01x03 - (S) Roaring Muscles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x03 - (S) Roaring Muscles

Post by bunniefuu »

The number one hero, All Might.

Age unknown, Quirk unidentified.

He dashed onto the scene of the hero world

and received unwavering popularity based on his ability.

Ever since he appeared...

...the once critically high rate of crimes committed by villains decreased year after year...

...and his existence itself became a deterrent.

He became the Symbol of Peace in both name and reality.

And that man said to me—

You can become a hero.

Huh? Midoriya? No way!

You're Quirkless!

How can you even stand in the same ring as me?

You should probably give it up.

I'm sorry, Izuku!

I wanted someone to tell me that.

And then, the person I most admired said those words to me.

Can anything be more shocking than this?

More than this...?

You are worthy to inherit my power.

Inherit your power?

What's with that face?

It's just a suggestion.

The real show starts after this.

Listen, young man.

You need to decide whether or not you will accept my power!

Wh-What is All Might saying...?

I'm talking about my power, young man.

The tabloids called it "superhuman strength" and a "boost"...

...and I constantly dodged the question during interviews with a funny joke.

Because the Symbol of Peace, All Might, had to be a natural-born hero.

But young man, I will tell you the truth.

My Quirk was passed on to me like a sacred torch.

It was passed on to you...?

That's right.

And next, it is your turn.

W-Wait! Wait a minute!

It's true that your Quirk is something hotly debated

as one of the world's greatest mysteries.

So much so that not a day goes by when I don't see someone talking about it online.

But, well, I don't really understand what you mean by inheriting or passing on a Quirk...

I've never heard of anything like that before,

and it's never even been conjectured in the debate.

Why is that?

Is it because since the dawn of history, a Quirk like that was never confirmed?

In the first place, it's...

You always start with denial, huh?



I may hide a lot of things, but I don't lie!

The power to transfer power...

That is the Quirk I inherited!

I was crowned with "One For All"!

"One For All"...

That's right.

One person cultivates the power...

...and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on.

It is the crystallization of power that spins together the voices of those who need help

with a courageous heart.

Why are you... Why are you giving me something so great?

I have been looking for a successor.

And then, I thought it would be all right for you to inherit it.

You are just a Quirkless hero fanboy...

...but you were more heroic than anyone else back there!

Never mind!

Well, it's up to you, though.

What'll you do?

He said so much to encourage me, and even told me his secret...

Is there...? Of course there isn't...

There's no reason for me to turn him down!

I'll do it!

An immediate reply.

That's what I thought you'd say!

But it was no easy task to receive his power.

Hey, hey, hey!

This is such a comfy fridge to sit on!

If you could move it even a little, it would be a little easier.

Well yeah, I mean, you weigh kilograms, right?

No, I lost weight, so I'm only kilograms now.

In this form.

Anyway, why am I dragging trash at the beach park?

It's 'cause, you know, you're not a proper vessel.

What you're saying now is the opposite of what you said before!

I'm talking about your body.

My Quirk, One For All, is the fullest physical ability of many people gathered into one.

An unprepared body cannot inherit it fully.

The limbs will come off and the body will explode.

The limbs will what?


I'm picking up trash in order to train my body...?


But that's not all.

After some research on the internet yesterday,

I discovered that part of this beach park's coast has been like this for many years.


For some reason, because of the currents, objects drift here a lot,

and people take advantage of that to hide their illegal dumping...

The local residents don't come near here, either.

Heroes these days are all after the showy stuff.

Originally, being a hero meant doing volunteer service.

Even if people called that boring or whatever.

You can't waver from those roots.

You will restore the horizon for this whole section!

That is your first step toward becoming a hero!

My first step...?

Clean... this...

All of it...?!

Young Midoriya, you want to go to U.A., right?

Yes... Yes!

Because it's where you went!

So if I'm going to go... I thought... it would definitely have to be U.A....

You're a go-getter fanboy!

But I've told you this before.

It's not something you can do without a Quirk.

It's sad, but that is what the reality is.

And U.A.'s is the hardest hero course to get into.

In other words...

In the ten months until U.A.'s entrance exam, I have to complete my vessel!

That's where this comes in!

I came up with this:

"Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan"!

It's a training plan to help you finish cleaning up the beach.

I'll have you follow this in every aspect of your life!

Even sleep time is included...

Frankly, this is a super hard schedule.

Can you follow it?

Of course...

I have to work many times harder than an, one else,

or else I can't do it!

And so began my ten months of hell.

Carry that to the park entrance!

Put it in the truck!

Depending on size and shape, the muscles I have to use are completely different!

I see... This is...!

Run! Run!

Ten months will be over before you know it!

Let's become athletic!

Let's see...

With the appearance of superpowers,

the Building Standards Act was revised, and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transpor...

This is tough...

Ten months of this, huh?

It will be hard if I don't finish by a week before the exam...

Which means, there are days left...

Taking into consideration a sufficient recovery period

if I rest for two days in between, that gives me...

...about days of real training even if I'm efficient...

I can get in about five hours of training morning and night...

...so that's hours...

Also, that beach cleanup doesn't work out any specific parts of the body.

If I don't work out my whole body equally, then there's no way I'll make it.

Bodybuilding to create a body able to adapt to any situation...

Literally intensive training to become a hero...

All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time...

If I don't do as much efficient independent training as I can,

there's no way I can catch up the way I am now...

Anyway, I'll have to cut—

Midoriya, hey!

Did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy?

It's presumptuous to think of getting into U.A. like that.

Plus, I have to study for the entrance exam.

A nervous breakdown already?

That's scary.

Hey, hey, what's wrong?

There are only three months left!

You won't make it!

Wanna give up?

Wanna take it easy and rest today?


The "Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan" was adjusted with your body in mind

to make sure you'd make it in time for the entrance exam...

You haven't been sticking to the plan, have you?

Overdoing it will have the opposite effect!

Don't you want to get in?

I do...

But I can't just get in...

I have to work a lot more than other people...

...or I won't be able to catch up...

I want to be like you.

I want to become the greatest hero, like you!

Saving people with a fearless smile.

Like you...!

He's looking far into the future, huh?

You go-getter fanboy!

I like that!

But if that's the case, then you really can't rush things now.

But I understand your feelings.

Leave it to this old guy to adjust your plan!

You're not old... All Might...

And then, it was a.m. on the day of the entrance exam.

Hey, hey, hey...

He even cleaned outside of where I told him to!


There's not even a speck of dust left!


He finished at the last minute!

More than perfectly!

Oh my... Oh my...


Good work.

All Might...

I did it...

I did it!

Yeah, you surprised me, you entertainer!

Teenagers are amazing!

Here, take a look.

This is...

It's you, ten months ago.

You did good.

You really did!

The mirage of it is finally just barely visible...

...but you have certainly become a suitable vessel!

I feel like I'm cheating...

You did all this for me...

I'm too blessed...

What're you saying after all this time...

It was your own hard work.

We'll have to fix those leaky eyes of yours.

Now, it's time for the award ceremony, Midoriya Izuku!

Yes, sir!

This is something I was once told.

"Something that you receive because you're lucky

and something that you are given because you are recognized

are different in essence."

Take that to heart.

This is power that you earned because of your own effort.

I took the reality that would be surprising even in comics

in my hand...

Eat this.


It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you take in my DNA.

It's too different from what I imagined!

Now, there's no time!

You'll be late for the exam!

Come, come, come!

I made it...

In the end, I didn't have time to test out the power I received from All Might.

Eat this.

I swallowed the hair, but did I really receive his power...?

Outta my way, Deku!


Don't stand in front of me. I'll k*ll you.


L-Let's both do our best...!

Hey, isn't that Bakugou? The one with the sludge villain?

Oh, he's the real thing!

Ever since that day, Kacchan didn't do anything to me.

I was just scared of him out of habit!

I'm different from before!

Remember these past ten months!

Take the first step...

...to being a hero!

This is it!

Are you all right?

It's my Quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first.

But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right?

Aren't you nervous?

Ah... Uh...

Let's do our best. See ya!

I talked to a girl!

For all you examinee listeners tuning in...

...welcome to my show today!

Everybody say "hey"!

What a refined response.

Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!

Are you ready?


It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow...!

I listen to him every week on the radio.

I'm so moved!

All the teachers at U.A. are pro heroes!

Shut up.

As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!

You can bring whatever you want with you.

After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?


In other words, they won't let you work with your friends, huh?

Y-You're right.

Even though our examinee numbers are consecutive,

we're assigned to different battle centers.

Don't look. I'll k*ll you.

Damn, now I can't crush you.

Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center.

You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty.

Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains.

Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!

May I ask a question?


On the printout, there are four types of villains.

If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan,

should be ashamed of that foolish mistake.

We examinees are here in this place

because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes.

In addition, you over there with the curly hair—

You've been muttering this whole time.

It's distracting!

If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!

I'm sorry...

Okay, okay, Examinee Number .

Thanks for the great message.

The fourth type of villain is worth zero points.

That guy's an obstacle, so to speak.

There's one in every battle center—

An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces.

It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either.

I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it.

Thank you very much!

Please excuse the interruption!

I see...

It's like the obstacles you avoid in videos games, huh?

The whole thing is like a video game.

That's all from me!

Finally, I'll give you listeners a present—our school motto!

The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said:

"A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes."

Go beyond.

Plus Ultra!

Now, everyone, good luck suffering!

I-It's time to do it.

It's time to give everything I got from my training with All Might these past ten months.

I will become...

...the hero I always dreamed of being!

The entrance exam of U.A. High School,

the famous school that turned out many pro heroes, is starting.

Leaving aside the written exam for now, will I be able to get through the practical exam

with the power I only just received from All Might?

Let's do our best on the entrance exam!

Huh? Who are you?

More importantly, I talked to a girl!

Next time, "Start Line"!

I, Ochaco, will have shiny stuff come out of my mouth!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!

"All Might's Super Popular!" "All Might Gum" "All Might Adventure"

"Textbook of Strength"

"All Might Curry" "Movie in the works!" "All Might Chips"

National Police Agency Investigation: Number of Crimes Committed by Villains

Summary of what's known about All Might's Quirk

mumble mumble mumble

Episode : Roaring Muscles

Episode :

Roaring Muscles

Dagoba Municipal Beach Park

Two days later Early morning

Daily Schedule (Weekdays) / ~ / (Weekends on different sheet) Phase

Daily Schedule (Weekends) Meal Menu Set Plan

Aldera Junior High

Proposed Independent Training Menu

mumble mumble mumble


: a.m. The same day

U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location

U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location

Didn't actually talk

U.A. High School Hero Course Exam Orientation



You Are Here


Exam Ticket Examinee № Test Location: Battle Center B

Exam Ticket Examinee № Test Location: Battle Center A

U.A. High School Hero Course Entrance Exam

Entrance Exam

Battle Center B

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Next time: Start Line

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