02x04 - (S) Strategy, Strategy, Strategy.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x04 - (S) Strategy, Strategy, Strategy.

Post by bunniefuu »

The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress.

Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero.

The U.


sports festival is drawing near.

Joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity.

The U.


sports festival is something pro heroes-- no, the whole country--is watching closely.

A big event! That is what I brought you here to talk about! The next All Might the fledgling Symbol of Peace Izuku Midoriya.

I want you to tell the world "I am here!" The sports festival first-year stage qualifier, an obstacle course race! Who could've predicted the developments at the beginning or this conclusion? Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man Izuku Midoriya's made a huge splash! The second round of the U.


sports festival first-year stage is A cavalry battle with the top 42 from the qualifier! Those at the top will suffer more.

You'll hear this many times as you attend U.


This is what "Plus Ultra" means! Izuku Midoriya, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points! What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless! The eyes around me are different from junior high The top spot I got for an instant because of luck Even so You're quick to understand, huh, young man? Even so, is it really this heavy, All Might? "Strategy, Strategy, Strategy " Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle.

The time limit is fifteen minutes.

Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads.

Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can.

"Velcro" "Made to be taken off easily" Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up.

So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out! Which means since there are 42 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time? That's tough.

One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be more free.

It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina.

During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your Quirks.

But it is still a cavalry battle.

You'll get a red card for att*cks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately! Damn.

Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams.

Start! Fifteen minutes? --Points don't really matter in my case.

--Hey, be on my team.

--Points don't really matter in my case.

--Someone in the top ten, pick me.

The people I want on my team are that person, and that person! The U.


sports festival is more about simulating the competition they'll face as heroes than seeing how prepared they are to be heroes.

Huh? What are you talking about? In a world crowded with hero agencies, in order to put food on the table, there are times when you have to kick down others in order to show your stuff.

That was what the obstacle course race in the qualifier was, right? Doesn't that just pain your heart? You little-- You did that quite gleefully, remember? On the other hand, even if you're business rivals, there are many cases where you have to work together.

Oh, that's just like the cavalry battle! If you win, your teammates also win.

You have to think about compatibility and other people's Quirks It's a give-and-take situation Coordinating with your sidekick, and joint Quirk training with other agencies The kids are doing stuff now that will be their way of life after they become pros.

They've got it rough.

Team up with me! What? Bakugo, team up with me! Don't you want to team up with me? I don't know what Quirks you all have! What?! I can understand not knowing Class B's, but-- He doesn't pay attention to what's around him at all, huh? Even though his personality's like that, he still came in third and has two hundred points.

Considering the all-purpose use of his Quirk, it makes sense that he's popular.

Hey! Todoroki chose his team already! Bakugo, team up with me! Weird Hair.

I'm Kirishima! At least try to remember! My hair's not that different from yours! You're gonna be the rider, right? Then who'll be a front horse that can take your blasts? "Here" Someone with guts.

Not really, but yeah! Me, with my Hardening! I'll be a horse that'll never waver! You're gonna get it, right? The ten million? Shoji Shoji! I wanted to team up with a girl, but it's no good! Please team up with me! I'm tiny, so I can't be a horse! But no one'll be my horse if I'm the rider! With your huge body and tentacles, you could cover my whole body, can't you? Right? Right? That's a great idea, Mineta.

As expected, people are teaming up with their classmates, huh? Since no one has a good grasp of what Quirks those in the other classes have.

I need to do something quick, too.

"Isolated" about the current state where everyone's totally avoiding me! Um, Ojiro? Sorry As I thought, no one wants to try to keep the points for the whole game.

It'd be a better strategy to try to steal the points at the end.

And unlike Todoroki or Kacchan, I didn't use my Quirk, "confidence confidence confidence confidence" so no one has any confidence in me Deku! Let's be a team! Uraraka! I-Is it really okay? Everyone'll probably be after me because of my ten million points! If we run away the whole time, then you'll win, right? I-I think you're overestimating me, Uraraka Like I would! Anyway, it's better to team up with people you get along with! "Heart-squeeze" What's the matter? You look ugly, you know.

Oh, nothing It's just that you're so bright that I can't look straight at you Actually, I wanted to team up with you, too.

Thanks! "Urine?" For teams, it's best to be with people you can communicate with smoothly, right? Yup, yup! Actually, with your Quirk and one other person I thought of a plan! Iida.

The three of us would be horses with Iida in the front! And then, if we use Uraraka's Quirk to make Iida and me lighter, we'd be able to maneuver easily.

I see! It's better to have someone physically strong as the rider, but I haven't decided who Anyway, this is all I could think of to keep running away until the end I expected no less, Midoriya But I am afraid I have to refuse.

Ever since the entrance exam, I just keep losing to you.

You are a wonderful friend, but that's why, if I just keep following you, I will never grow.

Bakugo and Todoroki aren't the only ones who see you as a rival.

I will challenge you.

Iida It's already begun.

Everyone's an enemy.

That's right.

I'm at the top right now.

I can't just play at being friends.

As I thought, this is great.

You stand out! Team up with me, person in first place! Ahh, so close! Who're you?! I am Mei Hatsume, from the support course! Oh, that weird person from back then.

I don't know you, but let me use your position! She's honest! If I team up with you, then I'll inevitably become part of the team everyone's watching most, right? If that happens, then my super cute babies will inevitably be seen by the big companies.

That means, in other words, that those big companies will see my babies! W-Wait a minute.

Babies and big companies? What are you-- --And, I think you guys will also benefit.

--Oh, she's not interested in me The support course develops equipment that helps heroes deal with their Quirks.

I have a ton of babies, so I'm sure you'll be able to find one that you like! Oh, has this one caught your eye? I made this based on a certain hero's backpack, adding my own original twist to it.

Could you be talking about the Buster Hero, Air Jet? I like him, too! Really? Yeah, his agency's close, so I went to tour it before.

--I see.

They're already getting along.

--By the way, my Quirk is Not being able to team up with Iida was a blow, but with Hatsume and Uraraka I just need one more person.

It looks like everyone's pretty set on their teams already, huh? No, that's fine.

The power our team's missing The one who can fill that spot is Deku? you! Almost everyone here has their eyes on Class A.

Why is that? And like Tetsutetsu said, Class A is full of themselves about it It's strange, isn't it? The only difference between us and them is that they fought villains.

Why were those of us in Class B happy with being in the middle of the pack? Let's let that arrogant Class A know, guys.

Now then, it's about time to get started! Come on, wake up, Eraser! After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field! There are some interesting teams out there.

Now, raise those battle cries! It's time for U.


's bloody battle! Light the signal fire! Yes! Uraraka.

Yes! Hatsume.



I'm counting on you! I chose you three because I thought it would be the most stable formation.

Kaminari, you'll be the left wing, keeping the enemy away with your electricity.

Yaoyorozu, you'll be the right wing.

You are in charge of insulation and assisting with defense and movement.

Iida, you'll be in front as the main source of mobility and physical defense.

So you will attack and create diversions with ice and fire, then, Todoroki? No.

In battle I will never use my left.

"My heart's pounding!!" All right! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not! Tetsutetsu.

No hard feelings, okay? Yeah! Now, let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three! We're aiming for Two! one thing.

One! Start! It's basically a battle for the ten million points! Midoriya, I'll take that! An attack without delay, huh The fate of the pursued Fate Make your choice, Midoriya! Choice! Of course, our move is to run away! I won't let you! What is this? We're sinking?! That person's Quirk, huh? All right! It's no good I can't get out! Uraraka! Hatsume! Turn your faces away! He flew? Thanks to the support course, huh? Follow them! Jiro! I know! Tokoyami! Good! Dark Shadow, keep watch over our blind spots! Got it! Wow, that's so cool! The defense that we were lacking You're more than making up for it with your omnidirectional mid-range defense! That's amazing, Tokoyami! You're the one who chose me.

We're landing.

Making everyone other than Uraraka weightless, so our weight is just Uraraka plus the equipment and clothes.

What do you think of my babies? Aren't they cute? Cuteness can be made, you know.

Excellent mobility! The babies are amazing, Hatsume! Right? It's because I'm making them float We're going after them, too! Come on, Jiro, time to get revenge! Hey, wait, Hagakure! Your headband's gone! When did that happen?! Profiting while others fight.

Now then, even though barely two minutes have passed since we've started, It's already turned into a free-for-all! Fights over the headbands breaking out all over! Ignoring the ten million points and going for second to fourth places isn't bad, either! Fighting? No, this is a one-sided pillage! Shoji? What? By himself? But it's a team battle! Let's put some space between us for now.

We can't be caught standing still against multiple opponents! What? What's wrong, Uraraka? I'm stuck! That's Mineta's Where'd it come from? From here Midoriya What? Is that allowed? It is! I didn't expect any less from you, Midoriya.

Asui, too? That's amazing, Shoji! Call me Tsu! Team Mineta makes use of the overwhelming difference in their sizes! They're like a t*nk! Midoriya, get away! My baby was torn apart! Sorry! But we got away! Kacchan! Don't get carried away! Damn it! Tokoyami! --He's gotten separated from his horses! --What's with this guy? Is that okay?! Nice catch! It's a technicality, so it's okay! It wouldn't have been if he'd touched the ground, though! Thanks, Uraraka! It's hard to control with just one foot.

Yeah, I know.

Landing like this is inefficient We can't run to the air anymore.

We'll have to survive this with our increased mobility from Uraraka's Zero Gravity and with Tokoyami's Dark Shadow.

As expected, everyone's after the first place team, and Class A is in hot pursuit! Everyone's got skills! Those Class A guys are good.

With all those flashy moves, even just watching's fun! There's this much difference just from their experience fighting villains! Now, let's take a look at each team's points It's been seven minutes! Here are the current rankings up on the screen! Huh? It's kinda What? Wait a minute! Other than Midoriya, Class A isn't doing so well Bakugo? What? Class A is too simple-minded.

He got us! What'd you say, bastard? Give that back! I'll k*ll you! Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn't make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right? Assuming they'd keep about forty people for the next stage, we just made sure we stayed within that number as we ran, observing from the back the Quirks and personalities of those who would be our rivals.

There's no point in being obsessive over winning in the prelims, right? You did this as a class? Well, it wasn't a consensus, but it was a good idea, right? Hey, they're coming.

It's better than going after a temporary "top" like a horse with a carrot waving in front of its face.

Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous, aren't you? As the victim of the sludge incident! Tell me about it sometime-- About how it feels to be att*cked by villains once a year.

Kirishima change of plan Before we get Deku, let's k*ll all these guys! Class B had a long-term strategy that involved throwing the qualifier, huh? It's true that they could leave a stronger impression by overturning the mood that favored Class A before the sports festival started.

But based on their way of thinking, it means they won't necessarily come after me.

Everyone, it'll be easier to run aw-- Less than half the time is left now! It won't be that easy, huh? The cavalry battle is about to enter the second half! In this unexpected rise of Class B, who will wear the ten million points in the end?! I'll be taking that now.

"Preview" I am Tenya Iida, the class representative of Class A, and I am responsible for the preview.

L-Let's talk about the next episode, Iida.

I will challenge you! That's the other extreme! I will defeat your team in the cavalry battle with a result that will not bring shame to the Tenya hero family and like my older brother, Tensei, I will become an upstanding-- He's talking about himself after all, huh? Next time, "Cavalry Battle Finale"! "Vroom, vroom" sounds are coming from Iida's calves! Go beyond! "Next time: Cavalry Battle Finale" Plus Ultra!
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