05x26 - Familiar

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x26 - Familiar

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello? Must be Pink's room? I need a bed.

What?! [Gasps]

Go, go, go! Go! Well, I need a place to sit! Oh! Oh, oh! Hmm.

I need a shelf for my face, face, face, face, face.


Hey! Who the heck are you little guys? [Pebbles whimpering]

Thank you! "Thank you"? - Is it - It is her! [Laughter]

- Why does she look different? - She's back! It's time! It's time! Oh, Diamond Pink, Pink! Aagh! Don't don't build stuff in my mouth.


All right, who are you guys? - Very funny, Pink! - Always playing her games.

Pretending she doesn't know us pebbles.

- Pearl! - Steven! Oh, thank the stars! You're okay! What did White Diamond do? Did she hurt you?! No, she was like, "Welcome home.

" I don't think she understands that I'm not Pink Diamond.

Where's Connie? And Garnet and Amethyst? They're still on the ship.

I'm only here because I'm bringing your things.

And they consider me one of your things.


The Diamond chime it's Yellow! Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence in the extraction chamber.

Let's get you into a suit.

Swim trunks don't seem very formal.

Trust me, this will be more comfortable than jeans.

[Indistinct whispering]

Hello! - Pink Diamond.

- Please, call me Steven.

- Pink Steven.

- No, just Steven.

Just Steven.

Call me lasagna.

Steven, stop, you're going to break her.

Have a nice extraction, Pink Lasagna.

- Pink.

- Hi, Yellow.

Cool sauna.

It's new.

Have a seat.

Oop! So, you met with White.

How was it? All I got to say was, "Hi," and, "um," and, "I.

" Two and a half words that's a record.

Two and a half words isn't enough.

I still need to talk to White about healing - all the corrupted gems! - Hmm.

Good luck.

White never leaves her own head these days, and she never lets anyone in except you, I guess.

It's so unfair.

I have hundreds of successful crystal system colonies, but you get to see her because your one colony is a failure! Maybe you should just fail? [Laughs]

Oh, Pink, you always did have quite a knack for making me laugh.

You're almost worth the trouble.


Already? Excuse me.


I've got to check on the latest Citrine production reports.

What should I do about White? I still need to talk to her about helping the corrupted gems.

Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence.

Steven: We barely talked about White at all.

She had to rush to do a report, and I couldn't go with her.

I get they're, like, busy, 'cause they're dictators and everything but I need more time! I should have asked her what she was doing - after the Citron thing! - She'll be at that for a while.

Yellow Diamond oversees all aspects of gem production on every single one of her colonies.

And when she's not doing that, she's off with her army, conquering the next one.

What about their days off, weekends? My Diamond is awaiting our arrival.

[Air hisses]

Blue Diamond is just up the stairs.

- I'll wait for you here.

- I'll be back in a bit! Welcome back.

Comby: You'll never be alone-y As long as you are combing [Sighs]

You're here! Come in! Okay.

Whoo-hoo! [Laughs]

It's funny.

I I live right next to the ocean, but I end up going to space to swim.



You haven't changed.

So silly.

So small.

I'm not done growing.

I'm not sure I can catch up to you and Yellow, though.

I'm so glad you're back Steven.

- Y-you actually said my name! - Steven.



It's such a funny sounding name.

You're so creative, Pink! Remember when I let you name that batch of pyrite "fool's gold"? [Laughs]

White was furious! I'm sorry.

I don't remember.


Do you remember the game we used to play here? We had such fun together you and I and Yellow and White.

We were all together here?! You would stand under water, all the way at the bottom, and sing.

And we would be above the surface trying to guess the song.

Can we do that right now? Maybe after, we can talk White into coming back to Earth with us.


We stopped coming here together after you left.

That was the start of Era 2.

No one wanted to be here not with your empty spot.

It was so quiet.

I know you guys have colony stuff to do, but we should spend more time together.

Blue Pearl: [Clears throat]

My apologies, my Diamond, but your next appointment.

- Of course.

- Wait! I wanted to talk to you about White.

- Later, perhaps.

- Aah! - Pearl? - Steven? - Some water got up my nose.

- Oh, dear.


This is so weird.

Was this some sort of spa day or something? And what about Pink? Did she have a job here, or did she just sit in her room while they were off doing whatever? Before her colony, Pink used to throw massive balls.

She was a juggler?! No Well, yes.

But she would also throw parties for the other Diamonds, to mark their many accomplishments.

Every member of every court would show up to bask in the presence of all four Diamonds.

Even White would come? Oh, yes! Huh.

I wonder what's even become of Pink's court.

That reminds me.

Hang tight.

I'll be back.

Where would I evengo? What did I get myself into? [Pebbles chattering]

Am I just supposed to be Pink Diamond now? Hey, pebbles, can you help me? Who was she? What did she do? And why does this feel so - Oh.

- Ooh! Familiar Why is this so familiar? Familiar Like something I used to know Used to know Familiar Staring up at the ceiling Familiar I swear that I know this feeling Where everybody wants me to be Mom - Wants me to be Mom - Wants me to be Mom And everything I do, I do it wrong I do, I do it wrong I'll sway them with a joke or with a song Or with a song And maybe that'll help us get along Familiar Why is this so familiar? Familiar Like something I used to do Used to do Familiar Did she used to throw a tantrum? Insisting "But hey, I'm a Diamond, too!" I bet she drove them crazy all the time Crazy all the time They love her, but they're leaving her behind With more important places they should be Places they should be Than hanging out with someone just like me Familiar That's why it's so familiar That's why it's Familiar Like someone I used to be Someone I used to be Familiar But this time, I've had some practice This time I've had At helping a struggling family A struggling family Oh, I'll get them all together in one place And once we're all together face to face I'll show them all the error of their ways And end their spread of terror across space Steven! I'm back with Hi, Pearl.

I just thought I'd, uh, dress for the occasion.

Well you're not the only one with surprises.

Guys! Mmm! I figured it out! Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn't come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me! That's Pink Diamond! I know I can do this! Just watch I'm gonna throw a huge ball, and I'm gonna invite everyone! Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special?
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