03x07 - Drop Beat Dad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x07 - Drop Beat Dad

Post by bunniefuu »

Later, mom!

Aw, yeah. This is gonna be sick.

Thanks again for helping me take all this stuff out, Steven.

No problem! I've always wanted to be a roadie.

Whether they're lifting the heaviest equipment, fighting off crazy fans, or just offering moral

support, roadies work behind the scenes to make all magic onstage possible.

I only really need the lifting, but I guess we'll see what happens tonight.


Maa! Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma.

No, I can't be back before 10:00.

I'm doing a show tonight, Yellowtail. Ma-ma-ma!

Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma!

It is too a viable career!

80% of Germans make their living deejay'ing!

Why can't you just accept that I don't want to be a fisherman like you?!

Uh... Bye, Yellowtail. Mr-mr-mr.

You okay, Sour Cream? Yeah.

I just can't deal with my stepdad on my case all the time.

Why would I want to bring home fish when I could bring home sick beats?

If he wants to "muh-muh-muh" so much about it, he doesn't have to come.

If he wants to muh muh muh so much about it, he doesn t have to come.

Ugh. All that arguing messed up my stomach.

I'm gonna go use the bathroom.

Wait! Don't leave! Waxing is free!

Oh. What's up, Stu-ball?

Just helping Sour Cream take his gear to the warehouse.

Oh, like a roadie, huh? Yeah!

W-What about you? Well, same-old, same-old.

Not too busy. Don't worry.

I'm sure it'll pick up soon. Thanks, kiddo.

Whoa! Look at the size of that thing.

Steven, don't tell them about the free wax.

Marty? You mean your rotten old manager?

I'll protect you, dad! Eh, don't worry. I got a hose.

So... this is where you work now, Starchild.

A rundown old car wash? Guess the music biz wasn't as good to you as it's been to me.

Uh, hey, Marty. Uh, long time, no see.

This is my son, Steven. Whoa!

Guess I'll call you Starchild Junior.


Anyway, uh, things are totally fine here in old Beach City, but, uh, if you need me to wash that

huge bus of yours, it'd probably help me out.

Listen, Starchild, I can do you one better than a car wash.

You and I have some unfinished business.

Eh, sorry, Mr. U. I totally clogged up your toi...

Whoa! Dad?

Sour Cream? W-What are you doing here?

Uh... S.C.

Oof! Just look at you. When did you get so tall?

Uh, like nine years ago_


Sorry I've been gone so long, but you know how the music biz can be, r-i-i-ight?

No. Can you tell me about it?

Well, you see, the music industry is like a big beehive or factory where... Man...

I can't believe they're related.

You don't see the resemblance? Mm...

Also, in the biz, they make it really hard to have any free time at all.

You got to work long hours... Kind of.

...every day and on weekends. Hey, Sour Cream.

Sorry to interrupt, but should I haul your equipment over to the warehouse while you catch up

with your dad?

What's this about equipment? Hello!

What do you got going on over here, my friend?

Just getting ready to set up for this semi-annual deejay night rave thing I do in Beach City. A

rave, you say? Hmm...

S.C., I have a great idea.

I've decided to hang out in Beach City and, um... make up for lost time with you.

And while we're... chillin', I'll promote your little engagement.

What's this shiny card with your contact info on it?

Just a little something we pro music types call a laminated business card. That is so legit!

Man o 're so l ck o r dad is in the bi

Man, you're so lucky your dad is in the biz.

Throwing a cool semi-annual deejay rave thing is a classic father-son bonding experience.

More classic than fishing? Just wait!

We're gonna cram nine years of bonding into one spectacular event!

This is it? It's so... puny.

I mean, what is this? A concert for ants?

We could invite some ants.

Aunts, uncles ... music is for everybody.

Listen, buddy, you want to reach people, right?


You want to hold them in your little hand, right?

Uh, I guess so.

You want to squeeze them until their eyes pop out!

Uh, you lost me a little.

What I'm saying is, if you want to bring people in, you can't play out in the sticks! You got to be

where the people are!

Now this is more like it! We'll set up right here in the sand.

As Sour Cream's roadie, I have to voice my concern.

You threw a show here on the beach for my dad, and judging from what he said, you didn't do a

good job at all.

Okay. Can I real talk with you for a second? Real talk.

I made a lot of mistakes before, when I was your dad's manager, and ... real talk? ... I was a jerk.

But ... real talk ... I've learned a lot about myself and the music business since then. So I can tell

you, with certainty, things aren't gonna be like they were last time.

Real talk. Wow.

Yellowtail never real talks with me.

That's what it's like to work with a professional, kid.

Now, hold on. I'm gonna work some magic.

Marty here. Talk to me.

Yeah, I know I called you...

Okay. You ready? Boom!

Wow! Am I... glowing?

That's right. Nothing less for my talented, soon-to-be-famous deejay.

Check this out, broski. Wow.

I've only seen gear this good on the Internet.

Is this for me? It's for us, my main cool cat!

Wow. I can totally rave to this.

It looks like you're all set on roadies, huh?

Guess I'll just carry myself home. Hey, Starchild Jr., catch!

You're in the big leagues now, little roadie.

Geez! What does Greg feed that kid?

Uh... Hey, let me rap with you about the setup I have envisioned, okay? - Okay!

So, the stage is gonna be huge, and the speakers even huger.


Steven Universe!

Don't mind me, folks! Just a humble roadie doing a mike check.

This mike looks great!

Hey, Sour Cream, we're ready to go whenever you are.

Okay, I guess I'll go out and get started.

That's not how we do things in the music biz.

Let a proper hype man set the stage for you.

et a p ope ype a set t e stage o you.

Whoa. I've never been properly hyped before.

Thanks, dad!

It's some guy!

How's it go... is this mike even on?

How you feeling, Beach Ci-tay!

You know, I've always been someone with good taste, so you got to believe me.

This show is special to me. It's personal.

Because I want to introduce you to a fresh, raw experience, to a whole new flavor, to a brandnew... soda! What?


That's right. Guacola! The world's first guacamole soda.

Each can comes with the power of three whole avocados!

Now, come on, Beach City.

Are you ready to guac?

Oof! Ugh!

Ugh! This is terrible! What the ... from concentrate?

Aww, that's nasty.

Ugh! It's not even good on chips!

Dad! Steven, is this gross-out drink part of Sour Cream's show? No way, dad!

It's all Marty! Mrr-mrr?!

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma! Ma-ma-ma-ma!

Yellowtail, wait! Sour Cream needs you!

What are you waiting for? Start playing.

Dad, you're ruining my show! This isn't your show.

How do you think we have this setup ... this party bus, these roadies?

I've got a good deal with Guacola.

You're lucky I'm letting you in on the ground floor.

But... I thought this was about making up for lost time, not some lame soda.

Look, kid, I need this Guacola deal, okay?

Don't be selfish! Muh! Muh-muh-muh!


Muh-muh-muh! Muh muh!

What did you say? Muh... Ugh.

I said I don't need you or Guacola to do what I want to do!

I never have! I can do this show on my own!


Hey, Universe, I only came here because I'm legally obligated to give you this.

Huh? Don't say I never gave you nothin'.

Well, I guess that's it. So much for me and the music biz.

I'm sorry, Sour Cream. What's that noise?

Ma ma-ma-ma-ma!

Aw, man! It's my stepdad. He was just waiting for me to fail so he could get me and put me to

work on his boat.

Fine. Take me to your big smelly boat so I can fish my life away!

Ma-ma-ma ma-ma-ma ma-ma-ma.

It's... my old gear?

Ma-ma ma-ma-ma-ma-ma ma!

What? You want me to play? Ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma.

Gee... Uh... Thanks, yellow Dad.

Ma-ma-ma! Good one, Dad!

Hey, Steven, since you're still my official roadie, help me set up. Yeah!

Let's kick it!

You know, the music biz can be really tricky.

I'm sure Sour Cream will make it big on his own.

Even if he doesn't make it big, Sour Cream'll be okay, as long as he's doing something that makes

him happy.

Eh, you know, it's not about the mone... eeeeeeee!

Dad? $10 million?!

You're rich!

♪ Look at you go ♪

♪ I just adore you ♪

♪ I wish that I knew ♪

♪ what makes you think ♪

♪ I'm so special ♪
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