03x18 - (S) RUSH!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x18 - (S) RUSH!

Post by bunniefuu »

The prestigious school that turned out many heroes, U.A.

High School.

Enrolled in their hero course, I continue to run toward my dream, standing up to any difficulties and saving people with a smile in order to become the greatest hero! "Number to Pass 1st Test 100 People" The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass.

"1st Test Rules" The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body.

They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area.

You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits.

You will also have six of these balls.

The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your targets light up, then you're out.

"Fail" The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat.

You get through this round by defeating two people.

I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike.

Use your Quirks well and do your best.

The 62nd person has passed.

After another 38, it'll be over.

"Yo Shindo - Quirk: Vibrate" Let's sum up the situation so we're all on the same page.

During the beginning of the first test, "Tremoring Earth" we focused on U.


, chipping off their assets and splitting them up.

Currently, we have split into two groups, going after the split-up U.


A number of schools have jumped in to take advantage of that.

Now, in the final stages of the test, they have started fighting.

The current progress of fighting is chaotic.

"Tatami Nakagame - Quirk: Telescopic" Your splitting the field had the opposite effect, then I was rushing, too, but if you think about it, the result is really excellent.

If I were given eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first six hours sharpening my axe.

Right now, all they can think about is the number of slots left, so they're panicking and rushing out, using up a lot of stamina.

They're focusing on U.


, since they have the most intel on them, so we can hide in the corner and watch as they narrow their field of view.

That's the current situation.

You've finally taken off your polite face.

You're so sneaky, Yo.

Call me tactful instead.

Well, coming in at the eleventh hour, whether in a rush or with a plan, is the sign of an indomitable spirit.

All the people here right now are struggling to grasp their dreams and ideals.

There are no high or low ranks in that struggle.



High School.

I respect the school.

I take pride that we are counted as equals.

However, you lot continuously act in ways that cause its dignity to decline.

He's gonna do that thing again! That gross thing! Shut up! Obligation? Dignity? You just won't stop talking "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" Show us with your actions, not your mouth, sir.

Especially you, Bakugo! AP Shot: Auto-Cannon! I made it weaker to use against people, though.

"Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Man, everyone hates you for the same reason! Damn it, I cannot believe I fell for it.

Those gross things scattered around are going back?! A mentality that reacts impulsively to a simple provocation That is something that depends solely on how proud a person is.

In that case, I will break him myself and make him understand Behavior befitting the school one belongs to is what it means to be dignified.

What's with this guy? He talks too much.

I'll k*ll him! Hey, wait! Don't forget that this is a test! That's why I'll k*ll him! Absurd! Man, this fight isn't going anywhere! I'll finish this up fast! Projectiles? Aw, crap! You're an eyesore.

Shall I shape you into a ball first? Don't ignore me! I'm not, though.

Huh? Earlier, I had a piece of my flesh from under this elevated structure go around.

You saw earlier with Kirishima, didn't you? If it touches you, that's the end.

Bakugo! Hey, idiot! Here! Pathetic.

You should start again from scratch.

"Gah" "Seiji Shishikura - Quirk: Meatball" Shiketsu High School, second year, Seiji Shishikura.

Quirk: Meatball! He can change flesh by massaging it.

For someone else's flesh, he can only knead it and make it round, but he can do a lot more with his own flesh.

He can cut it off and manipulate it or gather it up and make a big piece! It seems pretty handy! No way This is a demonstration of power.

This test has an unusually low passing rate.

Since All Might has retired, and we have reached a turning point, wouldn't it normally be appropriate to increase the number of heroes? Namely, what this implies is that they are weeding out the riffraff.

We can surmise that they are starting to be more selective in order to bring the profession of hero to a higher level.

I wish to support that, so I am removing you folks now.

You're ignoring the test to do that? That's strange! What's strange is for ordinary people to grow apace in the world.

By the way, their senses, including their sense of pain, will work as normal even in this form.

So your electricity will hurt everyone, Denki Kaminari.

You've pretty much just been slinging insults this whole time, huh? It hurts, so I wish you'd stop.

That's because you have some self-awareness.

I hope it will cause you to reflect on your actions.

I wasn't talking about myself! An expl*si*n? But I made Bakugo into a ball! Bakugo's equipment?! He can put ingredients for an expl*si*n in to make a simple grenade! He told me about it angrily before, when I asked him if they were there for fashion.

He gave it to him back then? By the way, sir you stumbled over to a great spot.

Sharpshooting? I can't really manipulate electricity, so it's hard to fight with other people.

I wondered if I could do something about it I have prepared the items you wanted-- A pointer and sh**t.

It's a baby we collaborated on! If you sh**t with the pointer set to "sh**t," then it'll stick to the point of impact.

As long as it's within ten meters of the pointer, then your electricity will be gathered into a single line.

If you have multiple targets, then you can use the dial to select them, and you can use the attached glass to figure out exact locations.

Will it require more thinking? Thumbs up.

But with this, I can use my Quirk without hitting everyone around me.

I know, Bakugo.

The reason you stopped the opponent's att*cks with your smaller-ranged new move rather than a big expl*si*n was so you wouldn't hit me or Kirishima, who was on the ground.

Sir, Bakugo might seem vulgar, but he's actually trying really hard to be a hero.

Throwing that grenade to me in an instant was a result of his calm judgment of how to break the deadlock, don't you think? And Kirishima is such a good guy that he'd rush into enemy territory for his friends, even though it was a dumb thing to do.

sh**t! I loosened my hold for a second.

You've only heard bits and pieces of information about these guys, so don't insult them thinking you know who they are! I'm telling you to be more aware of your position, you moron! Depending on the amount of damage, it gets released, huh? No wonder he was only using long-distance att*cks.

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" Thanks, Kaminari! What took you so long, Dunce Face?! That's so mean! No wonder people keep dissing you! Wait, behind you! You guys weren't the only ones he balled up! I know.

We're currently at 70 people.

It'll be over after another 30.

"Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" The other people in class aren't coming.

Was it too hard with their Quirks known, after all? "Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" "Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms" "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" "Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" Todoroki, you passed! Didn't expect any less.

What about the others? They haven't come yet.

I was the first, and then you all.

I see.

They're not here yet, huh? Weren't you all working together? We were, but we got split up by the Quirk of someone from Ketsubutsu Academy Thirty people left I hope everyone can pass "Inasa Yoarashi - Quirk: Whirlwind" Sero! "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" Midoriya, carry me and jump! Huh? Just do it! Okay, Uraraka! "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" Release! Wha--?! T-Tape?! They stuck it to debris and threw it, huh? Damn it! I gave some tape to Uraraka and had her set some traps.

I did say as many as possible, but that's so bold In order to make sure no one was in a position to be hit by the debris, I hid and figured out the timing! Currently, 76 people have passed.

We will be at capacity soon.

We don't have much time, and I'm sure others will come attack us soon, too.

Let's take these, guys.

You guys are first years, right? Give us a break! We've gotta get our provisional licenses this time around! I do, too.

"Tenya Iida" "Quirk: Engine" "He can run very fast using the engines in his calves.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 8/22" "Height: 179 cm" "Blood Type: A" "Likes: Beef Stew" "Yuga Aoyama" "Quirk: Navel Laser" "He can sh**t a strong laser beam from his bellybutton.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 5/30" "Height: 168 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Himself" We're at 79 people.

We're moving fast at a good pace.

Wow, the response is super fast! Those who have passed should go to the anteroom.

What about the others? "Heroes Public Safety Commission - Yokumiru Mera" Those boys and girls' youthfulness is just gushing up, huh? The battle royale is normal, "Mashirao Ojiro - Quirk: Tail" "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" "Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" but this time, we've got an unusual pattern.

"Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" U.


, which is heavily targeted each time, still hasn't had anyone taken out.

"Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" That's-- "Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Navel Laser" Aoyama! Iida, are you alone? What a coincidence.

So am I.

I've been trying to help those in Class A as much as I can.

A number of us gathered in one place, and I came out to look for others.

Does that mean you're running around by yourself? Yup.

You're so weird.

How do you know who's still left? What'll you do if everyone left you behind and passed already? But I found you, didn't I? If everyone else passed first, then that's good! I am Class A's representative.

I'm in a position to lead the class.

As long as time and energy allow, I want to serve the class.

That's what my brother would've done.

My actions are also the shape of my dream.

"The shape of my dream" Even so, I do want to get my provisional license.

The test is nearing the final stages I'll continue my search on my way to getting it.

Please work with me! Now, we had three people pass in succession, --bringing the total to 82, which means there are 18 spots left.

--They're fighting all over the place.

Oh? Hey, that's Sero and the others! All right! Amazing! Whoo! Kaminari! All right! Amazing! Whoo! All right! All right! All right! You passed, huh? Deku, you damn bastard Kacchan! Um, yeah It feels like it's been a while Ever since Kamino, he's come at me even less than before With the power you've got, it's only natural.

Huh?! Kacchan just now, to me?! You've made what you borrowed your own, huh? One day, I will make this Quirk my own and beat you with my own power! Kacchan Everyone, I'm glad you are all safe! I was so worried.

Yao-momo, we're safe, we're safe.

Man, you guys were pretty fast! We also just finished.

Todoroki was the fastest.

I thought Bakugo would definitely also be here already, but I see, it was because you were with him, Kaminari.

What?! You should fix that part of you! Ochaco, the key to take off the targets is in the back.

They said to put them on the return shelf with the ball bags.

Thanks, Tsu.

I'll do that.

That makes eleven from Class A, huh? Nine more to go.

The announcement said there were 18 spots left Everyone I'll take you! Aoyama! Damn it! There's two of us.

In the middle of this w*r, it'll be hard to survive now, Iida! What are you saying? Anyone can give up! Let's do our best! No, that's not it Wow! We'll be hit by stray sh*ts! Damn it, there's no time! What should we do?! "Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" "Pro Hero - Ms.

Joke - Quirk: Outburst" Okay, eight people just passed all at once! There are ten spots left! Oh, the eight were from my class! Look, they're heading to the anteroom.

It's Shindo and the others.

Good job! Ten people left In Class A there are still nine people left It might be impossible for all of us to pass at this point As long as time and energy allow, I want to serve the class.

That's what my brother would've done.

My actions are also the shape of my dream.

"The shape of my dream" Papa! Maman! Why am I different from everyone else? Wh-What?! What are you doing? Wait, seriously, what are you doing? I'm standing out! You really are! No, that's not what I mean! If you protect me, we'll both be taken down.

I'm standing out, and two of my targets have already been taken out.

I'll be out after one more.

I'll do it for you.

Get behind those who're coming to get me while I'm standing out.

With your speed, you can do it yourself, right? What are you saying all of a sudden? It might sound sudden, but "The shape of my dream" I always wanted to be an equal They'll be here soon.

Get ready! But! Hurry up! Hurry! Wh-What's that? Pigeons?! Ow! Ow! This is "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" Birds, continue to circle that area! Black Abyss! Covert Black-Ops Arms! Wh-What?! What the heck?! Damn it! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Get the ones you can first! Before they get you! Oh, everyone! It's U.


! "Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility" Warp Refraction: Say Cheese! Argh, my eyes! I'm going first! Me too! Two more have passed! Eight left! Hey Why? Everyone was panicking and getting careless-- Friend and foe alike were all mixed up, and we couldn't see anything around us! But we were able to see your bellybutton laser and meet up again! Now, let's do it! Seven left! Sorry.

Six left! Five left! They just keep coming! In the final minutes, U.


came together and pulled off some great combos to pass! There were that many of you left? I did it! Four left! All right! Three left! Oh, we've got one from Shiketsu High right now, so two left! "Camie Utsushimi" Aoyama! I don't know what you want to be equal with, because I don't know what you're measuring yourself up against but this was thanks to you! Thank you! Well, that means that my twinkle won't stop, huh? Yeah, probably! I don't really know, though! And zero! One hundred people! All the spots just filled up! The end! Whoo-hoo! All right! Everyone in U.


passed the first test! Amazing! This is amazing! Ribbit, ribbit! Oh, good Yeah.

And now, unfortunately, those who failed will have to withdraw.

Everyone, please leave promptly.

Jeez, you all made me nervous.

Once we get back, you'll have to train more.

You're happy, aren't you? Act it! I'm mad.

Your legs look like they're bouncing happily.

No, they aren't.

What?! Shishikura failed?! You're too loud.

"Nagamasa Mora" It's because that violently passionate guy went ahead of us and fought alone! You two, too! Setting aside the first-year, Yoarashi Camie! You should know better! Yes, sir Well, for all hundred of you who passed the first test, please watch this.

It's the field I wonder what's going to happen? Why?! Th-This is The next test will be the last one.

We will have you all undertake rescue exercises as bystanders in this disaster site.

Rescue! "Preview" Here's the preview! The final screening is saving people who need to be saved at a disaster site.

The provisional license and this test-- All of it is for what I want to become-- The shape of my dream! Next time, "Rescue Exercises"! "Next time: Rescue Exercises" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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