02x10 - (S) Shoto Todoroki: Origin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x10 - (S) Shoto Todoroki: Origin

Post by bunniefuu »

Endeavor's my old man.

He's been stuck as the number two hero for forever.

It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might.

If you have something from the number one hero, then I have even more reason to beat you.

In my memories, my mother is always crying.

"Your left side is unsightly," my mother said as she poured boiling water on me.

Without using my damn old man's Quirk No I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it.

No matter what you are to All Might, I will rise above you with just my right side.

But I can't lose, either.

I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me.

I will beat you, too! But you want to be a hero, don't you? It's okay for you to be one.

Before I knew it, I had forgotten what happened after this "Shoto Todoroki" "Izuku Midoriya" The first match of the second round! At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances! Midoriya! First, he'll come at me with ice.

Versus-- Todoroki! It'll be dangerous to let him use that power as he likes.

It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now-- The instant we start Start! Go! Smash! So cold! Just the wind is already this cold?! Just as I expected.

He was prepared to injure himself to negate the attack.

Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack! He didn't know what scale of attack Young Todoroki would use, so he abandoned control and fired off a shot at 100%! It's true that that was the only thing he could do against the ice attack However! Smash! He stopped it again! Damn From what I know of Todoroki's fighting, he always att*cks in an instant, so I don't have much data on him.

Data During this fight, I need to find an opening The ice he's stuck behind him is probably how he plans to keep from being blown away.

Which means, I was right to use my fingers.

It's likely that it could even work against a 100% smash where I sacrifice my arm.

I've got to look carefully Think Find it I've got six more chances! You're Five more chances! It started?! Kirishima, good job making it to the second round.

Yeah, I'll be up against you next, Bakugo.

Let's have a good fight! I'll k*ll you.

I'd like to see you try! But man, you and Todoroki can both sh**t off powerful att*cks that cover a lot of ground.

Like "Bam!" And you can do it with no time lag.

I'm not just sh**ting them off.

Don't underestimate 'em.

Huh? If you overuse your muscles, the muscle fibers tear, and if you keep running, you'll run out of breath.

There's a limit to how much power I can produce, too.

That's why I designed my costume so that I could fire blasts in excess of what my body allows without any risk.

Quirks are physical abilities, too.

They must also have some kind of limit.

If I think about it like that, I guess that makes sense Then, against the instant-k*ller Todoroki, Midoriya wants an endurance match, huh? I'll end this quickly.

Smash! I've used up all the fingers on my right hand! Todoroki doesn't recoil from Midoriya's power and gets in close! Damn it! Oh no, he's so close! That's a lot more powerful than before.

Are you trying to tell me to stay away? It's not just his Quirk.

His judgment, application skills, mobility All of his abilities are strong! He's already better than the average pro It's like that's what you get from the son of the number two hero.

What, you're that beat up just from defending and running away? He's trembling? Is that how it is? Damn it Sorry Thanks, Midoriya.

That guy's face is clouded over thanks to you.

Without using my damn old man's Quirk No I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it.

With your arms like that, you can't fight anymore, can you? Let's finish this.

Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power! Here comes the finishing ice attack! Where are you looking? Bastard With your broken finger? Why are you going so far? You're trembling, Todoroki.

Quirks are physical abilities, too.

There's a limit to how much cold your body can take, isn't there? And isn't that something you could solve by using the heat from your left side? Everyone's fighting with everything they've got To win and get closer to their dream To become number one You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know! Come at with me with everything you've got! You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know! Come at with me with everything you've got! Young Midoriya Todoroki isn't you, either.

That boy Midoriya What are you planning? Everything I've got? Did my damn old man buy you off or something? Now I'm angry! His movements are slow! It's because frost fell on his body Unlike the limit to my power, it's probably like the MP in a game Was the scale during his fight with Flat Face the upper limit? In close quarters, you won't be able to do anything about it! The instant I lifted my right foot This guy! Imagine the microwave It won't explode It won't It won't! It won't! A solid hit! We've got some action! He got a hit on Todoroki! Even though Midoriya looks way more beat up I can't believe he went on the offensive here! Why? The ice isn't coming as fast Should I stop it, Midnight? That Midoriya's probably thinking, "Recovery Girl will heal me anyway," and is being reckless.

He's full of adrenaline right now, so he probably isn't feeling much pain But, those injuries They probably can't be fully healed in one go.

Even if he wins, he might not be able to fight his next match.

You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk.

His power's gone down, but he's gained some control.

He's not just fighting recklessly.

This is the best he can do to win at this point in time.

But man Even if it can be healed, to be able to jump into intense pain like that requires a lot of resolve.

What is stirring him up? All Might.

I want to be like him.

In order to do that, I have to be strong enough to become number one.

My motivation might seem trivial compared to yours I can't make a fist! Smash! Why are you going so far? Because I want to live up to everyone's expectations I want to be able to smile and respond to them To be a cool hero That's what I want to be! Shoto That's why-- Everyone's giving it their all! There's no way I can know all of your circumstances, or your resolve.

But for you to become number one without giving it your all, to completely reject your father Right now, I think you should stop screwing around! Stand up! If you're downed by something like this, forget beating All Might, you won't even be able to take the small fry villains-- Please, stop! He's only five! He's already five! Get out of my way! Mom! Shut up.

I don't wanna, Mom I I I don't want to be like Dad I don't want to become someone who bullies you, Mom! But you want to be a hero, don't you? It's okay for you to be one.

As long as you have a future you feel strongly about.

That's why I will win! I'll surpass you! Don't look at that, Shoto.

They're from a different world than you.

Mom, I'm going crazy I can't take it anymore.

Every day, the children seem to become more and more like him Shoto's That child's left side sometimes looks very unsightly to me I can't raise him anymore I feel like I shouldn't M Mom? I Good grief, this is an important time, too Where's Mom? Oh, she injured you, so I put her in a hospital.

It's your fault.

You're the one who made Mom I will reject my old man's power It's your power, isn't it?! Yes, that's right! Children inherit Quirks from their parents.

But the really important thing is not that connection, but recognizing your own flesh and blood-- recognizing yourself.

That's what I mean when I say: "I am here!" "Looking back at that time" You see? But you want to be a hero, don't you? It's okay for you to be one.

Before I knew it, I had forgotten You don't have to be a prisoner of your blood.

It's okay for you to become who you want to be.

Th-This is! The fire's here In battle I will never use my left.

He used it! You made him use his left side Young Midoriya, don't tell me you're trying to save Young Todoroki? Even though you want to win Damn it To help your enemy Which one of us is screwing around now? I want to be a hero, too! Shoto! Huh? Have you finally accepted yourself?! That's it! Good! It all starts from here for you! With my blood, you will surpass me You will fulfill my desire! Endeavor suddenly shouts encouragement? Such a doting father.

Wow Why are you smiling? With those injuries In this situation You're crazy Don't blame me for what happens next.

Midnight! If they keep going, it'll be bad-- His body won't hold up! Try to get close and give him everything I've got! Come at me with your full power! Midoriya Thanks.

Hey! What the heck?! Man, seriously?! What happened? Just because something is powerful doesn't mean it's good, but this is amazing What was that just now? What the heck is up with your class? The air that had been cooled thoroughly was suddenly heated up and expanded.

That's what created this expl*si*n? Just how hot was that?! Jeez, I can't see a thing! Hey, who won the match? M-Midoriya is out of bounds Todoroki advances to the third round! "Shoto Todoroki: Origin" "Preview" I am Tenya Iida, the class representative of Class A, and I am responsible for the preview.

This is the same way you started the preview before! Midoriya, I swear that I will win and advance for you, too! Yeah, I'm sure you can do it, Iida! Yes, now that I have come this far, I must become number one and tell Tensei.

Next time, "Fight on, Iida"! Hello, Mother? What happened to Tensei? What in the world happened to my brother, Tensei?! "Next time: Fight on, Iida" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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