01x23 - Monster Buddies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x23 - Monster Buddies

Post by bunniefuu »

We are the Crystal Gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! - All right, everyone.

- One more attack should do it.

Yikes! Your arm! Now there's nothing standing between us - and the sh**ting Star.

- This job is really dangerous.

Whoa! Geez! - Wha whoa, mama! - Amethyst! Don't worry.

I'll get you out.

We've got to get Steven out of here! I'm sending you back to the temple.

But, Garnet, how are you gonna Huh? - You can bubble me? - Garnet, no! Garnet! Watch your head.

Whoa! I'm back inside the temple.

Look at you now, stuck in a bubble.


Let me see if I can Yeah! Wha? Ugh! Whoa! Wha! Whew.

Huh? Oh, man.

What's happening?! The Centipeetle! Eh Huh? It looks so scared.

Uh Hi.

Aw, it's okay.

Look, please don't be scared of me.

See? I'm not gonna hurt you.


Just relax.


That's it.

Doesn't relaxing feel nice? You want to come over here and relax with me? Yeah, we can totally just hang out right here on the floor.


Don't be shy.

We can be friends.

- My name's Steven.

- Steven! - Get away from that thing! - Whoa, dude! Wait! It's not This was a terrible idea.

And he's even managed to pop a bubble and let out that awful thing! If that thing hurt you, so help me, I'll No! It didn't do anything! Garnet! Don't hurt it! I accidentally let it out of its bubble, but it didn't even try to hurt me.

It's not like the other monsters.

It's just scared and confused.

Please, Garnet, I'm begging you.

I can't say no to that face.

Excuse me?! You can't be serious! I think you should try and tame it, Steven.

Garnet, thank you so much! Hmmm.

Shut down by the G-squad! Well, let's at least take some precaution.

All right, Steven, let's see if you can get it - to calm down.

- UmIt still seems a little scared.

Maybe you guys could put your weapons - away and watch from the house? - Absolutely not! Steven can handle this.

- Garnet! - Pearl.

Oh! You just got Garneted! Okay, friend, it's just us now.

Calmy calm.


Just like before.


Just relax and let your hair down.

You want to come over here? Huh? Don't worry.

It won't be like before.

How about we try something else? Hmm Oh! What's this? Chiiiiips? You like chiiips? You want a chiiips? Yeah? Yeah? Aw, look at this chiiiip.

Yum, yum, yum! Mmmm! Tasty, tasty! Hmm? Try it.

That's it.

Smells good, right? I don't know how you eat with an eyeball in your mouth, but I'm glad you like it.

Hmm? Hmmm? Huh? Whoo-hoo! Hey, come on! You love chips and I love chips Yeah! Shoo! Get! Those aren't for you! Huh? W-What are you doing? You saved me.

But we have to go back for the sh**ting Star.

Garnet! Pearl! - Amethyst! - Whoa! Why isn't that thing on its rock? I trained her up.

Look! Squaaawk! Squawk! - Squawk! - Steven, you can't just that was awes - Whooo! - No! Mi torta! Steven, this is unacceptable.

Aw, come on, Pearl.

She can help us on, like, - missions and stuff.

- Oh, no.

- Out of the question.

- Aww.

Well, we can't return to the ice cavern now.

We have to stay and deal with - Steven and his situation.

- Well, I don't know how we're gonna get through all those ice boulders without - causing a cave-in anyway.

- Hmm.

That's how.

- I just don't know if this will work.

- Squawk! All right, Centipeetle! sh**ting Star, here we come.


Squawk! Squawk! - Whoa! - Oh, my.

- Whoa.

- Cool! There it is the sh**ting Star! An ancient elemental so hot and so volatile, it can only be contained in ice.

- Bare skin cannot endure its intensity.

- What do you do - wih a sh**ting Star? - Uh, you sh**t it.

Garnet, you'll need to use your gauntlets so as not to hurt your hands.

No! No, no! Not now! Something's wrong.

Whoa! Steven! I knew this would happen! Pearl, stop! It was an accident! - Sorry for pulling.

- Steven! No! Stop! You don't need to fight! This isn't you.

You're not a monster anymore.

You're more than that.

We have so many memories now.

Remember the chip times? And how you saved me from that vicious seagull? And how we became best friends? You have to remember! This all happened today! Huh? Nooooo! Nooo! - You saved me.

- Steven, you did a good job training the Centipeetle.

Your mother would be so proud.

- She would? - The truth is, Rose Quartz had tried to use her powers to save these monsters, too, but she was never able to heal them.

Never? But if she couldn't do it Who knows? Maybe when you have better control of your powers, you might help them in ways - even your mother couldn't.

- Even this one.

I'll keep it safe.

- Wow! - Steven! You can bubble gems! Wow.

Wait for me, Centipeetle.

I promise I'll heal you up someday.

Ooh! Wait!
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