03x25 - (S) Unrivaled

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x25 - (S) Unrivaled

Post by bunniefuu »

Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about the work studies.

Please come in.

We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how these are different from the internships.

Listen carefully.

The three third years at U.A.

who stand at the top of all current U.A.

students-- Also known as the Big Three.

The Big Three "Unrivaled" "Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure" "Mirio Togata" "Nejire Hado" "Tamaki Amajiki" The top of all U.A.

students The Big Three "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" Big Three! "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" The crown among the splendid U.A.

students "Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" The ones closest to pro heroes among us "Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" I heard that they're the ones we're supposed to be like "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" There's someone really pretty, too They don't really seem like it.

"Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" Target acquired! Acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" That person He was from back then I only saw his face then, so I didn't realize, but now I remember! At the sports festival I watched on TV last year He didn't rank very well, but he left a strange impression.

If I remember correctly, the two next to him didn't rank near the top, either, but they're the U.A.

Big Three, huh? I wonder what kinds of heroes they are Okay, can you please introduce yourselves briefly? Let's start with Amajiki.

What's with that look?! All that intensity from just one glance! It's no good.

Mirio, Hado Even if I look out on them imagining that they're potatoes, everything other than their heads remain human.

I still can't see them as anything but human.

What should I do? I can't say anything My mind's blank I can't I want to go home! Huh?! "Mashirao Ojiro - Quirk: Tail" Um, you are the top of U.


's hero course, right? Oh, listen, Amajiki! That's called having the heart of a flea! Even though you're human! It's so strange! This is the flea, Tamaki Amajiki.

And then, I'm Nejire Hado.

We were asked to talk to you guys about work studies.

But wait "Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms" "Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility" Hey, hey, why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? Trying to look cool? This is because in the past Oh, my! You must be Todoroki, right? Right? How did you get burned right there? That's Ashido, if your horns break off, will new ones grow in? Can you move them? Well? Mineta, are those balls of yours hair? --B-Balls?! --How do you get a haircut? Asui, you're a tree frog--not a toad, right? "Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" There's so much I want to know about all of you! It's so strange! She's got the natural airhead thing going! It's cute.

She's like a kindergartener She wants to know about my balls? Wait a minute, that sexual harassment, you know! That's not what she meant.

Hey, hey, Ojiro, can you support your whole body with your tail? U-Um Hey, hey, tell me! I wanna know! Isn't this lacking rationality? Don't worry, Eraser Head! I'm going last to wrap things up, right? The future's gonna be? "silence" Gonna be what? Grim! That's what you were s'posed to say, right? All right, my call-and-response was a huge fail! "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" All three of them are weird.

Even though they're called the Big Three, it's like You can't feel it in their personalities.

Well, you guys look like you're not sure what's going on, right? We're third years who suddenly appeared to explain about work studies that aren't even required.

That's confusing, right? You guys got your provisional licenses as first years, right? This year's first years are really energetic, right? Besides, it looked like my jokes didn't work earlier, right? Mirio? Why don't you all fight me at once? Wh What?! Fight you? Out of the blue? It's the most rational to have you all experience our experience firsthand, right? How about it, Eraser Head? Do what you want.

Um Are you serious? Totally serious! Mirio, you probably shouldn't.

He's so far! For the work studies, it would've been enough for us to say, "This is how it was, and I learned a lot from it.

" Not everyone is filled to the brim with ambition.

We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this.

Huh? What does he mean by "unable to recover"? Oh, listen! Did you know? In the past there was a student who got so frustrated the student quit being a hero, and that caused all sorts of problems.

Did you know that? It's tough, isn't it, Togata? If you don't think things through properly, this'll be rough.

Really rough.

Please stop.

Please wait.

There's a handicap in place, but we've fought we the pros before.

And we've fought with villains before, too.

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" Do we look like such weak small fry to you that you need to worry about us? Right, you can come at me anytime, from anywhere.

Who's first? I'll! Here I come! Unexpectedly, it's Midoriya?! I'm going to catch up with everything I fell behind in these past three days! Deku This is a good chance for all of you.

Make sure you get the most out of this experience! Problem child! That's good! You really are energetic! The person at the top of U.


If I'm going to spar with someone, this is the best I could ask for! The top of U.


and the me now.

What's the distance between us? The close combat team should surround him all at once! All right! Well then, sir, thanks for showing us this kindness.

I look forward to your teaching! Your clothes fell off just now! Oh, excuse me.

The fine-tuning's tricky.

You're full of openings! As I thought, he's got a Quirk that lets him slip through things! It's an amazing Quirk.

What should I do?! You went for the face, huh? Wait! He's gone! I'll start with the long-distance fighters! He warped? His power isn't just slipping through things? What kind of strong Quirk is that?! That's not it.

Mirio's Quirk isn't one to be jealous of.

What you should be jealous of is his skill, first-year boy.

After he was scouted and worked hard at his work study with a certain hero, Mirio was built up.

Power! Mirio Togata As far as I know, he's the man closest to being number one including the pros.

"Kyoka Jiro" "Quirk: Earphone Jack" "She can insert the plugs on her earlobes into her opponent and channel loud sounds into them.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 8/1" "Height: 154 cm" "Blood Type: A" "Likes: Rock Music" "Denki Kaminari" "Quirk: Electrification" "He can discharge electricity and use it to attack or find enemies.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 6/29" "Height: 168 cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Hamburgers" He got more than half of them in an instant He's the man closest to being number one You're not going? It's not like you aren't interested in being number one, right? I didn't get my provisional license, so You've calmed down, huh? That's it for the long-distance fighters.

All that's left are the ones who focus on close combat, right? I have no idea what he just did! He's strong enough being able to slip through things, but he can even warp? Doesn't that make him unrivaled? Aw, stop that! Unrivaled, huh? I can guess your levels with that one word.

For example, like how an ordinary person can't tell what's so amazing watching a pro's technique, if you can't tell how much hard work Mirio has put in, then you won't even be able to retaliate.

I think there's some kind of trick here! Whether he's applying his "slipping" power to warp, or applying his warp power to slip through things, he's attacking us directly, so as long as we go for the counter, there should be times when we can touch him! If we can't tell what he's doing, then we should figure out assumptions with what we do know, and do whatever we can to find a way to win! All right, thanks! Midoriya right after the house arrest is amazing! Then come and try to figure it out! He went under! He'll probably come up here! He wasn't reacting.

He predicted that I would come up here?! But here's an ultimate move-- Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush! Most people try to launch a counterattack like that, right? So then, of course, I'll train to go after those guys! Midoriya! Damn it! Power! You know, about Togata Hey, hey, listen to this--Togata's gotten stronger, hasn't he? Mirio's been strong ever since we were kids.

It's just he should learn to hold back.

I tried to make it so you wouldn't be able to see my willy, but I'm sorry about that, girls.

But anyway, you kind of get it now, right? We all just got punched in the stomach without ever really figuring out what was going on Did you think my Quirk was strong? "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" It was too strong! That's not fair! Think about me, too! You could slip through things and warp! Are you a hybrid like Todoroki? Nope, I've only got one.

Just one? I know! I know what his Quirk is.

Hey, hey, can I say it? Can I? It's Permeation! Hado, it's Mirio's turn right now.

That's right! My Quirk's Permeation.

"Permeation" What you guys called a warp was, as you guessed, an application of that.

Sorry about that.

How exactly do you warp? If I activate my Quirk through my entire body, then my body can go through everything.


That means, the ground, too.

Oh, then that was you falling into the ground? That's right.

I fell underground! And then, when I release my Quirk while I'm falling, something strange happens.

"Quirk Activated" Apparently, things that have mass can't overlap, "Released" so I get repelled! In other words, I get repelled to the surface in an instant.

That's how my warp works.

By changing the angle based on the direction of my body or the pose I'm holding, I can aim for where I get repelled to! Sounds like a buggy game.

You could say that! So you can avoid all att*cks and move wherever you like in an instant.

It really is a very strong Quirk-- No, I made it into a strong Quirk.

While my Quirk is activated, my lungs can't take in oxygen.

Even if I breathe in, it'll just go through, right? In the same way, vibrations go through my eardrums, and light goes through my retinas.

I can go through everything.

That means I can't feel anything.

I just fall even while I have mass.

That's all it is.

Does that make sense? That's why, if I want to go through a wall, I activate everything but one leg, then I release in the other leg and land on it, activate my other leg and go through.

Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of steps involved, right? If it were me, I'd mess that up if I were in a hurry Besides, if I can't feel anything, I wouldn't be able to move.

That's right, as expected, I was always behind.

In no time, I'd dropped to dead last.

I dropped my clothes, too.

In order to get to the top with this Quirk, I couldn't just stay behind.

Predictions! I had to think faster than those around me! Sometimes I had to be tricky! Above all, I had to be able to predict what would happen! And what made those predictions possible was experience! I built my predictions on what I knew! It ended up being kind of long, but that's why I wanted to fight you all! I wanted to show you through experience rather than words! In our work studies, we're not guests-- We're treated as one of the sidekicks and as pros! That's really scary.

Pros will sometimes end up watching people die.

But those scary and painful things you'll go through-- All of them are first-rate experiences you wouldn't be able to have at school! I changed the experience I got during my work study into power and took the top spot! That's why I think it's something you should do even if you're scared, first years! Turn experience into power! Even his speech was like a pro's.

I can't believe he did all this for us for something he could have explained in a minute.

"Guests" huh? It's true that I felt like that at my internship.

They tried not to let us do anything dangerous.

So that means that's not how it'll be during the work studies, huh? Now that we've got our provisional licenses, we'll be treated like pros once we're on the scene.


We've gotta prepare ourselves for that.

It's just what I wanted! That's right.

We came to U.


because we wanted to be pros! That's true.

C'est la vie.

"Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Navel Laser" All we can do is go up.

Plus Ultra.

I need to get my provisional license soon, or I'll be left behind.

We'll be going back now.

Say thank you.

Thank you very much! Hey, was there any point in us being there? Do you know? I'm glad I didn't have to do anything Let's be grateful to Mirio.

Using it had too big of a minus.

But he made the most of the power he did have.

In order to do that, he experienced many things and learned prediction.

It's not just someone strong who's at the top of U.


He's someone who worked hard to take the top for himself.

Mirio Togata, third year.

Hey, hey, you didn't know that we thought you'd hurt them for no reason, did you? But no one was hurt, so I thought you did a good job just now.

It was close though, right? My willy-- Was there anyone interesting? I wanna know! It's so strange.

I defeat them from the back rows.

That's my basic combat strategy against opponents.

That problem child analyzed my first moves and moved like he predicted what I'd do.

He's someone Sir would like! "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" Hey! If you've got trash, then bring it here! "Trash" Bakugo, thanks! Right! Please take this, too.

Give it here! --Mine, too! --Mine, too! And mine! Thank you! Merci! Thanks! You stashed too much away, you bastards! Togata's story of how he went from last to the top is great, isn't it? Yeah! I'm looking forward to doing a work study now.

I wonder how it'll turn out.

He said they were still figuring out what to do with the first years We're just waiting for Mr.

Aizawa to give us the go-sign, I suppose.

You learned about what the work study is from the Big Three, but it hasn't been decided yet whether or not you'll be sent to work with a pro hero.

We need to decide that at a faculty meeting, and if we're going to do it, we need to think about how we'll handle the media, too.

We'll see how it goes for now.

Even if that's the case, I need to do what I can.

Yes, hello? Huh? Work study? Who are you? "Pro Hero - Gran Torino - Quirk: Jet" So anyway, I was wondering Will you be taking anyone for the work study, Gran Torino? You ignored me? You've turned into a big shot, huh, kid? Sorry, I'm working on something else right now, so I can't take care of you.

Oh yeah! You were a useless successor at the sports festival who didn't get any other offers, huh? All Might's power Even with that power even if you made that your own You still lost to me It's because I'm a useless successor that I want to do everything I can to get closer to the number one hero! Don't try to sound cool saying something obvious.

Why don't you ask your master directly about it, then? He did say he would devote himself to teaching, you know.

But Mr.

Aizawa said to use the connections we got from the sports festival He meant that those who have them should, right? Don't you think All Might can introduce you to a bunch of people? For example, his former sidekick Sir! The perp's moving-- You're dull today, too, aren't you? Report energetically in one breath.

Yes, sir.

The young master of the villain group we're investigating, villain name: Overhaul, is on the move! It looks unsanitary.

Is this your base? Huh? Like we'd bring you to the main base right away! This is like the interview location.

Give me a break.

It's so dusty.

I feel like I'll get sick.

Don't worry, the guys inside have been sick for a while.

What about the Shie Hassaikai? It appears they have had contact with the League of Villains! Hey guys, I've brought him! I'm back! He was a surprisingly good guy after I talked to him.

He said he wanted to talk to you.

Isn't that disgusting? You brought a crazy big fish, huh, Twice? Just like we were one step closer to becoming real heroes, malice also continued to move forward in the darkness.

The one who was entrusted to be the successor, and the one who was entrusted and released into the wild would meet in the not-so-distant future My Hero Academia is going beyond! "I'll become your hero!!" My Hero Academia, TV anime season four, is being made! "Season 4" "Coming Soon"
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