02x06 - Pups Save a Show/Pups Save a Ghost

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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02x06 - Pups Save a Show/Pups Save a Ghost

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on
the double ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem ♪

♪ 'Round Adventure Bay ♪

♪ Ryder and his team of pups ♪

♪ Will come and save
the day ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase, ♪

♪ Rocky, Zuma, Skye ♪

♪ Yeah, they're on
the way ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whenever you're
in trouble ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on
the double ♪

♪ No job is too big,
No pup is too small ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,
We're on a roll! ♪

♪ So here we go
PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪




Hey, where'd this hole
come from?



Little Hootie?


Phew. I mean,
I knew that wasn't a ghost.

(Air whooshing)

But that's a ghost!



I made it!

My turn, my turn, my turn!



Don't worry, I'm good.

Well, not good at jumping,
but you know what I mean.


Now it's my turn.


Where'd he go?

Uh, Rubble, did you dig a hole
in the middle of the yard?

I didn't dig that.

I fell in a hole last night too
when I heard the...

Uh... Well, uh...

Heard the what?
Oh, nothing.

Just Little Hootie
I guess.

Hey, pups,
how's it going?

Not so great, Ryder.

Someone's been digging holes
and leaving toys all over.

Hmm. Maybe some wild animal was
prowling around last night.

Or some wild ghost!

No way!


It's definitely a mystery.

Well, I saw something
last night

and it looked
pretty ghosty to me.


(Music playing)


Sounds like
"Pup-Pup Boogie"?

In the middle of the night?

Okay, you-you--
Pup-Pup Boogie-monster.

Come out!


Ah! Ghost!

It's okay, Rubble.
It's just me.

Yeah, sorry.

But I did just see
a white thing floating outside,

and heard someone playing
"Pup-Pup Boogie".

Maybe someone forgot
to turn off the game?

That bag of puppy treats wasn't
out here when I went to bed.

It's definitely a ghost.

We'll figure it out, Rubble.

No job is too big,
no pup is too small.

PAW Patrol,
to the Lookout!

(All yawning)

Ryder needs us.

Hey, who left
all the toys out?



Rocky, shush.





I said shush.

PAW Patrol ready for action,
Ryder, sir.

Sorry to wake you pups,

but strange things are
happening at the Lookout.

Someone's digging holes,
dropping toys,

playing games late at night,
and swiping treats.

(All gasping)

No way!

Who would do that?!
Not the cookies!

Rubble thinks
it might be a ghost,

so we need to set up a trap
to figure it out.

I need Super Spy Chase's
night vision goggles

to find out
what's really going on.

Spy Chase
is on the case.

I also need Rocky and his
tool arm to help build the trap.

Green means go!


The rest of you sleepy pups
can go back to bed.

All right!
PAW Patrol is on a roll!


♪ PAW Patrol ♪


♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪


♪ Chase! ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

(Siren wailing)

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Rocky! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

(Tires screeching)

(Sirens wailing)

Okay, Chase,
find a good hiding spot

to keep an eye
on the backyard.

You got it, Ryder.

Super Spy Chase
is on the case.

Hiya, Chase.
Good hiding spot.

Huh? Why do I always
forget the tail?


Come on, Rocky.
Let's build that trap.

The cookie goes here,
and if anyone tries to take it,

this bell will ring
and the air nozzle

will blow the sheet on
to the intruder, catching it.

Unless it's a ghost.

Ghosts don't usually eat
dog treats.

You're right,
unless it's a dog ghost.


Hey, Chase,
how's everything?

In position, Ryder.

Night vision goggles.

All clear.

Great job, Spy Chase.

I'll check
on the other pups.

Over and out, Ryder, sir.

Suction cups.

An intruder following Ryder.
Chase is on the case!

Ruff! Ruff!
Zip line!


Ah! I caught the ghost!

A ghost?! Ah!

A ghost? Really?

No, it's me, Ryder.

Oh, no, the ghost got Ryder.

No, Rubble, the ghost
didn't get me, the trap did.

Sorry, Ryder, I saw
something following you.

That was me.

That's okay.
You were both trying to help.


Guess we
should keep looking?


Hear that?
It's the Pup-Pup Boogie-monster!

I'd better
check this out.


(Music playing)


It was a ghost.

It is kind of a mystery.

I need all paws on deck.

Skye, Zuma, Marshall,
meet me in the backyard.


Sorry to wake you up again,
pups, but I need you all--

Hey, where's Marshall?

Did the ghost get him?

(All gasping)

He's probably
still asleep.

Let's check his pup house.

Ryder, look!

The ghost?



That's not a ghost,
it's Marshall!

Earth to Marshall!

Where are you going?

Pups, it looks like

Marshall's sleepwalking.

And snow he's

That's not good.

Chase, let's go!

He can't skate that well
when he's awake.



Marshall, it's Ryder.
Wake up!

Chase! Your zip line!

Great idea!
Ruff! Zip line!

Got him!


Lost him.

Zuma, I need you
down at the docks!

No worries,
I'm right here.


Whoa! Awesome move!






I was having this silly dream
that I was...


Surfing on a whale!




Hang tight, dude.


Don't worry, Marshall.
You're safe, sound and awake.

Uh, all right.
Thanks, Zuma!


Oof! I'm good!

Ryder? Chase?
What's up?

We figured out who
the Pup-Pup Boogie monster is.


You! You've been

Sleepwalking? No wonder my legs
are so tired in the morning!

Don't worry, Marshall, even when
a PAW Patrol pup is in trouble,

they just
have to yelp--

Or snore.


For help.

Okay, all you good pups,
time to go to bed,

and stay there!

(Air whooshing)

Did Rubble
find more ghosts?

There is a ghost.

Or a Rubble
caught in the ghost trap.

I found the
double liver chip cookies!



Fear not, fair princess, pups of
the round table will save thee.




But who will rescue Marshall
from under the throne?


This is a job
for King Arthur!

You are free, good--


Um, knight.

King Arthur and the Pups
of the Round Table

will be the best play
Adventure Bay has ever seen!


It'll be knight-tastic!


Captain Turbot!

How is
my set coming?

Castle construction is close
to complete completion.

Just one last nail.


Oh, dear!
Are you okay?

It's a madcap Medieval mess
in here, and I'm stuck.

Oh, no!
We need the PAW Patrol.


Hi, Mayor Goodway.

crisis at the castle.

The set collapsed
around Captain Turbot.

Uh, hi, Ryder.

Don't worry, Mayor Goodway.

No job is too big,
no pup is too small.

Bye, Ryder.

PAW Patrol,
to the Lookout!

Ryder needs us!


I'm coming!

Oh, no, not again.



Well, at least
I can see now.


PAW Patrol ready for--


For duty, Ryder, sir.

Thanks for
coming so fast, pups.

The castles that Captain Turbot
was building fell down,

and he's trapped underneath.

Help, help, help!

Chase, I need you
and your winch, rope and hook

to move
the wall pieces.

Your good knight Chase
be-ist on the case, my liege.


That means, Chase is--

(Clearing throat)

Is on the case.

Are you feeling okay?

Sure! Never better!


Rubble, I need you to use
your crane and claw

to lift
the broken set pieces.

Rubble on the double!

Marshall, I need you
and your x-ray screen

to check Captain Turbot
and make sure he isn't hurt.

I'm ready for
a ruff-ruff rescue!

All right!
PAW Patrol is on a roll!


♪ PAW Patrol ♪


♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪


♪ Chase! ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

(Siren wailing)

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Rubble! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

(Tires screeching)

(Sirens wailing)


Uh, hey, PAW Patrol.

Hey, dude.

Hi, Cap'n Turbot.
Are you okay?

PAW Patrol
is here to help.

Cap'n Turbot, how--


Art thee?


But stuck.

Oh, and my arm
smarts a smidge.

We'll have you out
in no time, captain.

Rubble, use your claw hook
to lift the wall.

On the double.


Rubble! Thanks for
getting me out of there.

Well, almost.

It seems I'm still stuck
under this silly scenery.


Chase, your winch!

On it, sire, sire.

(Siren wailing)



Go ahead, Chase.



Oh, thanks for
freeing me from--


Okay, Captain,
I need to do a medical exam.


X-ray screen.

Hmm, looks like
it's only a sprain.

I'll wrap it up.


Try not to use your wrist
for a couple of days.

Oh, I can't rest.

I have to rapidly
rebuild the rampart

and quickly construct
the castle.

Don't worry, Captain,
the PAW Patrol will help.

Yeah, the show must--


Must-eth go on
so I can go on.

That's why
you're the star, Chase,

you're such
a take-charge pup.

Too true.
Yep, that's our Chase.

Okay, let's put this castle
back together.


Okay, my knights of the--


Of the pup table,
move it!




Oh, thank you,
brave knights,

for restoring the castle.

Now the play
can start on time.



Are you okay, Chase?

You sound
a little hoarse.

No, I'm just
a little pup.


Are you getting
a puppy cold?

can you take a look?

Two patients in one day!

You've got a fever.

Cough for me.


Chase, you have a cold and
you're losing your voice.

No play for you, pal.


You need lots of rest
and liquids.

But, but, but, but--

Oh, my stars!

I mean, my star--

Of the show!

How can we put on a play
starring King Arthur

with no Arthur?

Maybe one of the pups
could fill in for Chase.

But, but, but--
Wonderful idea!

Uh, Marshall!


You can save the show
for everyone.

But, but, but--

You know all the words,

and you're the only other pup
that the crown fits.

But, but, but I only
know how to be a knight!


Chase said you helped him
learn all his lines.

Come on,
Marshall, you can do it!

Yeah, for me!


Chase, you'd better
get home to rest.

Katie can
take care of you.

But, but--



Can't even watch the play.

Don't worry, Chase,
Ryder has a plan.


Welcome to the show!

Hey, Chase!


We thought you'd like
to watch the play.

Check it out.

Without further ado,
I present

King Arthur and the Pups
of the Round Table.



Once upon a time, there lived
a brave group of knights.

I'm Sir Scoops-a-lot.



I'm Sir Dive-a-lot!


I'm Sir Scratch-a-lot.


Oh, yeah,
that's the spot.

I'm Lady Fly-a-lot.


The Knights' mighty leader

was the bravest
knight in the land.

The bravest
knight in the land!






Marshall, what's wrong?

I can't do it.
I can't remember a single word

with everyone
staring at me like that.

Don't worry,
I'll help you get started.

Okay. Whoa!



And I'm Arthur!

And I'm an otter!
Oh, no.

I mean, I'm Arthur!

Behold, the princess's throne,
tis empty!

Behold, the princess's
phone needs ice tea.


I mean, is empty!


Is empty!


Who will rescue
the fair princess?


You can do it!

Fear not, fair princess,

Arthur and his brave pups of the
round table will saveth thee!


Bravo, Marshall!



Behold, the bone!

Mm! Looks delicious.

Whoever pulls it
from the stone becomes king.


Hark the princess!

Fear not, fair princess!







You are free,
fair princess!


Great job, Marshall!

Great job,
all of you!

You're such good pups.

Heads up!

All hail King Arthur!

Hail King Arthur!

Cali's okay!

Marshall did it!



Back to bed,
brave Sir Chase.

But, but--
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