02x08 - (S) Battle on, Challengers!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x08 - (S) Battle on, Challengers!

Post by bunniefuu »

The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress.

Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero.

Everybody, sorry for the long wait! The stage that was frozen in the second match is finally dry, so on to the next match! The assassin from Class B! Pretty things have thorns, you know! From the hero course, it's Ibara Shiozaki! Versus-- Sparking k*lling Boy! From the hero course, it's Denki Kaminari! "Battle on, Challengers!" Now, we'll have a super flashy battle this time too-- Um Please excuse the interruption.

What do you mean by "assassin"? I have only come to find victory, not to take my opponent's life.

I-I'm sorry! In the first place, I wished to enter U.


High School not for wicked reasons, but for the salvation of others I said, I'm sorry! My bad, okay?! I thank you for your understanding.

Class B has people like this in it, too, huh? She's got big eyes and a pretty face, but it looks like she's really strong.

I've gotta discharge all my electricity here, huh? Actually, she's pretty, but she's also kinda cute I've gotta ask her out sometime, huh? All right! A-Anyway, start! When this is over, wanna grab a bite to eat? I'll comfort you if you'll have me.

'Cause this match'll probably be over in a second! Indiscriminate Shock It was decided in an instant! I'll say it once more! An instant! Shiozaki advances to the second round! Oh, I was able to make the most of the opportunity I was given.

"Ibara Shiozaki" "Quirk: Vines" Ibara Shiozaki.

Quirk: Vines! The vines on her head are extendable! They're detachable, too! As long as she makes sure to get plenty of water and sunlight, they'll grow in almost immediately.

In other words, she can't go bald! All right! Good job, Shiozaki! Man What's that? Didn't he say he'd settle this in a second? That's strange, he was defeated in a second, wasn't he? Class A is supposed to be better than Class B, so isn't that weird? Sorry! What was that just now? Kamui, Kamui! Wouldn't she be good as a sidekick? Yeah.

I wish I could've gotten a better look.

She seems straight-laced, but she's cute! Hey, get back to work.

It was hard to deal with Shiozaki's ability to detach her vines, huh? The vines were able not only to defend but also to act as an electrical ground.

There was no way he'd shock her with that.

And then she extended her vines to bind him.

Kaminari's Quirk was completely blocked.

Some Quirks don't work well against others, but it would've been better if he'd been able to deal with it Kaminari's Quirk is supposed to be strong, but Shiozaki is a strong opponent who placed fourth in the entrance exam.

"mutter mutter mutter" Vines, huh? I wonder if it's like Kamui Woods's Quirk.

Binding types really are strong.

I hardly ever see anyone break out.

It'd be impossible to get close while avoiding all those vines, so you'd either have to tear them off or get through with brute force Oh, but in order to keep you from doing that, she'd go after your hands first Umm "mutter mutter mutter" You just finished, but you're already thinking about countermeasures, huh? Oh, no! It's just, I mean, this is pretty much my hobby It's not every day I get a chance to see amazing Quirks outside of those in our class Oh, right! I've been putting these together for everyone in Class A, too.

For your Zero Gravity, too! Deku, you've been amazing since I met you, but the sports festival is making me think that you're amazing all over again.

Now, it's time for the fourth match! We're just gonna keep rolling along! Rush headlong toward the top! It's like he's the epitome of the middle of the pack! From the hero course, it's Tenya Iida! Versus-- Fully-equipped with support items! From the support course, it's Mei Hatsume! He's up against the support course, huh? I wonder what kind of fight it'll be? I mean, what is that? Iida's also fully-equipped with support items! That's generally against the rules for those in the hero course.

Those who must use equipment needed to petition beforehand.

I forgot about that! Aoyama also wore a belt, so I thought it was fine! He submitted a petition.

I humbly apologize! However, my heart was moved by my opponent's sportsmanship.

Even though she is from the support course, she said she wanted an even match since she made it this far.

She said she wanted to fight fairly.

So, she gave me this equipment! I did not think I could ignore her fighting spirit! Oh, youth! I'll allow it! So it's fine? Well, if they both agree on it, then it's within regulations I guess? "Hero Analysis for the Future" Is Hatsume someone who'd say that? Could it be? Well, since permission's been granted, let's start the fourth match! Isn't that acceleration wonderful, Iida? A mic? Why? She's wearing speakers? Don't your legs feel lighter than usual? That's only to be expected! Those leg parts are helping the wearer's movements along! And I can evade easily with my hydraulic attachments! The support companies are sitting Oh, they're biting! I've got 'em! "Mei Hatsume" "Quirk: Zoom" Mei Hatsume.

Quirk: Zoom.

If she gets serious, she can see clearly up to five kilometer's away! Since I've got sensors in every direction, I can even deal with att*cks from behind! What are you planning? Iida changed course adeptly! It's thanks to the auto-balancer that I made! --What is this? --The leg parts detect the wearer's brainwaves to predict their movements, --She's very good at hard selling --The leg parts detect the wearer's brainwaves to predict their movements, so there's no need to worry about time lag! The auto-balancer is equipped with a 32-axis gyro sensor! It will be sure to keep the wearer from falling unless the wearer wants to! Weren't you going to fight fairly?! What do you think of this lightness?! These electro shoes use electromagnetic induction on both feet to allow for instant evasive action! I'll get her when she lands! Wh-What's this? A capture g*n to use against villains.

The capture nets are in cartridges, and you can fire up to five before reloading! Who developed all of these items? It was me, Mei Hatsume! Everyone from the support companies, the choice is clear--Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume! What is she, a politician? And now, I will talk about the next support item! There's still more? "Ten Minutes Later" I've presented each and every last one of them.

I have nothing left to say! "The End" H-Hatsume is out of bounds.

Iida advances to the second round! You tricked me! I'm sorry.

I used you.

I hate you! Iida's earnest, so she probably said some things that sounded good to get him on board.

Hatsume's not just honest, she will also use any means to reach her goal.

Amazing We're gonna keep right on going with the fifth match! Even though he's wearing a belt, he won't transform! From the hero course, it's Yuga Aoyama! Bonjour.

Versus-- Is something going to come out of those horns? Well? From the hero course, it's Mina Ashido! My first match is a piece of cake! I'll return those words right back at you.

Mina, you can do it! Aoyama, get her! Beat her like in those fighting games where their clothes get ripped off! What are you, scum? A match between Aoyama and Ashido.

Considering their Quirks Aoyama will probably attack from a distance with his laser.

So the match will be decided by how well Ashido can slip through Aoyama's att*cks and turn it into a close combat match.

But there's nothing to use as cover on the stage, so Ashido might be at a slight disadvantage.

Now, why don't we get moving? Fifth match, start! The early bird gets the worm! Whoops! Since we were on the same team for combat training, I know all about your Quirk! Same goes for me! There's just one thing that's different.

At the fitness test-- If I sh**t for more than a second, I get a stomachache.

That's what you said! You're persistent! My My stomach Now! Oh no, my precious belt! And my pants! I'll finish it with this! Aoyama has fainted! Ashido advances to the second round! Aoyama's knocked out! Ashido's easy victory is indisputable! Mina's amazing! If only Aoyama and Ashido's Quirks were switched! You're too much of a scumbag.

The match unfolded as I expected, but I misjudged Ashido's physical strength.

Even during the Quirk assessment test, she placed ninth out of everyone, including the boys.

It wasn't because of her Quirk--she's got excellent physical abilities.

Now, we've got no time to lose! Let's move on to the sixth match! Hey, I said get back to work! Offense and defense in one body! The dark samurai accompanied by Dark Shadow! From the hero course, it's Fumikage Tokoyami! Versus-- All-purpose Creation! She was admitted through recommendations, so her abilities are certified! From the hero course, it's Momo Yaoyorozu! Midoriya, what do you think of this match? I think time will be the key.

Time? It's just as Mr.

Present Mic says, I'm up against Tokoyami with Dark Shadow, offense and defense in one body.

In addition, Tokoyami can bring out Dark Shadow with no time lag, so there is no doubt he will start with a preemptive strike.

If I create a simple shield that doesn't take much time and block Tokoyami's attack If I just give myself enough time to make a w*apon-- Sixth match, start! Go, Dark Shadow! Got it! Quickly create a shield-- Next, a w*apon-- I can't collect my thoughts! His att*cks have stopped? Now! Yaoyorozu! Out of bounds! Tokoyami advances to the second round! An overwhelming victory! A completely overwhelming victory! Tokoyami's Dark Shadow! Could it be the greatest Quirk ever? No I couldn't do anything Nothing Tokoyami's too amazing.

I can't believe he forced her out of bounds just by focusing his att*cks on the shield Yaoyozoru made.

He was trying not to hurt her? That's how easy it was for him, huh? She must feel really frustrated Okay, let's move on! Next up-- The seventh match is a match-up between redundant Quirks! "Eijiro Kirishima" "Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu" Manly and passionate steel! From the hero course, it's Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! All right! Versus-- Manly and passionate hardening! From the hero course, it's Eijiro Kirishima! Even our intros are the same?! Go, Tetsutetsu! Win like Ibara did! Get a hold of yourself.

Let's start this passionate seventh match! "Player Waiting Room 2" Good work, Iida.

Oh, Urarak-- You're not like yourself at all! Your brow's all wrinkled! My brow? Oh, it's just my nerves Must've reached my brow.

I see You're up against that Bakugo, after all Yeah, I'm really scared.

But you know, after seeing a match like yours, Iida Like mine? Uraraka! Deku! Huh? You don't want to watch the others' matches? Most ended quickly, and now Kirishima is up against someone from Class B.

That didn't hurt at all! That didn't hurt, either! Then, next soon But, well, I don't think even Bakugo would use a full-strength expl*si*n on a girl He would.

Everyone's trying to become number one to make their dreams come true.

"Player Waiting Room 1" Even if it's not Kacchan, no one would think about holding back.

You've helped me so much, Uraraka.

That's why I thought maybe I could help you a little.

A plan to use your Quirk against Kacchan-- It's rough, but I came up with something.

Oh, isn't that great, Uraraka? Thanks, Deku.

But, it's fine.

You're amazing, Deku.

I keep seeing more and more amazing sides to you.

During the cavalry battle, I thought it'd be easier to team up with friends, but now that I think about it, I might've been trying to rely on you.

That's why, when Iida said he'd challenge you, it actually made me feel a little embarrassed.

Uraraka That's why it's fine.

Everyone's facing the future and trying their hardest.

That means we're all rivals, right? That's why Let's meet in the finals! The two guys with the same Quirks! Tetsutetsu versus Kirishima! A head-to-head fistfight! The winner is-- Both contestants down! It's a draw! In the case of a draw, after they recover, the winner will be determined by a simple contest, like arm wrestling.

Their ability was the same, too? I like passionate guys like that.

They're inspiring.

I'd like a sidekick like that.

While we wait for Tetsutetsu and Kirishima to recover, we'll start the next match! "Katsuki Bakugo" "Ochaco Uraraka" Next might be the most disturbing match-up.

I almost don't want to watch Uraraka Do your best! The eighth and last match of the first round! He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo! Versus-- She's the one I'm rooting for! From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka! Eighth match, start! "Preview" Oh, this is, you know, the preview Uraraka, there's no spirit in your words.

But I guess that makes sense, since your first match is against Kacchan.

But I'll do it.

In order to become a hero and let my parents take it easy! Deku, let's meet in the finals! Yeah, good luck, Uraraka! Next time, "Bakugo vs.

Uraraka"! The meteor shower falling from the sky will be the path to victory! Go beyond! "Next time: Bakugo vs.

Uraraka" Plus Ultra!
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