03x18 - Crack the Whip

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x18 - Crack the Whip

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

All right, we may be a while.

But ... Amethyst!

What? I'm busy.

Amethyst, hold down the fort.

Aye, aye, Captain.

No surprises while I'm on duty.

Wha...! Surprise! I'm early!

I was trying to tell you Connie has sword training today.

Oh! I completely forgot.

I'm so sorry, Connie.

Very irresponsible, Pearl.


Is this because of Jasper?

Are you headed back north? She's on the move.

We can't have her just out there, attacking random monsters for whatever reason.

Of course. Be safe.

That's my line. Amethyst? Got it.

We'll train next week without Jasper hanging over our heads.

Best-case scenario.

Lucky break for you guys ... You get the training day off.

So, what do you want to do?

Oh? Huh? Hey, no fair.

Hey, Amethyst, did you see that?

Amethyst? 'Sup?

Are you even watching?

Sure. What's it look like?

Like you're not watching.

Oh, all right.

You got me.

Is that better?

Ew! Gross. Ew! Gross.

But, yeah, that's better.

Come on, Connie. Let's take it from the top.


Did you see that?

Excellent! Amazing! Pearl-fect.

ce e t! a g! ea ect.

Ohh. I don't know. Not really.

My stance is all wrong, and my grip is a little soft.

What are you worried about that little stuff for?

It's not gonna matter in a real fight.

It does, though.

I blew it on my first real magical mission.

I was face-to-face with a monster, and I froze.

Maybe if I'd trained a little harder, I could have handled it.

Sounds to me like you're too in your own head.

In a fight, you never know what's gonna happen.

You just got to go with it.

How can you get ready when you don't even know what you're getting ready for, huh?

Yeah, you can't be ready.

What you got to be is loose.

I want to be loose!

Then you got to go with the flow.

Fighting's all about that feeling deep in your guts.

What do your guts feel like?!


Mine, too.

Snack break. Snack break.

Well, we do need energy to practice.

Snack break! Snack break! Snack break! Snack break!

Who wants doughnuts?

o a ts doug uts?

I do! Maybe just one!

Great. It's on me.

♪ Like a burger ♪ Be right there!

Welcome to the Big Donut. How can I hel... Wha-huh?

Hey, donut girl. It's me, donut boy.

You mind if I grab a couple of crullers?

It's cool. I totally work here.

What the... Sorry, Sadie.

It's just Amethyst bein' Amethyst by not... bein' Amethyst. Eh, it's no problem, Steven.

It's just a couple of donuts.

Okay, maybe it's a problem.

Come on!

Come on!

I didn't bring a swimsuit!

In the heat of battle, you're not gonna have a swimsuit, Connie.

By Jove, I guess you're right.

I don't think I've ever had this much fun in one day.


We should spend more time with Amethyst.

She's the best!

You're the best.

Nuh-uh, you're the best.

Uhhh... I remember you, too, buddy.

Amethyst, that was amazing!

Whoa! Are you okay?

Not a pretty win, but I'll take it.

That was the monster we fought in the snow.

At least, it looked like it was.

I think you'd remember a face like that.

Well, there were two of them.

Two of them?



Glad I found you.

I've decided to build my own army.

Where's the rest of yours?

They're not here right now! Shh!

So, it's just you lot? Doesn't matter.

I'm gonna whip your butt all by myself!

I got Jasper. You guys handle that dope.

Okay, we get a second chance at this.

Just stay together.

I came here to fight Rose, not some runt!

You think you can just keep showing up and picking fights with us?! Ha!

Why don't you get a life?!

Fighting is my life!

It's what I was made for.

It's what you were made for too, runt.

t s at you e e ade o too, u t.

So? I've got other stuff goin' on.

I can fight just... fine!

Well, then, let's see it!

You're not even trying.

Is it because you know you're already a failure?

You're a Quartz Soldier, just like me.

But you're not like me, are you?

You're small!


Are you that desperate for troops, Rose, that you keep a defect like this?!

Rose said...I'm perfect... the way I am.

Then she had low standards.

You...could have been me!

And what are you instead?


Just a joke.

Come on!

Time to get rid of this embarrassment.


You fused?!


I-I did.

You Crystal Gems would even fuse with a human?!

I don't want to hear anything you say unless it's, "Sorry."

do t a t to ea a yt g you say u ess t s, So y.

Oh, no, you don't.

Wait here. I'll protect you.

Head-to-head, just like I like it.

Ready when you are.


Steven, Connie, I'm back!

Uh, everything's gonna be fi...

Fusion! Fusion!

It's always fusion!

Are you ready to apologize?

This was just a warm-up.

Get ready for next time, Rose.

Jaspers don't give up!

Jaspers keep going... until we get what we want.

Hmm. I guess she lives in the ocean now.

You guys...won?


You're back! You're okay!

Thank goodness!

Uh, thank you, guys.

Did you see us? It was just like you said ... you were in trouble, and we just had to fight!

Everything we knew just came together.

We fused! We won!

Oh, good.

You didn't need me at all.

♪ If I could begin to do ♪

♪ Something that does right by you ♪

♪ I would do about anything ♪

♪ I would even learn how to love ♪
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