04x07 - (S) GO!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x07 - (S) GO!!

Post by bunniefuu »

At Red Riot's debut fight the other day! A type I'd never seen before was shot into Tamaki.

A drug that destroys Quirks.

And after analyzin' the contents, we discovered that human blood and cells were inside! In other words, that effect came from a person someone's Quirk? A Quirk that destroys Quirks The young head, Chisaki's Quirk is Overhaul.

Disassemble A Quirk that lets him break things and then fix them.

And a b*llet that can break down Quirks.

Chisaki has a daughter named Eri.

There are no records or details about her birth, but when Mirio and Midoriya encountered her, she had a large number of bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.

We're wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning his daughter's body into b*ll*ts and selling them.

Wouldn't this have been resolved already if those two had just taken the child? The ones most frustrated here right now are these two.

We will definitely take Eri next time and protect her! That's right.

That is our goal.

A few days after discovering the shocking truth "Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" While the pro heroes that teamed up with Sir Nighteye were pinpointing the location of the young head of the Shie Hassaikai, Chisaki, and Eri, "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" we were on standby.

And we were absolutely forbidden to say anything about our work studies.

"Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" The movements of the work study group are especially sharp.

They figured something out while outside! Hey, what'd you figure out?! Tell me! Sorry, I can't! "Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" Kirishima, Uraraka, and Asui.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" Everyone who was there at that time would be part of the operation to save Eri.

That said, "Tamaki Amajiki - Quirk: Manifest" "Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation" "Nejire Hado - Quirk: Surge" apart from the Big Three, who are at least as strong as the pros, the rest of you probably won't have big parts to play.

Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima.

You three aren't here of your own volition.

What would you like to do? Mr--I mean, Eraser Head! After hearing that, I can't say I'm not going to help! If you aren't going to say we can't do it, then I would like to help! Since the heroes had you participate in the meeting, I think they have recognized you first years' abilities.

In fact, I saw firsthand how a first year could shine much brighter than me.

You start going off on that whenever you get the chance.

If I can help that girl with my power even a little, then I'll do it, Eraser Head! It's fine as long as you understand.

Our goal this time is only to rescue the girl, Eri.

We won't step in further than that.

It is the opinion of the police and Nighteye that the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai are not in a partnership, so the chances are low that the League will be involved in this time's raid.

But in case they're wrong, and the League ends up involved, then you guys are out.

Roger! Everyone is being moved to action by Eri's rescue.

On the other hand If you continue like this, you'll face off against a villain and die an unspeakably gruesome death! It didn't seem like a good time to ask Nighteye.

Since we were now forbidden to talk about our work studies, I couldn't ask All Might about it.

I can't talk to Kirishima or the other work study students, either.

Eri's situation and All Might's situation They're both too heavy for me.

D Don't go I had to put everything I had into rescuing Eri.

But back then, my mind was too scattered, and I was barely holding it together You're not gonna eat? "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" I am! I'm e-eating! Are you okay? You've been looking gloomy ever since you started your work study.

Really? If you ever feel hopeless, let me know.

We're friends, right? If you ever feel hopeless, make sure you let us know.

We're friends, right? That's what you told me back then, when I was being foolish.

Before the internships --Hey! --Midoriya Sorry! I'm okay.

It's nothing.

I can't tell you.

But thank you, Iida! Regret sorrow The chaotic feelings I'd stored up in my heart overflowed a little.

Heroes don't cry! No, I think heroes cry when they need to, too.


Do you want half of my soba? You can have some of my beef stew, too! Thanks You want green onion, too? Yeah, thanks.

And wasabi? Yeah.

"The same day" "Near a Shie Hassaikai facility" "Pro Hero - Rock Lock" We have found groups with connections to the Hassaikai or land owned by the Hassaikai and made as thorough a list as possible.

I would like you all to investigate each place and narrow the list down to possible locations.

Possible locations, huh? "Pro Hero - Fat Gum - Quirk: Fat Adsorption" As you investigate possible locations, I would like you to pay attention to the following: 1.

Is this a place where b*ll*ts that destroy Quirks could be made? 2.

Do people and goods go in and out frequently? "Pro Hero - Ryukyu" 3.

Are there large numbers of unauthorized dr*gs circulating? "Pro Hero - Bubble Girl" "Pro Hero - Centipeder" The Hassaikai is refining their detailed plan "Pro Hero - Sir Nighteye - Quirk: Foresight" working quietly and deeply to carry it out.

Please proceed with the utmost care.

Tsukauchi, how are things on the police side? I see, please continue your investigation.

"Pro Hero - Gran Torino - Quirk: Jet" Half of the places on the list are clear, huh? Then we'll have to search the rest carefully Hurry Please hurry and find where Eri is! "Two days later" "Late at night" Did you all get the message? Yeah.

We did.

The day we move.

They did a good job finding out in such a short time.


Let's do our best.

Eri This time, we'll definitely definitely save you! Definitely! "Ochaco Uraraka" "Quirk: Zero Gravity" "She can make people and things weightless with the pads on the tips of her fingers.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 12/27" "Height: 156 cm" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Japanese Food" "Tsuyu Asui" "Quirk: Frog" "She can do pretty much everything a frog can, like stretch out her tongue really far.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 2/12" "Height: 150 cm" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Jello" Today's weather will be sunny.

It will be a nice day to enjoy the sunshine, but in the evening-- "Mashirao Ojiro - Quirk: Tail" "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Tokoyami's in Kyushu, so it's expected, but the other work study students are absent, too, huh? "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" Midoriya's been acting weird lately, hasn't he? Especially this morning.


He looked at his fish with a really serious expression.

It wasn't just Midoriya.

Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu also looked like they were brooding over something.

You think they're after something big? Even if they were, they'll be with pros.

That's true.

I guess we don't have to worry about them Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold? By stronghold, you mean The residence of the head of the Hassaikai What, so our investigations were for nothing? No, we were able to get new information, as well.

How were you able to confirm this? "Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10!" A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department store the other day and bought playthings aimed at young girls.

Huh? What the heck? Maybe he just likes things like that! There are all types in this world, Nighteye! Anyway, why did you buy one, too? No, he said something that no one who has that sort of hobby would say-- Hey, do you have any Glitter-something-or-other toys? "Cashier" The ones little girls like.

Do you mean Glitter Squad? Oh yeah, that! I remember now, "Squad Action! Glitter Squad!" Where are the toys? I'm sorry, the Squad Action! Glitter Squad! series was from a number of years ago.

The current series is Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10! What a pain.

Oh, well.

Where's that, then? They have them right here.

What the? I like it, too.

Glitter Squad.

You ended up using Foresight anyway?! I believe I said I would use it once we narrowed it down so that we could be sure.

Anyway, this means it's been decided, right? We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts.

We also worked with the police to get a warrant.

All that's left is to get in there! He took my line! Deku.


--Let's do this! We're gonna do it! --What's with those moves?! --Let's do this! We're gonna do it! --He's back to normal.

--We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! --Look! --We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! --We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! Let's do this! Mirio You've been regretting what happened back then this whole time, haven't you? But it's because you held your ground that we were able to be completely prepared.

Regret and failure are part of life but what's important it what you do afterward.

I don't know if it's possible to change the future.

But you can change the past.

By interpreting the past, it's possible to change how you see things.

Mirio, shine.

You are a man who can do that! This time, for sure! For sure! Now, let us go! "At the same time" "Shie Hassaikai" "Residence of the head - Underground" "Villain - Chronostasis" Yes.

Heroes gathered this early in the morning The police are also bustling around.

Boss, it looks like they've gotten wind of this place.

"Villain - Mimic" "Villain - Overhaul - Quirk: Overhaul" They're here, huh? Proceed according to plan.

Very good, sir.

Get ready.


Boss, where are you going? Just taking care of something.

"In front of the police station" After Nighteye used Foresight on the Hassaikai member, we discovered the existence of undocumented underground facilities at the head of the Hassaikai's residence.

We were able to confirm that the girl we are trying to rescue is being held in one of the rooms there.

Although we were unable to uncover the entire underground layout, the path the man took is the shortest route to our target, and it's the best intel we could have for searching the Hassaikai's expansive stronghold.

However, even if we head there, if they use their Quirks freely on us, it would make the search difficult.

So, we have made a list to the best of our knowledge of Quirks registered to Hassaikai members.

Please memorize this list.

It's nice to be able to just pull this out, huh? We don't want to give them time to hide, so we want to identify and apprehend all the members as quickly as possible.

Things are moving fast now, huh? You're energetic for how early this is I'm getting nervous.

From detective work to cooperation with the police There's so much I don't know.

Right? Isn't it mysterious? Yeah, schools don't really teach you much about things like this.

I had a hard time when I first started.


All the pros are so calm.

Is it 'cause they're used to this? Hey, I haven't seen Gran Torino all morning I wonder where he is.

Apparently, he cannot come anymore.

Huh?! It looks like the League, which Tsukauchi is keeping an eye on, is on the move.

But well, we have enough people, too, so it should not impede us.

I see Maybe we can catch the Hassaikai and the League of Villains all at once! Yeah! All right! Hey.

Mr--raser Head! I will move with the Nighteye Agency.

Do you understand what that means? I'll watch you.

If you're going to do this, do this properly, Midoriya.

Yes, sir! Heroes! Things might get a little violent.

If you see even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, please deal with it immediately! Tamaki, eat this.

It's swordfish.

Why swordfish? Thanks, I'll be sure to eat it.

We're up against gangsters who have survived until now.

Don't let your guard down and carry out your respective tasks.

We will commence the operation at 08:30! All hands, move out! Sorry, Pops.

It looks like things are about to get noisy.

"Commence!!!" Once they've read the warrant, charge in! I'm counting on everyone to move swiftly.

He keeps saying the same thing over and over.

It's like he doesn't trust us.

You know that's not what he means.

Stop being mean.

In the first place, these yakuza guys are living secretly in the shadows.

If they see all these heroes and police, they might just curl up on themselves.

Are you all right? I'm fine thanks What do you want? Bringing all these people so early in the morning Hey, wait! Hang on a second! Did they already notice us? Forget about that, let's just all hold them back together! I feel a little more awake now.

Jeez Get back! What do you people want?! Anyway, we shouldn't split up our forces here.

Ryukyu Agency will take care of him.

The rest of you go now, while you have the chance! Let's go support Ryukyu! Right! Okay! Everyone, get in! Quickly, quickly! It's heroes and the police! We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of the manufacture and sale of illegal dr*gs! A search warrant? Who cares?! Stop resisting! There was that big guy, too Are none of them scared? Use the shortest route to get to the target! Midoriya, let's go! Right! Eri, wait for us.

This time, we'll definitely definitely save you! I can hear it faintly.

The sound of a large number of people running in the same direction.

Which means they already know where they want to go.

They probably already know where this place is, too.

It happened sooner than I thought it would.

We cannot be found right now.

"They acted violently on their own.

" Let's make that the story.

That's what those pieces were groomed for.

The Eight b*ll*ts of the Hassai Group.

This power is While they're buying time for us, we'll take Eri and everything with her and hide her away completely.

"Preview" Here's the preview! The mandatory investigation is underway.

Chisaki sent some underlings called the "Hassai Group" after us.

 The thought of leaving Amajiki behind to face them alone kills us, but we have to keep moving.

Every minute--every second--counts in our mission to save Eri! Next time, "Suneater of the Big Three.

" It's an expl*si*n of the U.


Big Three's true power, and of Amajiki and Togata's friendship! "Next time: Suneater of the Big Three" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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