05x05 - Pups Save a Cat Burglar/Pups Save an Extreme Lunch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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05x05 - Pups Save a Cat Burglar/Pups Save an Extreme Lunch

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there

on the double ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem ♪

♪ Round Adventure Bay ♪

♪ Ryder and his team of pups ♪

♪ Will come and save

the day ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase,

Rocky, Zuma, Skye ♪

♪ Yeah,

they're on the way ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whenever

you're in trouble ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there

on the double ♪

♪ No job's too big,

no pup's too small ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,

we're on a roll ♪

♪ So here we go, PAW Patrol

,whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,

whoa-oh-oh-oh, PAW Patrol ♪



Good shot!



I got it! I got it!






I can never

hit the ball straight.

Just keep your eye on the ball,

and concentrate.

You'll get the hang of it,


Game on.


Hello, Chase.

How's the water looking today?

Perfect for scuba diving.

Have fun.

And don't forget, always stick

with your diving buddy.

We will.

Coming your way, Marshall, dude.

I got it. I got it.


Whoa, you got me.

Oops, sorry. I got to remember

what Ryder said.

"Keep your eyes on the ball.


"And don't knock down

your pup pals."

This is amazing,

so many beautiful fish

and sea creatures.

Look, there's a real

sunken ship.

Actually, it's a sloop,

the kind of ship pirates sail.


I got to go check it out.

I wouldn't get too close.

Legend has it there's

a mysterious creature

that lives inside it.

A creature? What is it?

No one knows.

I need it, need it!

I need that sunken sloop!

Right, first mate, Arrby?

Absolutely, captain boss

mister Sid, sir.

Uhh, why do you need it?

'Cause that old pirate ship's

got to be full of

some amazing treasure,

and some fine pirate hats.

Umm, wouldn't the hats

be soaking wet?

So? I need, need, need

a soaking wet pirate hat!

Suit up, Arrby!

Is that a dog fish?

Nope, just a dog

in a diving suit?

But why is he hooking a cable

to the sloop?

Hey, what are you doing?

Come back here with that sloop.

We better call the PAW Patrol.

(Phone ringing)

Ryder, this is

a titanic disaster!

The sunken sloop

is being towed away

by a strangely-outfitted pup.

I think I know who that is.

That Sid the Pirate's sub.

Mayor Goodway, we're on our way.

No job is too big.

No pup is too small.

PAW Patrol, to the Beach Tower.


Ryder needs us.


Huh? Whoa!


Strike! Maybe I should

take up pup bowling instead?



Sea Patrol, ready for action,

Captain Ryder, sir!

The sunken sloop has been taken

by Sid the Pirate.

What a crummy thing to do.

Exactly, we need to

catch up to that sloop

and return it

to where it belongs.

So, for this mission,

I'll need Rocky.

I need you to use

your underwater torch

to cut the metal cable

and release the swiped sloop.

Green means go!

Next, I need Chase.

I need you to use your winch

to tow the sloop

back to its original location.

Chase is on the case!

All right,

Sea Patrol is on a roll!


Load her up, Robo-Dog.


(Siren blaring)

♪ Go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go,

go ♪

Robo-Dog, take us to sea.


♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go,

go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

(Horn blaring)

Chase, get ready to launch.

Marshall and I will meet you

in the Sub Patroller.


♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Chase ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go ♪

(Horn blaring)


Sub Patroller is on a roll!

Arr, why are we

moving so slowly?

Whoa. Huh?

What's going on?


Ryder, we've been

following the sloop.

But now things

are really looking strange.

I believe the sloop

is actually pulling back.


Yeah, it looks like Sid's sub

and the sloop

are having

an underwater tug of w*r.

But how can an old sunken ship

pull a submarine?


When the old sunken ship has

a giant sea slug inside! Look!


The mysterious creature!

The mysterious creature!

She was using the sloop

like a snail would use a shell.

The sloop is

the sea slug's home!


Arr! A sea slug

inside the sloop is pulling us!

So, captain boss

mister Sid, sir,

maybe we should

let her keep the sloop.

Ha! Me, give my

pirate treasure back?

Who knows what else will be

inside that there sloop

beside that stubborn slug?

Now full speed ahead.

Sid, this is Ryder. You need to

give back that sloop.

Arr, this pirate

never gives up!

I found the sloop! It's mine!

Okay, Rocky, we'll have to

cut the cable then.

Get your torch ready.

I'll wait for your signal.

Chase, we need the sea slug

to stay still

while the cable's being cut.

There should be some squid jerky

in your boat to calm her down.

Yeah, I found it.


Sid, we're cutting the cable.

So, stay still.

Or you could get ricocheted

back. That could be dangerous.

Oh, okay, fine, I'll stop.

I'm not going to stop!

Once the slug stops pulling,

we'll yank the sloop off her.

I'm a sneaky pirate, I am!


Okay, Rocky, now!

The slug stopped. Now!



Chase, now lower your winch.



Rocky, hook the winch

to the sloop.

Winch secure.

Haul it away, Chase.


We'll show Chase

where the sloop was.

Sluggy will be happy there.


No slug's keeping

my treasure-filled sloop.

We're taking it back!

Engines full forward, Mr. Arrby!

Aye-aye, Cap'n.



Captain boss mister Sid, sir,

it sounds like

the rudder's damaged.

We won't be able to-- steer!



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Chase, I found the spot where

the sloop was, right here.


She looks like

one happy slug to me.


Ryder, the sonar screen

is showing something spinning.

We better check it out.

Wow, you can really steer

this sub.

You must have perfect aim.


That's Sid!

His rudder looks bent.

Sid, Ryder here,

your rudder is damaged.

And you're out of control.

You have to

turn off your engines.

Maybe Ryder's right,

captain boss mister Sid, sir.

All this spinning is giving me

a mixed-up tummy.

Oh, yeah, me too.

Okay, I'll turn off

the engines then.

Whoa! Whoa!



Why won't he stop?

He almost hit those fish.

The controls must be broken.

So, it just keeps spinning.

Marshall, I need you to launch

the grabber onto Sid's sub,


(Gulping nervously)

Me? But my aim's not very good.

I have to drive.

I can't sh**t too.

Just keep your eye on the ball--

uhh, sub, and concentrate.

Umm, okay.

Keep your eye on the sub.

Stay calm. And now!

I knew I was no good at this.

You can do this, Marshall.

Eye on the ball, concentrate.



I can't believe I did it.

Yes! I knew you could do it.

You're such a good pup.

This place is so fun

to scuba in.

Ryder, thank you again

for saving the dive spot

and Sluggy's home.


You're welcome, Sluggy.

And whenever you're in trouble,



for help.



There's bound to be some

treasure left in that sloop.

And I need, need, need it!






PAW Patrol

(Walrus barking)

Time for a tasty treat, Wally?


That is stinky stuff.

Squid jerky is

his fishy favorite.

How do you know?

Has he tried anything else, hmm?


Perhaps some escargot?


Oh, kind of crunchy.

What is this stuff?

Snails. You're not supposed to

eat the shells.


Wally will be more tempted

by his tried and true tidbit.

Your snack is too smelly.

No, yours is too shell-y.






What's happening?

The broom, overboard!

Maybe Wally's giving us

some thank-you thumps?

That is no walrus.


It sounds like

a giant marine monstrosity.

Let's go check it out.

To the diving bell!

Clearly, it's not Wally,

our waving friend.

He's right here.

A-ha! It is a whale.

Ooh, I must get the picture.

What's wrong with that whale?

Why is he wiggling

against my boat?

Obviously, he is lonely

and believes the Flounder

is his mama.

Oh, don't be silly.

He's scratching a stubborn itch

on my sturdy ship.


Magnifique! Our wiggly whale

is coming in for his close-up.


I'm not so sure about that.

Oh, suffering seahorses!

Let's get out of here!


(Shutter clicking)

Great, Skye, one more. Smile!


Marshall, I've got lots of

pictures of you already.

Pups, look what Cap'n Turbot

brought you back

from his last trip: pup treats.

Paw-some! I hope

they're liver-flavored.

That's my fave!

Nope, seaweed!


Cool! Seaweed rules!

Not bad! Good, even!

Salty. Hmm. I like salty.

Need another picture of me,


Marshall, you've got seaweed

in your teeth.

Hey, so do you.

Huh? Me.

Let's see those smiles, pups.



Everybody's green!


Don't worry, pups.

A brush and a floss

and you'll all be smiling bright

in no time.


The whale is still on our tail.

Can't you go any faster?

It's not advisable

to accelerate.

Oh, I think we can.


He caught up! He is passing us!

And now he is ahead of us.

And now he's behind us again.

Sounds like that silly cetacean

is circling us.


But now he is not there.

Or there either, très strange.


Maybe the whale

wore himself out.



It's time to call

the PAW Patrol.

There, perfect.

Now how about that photo

you wanted, Marshall?





Ryder, a weird, wiggly whale

whacked us.

And now we're stuck

upside-down underwater.

We're coming, Cap'n. No whale is

too big. No pup is too small.


PAW Patrol, to the Beach Tower!


Ryder needs us!


(Shutter clicking)


Quick, everybody,

say "Cheesy cheese!"

(Shutter clicking)


Cheesy cheese!



Sea Patrol, ready for action,

Captain Ryder, sir!

Francois and Cap'n Turbot are in

deep trouble in the deep waters.

Whoa. Whales are usually mellow.

I've never seen one

do that before.

Me neither, Zuma.

Something must be bothering it.

But, first, we have to

help the Turbots.

So, for this mission,

I'll need Zuma.

Use your sub to distract the

whale away from the diving bell.

Let's dive in!

And Rubble, use your rig to turn

the diving bell right-side-up.

Rubble on the double!

All right,

Sea Patrol is on a roll!


Load her up, Robo-Dog.


(Siren blaring)

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

Robo-Dog, take us to sea.


♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

(Horn blaring)

There's the Flounder.

So, the Captain and Francois

must be nearby.

But they're stuck on the bottom.

How will we find them

from up here?

We go deep.

Rubble, Zuma,

get your underwater vehicles.

The rest of us will follow

in the Sub Patroller.

Let's go!

♪ Go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Rubble ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Zuma ♪

(Horn blaring)



Sub Patroller is on a roll!

I don't see the diving bell or

a whale. Any luck there, Chase?

Hold on.

The sonar found something.

Hey, yeah, Rubble and Zuma.

Wait. I see a third something.

And it's big, whale size,

up ahead, to the left.

If the whale's here, then the

diving bell must be close.



Hang on. Follow us, pups.

We found the whale.


Ryder, I think the whale

found us.


Whoa, he's ginormous!


And he'll lead us right to

the Turbots. Let's go.

Hooray! Help is here!


And the whale is here too.

Hold on, Cap'n. We'll get you.

Hurry, Ryder.

Underwater and upside-down

is undoubtedly unpleasant.

Ryder, is the whale trying

to eat the diving bell?

No, its mouth is closed.

But it's still blocking

our way to the bell.

Zuma, see if you can

get that whale to move.


Hey, Whale. Ever play tag?

Bet you can't catch me, dude.



Okay, Rubble, time to move in.

(Wally barking)

Thanks for the help, Wally.

But I think this is going to

need some heavy machinery.


Is this turbulent trauma making

your tummy all topsy-turvy too?

No, no, no.

I ate too many escargots.



Okay, Rubble, you're going to

need one more big push.

Rubble on the double!

Thanks, Rubble. We're back

in business. Now let's go.

Hey, where did the whale go?

There you are.

But what are you doing?

Ryder, something's wrong

with Whaley.

He won't stop rubbing his mouth.

See if you can get

a closer look.

Ryder, I see it now.

There's something

caught between his teeth.

Did he eat seaweed snacks too?



Rocky, let's go help Zuma

clean those big teeth.

Green means go!

We won't hurt you, big fellow.

Just say "Cheesy cheese!"

Look! There's driftwood

stuck in his teeth!

Aww, poor dude must have

a monster toothache.

You're right.

This whale could use

a little brushing and flossing.

"Brushing"? We'd need a huge

brush to do those giant teeth.

(Wally barking)

Look. I think Wally

still wants to help.


Great idea, Wally. Way to reuse.



Trust me. It won't hurt.

His smile's brighter.

But that thing's really stuck.

Well, when the brush won't

do the job, time to floss.

I got this, Ryder.

Your (Unclear) rope,

great idea.

Open wide, dude!

We did it! Great job, pups!

And whenever you have mouth

trouble, just yelp for help.


Finally, the whale is still

and smiling for the camera.

(Shutter clicking)

Oh, no.

Au revoir.


It's nice to see Whale so happy.


And that's the tooth.



PAW Patrol ♪

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