiation concentrator

should come in handy!

This primitive vibration transmitter
could possibly serve a function.

There's a
remote chance something

useful could be inside
this primitive image cube.

Wait! I have a better idea

that doesn't involve
destroying the house.

Classic Steven.

All right.
What we have here in the barn

should be adequate enough
for us to get started.

First, I recommend we
organize the component types

and assemble a rough blueprint
based on what we have available.

Sorry, Steven.

It's a lovely drawing, but
it won't look like this.

Good. Yes, this is adequate.

- Thank you. You can go now.
- Uh, what?

Um... that will be all?

How do you get her to leave?

- Excuse me, I am not leaving.
- Yeah, she's got

to stay and help build
the drill thing, right?

No, no. You're confused.

- A Pearl can't build a thing like this.
- Why not?

Because Pearls aren't for this.

They're for standing
around a-and looking nice

a-and, uh, holding your
stuff for you, right?

That's enough!
If we're going to work together,

- you're going to have to listen to me.
- Listen to you?

Did you teach her to talk like this?

- What are you talking about?
- She's a Pearl.

She's a
made-to-order servant

just like the hundreds of other Pearls

being flaunted around back
on homeworld.

There's hundreds of Pearls?

- Well, yes, bu...
- And she looks like a fancy one, too.

- Ugh!
- Hundreds of Pearls...

So, who do you belong to, anyway?

- Nobody!
- Then what are you for?

Well, you can belong to me for now.

Ha! A Peridot with a Pearl!

What would they say back home?

Now, listen here, you tiny twerp.

In case you've forgotten,
you're on our turf now, and I

didn't fight a 1,000-year w*r
for this planet's independence

- to take orders from the likes of you!
- Excuse me?

I am natural technician and
a certified kindergartner.

I was made for this.

You were made to take
orders, not to give them!

Whoa, whoa, hang on, guys!

Now, we can all agree that you're
both good at building things,

so, can't you just try
listening to each other?


I'm as good at building
things as you. Better, even!

Ha! Name one thing you
could engineer better.

- Go on.
- Robots.


You should build
robots ... giant robots.

I see a race ... a giant robo-race.

With prizes ... giant robo-prizes.

You mean like a competition?

Yeah, to see who's
better at building stuff.

What are these "ro-butts" you speak of?

They're like those funky
marble guys you were sending,

only bigger and you can ride them.

Ha! Building one of these
"ro-butts" will be easy!

- Well, I can build one faster!
- That's what you think!

Yo, Steven. How are the
wonder nerds doing? Wah!

Wh-What's going on?
Are they building the drill?

No, we're building robots now.

- What'd you say?!
- I said...

- Giant robot!
- Ha! Pathetic.

Now, behold my vision of ultimate power!

- Hey!
- Mine's taller. I win.

Ladies and gentlegems, welcome
to the first annual Robolympics!

- Whoo!
- Popcorn!

This competition will test
our robo-engineers' skills

of robo-construction
and robo-piloting.

Whoever wins will get to be in charge

of building the Cluster
drill machine thing.

Let the games begin!



- Huh?
- Huh?



All right, guys.
This is the final event!

- You got this, P!
- Get it, girl!

Ready! Set! Chuck!


You both get a point on that one.

Hmm. Hmm...

Looks like our final score is... a tie!

Well, that settles it.

You both get to lead
the project together!

No! This isn't over!

I demand we have a tiebreaker!

Ugh, let's just give it a rest.

That's it!
We tied. We are the same.

- Let's move on.
- No! You're a Pearl.

You are beneath me!
I'll always be better than you,

and nothing I've seen
today will ever change that!

Well, have you ever
seen a Pearl do this?


So, you wanna fight?

We should have done
this from the beginning!

Giant robots shouldn't fight!

Fight, fight, fight, fight!

- Pearl!
- It's all right, guys. I've got this.

- Be careful!
- Kick her in the butt!

This is pointless! There's
no way you're gonna beat me!

You're an accessory,
somebody's shiny toy!

Where do you get off
acting like your own gem?

You're just a Pearl!

That's right! I am a Pearl!


What you're saying may be true,
but it doesn't matter.

I'm still gonna kick your butt!




Victory is mine!

Now I'm the one in change.

Praise me! Praise me!

- Pearl, are you okay?
- I'm all right.

Yeah, P!
Oh, that was awesome.

- You were hard core!
- Oh, really?

- Oh, yeah.
- Hey! Why aren't you listening to me?

I won!
I'm the natural leader here.

- She's just a common Pearl!
- You're wrong!

If Pearls are really
like you say they are,

then Pearl isn't common at all.

She trained herself to fight,
she learned how to build things,

and she works hard every day to
be greater than she already is!

That's not common.
That's amazing!

Come on.
Let's clean up this mess.

Pearl... you should
come wrestling with me.

- Uh, I don't know.
- B-B-But I won!

- What about the rules?
- Welcome to Earth.

I have to admit,

it's remarkable that
a Pearl such as yourself

could become such a...
knowledgeable technician.

Mm. Why don't we get started?

- You're holding it upside down.
- Yes. Of course.

You know, those round
appendages on your machine

- could be useful for something.
- They're called wheels.

Looks like we're well on our
way to stopping the Cluster.

"You think you can stop me?"

We're doomed!
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