05x13 - Your Mother and Mine

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x13 - Your Mother and Mine

Post by bunniefuu »

- Garnet: # We # # Are the Crystal #

- Steven: # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

Steven: # and if you think we can't #

All: # we'll always find a way #

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

Garnet: # believe in... Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

Steven: # And Steven! #

Lars: Captain's log. Star date, uh...


Space is really big. Everything is messed up.

Our nova thrusters are busted.

And getting home is taking forever.

Hey, Captain? Should we be writing this down?

Uh, yeah! [Music]

Who wants a party sub?!

What exactly are we celebrating?

You guys beat Emerald.

And you rescued me and Connie from the Jungle Moon.

And you have this super fast ship, so you'll be back on Earth in no time.

It's only super fast when it works!

Captain Lars...

I've finished... rerouting...

Power from the gravity engine to the nova thrusters?

Great! Twins, floor it on the thrusters!

Right away, Captain. Yes, Captain.

Aww! Aww! Aww! Aww!

Captain Lars, don't use the thrusters.

We're going to lose power!

Thanks, Padparadscha.

Hey, if we're going to be drifting a while, there's somebody I'd like you all to meet.


Are they bigger than that sandwich?

Maybe a few pickles bigger.

Bigger than you?

I mean, they don't have to be.

Fine. Bring 'em over.






There's more of you?!

[All gasp]

[ gasp]


Her eyes.

A fusion?

He's going to bring back another Steven!

This is Garnet.

She leads the Crystal Gems back on Earth.

Just look at you all!

You must be Rhodonite ... a Ruby and a Pearl?

That must have been a story.

I want all the details.

[Chuckles nervously]


And you must be the Rutile Twins.

[Gasps] I've never seen anyone like you before.

We were...made like this.

Fluorite. Whoa.

You're just, uh, beautiful.

And here's Padparadscha, an orange Sapphire.

How rare.

I predict you're going to make everyone uncomfortable.

It's not nice to make fun of us like that.

Haven't you guys heard a compliment before?

A what? What's that?

You know, it's when someone says something nice about you.

ou o , t s e so eo e says so et g ce about you.

Who would say nice things about Gems like us?

We're completely inappropriate, and so are you.

We should all be ashamed.

Aw, Steven.

These Gems feel just like I did before I met Rose Quartz.

- Both: Rose Quartz? Rose... Quartz?

You met Rose Quartz?

And your survived?

You guys know about Rose?

She was the Anit-Gem ... an organic beast that burst out of Earth's crust and vowed to destroy all


No, no.

She was made from a vein of hyper-defective quartz.

A malformed quartz gone haywire.



You have it all wrong.

Rose Quartz?!

Of course that's how they tell it on Homeworld.

Come on, everyone.

Let me tell you the story of the real Rose Quartz.

It was Era 1.

The Diamonds, unique in their flawlessness, sought to expand their perfection across the galaxy.

And it was for this purpose that Pink Diamond chose her first colony, the planet Earth.

On Earth, every Gem was made to serve Pink Diamond, each with a role to play in her world's

perfect empire.

In comparison to their creator, their existence was ordinary.

They were life-forms only meant to fit their mold, and no one had ever dared to think otherwise

... until there was Rose Quartz.

In stature, she was no different than any other Quartz, and for a time, she did her best to carry

out her Diamond's bidding.


However, she began to take notice of her strange colony and the life that existed there.

Curiosity turned to appreciation.

Appreciation turned to fondness.

And fondness...turned to love.

Soon she was unable to keep her findings secret, and she began asking her fellow Gems if they

knew of the life on Earth and what they made of it.

She continued to pry her fellow kindergartners with questions so odd that word of her

eventually made its way to Pink Diamond.

Rose Quartz was summoned at once.

"Quartz," began Pink Diamond, "What have you been saying down there?"

"Why, Diamond," Rose pleaded, "It has come to my attention that your colony, Earth, bears life.

While I know these organic life-forms serve no purpose, I ask that we leave this planet and spare

their lives."

Pink Diamond thought for a moment and then laughed, a wicked, empty sound.

"You wish to save these life-forms at the expense of our own?

Ha! Don't be absurd.

Return to your post, and I will forget your insolence."

And with that, Rose Quartz was dragged back to her kindergarten for duty.

Only Rose could no longer stand to continue aiding in the destruction of Earth.

She had no choice.

She had to fight.



"Is this what you want ... to inject, to build?

I've seen the life that exists for itself, and it lives here.

Will you destroy it, or will you join it?"

Rose's message began to resonate, to Pink Diamond's dismay.

Her colony was falling apart.

So, like a coward, she called for her Diamond allies, Yellow and Blue, to help.

But Rose also found herself with allies, other Gems that were cast out for being wrong ... a Pearl

who belonged to no one... a Bismuth who built weapons for rebels instead of towers for tyrants...

an entirely new fusion for not power but for love... and countless others, all inspired by Rose to

live for ourselves on Earth.

She was our leader.

And Earth was our precious home.

And those who fought to save it became known as... the Crystal Gems!


There were Gems like us?



Yes, and we were fearless.

It was an impossible fight, but we fought anyway.

And the more Gems who saw us, the more who joined.

But Pink Diamond's forces proved too strong.

Rose feared that soon she would have nothing left to protect.


Rose Quartz drew her rebel blade...

[Shing! Crack!]

...and shattered Pink Diamond, saving the Earth for all time from her reign of terror.

Wow! That's incredible! I don't believe it!

Your mom did all that?

That's awesome!

Wait. What about the rest?

What happened after that?

Garnet: The other Diamonds were furious.

In a last-ditch attempt to wipe out the rebellion, the Diamonds launched a direct attack against

Earth, and in their fury, they used their powers to end the fighting once and for all.

[Twinkle! Zap!]


I predict this story won't have a happy ending.

We were all told different stories.

But they all ended the same way.

With Rose Quartz... being...defeated.

This new version of the story is even worse!

So, she was great, and they beat her?

What are we supposed to get out of this ... that we can never win?!

We haven't yet, but we can, and we will.

They said they annihilated Rose's rebellion, but here we are.

They said they annihilated all of you on Homeworld, but here you are.

They think they have us on the run, but they're the ones that are running from the truth.

And the truth is we...are...everywhere!

But how many more of us can there be?

Way more than you think!

I was only on Homeworld for, like, an hour before I ran in to you guys.

There must be Off Colors all over the place.

Rose used to say there was something about Earth ... something that set Gems free.

But it's not just Earth.

Look at you.

Love, freedom ... it's universal.

You all prove it every moment you live as yourselves.

You can show everyone.

We...can do that?

Not while we're floating out here like sitting ducks.

Fluorite, let's take another look at that engine.

Yes! Okay!

Yeah! Fluorite: Lars.

Before we can activate the thrusters, we're going to need to restart the core.

How do we do that?

We'll figure it out together.

Hey, uh, Garnet?

When Connie and I were stranded on the Jungle Moon, I ... we ... saw something... a vision...of...

Pink Diamond.


When Blue Diamond came to Earth, I had dreams where I saw through her eyes and I was crying

her tears

her tears.

If I'm having the same dreams about Pink Diamond, what if that means she's still out there?

She's gone, Steven.

Your mother made sure of that.

But I felt such a strong connection.

You have empathetic powers that other Gems don't have.

You're unusual, Steven, like them and like me.

It's not something to fear.

It's something to celebrate.

Come on, come on.

Oh, strange.

The core should have come online by now.

I predict that Captain Lars will be pressing the wrong button.


Yes! We did it!


Does that mean you can get back to Earth?


The nova thrusters still need...repairs.

We can hit up the nearest colony for parts.

Rhodonite, tell me there's one nearby.

Well, we aren't far from one of Yellow Diamond's asteroid mines.

But that place will be crawling with Agates, Captain.

It's incredibly dangerous.

So are we. Let's show 'em!
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