03x22 - Earthlings

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x22 - Earthlings

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

♪ believe in... Garnet ♪

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪


What is she doing?

She's been collecting monsters.

Pipe down!

You take orders from me now!

You used to be a Quartz, too, didn't you?

What happened to you?

Ugh! Disgraceful.

I can't believe I've resorted to recruiting you freaks!

You're almost as bad as that crystal runt.

Just look at you.

This planet ruins everything.

Well... except for me.

We should go back to the temple and grab reinforcements.

Yeah, that's a good idea.



I'll never let this planet twist me like it twisted you.

Your weakness embarrasses Homeworld.

You suffer because it's what you deserve.

We all only get what we deserve.

Right, Amethyst?


What do you want, runt?

You here for a rematch?

I'm here to win!

You were fated to lose... the moment you came out wrong.

That's not true!

Rose. Of course.

Your lackeys never stray far.

And why would they?

They have no place in this or any world!

What do you mean?

Every gem is made for a purpose... to serve the order of the diamonds.

Those who cannot fit inside this order must be purged!

To come out misshapen, to reshape yourself outside your purpose, and to defend this ruined,

o co e out ss ape , to es ape you se outs de you pu pose, a d to de e d t s u ed,

worthless planet is a disgrace!

This planet isn't all bad.

What are you doing here?


I'm a crystal gem now!

I'm not afraid of you!

I've got metal powers!

I'll show you!

Aw, geez.

In a moment.

Anyone else got something to say?

No! It's just us.

Ugh! You guys!

Huh?! Stay out of this!


It's just you and me, Jasper... one on one!

Go, Amethyst!

Who's the runt now?

You ready for more?

Th... There's more where that came from.



Is it sinking in yet?

Are you serious?!


et yst!

You never had a chance.

Heads up!

Huh? Huh?

Steven... I can't win.

No matter what I do, no matter how hard I work, she came out right, and I came out wrong.

That's just what Jasper thinks.

She's the only one who thinks you should be like her.

But... Stop trying to be like Jasper.

You're nothing like Jasper!

You're like me... because we're both not like anybody!

And, yeah, it sucks.

But at least I've got you.

And you've got me.

So stop leaving me out of this.

Us worst Gems stick together... right?

That's why we're the best.

What a beautiful day!

Huh?! Who are you supposed to be?

Oh, yeah! Who am I now?

I feel like Amethyst knows this.

Forget your name... you've got a fight to win!

I think a Rose Quartz and an Amethyst... make a...

...Smoky Quartz.

Is fusion the only trick you Crystal Gems know?

s us o t e o y t c you C ysta Ge s o ?

I've got plenty of tricks.

Ever see sink the dink?



My army!

Take that!

Then take this!


Aw. Leaving so soon?

I will not be beaten by another fusion!

What the...

Hold on.

I've got a move that will really blow you away.

It's cool if you don't like it.

I've already got three huge fans.

We could beat them... if we stay together.


Great job, Smoky.

Oh, thank you, thank you, Smoky.

Nobody I fuse with ever wants to stay.


Ew! That's disgusting. It's corruption.

Steven, be careful. But this just happened.

Maybe I can do something.

aybe ca do so et g.

Jasper, it's okay. I'm here.


I'm not Rose. I'm Steven.

I just want to try and heal you.


What? Stop.

I see how you do it now, Rose.

You want Gems after they're worthless.

You wait until after they've lost.

Because when you're at the bottom, you'll follow anyone.

That makes you feel like less of a failure.

Ugh. Just look at this one.

You've stripped her of everything... her limb enhancers, her status, her dignity.

I still have one of those things.

How can you side with Rose Quartz?


Why protect this useless shell of a planet?

It's not a shell.

There's so much life.

Living here... that's what I'm doing!

I'm living here.

I've been learning new things about myself all the time, like how I can make metal do my


The point being...

Earth can set you free.

Earth... is a prison.

I got out because I'm better than this place.

It's getting worse.

I only came back to finish you off.

Try not to move.

You can't manipulate me, Rose Quartz.

I-I'm not manipulating.

I'm... I'm trying to help.



I've been fighting from the second I broke free of the Earth's crust because of what you did to

my colony, because of what you did to my planet, because of what you did to my diamond!

I... Yellow Diamond?

My diamond! Your diamond!

Pink diamond!

You're welcome.

Come here, sis.

When we get to the barn, I'm building a giant metal yo-yo.

Amethyst, Steven, you'll have to catch and throw it for me.

I don't want to do anything for, like, a month.



♪ I could even learn how to love like you ♪

♪ Love like you ♪
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