03x24 - (S) A Season for Encounters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x24 - (S) A Season for Encounters

Post by bunniefuu »

What's important is to know well who you are.

Going to work with those content faces That's no good.

I think that's wonderful.

They're all just decent people! What am I doing? What I do every day.

Something special.

I start every day with a puff of Natural American Spirit and people watching.

And then it's over "A Season for Encounters" It's been half a month since All Might retired after the fight in Kamino Ward in Kanagawa Prefecture.

On TV and on the internet, they've just been letting loose idle gossip meant to stir up people's unease day after day.

"Special: Where is hero society headed?" However, there haven't been many big changes to our lives, right? I believe we should investigate how they'll change in a practical way and consider countermeasures.

--You're different.

--Please tell us about how you think hero society will change in the future.

--I approve of you Newscaster Miyagi.

--Please tell us about how you think hero society will change in the future.

I don't.

It's really just that the presence of All Might got too big-- so big that we couldn't see it anymore.

The biggest change for regular people's gotta be this guy, right? The hero who advanced to the number one spot, Endeavor.

"Pro Hero - Endeavor - Quirk: Hellflame" A big part of the unease lays on him.

That's not surprising.

He's not really the kind of guy that everyone likes.

It's not that I don't like Endeavor, "Japan without All Might" "Businessman (36)" it's just that I can't help comparing him to All Might! In a word, he's "rough.

" To me, he looks like a regular person pretending to be a superhero.

He is a superhero.

"Endeavor" "Endeavor hero" "Endeavor hate" "Endeavor scary" Through circumstances beyond his control, he received a rank unsuited for him.

"Endeavor resolving crime" "Endeavor cool" "Endeavor kids" It's unfortunate for him, too.

To be the symbol of the weakening of heroes? No, thank you! Although Endeavor has resolved a large number of cases, he is prone to anger, and many times, he has gone overboard.

In addition, in the base supporters of men ages twenty to forty, there is a lot of bias against him when compared with All Might.

For us in the media, we need to stop trying to just passively protect, but actively raise excitement for heroes.

We should not keep bringing up the minuses but see how we can turn them into pluses-- "Weakening" isn't about physical power.

Miyagi knows what he's talking about.

It's about the heart.

It's about power.

Be quiet Shut up! "I am here" is what that man says when he saves people.

For those who lived normally, that was reassuring.

But for everyone else, that was a curse.

No way, no way! I've already done it! I've already done it! Villains Those who are only faithful to themselves.

Once the curse is removed, this is naturally what would happen.

Jeez, give me a break! Hero! Over here! Even so, it's tempting for people who don't know what to do with their Quirks This is the usual scene.

You bastard, acting so boldly like this in the middle of the day! However, this is where it's slightly different.

Yellow, hurry up! Idiot! You brought the whole counter! Too bad, hero! There's more than one of us! We are Team Reservoir Dogs! And don't you forget it! If we all walk across together at a red light, it's not scary.

The guys who've formed factions and started moving in a systematic way have started to come into the spotlight.

The thing is, what we're looking for are those who're more-- What is it, Giran? Have you been well? "Villain - Giran" Long time no talk! How've you been? I don't know.

I don't know if I'm doing well or not.

I see.

That's tough.

Hey, answer my question.

Have you been well? Sure I have.

I've been so busy I'm just shrieking with delight.

In the past week or two, there's been a surge in the black market for suits and items.

Demand's growing exponentially.

The League of Villains! It's the darling of the idiots right now.

--That's nice.

--No, it's not.

Shut up damn it! And? What do you want? I'm a busy man.

I'm not busy.

I can't get in contact with Dabi.

You know where he is? Apparently, Shigaraki wants to meet up briefly.

He'll probably contact you again later.

I know where he is.

No, I don't! Don't go saying whatever you want! Okay, looks like you're having a hard time.

Don't overdo it.

Damn it, I'm me The League of Villains is currently scattered in different areas.

It's to get the investigation off our trails and also to find new comrades.

It's to make the organization even bigger.

What the hell, bastard? Your face looks gross! What're you looking at? I'm gonna k*ll you! We don't need guys like this Get down.

If you're trash, at least burn and be kindling for me.

This is no good I need to wrap myself up I'm gonna tear apart split in two! Once I'm wrapped up, I become one.

Here's my story.

In the past, I was one of those who had fun making mischief.

My Quirk is Twice.

It's a simple power that turns one thing into two.

I can make a clone of myself, and then make clones from the clone.

I can make a full team of just myself.

I made my clones do everything, and I was the king of all of us.

But the mes weren't satisfied with me being the king.

I was almost k*lled by myself.

The things that I make won't disappear without receiving a certain amount of damage.

Before long, all of us were arguing with each other, saying we were the real me.

Can you imagine it? This crazy situation continued for a week and two days.

In the end, we k*lled each other and disappeared.

Ever since, I haven't been able to be certain that I'm the real one.

I didn't know anymore.

There isn't anywhere a crazy person can belong.

Heroes only save good people.

By helping the league that accepted me as I am, I want to be able to think that I'm okay the way I am, too.

What I'm looking for are people who are crazy like me.

Oh Crazy bastards wandering in search of a place to belong A bunch of adults got together, and all they stole was a small convenience store register? I think that's weird If you've got this many people, you should have a bigger goal.

You guys are sick.

You need to get better.

We got the money, so we should skedaddle before the heroes get here, Overhaul.

They're all sick, every last one of them.

It looks like the crazy ones have started to make their own place to belong.

Both the hero side and our side have started changing sordidly.

What's important is to know well who you are.

Knowing what you want to become Knowing what you want to do That is very important All right What shall I do? "Izuku Midoriya" "Quirk: One For All" "Smashes villains with a super power passed down from one generation to the next.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 7/15" "Height: 166 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Pork Cutlet Bowl" "Midoriya" "Under house arrest!" "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" There's almost no pain or weird sensations If you keep getting injured in the same way two or three more times or so, I think you'll have to live without being able to use your arms.

I was really careful about holding back when I used it yesterday, but when I'm not fully under control of myself because of my emotions, I should still try not to use them.

I need to keep concentrating on my sh**t Style! "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and move promptly to the grounds! You're the one who's not in line.

The dilemma of a class rep! I heard, Class A-- "Neito Monoma - Quirk: Copy" Two people! You had two people fail the provisional licensing exam! "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Class B's Monoma! He's crazy, as usual! "Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" So were you the only one to fail again? Like with the final? Which is it?! We all passed! We've pulled ahead of you, Class A.

"Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" Sorry everyone They're turning it into a competition on their own, so don't worry about it.

According to Vlad Teacher, we'll have classes together this semester! "Pony Tsunotori - Quirk: Horn Cannon" I'm looking forward to it! Oh, I can't wait to test out my skills! Anyway, you're an exchange student, right? I'll beat you up so bad you won't be able to get back up! Don't teach her weird phrases! Hey, we're trying to get through back here.

I'm sorry! Come now, everyone, save your chitchat for later.

You're causing problems for other people! Don't show me how uncool you are.

"Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" Shinso.

He's the person who fought Midoriya at the sports festival.

That guy looks like he's bulked up a bit "Pro Hero - Nezu - Quirk: High Specs" Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, the principal! Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality It's hard for me to take care of it.

This is something you can say about humans, too.

Even if you have a balanced diet with zinc and vitamins, the most important thing has to be sleep.

Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur.

So if you're trying to improve your hair quality, --I really don't care --you should make sure to get enough sleep! --I can't believe how long he's talking about this --you should make sure to get enough sleep! The cause of the disturbance in lifestyle is incidents from this summer vacation I'm sure you all already know about-- "Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All" The loss of a pillar.

The effects of that incident have appeared faster than I could have imagined.

There will probably be great chaos in society in the near future.

In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you in the hero course.

You must approach activities outside of school, like the hero work studies that mainly second and third years participate in, --with a greater sense of caution and crisis than before.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" --Hero work studies? Is it like the next level of the internships we did? The air always feels heavy when we talk about gloomy things like this, huh? "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" The adults are working hard to do something about that heaviness.

"Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" We'd like you all to learn that hard work from them and develop into capable people.

All of you in the business course, general studies, support course, and hero course-- I don't want you to forget that you're all successors of this society.

Thank you, Principal Nezu.

If you're looking for a successor, there's no place more blessed with young talent than U.


How about it? Will you come teach for us? Taking your condition into account, as well, I don't think it's a bad idea.

Oh, I'm not just saying this with a vague idea in mind.

I have no doubt that someone suitable to be your successor will be here.

And now, we have a few warnings from the non-curricular guidance teacher, Mr.

Hound Dog.

"Hunting Dog Hero: Hound Dog (Non-Curricular Guidance)" Grrr Yesterday grrrrrr At the dorms! Grrrrr growl! Unused to grrr life-- Let's see.

There were students fighting last night.

"Pro Hero - Vlad King - Quirk: Blood Control" You might be unused to life at the dorms, but let's live a life of moderation, is what he means.

What was Mr.

Hound Dog there for? "Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" Does he forget human speech when he gets angry? There's still so much I don't know about U.


Midoriya and Bakugo are being treated as problem children, aren't they? And now, return to your classrooms, starting with the third years.

Hey, hey, hey! I know! Hey, listen to what I heard! "slap slap" It was a couple of first years! First years from Class 1-A who were fighting! Hey, do you know them? They're so energetic! --Hey, hey, hey! --Oh? Okay, then, we'll be continuing regular classes starting today.

"Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure" A lot of unprecedented things happened, but you'll need to switch gears and focus on your duties as students.

We'll be staying inside the classroom today, but this semester, you'll have even harsher training than before.

He's not talking about it What's that, Ashido? I haven't felt this in a while! I'm sorry, can I ask a question? Can you tell us what the "hero work studies" that came up earlier during the opening ceremonies are about? Oh yeah, the principal said something about that.

I was wondering, as well.

He said it was something many of the upperclassmen are engaged in I was planning to talk more about those at a later date, but I guess telling you guys now is more logical.

To put it simply, they're hero activities outside of school.

Like the internships you did under heroes before only closer to the real thing.

Oh, there was a system like that? Then why did I work so hard at the sports festival?! That's true.

If we have work studies, then even those who didn't get scouted at the sports festival would have paths open up for them.

"Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" Now, calm down.

You're not being yourself.

But--! The hero work studies use the scouting from the sports festival as connections.

This isn't part of a class, but an activity done at the discretion of the student.

So those who weren't scouted at the sports festival would have a hard time lining one up to begin with.

Originally, individual agencies recruited on their own, but there were many complications with trying to get U.


students to join, so it ended up being like this.

If you understand, sit down.

I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions Now that you have your provisional licenses, you can assist in more real ways for longer periods of time.

But there haven't been many cases where first years have received their provisional licenses.

With the increased activity of villains, we are currently thinking seriously about your participation.

Well, we'll have you hear more about what it's like and explain in further detail at a later date.

We've got our own circumstances to consider.

Well then, sorry to keep you waiting, Mic.

First period is English! In other words, my time! "Pro Hero - Present Mic - Quirk: Voice" It's been an age since I stood on this stage! Did you miss me, bro? We've got a lot to cover today! Let's fire it up! Yeah! Hm? What's this dust, Bakugo? Deku was supposed to clean that! Stop messing around! Hey, can't you even clean properly?! I-I'm sorry! Man, I'm beat.

Oh, everyone, put the trash from your rooms out.

I'll take them out together.

Hey, Mic's class today Don't tell me, you too? Grammar we didn't learn just came out naturally, huh? Oh yeah, that! Right? I was surprised, too! I forgot to prepare for class If I get stuck once, I can't process anything that comes after that.

About the work studies, I didn't get scouted, so I wonder if I'll be able to participate "Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility" Maybe they'll have us go to the places where we did our internships.

I wanna participate.

Don't you? In just one day, I feel like I'm being left behind! That's the face you're making, Mr.

House Arrest.

Don't call me "Mr.

House Arrest"! That's mean! Um, Iida, what's a work study? I am angry! We have been forbidden to tell you anything about our classes by the teachers.

Sorry, but you two will need to fully experience that feeling you have right now.

Are you listening, Bakugo? Shut up! I get it, Damn Four-Eyes! I want to know What's a "work study"? We're clearly being left behind.

For normal classes of course, but thinking objectively, these three days of house arrest will really hit hard.

There's hero basic training tomorrow, too.

Everyone's going to learn new things and improve.

There's gonna be a difference! I'm falling behind! I need to catch up! Trash, right? "Garbage Dump" You can throw away the food trays with the burnables.

Uh right.


What was that just now? You're the energetic first year, right? You're surprised, right? Sorry about that! I did it because I thought you'd be surprised, though! What in the world are you? I wonder I wonder what I'm doing, too, once in a blue moon.

You'll find out who I am soon, right? I'm just glad you're doing well! All I can say is that people are talking about you, so I came to see-- What just happened? I feel like I've seen him somewhere before In my discomfort, with my feelings of impatience, three days passed, and I turned in my written apology.

My house arrest was over a little before Kacchan's.

I was back! I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused! Deku, thanks for all your hard work! "Hard work"? Why does he look so angry, anyway? Iida, I'm sorry for disappointing you! Right I'm just glad you know what you did wrong.

But what's the matter? I'm going to catch up with everything I fell behind in these past three days! Oh, that's great! I love stuff like that! In your seats, everyone.


Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about the work studies.

Please come in.

We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how these are different from the internships.

Listen carefully.

The three third years at U.


who stand at the top of all U.


students-- Also known as the Big Three.

The Big Three "Preview" Here's the preview! Work studies where we'll be able to work like real heroes.

Those tasked with teaching us about them are the Big Three, who stand at the top of U.


One of those three, Mirio Togata, suddenly offers to fight us.

The top of U.


and the me now.

I'll experience it firsthand! Next time, "Unrivaled"! That ability is really close to the number one hero's! "Next time: Unrivaled" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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