05x04 - Lars' Head

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x04 - Lars' Head

Post by bunniefuu »


[Groans] What the heck just happened?

Lars! You saved us!

You stopped the Robonoids, but ... but one of them exploded, and ... and you weren't moving,

and I started crying.


I brought you back to life! It was an accident.

I mean, I probably would've done that on purpose if I had known I could do that, but I didn't

really ask your permission, so I'm sorry.

Back to life?

So I was... away from life?

Aah! I'm pink!

Ah! I know. Do you feel okay?

I don't really know.

But your body, are you sore? No.

Are you tired? No.

Do you feel good? No.

Do you feel bad? No!

I guess I just feel really freaked out.

Well, I am, too, so at least we're on the same page here.


They're back.

Those shattering Robonoids are back!


Block the entrance.

Lars, you stay here and rest. All right.

I predict Lars will change in hue.

What a mystery!

[All grunting]

Whoa, strong.

[Steven grunting]

Is this gonna be enough?


They seem to have overlooked us for the time being.

Quickly, block the entrance!

As long as I'm here, they're gonna keep coming after us.

It's true. This was a horrible plan.

Should we try to find a new hiding spot?

No, no, no! If we leave this cavern, we'll be completely exposed.

But if we stay here, they'll find us for sure.

So, we either stay here and get caught...

Or we go out there and get caught.

So, wait, am I a zombie now?



e ... o!

You can talk, and zombies can't do that.

I must've healed you.

I've healed people before, just never this much.

Just admit it, Steven! I'm a zombie!

Oh, I know.

A zombie wouldn't have a heartbeat.

[Heart beating slowly]

That's, uh, pretty slow.

But I think we can rule out pink zombie.

Thank the stars.

What's a zombie?

I can't believe humans just change color like this.

They don't.

Well, I guess if you get really cold, you turn blue, and if you get really embarrassed, you turn red.

So what does pink mean?

Is Lars gonna explode or something?

Maybe then Lars will reform with a different color.

I'm sure whatever color Lars chooses will be lovely.

But why am I pink?


Even your hair is different.

Aah! What was that?

Huh? It, like, lit up, right?

You saw it, too.

ou sa t, too.

Uh, yeah.

What did you do? Do it again.

Why is it doing that?

Lars, I think I know what this is.

There's something I can try, but no.

You don't want me going in your head.

You're going to possess me again?

No. It would be more literal.

Then what is it? Forget it.

Look, Steven, I'm not gonna get mad, okay?

I trust you. Just help me out here.

If I've got magic hair now, I want to know.

Everyone stand back.

All right, now just bend down.

Like this?

Now, you might feel a slight foot in your head.

Wait, what?


[All gasp] What is happening?

They're fusing!

They're fusing, right?

You're doing great, Lars.

Uh, okay.

[Inhales deeply]

[ a es deep y]



Ah. I'm home.

I'm home!


Where are they?





[Stomach gurgles]

[Gasps] Food.

Life is beautiful!

Got to bring some back for Lars.

Wish I could tell everyone I'm okay.

Oh, Lion.

So you were ... [Sighs]

Gosh, there ... there's so much I want to ask you.

If only you could talk.

Thanks, buddy.


Aah! Aah!


Sorry, Lars.

So what happened? What's in my head?

Home. Wha?

Everyone, I've made an amazing discovery!

I just traveled back to planet Earth by going through Lars' head!

You went back to Earth? What the heck?

Is my head like a wormhole?

No, it's way simpler than that.

You see, I have a pink pet lion who belonged to my mom when she was still here, and it turns

out I can go into his mane, and it transports me to a magical dimension where my mom kept a

bunch of artifacts on a hill with a tree, and for some reason, I can't breathe in there.

But anyway, when I went into Lars' head, I got transported to the same magical dimension, but it

was a new part of it, but since the two are connected, I could reach the portal that leads out of

Lion's mane, which is back on Earth!


Here, I brought you some food.

Huh? Thanks, but I-I'll save it for later.

But aren't you hungry?

Maybe you only eat magical lizards now like Lion.

A-Are you hungry for lizards?

No, I do not want a lizard.

But you haven't eaten in days.

I know.

There must be pink magic in my guts now or something.

What is this box?

It's juice. We drink it back on Earth.

What? That's impossible.

There's no way. Unh-unh.

Steven's back.

That can't be.

I'm incredulous.

Why can't it be?

Everyone knows that the Earth...

Was decimated by the Diamond attack!


It's not like that.

The Diamonds did attack, but there are still Gems living on Earth, and the planet's full of life.

It grew the potatoes that became these chips and grew the wheat that eventually became the

flour that eventually became the bread that eventually became this sandwich!

Sand... Wich?

But why would Gems still live there?

Because the Earth is a place where we can be ourselves.

We can live freely without having to hide who we are.

Live freely?

Without having to hide?

That sounds wonderful.

It is.

And now that we have this portal, we can all go there.


How am I supposed to go through my own head?

Oh. Hmm.





Stop! You're gonna break my elbow!

Okay, so that didn't work, but I'm sure there's another way.

No, no, look. I get it.

Everyone just go, and I'll stay here.

There's no other way out. I'm it.

The Earth is way better than this.

There's no robots flying around.

Just seagulls that fly in front of the sunset and it's beautiful!

Just go, you'll see.

I took it for granted, so don't pass up this chance.

Well, if you insist.

We won't do it.

Not if it means leaving you behind.

What?! I'm trying to perform a beautiful act over here.

We know this planet.

We've been hiding in these tunnels for eons.

You'll need us to help you get around.

Besides, us off colors stick together.

We'll get to Earth another way.

We'll find an alternate route.

But you've got to go back.

ut you e got to go bac .

But it doesn't feel right to just leave you here.

You said yourself that everyone on this planet is out to get you.

You won't be safe until you're back on Earth.

But, Lars ...

Don't argue with me!

You're always trying to help me.

You brought me back to life.

Just let me be somebody who deserved it.

All right, I'll tell everyone you're okay.

I'll be back. I can bring whatever you need.

Be careful, okay? We will.

We can't leave without Lars!

We'll see you on Earth, I hope.

No, no, no. We will!


Um, if you could just...

Oh, yeah.

This is hopeless. [Gasps]

We'll never get that dropship to fly, and we're losing time!

Who knows what they're doing to Steven.

Hi, Steven. What are we going to d...

I'm back!


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