01x09 - (S) Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x09 - (S) Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, you!

How are All Might's classes?

Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the nurse's office!

Will you tell us about what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?!

Wh-What he's like?


He's very muscular!

What do you think of All Might as a teacher?!

He made me recognize anew that I attend an educational institution that is the best of the best.

Of course, his dignity and character go without saying,

but we students are constantly able to see his humorous side.

It is a unique opportunity to learn about being a top hero directly from one.

Excuse me!

Can you tell me about All Migh—

Oh? You're the one who was caught by the sludge villain...

Stop it!

Um, about All Might...

Wow, you're scruffy...

What's your deal?!

He's not on duty today.

You are disturbing the classes, please leave.

I would like to speak directly with All Might—

I feel like I've seen him before...

Don't you think you're too scruffy?!

I can't believe All Might was able to work as a hero with all this.


Let me see All Might just for a little—

Just a little time is fine! Just let me see All Might—

Ah, stupid!

Wh-What the...?!

It's the U.A. Barrier.

That's what we call it.

That's so lame!

What the heck is that?

If someone tries to get in without a student ID or a pass to enter,

the security system kicks in.

Apparently, there are sensors all over the school.

What the heck?!

They think they're so high and mighty!

They could at least give a brief comment!

You said it, seriously!

We've been here for two days, and they still won't say anything!

The news that All Might had been hired as a teacher at U.A.

surprised the nation...

...and the media descended on the school and caused a commotion for days.

Everyone knew about it.

Yeah... everyone.

Good work on yesterday's combat training.

I saw the video and results.


You're talented, so don't act like a kid.

I know.

And Midoriya...

You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?

You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk.

I don't like saying the same thing over and over.

As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do.

Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya.

Yes, sir!

Now let's get down to homeroom business.

Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you...

...take another special test?!

...take another special test?!

...decide on a class representative.

It's actually a normal school activity!

It's actually a normal school activity!

I want to be class rep! Pick me!

Me tool

I want to do it, too.

It's a job made for m—

I'll be the leader!

My manifesto is for all girls' skirts to be centimeters above the knee!

In a normal class, it's about taking on daily duties, so this wouldn't happen.

In a normal class, students might feel like they're just taking on daily duties, and this wouldn't happen.

Let me do it! Me!

But here in the hero course,

it's a role that allows one to practice being a top hero by leading a group.

Silence, please!

It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others!

It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it!

It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you!

If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader...

...then we should hold an election to choose one!

Your hand is raised the highest!

Your hand is raised the highest!

Why did you suggest that?

We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?

If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves...

Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here

can be truly considered the most suitable person?!

What do you think, teacher{Mr. Aizawa}?!

I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over.

Thank you very much!

I got three votes?!

Why Deku?!

Who voted for him?!

Well, it's better than voting for you.

What did you say?!

It'll be scary if Bakugou finds out...

I give up! I give up!

Zero votes...

I knew that would happen...

That is only to be expected of a person's calling!

You voted for someone else, huh?

But you wanted to do it, too.

What are you trying to do, Iida?

Then, the class rep is Midoriya,

and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu.



How vexing...

That might not be too bad.

After all's said and done, Midoriya can be pretty fired up, anyway!

And Yaoyorozu was cool when we were going over the battle results!

There are a lot of people today, too!

That's because everyone in the hero course,

support course, and management course meets in the same place.

The rice is so delicious!

Even though I've been chosen as class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it.

You are.

It'll be fine.

Your courage and judgment at critical moments...

...make you worth following.

That is why I voted for you.

It was you?

But didn't you want to be class rep, too, Iida?

{I mean, you have got }With glasses and everything.

Uraraka just talks without thinking...

Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues.

I merely did what I judged to be correct.

Oh, that's...

I've been thinking...

Are you a rich boy, Iida?


I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that.

Yes, my family has been heroes for generations.

I'm the second son.

What?! Wow!

What?! Wow!

Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?

Of course!

He's a really popular hero who has sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency!

Don't tell me...!

He is my elder brother!

He's telling us straight out!

That's amazing!

He is a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people.

I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother.

However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others.

Unlike me, Midoriya realized the point of the practical portion of the entrance exam,

so he is more suitable for the job.

This might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida.

What, really?

I smile!

Ingenium is to Iida what All Might is to me.

But, I should tell him...

About the entrance exam...

An alarm?!

There has been a Level security breach.


All students please evacuate outdoors promptly.

I repeat...

What's "Level security"?

It means someone is trespassing on school grounds!

I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here!

You should hurry, too!

Don't push!

Wait, I'm falling!

I said, don't push!


What's going on all of a sudden?

As expected of the best of the best.

Everyone reacts quickly in a crisis!

Th-They're so quick that it's causing a panic!

Oh, sh**t!



Who in the world trespassed?


...the press!

Give us All Might!

He's here, isn't he?!

We told you, he's not here!

If you just give us one brief comment, we'll leave!

If you{ guys} get one{ comment}, you'll want another, that's just how you are.

They're illegal trespassers, you know.

You could call them villains.

You think we can beat 'em up?

Don't do it, Mic.

They'll write up a bunch of half-truths about you.

Let's wait for the police.

I wondered what it was, but it's just the media.

Everyone, calm dow—


Wait, someone fell!

Don't push!

Where are the teachers?!

Are they busy trying to deal with everything?!

Everyone, stop!

Slow down! Slow down!

Kirishima! Kaminari!

What the heck?!

Is there anyone here who knows everything is fine?!

No one has noticed and everyone's panicking!



What {would }Midoriya...

...or my brother...

...would do{ in this situation}?!


Make me...

Make me float, Uraraka!

A place in everyone's line of sight...!

Engine boost!


Be concise... clear... and bold!

Everyone, everything is fine!

It is just the media!

There is nothing to panic about!

Everything is fine!

This is U.A.!

Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best!

The police are here!

Oh, good...

Goodbye, bad mass media!

Come on, class rep.


N-Now, let us decide on the other class officers...

But first...

...can I say something?

I think... that Iida Tenya should be the class rep after all!

He was able to get everyone's attention in such a cool way.

I think... it would be best for Iida to do it.

I'm good with that, too.

Midoriya's saying it...

...and it's true that Iida was a big help at the cafeteria today.


...and he kind of looked like the person on the emergency exit signs, didn't he?

You're wasting time.

I don't care what you do, just hurry up and do it.

If the class rep has nominated me, then it cannot be helped.

From this day forth, I, Iida Tenya,

promise to do my best to carry out the duties of class representative!

We're counting on you, Emergency Exit!

Emergency Exit Iida!

Do your best!

What about me...?

How were the ordinary members of the press able to do something like this?

Someone instigated this.

Did someone evil slip in...

...or was it intended to be a declaration of w*r?

Listen heroes, don't come after me.

If you do, I'm gonna k*ll this rich family here!

It's fine now, family!

Missouri Smash!

Why? Because I am here...

...on my way to work!

A hit-and-run!

It'll be bad if I'm late, but...!

I've gotten slower...?

After I gave young Midoriya One For All...

...my powers have been weakening.

On top of that...

...after forcing myself then{that time}, the time I can spend in this form has gotten even shorter{ than before}.

You told young Bakugou?

I'm sorry.

I didn't even tell my mom...

...but for some reason, I {felt like I }just had to tell him....

I'm really sorry.

I judged that he was not the type to show off, so I did not admonish him strongly...

...but this seems to be the result of his sincerity backfiring.

Fortunately, young Bakugou did not seem to take it seriously...

...so I'll let it go this time.

But please don't do it again.

Please think carefully about what it means to have this power.

If word gets out,

it's clear that the world would be teeming with those trying to steal the power from you.

This secret should be kept both to prevent chaos in society...

...and for your sake.

{Do you u}Understand?

Even if he is a suitable vessel...

...he is still only a -year-old boy.

I have to pull myself together.

Someone's barricaded themselves in in the neighboring town!

For today's hero basic training...

...it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person.

"Turned into"?

I wonder if it's a special case?

Excuse me!

What will we be doing?

Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between.

It's rescue training.


Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too.


Idiot, this is the duty of a hero!

My arms are ready to rumble!

No one can beat me in water, ribbit.

Hey, I'm not done.

You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time.

Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too.

The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus.

That is all. Start getting ready.

Rescue training...

What I've admired...

It's training to get another step closer to being the greatest hero.

I'll do my best!


Deku, you're wearing your P.E. clothes.

Where's your costume?

{They}It got ripped up during the combat training...

...so I'm waiting for the support company to fix it.

Class -A, gather round!

Iida's... going at full throttle.


I didn't think it'd be this type of bus...!

There was no point, huh?

I say whatever comes to mind.


Um, yes, Asui?!

Call me "Tsu."

Ugh...! Um...

Your Quirk is like All Might's.

Huh?! Y-Y-You think so?

But... I'm... uh...

Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his.

They just kind of look the same.

But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk.

You can do lots of flashy stuff!

My Hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much.

I think it's really cool!

It's a Quirk that can definitely pass as a pro's!

A pro's, huh?

But you have to think about popularity as a hero, too, you know.

My Navel Laser is pro-level in both flashiness and strength.

But it's not great that it gives you a stomachache.

Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong,

it's gotta be Todoroki and Bakugou, though, huh?

Bakugou's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though.

What the hell!

You wanna fight!


We haven't known each other that long,

so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage.

What's with that vocabulary, bastard?!

I'll k*ll you!

Kacchan's being teased...

I can't believe what I'm seeing!

That's U.A. for you!

What a vulgar conversation.

But I like stuff like this, too!

We're here.

Stop messing around.

Yes, sir!

Yes, sir...

Everyone, I have been waiting for you.

It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!

The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!

Oh, I love Thirteen!

Let's go inside without delay.

Look forward to working with you!

Look forward to working with you!

A shipwreck...

...a landslide...

...a fire...

...a windstorm...

...et cetera.

It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters.

It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint,"

or "USJ" for short!

It really is USJ.

It really is USJ.

Thirteen, where's All Might?

He was supposed to meet us here.

About that...

It looks like he did too much hero work on his way to work and ran out of time...

...so he's resting in the lounge.


I should be able to go for a little bit at the end.

I'm really sorry!

That's the height of irrationality.

Well, we took precautions just in case...

It can't be helped.

Shall we begin?

Let's see...

Before we begin, let me say one thing, or two...

three... four... five... six... seven...

It's increasing...!

Everyone, I am sure you are aware of...

...my Quirk, Black Hole.

I can suck up anything and turn it to dust.

You have been able to use that Quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?


But it is a power that can k*ll easily.

Some of you also have Quirks like that, right?

In a superhuman society, personal Quirks have been certified and stringently regulated,

so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance.

However, please do not forget...

...that there are many Quirks that can easily k*ll with one wrong step.

With Aizawa's physical fitness test...

...you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers.

And with All Might's person-to-person combat training...

...I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others.

This class is a fresh start.

You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives.

You do not have powers so you can harm others.

I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others.

Thirteen's so cool!

That is all.

Thank you for listening.

That was wonderful!

Bravo! Bravo!

All right then, first—

Gather together and don't move!

Thirteen, protect the students!

What's that?

Is this like the entrance exam where the lessors already started?

Don't move!

Those are...


And coincidentally,

...during the time when we were supposed to be practicing saving lives...

...they showed up in front of us.

Asui, the villains have att*cked!

Call me "Tsu."


N-Next time, "Encounter with the Unknown."

I know why Mineta's hair is like that now.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!



You usually use "ore"...


It looks like USJ!

Universal Studios Japan



You don't usually use that word...

Wow, it looks like Universal Studios Japan!

Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!

Plus Ultra!

Episode : Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

Episode :

Election Results

Midoriya Izuku

Yaoyorozu Momo

LunchRush's Eatery








Next time

Next time: Encounter with the Unknown
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