03x20 - Bismuth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x20 - Bismuth

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪ Oh, my goodness! Go for it, bro!

This is your last chance. No, no.

Jump, ju... mp!

Oh! Blehh!

Dying a bunch in a video games is emotionally exhausting.



Drop it! Agh!

Lion, you can't chew this up.

How else am I going to remember the time I rode the Thunder Bird at Funland?

Okay, I'm sure this time ...

Lion! Don't even think about it.

Since you can't play nice, I'm gonna have to put this where you can't get it: in your mane.

Thank you, boo.

There we go.

Now, it'll be safe forever, hanging in this perfectly stable, magic tree.



Jump, jump. I am jumping.

I made a horrible mistake! What?!

Aw, man.

Hold on. I can fix it.

There's a Gem inside of Lion's mane!

A Gem? Describe her.

Uh, hang on a sec.

Hey, wait!

She's big.

Huh? Hey, don't go!

With rainbow hair and tattoos.

Rainbow hair? What does her gem look like?

It's... an innie? It can't be.

Can't be what?

Steven, bring her out. Okay.

Hey! Little friend.


No, don't go!

I believe I'm lost and there's no one here but us, so how about a little help?

Wow! A total stranger.

Pearl... Garnet.

Bi-i-s... mu-u-th!

You're back!

Whoa! Hey!

The Pearl I know never jumps into my arms.

Hey, did somebody lose a pearl?

Who do you belong to? Nobody.

Ha ha!

All right, all right. Settle down.

Oh, you're one to talk. Oh, oh, excuse me.

You're two to talk.


Hey, cool it. Your Ruby is showing.

Where have you been?

We thought you'd been captured.

Or, worse, shattered. Shatter me? Pssh!

Homeworld couldn't lay a scratch on this Gem.

Ahem! Who is this?

Guys, this is Bismuth.

She's one of the original Crystal Gems.

Oh, hey, new recruits!

Welcome aboard.

We can always use more amethysts.

e ca a ays use o e a et ysts.

And who's this meatball? Hi. I'm Steven.

You were in my lion and, now, you're in my house.

Well, thanks for having me.

I can't believe it!

Rose said she lost track of you at the battle for the Ziggaurat.

She was worried sick!

Wait. Where is Rose?

Hi, um. Actually, I'm Rose's son.

She kind of turned into me.

Well, I have her gem. The rest is from my dad.

Oh. There she is.

You... do you know me?

No. I'm so sorry.

It's not always easy to understand Rose's choices, but we have to stand behind them.

Rose really is somethin' else.

I mean, look at this!

She really is somethin' else.

Wow! Everything's changing!

And we're buildin' bases out of wood now?!


Whose terrible idea was this?

And where is everybody else? Everybody else?

Yeah, the rest of the Crystal Gems!

Old Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake.

O d C a y ace, ggs, S o a e.

No. No way!

We were... just here.

How long was I out?

It's been about 5,300 years.

We, the Crystal Gems, were able to save the Earth.

But we're all that's left of the Rebellion, huh?

Aw, come on, Pearl.

You know I can't take it when you cry like that.

I'm sorry.

No. No need to apologize.

Homeworld's final attack on Earth wiped out all of the Crystal Gems.

Rose was able to protect Garnet and myself and, by the looks of it, she was able to protect you

as well.


I knew those Homeworld elites were twisted.

How many of us did they shatter?!

Crazy Lace? Biggs?!


If I was there, I ... I could've stopped it!

It's not like they've stopped trying.

What's that?

Homeworld still has its eyes on this planet.

We continue to thwart their plans, over and over.

But they just keep coming back!

Yep, they want us, bad. Good.

I thought I wouldn't get another chance to show those upper crusts who's boss!

Let's show 'em what happens when you mess with the Crystal Gems.



Bismuth, the Gems on Homeworld outnumber us by a huge amount.

And their technology far surpasses anything we have available on Earth.

What else is new?

Garnet, remember when you and I took on a battalion of Quartz soldiers?

We walked out with our stones shining brighter than when we walked in.

As I recall, it was three battalions.

And, Pearl, remember when we stopped that drop ship?

I'll never forget the look on that Nephrite's face when you pulled her out of the cockpit!

I know. How embarrassing for her.


So let's pick up where we left off!

To the forge! Yay! To the forge!

Yo, what's a forge?

That brings back memories, huh?

Is this the forge? Not yet.

Follow me.

Is this the forge?

Ugh. Don't ask me. I've never been here before.

Well, since Bismuth was gone, we've had no reason to come back here.

Let's just say this place ain't the same without me.

et s just say t s p ace a t t e sa e t out e.

What does that mean?

Amethyst! What do think you that means?

I don't know, dude.

I've never even seen this Gem before today.

We took a huge blow from Homeworld.

But, now, we're back in Bismuth.

She's got jokes!

Is this the forge?

Not quite.

Wah. Wah.


Wow. Now, that's an entrance.

Bravo, Bismuth!

Bismuth. Whoa!

It's just like I remember it.

It feels like an oven in here.

You think it's hot now? Yeah, like an oven.

Well, it's about to get way hotter!

Ah, cool!

Ooh. Hah!

Nothing like a hot lava bath to get into a working mood.

Uh, what, exactly, do you do here?

Homeworld used us Bismuths to erect spires and temples for the Gem elites to enjoy.

But Rose taught me that my life was my own, that I could choose to do whatever I wanted.

ut ose taug t e t at y e as y o , t at cou d c oose to do ate e a ted.

So I chose this.

Bismuth, you make... weapons?!

That's right!

I outfitted the entire Rebellion.

Every material w*apon used by the Crystal Gems was made right here in this forge.

Wait. Is it still here?

Aha! Yes!


Something to pack a little extra punch.

And why don't you try a trident.

Oh, Bismuth, you shouldn't have. It's no big deal.

I was working on them since before...

Well, may as well give them to you now.

It was worth the wait.

Hey, it's a pleasure doing Bismuth with you.

Bismuth is so funny.

I don't know. Same joke twice?

Well, it'll be really funny if she does it a third time.


Sorry, I ... I don't know.

I mean, she's one of the original Crystal Gems and no one ever mentioned her to me, not even


Don't you think that's a little bit, uh... suspicious? I guess that is a little strange.

Hey, deep cut, don't think I forgot about you.

What you packin'?

Oh, this old thing?

Oh, wow.

What is it? Well...

Not every Quartz can make a whip like this.

You mind if I take a look?

Knock yourself out.

Hold on! I've got an idea.

Here. With this, you can really do some damage.

Aw, yeah, baby.

Bismuth's the best!

Homeworld treats us like dirt because we don't shine like the elites.

But the Crystal Gems are back and we'll give those Diamonds another taste of what's coming!

Now, show me what you got, soldiers.


Unh! I think the power couple's losin' their spark.


Who's next?

Ha ha-a-a!

Pearl, I don't recall asking you to bring me a spear.

You won't like how I give it to you.

Ah! Lasers?

When did that happen?


I'm gonna wreck your Bismuth.

go a ec you s ut .

Very creative.

Yeah, I guess I am pretty great.

That's right!

We are powerful.

We are important.

We! are! the Crystal Ge-e-e-e-e-ms!

Steven, come down and show me what you're made of!

Uh, I would, but this is a little intense for me.

But it's a ritual for us Crystal Gems to spar before battle.

Well, actually, I have some rituals I like a little better.

Oh, yeah?

Let me see 'em.


The powerful, legendary demon blade, possessed by Muramasa.

With this demon blade, I will be the most powerful fighter in all the world!

No, Lonely Blade! Don't use it!

What? If that thing's got infinite power, then, of course Lonely Blade should use it.

It just makes sense.

It doesn't have to make sense. It's entertainment.

Infinite... powe-e-e-e-r!

Bismuth, you can chill out here tonight and... sleep, if you want to.

You know what?

I think I'll give it a try.

I like these new Crystal Gem rituals.

e t ese e C ysta Ge tua s.

You know, usually, when I meet a new Gem, they try and k*ll me and it takes me forever to

become friends with them.

I guess I mean I'm really glad you're here.

Me, too.

Glad to have another chance.

So, tomorrow, you gonna show me what you got on the b*ttlefield?

Oh, I mean, I-I would, but, most of my weapons are for defense.

Oh, except for one.

Rose's sword.

My finest piece of work.

You made this?

You really don't remember, huh?

Rose Quartz changed my life.

I came to Earth thinking this was just another colony.

Build another arena for important fighters to fight in, build another spire for important thinkers to

think in, and then, I met her.

Just another Quartz soldier, made right here in the dirt, but she was different.

And she was different because she decided to be.

And she asked me what I wanted to build, and I'd never heard that before.

And Gems never hear they can be anything other than what they are, but Rose opened our eyes.

Everybody always tells me how great Mom was.

I just don't feel like I can ever measure up to her.

I can't believe this, that I'm the one giving the pep talk to Rose's...





You are different.

That's what's so exciting.

You don't have to be like Rose Quartz.

You can be someone even better.

You can be you.

And you know what?

You deserve an even better w*apon.

I designed this sword for a fair fight.

It can cut through a Gem's physical form in an instant!

Destroying the body, but never the Gem.



Homeworld doesn't fight fair.

That's why we need a different strategy.

Ohh. Whoa.

I was working on a w*apon that would've been a gamechanger.

Homeworld knows how to hit us where it counts, but we can do everything they can do, and


Here it is: the w*apon that would've won the w*r.

Whoa! What is it?

I call it a Breaking Point.

Cool! What does it do?

Just watch.


Listen up, you Homeworld upper crusts!

We... are... the Crystal... Gems!

So, what do you think?

Y-You shattered it. That's right!

One shot from this baby will shatter any Gem in the galaxy, in the blink of an eye.

Shattering a Gem would destroy them forever.


The Homeworld Gems won't be able to retake this planet when they're reduced to shards.


Now, you look like you real mean Bismuth.

Now, that's a real w*apon.

Why don't you give it a test run?

This one's got your name on it.

Wait, let me get out of your way.


Ah. Bismuth, I can't use this.

What? Why not?

Shattering Gems, wouldn't that make us the same as Homeworld?

Of course not!

We'd be shattering them for the sake of our cause, to protect our allies, our friends, to free all

Gems from Homeworld's tyranny!

It's just, it ... it's not what a Crystal Gem would do.

Don't tell me what a Crystal Gem would do.

Nobody's more Crystal Gem than I am.

If you won't take it, I'll just use it myself.

No! No one is using it!

I'm sorry, Bismuth, but it's not right.

That's exactly what she said.


That's exactly what you said.

Uh, uh...

It is you, isn't it, Rose?

Wha-What are you talking about?

Don't lie to me.

You can't expect me to believe you now, after you lied about everything?

You're lying about this new form, just like you lied to the others about me!

But I didn't just disappear, did I?

You know what happened to me!

Mnh! Unh!


Wait! Bismuth!

This is just a big misunderstanding!

Liar! Don't play games with me, Rose.

We were right here.

I offered you the secret to victory, and you refused.

The Breaking Point would've changed everything.

I didn't want to fight you, but you left me no choice!

What type of leader doesn't give her army the best chance to win?!

Ah! Ah!

! !

How could you value the gems of our enemies more than our own?

And look what you've done without me, without the Breaking Point!

Ah! Ah!





W-Wait. I'm not my mom!

I-I don't know what she did, but, I'm sure she didn't want to hurt you.

It's too late. I don't believe you anymore!

Huh! Huh!

All that talk about how Gems could take control of their own identities, how we'd been

convinced to ignore our own potential.

Ah! Hot!

That's all it was, wasn't it?

Just talk! Unh!


You should've listened to me, Rose.

I would've taken the w*r to Homeworld and shattered the Diamonds.

I would've liberated ... unh! ... everyone.




Annh! Bismuth, watch out!




Bismuth, this has to stop.

So, what are you gonna do, shatter me?

Go ahead! Just do it!


Even if we don't agree, nobody deserves this.


You should've shattered me back then.

At least, if I were in pieces, I wouldn't have to know how little I mattered to you.

You didn't even tell them.

You bubbled me away and didn't ever tell your friends ... my friends. I'm going to tell them.

I'm gonna tell them everything.

Then you really are better than her.


Oh, hey, dude.

Oh! What?

There's something I need to tell you.

♪ When I see the way you look ♪

♪ Shaken by how long it took ♪

♪ I can do about anything ♪

♪ I could even learn ♪

♪ How to love like you ♪

♪ Love like you ♪
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