04x10 - (S) Temp Squad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x10 - (S) Temp Squad

Post by bunniefuu »

My shoulder's finally warmed up!

You're pretty great, too!

Things done in vain...

It wasn't in vain!

Thanks much!

I've become a great spear!

What about the Barrier?

There's one reason for your defeat!

You underestimated--

You, and I, as well--

--underestimated the hero named Red Riot...

...and his chivalrous spirit!

In this spear-and-shield battle,

we're the winners.

It's so noisy...

Are those guys really doing their jobs?

I don't want to say it...
but it's over for the Hassaikai.

"Villain - Overhaul - Quirk: Overhaul"

As long as the boss and I are here,
the Hassaikai won't die.

"Villain - Chronostasis"

Most of the underlings follow him
and don't understand my thinking.


Even though I'm the one who
respects the boss' will the most.

As long as we have this finished
product and the serum,

we can bloom again.

This incident will also become
a good story for the fanatics.

"A drug heroes are afraid of"--

It sounds like something they'd like.

They'd finance it happily.

And so...

Work a little, temps.

"Villain - Himiko Toga - Quirk: Transform"
"Villain - Twice - Quirk: Double"


Leave it to us, Overhaul.

"Temp Squad"

Red! Red Riot!

Can you hear me?!

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening"



"Pro Hero - Fat Gum - Quirk: Fat Adsorption"

Who are you?

It's me, Fat!

I'm committed to the result!
Figure it out from the context!


Fat... I'll protect you...

I'll do... whatever I can...


I can't believe Tamaki would bring someone!

I saw you at the sports festival!

I welcome energetic kids like you!

Tamaki always gets so nervous
he comes in last every year.

"Tamaki Amajiki - Quirk: Manifest"

I did my internship with Fourth Kind,
and he also said

that the morale of the agency goes up
when there are energetic guys around.


...that's all I am.
And I want to be more than that.

I want... to become a hero
who can protect, like Crimson Riot...

That's why I kept pestering Tamaki
to introduce me to you.

I don't want to be pathetic and
not act when someone's in trouble anymore.

...like Crimson...

You tried so hard you ended up like this...

You've done enough...

Not yet.

It's a battle to the death.

"Villain - Kendo Rappa
- Quirk: Power Shoulder"

I'm not... dead yet...!

He's too tough!

The barrier's turned into cushionin', huh?

Even so...!

I don't have any more fat...

And I've used all my stamina...

What should I do...?!

We can at least do first
aid in the back room.

Treat that ki--that man--over there.

Must be a trap...

Do I look like a man who'd set a trap?

Rappa! Don't act on your own!

It's my job to keep you under control.

Follow my instructions!


"Villain - Hekiji Tengai - Quirk: Barrier"

Think about why a beast who only craves
v*olence can even be in this place!

What's your duty, Ra--

You don't even have enough strength
left to put up a Barrier, do you?

Then, shut up.

Although, I've got broken bones,
too, and can't lift my arm.

What do you want to do?

Fight. To the death.

I come from the world of MMA.

You must've at least heard of it, right?

A fight club where you can
use Quirks to the fullest.

There weren't many who could
stand up again after taking my fist.

Those who could always
started begging for their lives.

You understand, right?

The pain of not being
able to do what you want?

The power that only comes
when your life's at stake!

The fight that comes from that!

That's why it was great...

You guys were really great!

Especially the redhead!

I like you!

Let's have another match!

Heal your wounds!

I'll k*ll you properly next time!

You're gonna be arrested and
put into the slammer later, you know.

Do you get it?
There is no next time. You've lost.

Who cares?!

If no one died, then it's a draw!

It's not a draw. Why are you
tryin' to be sportsmanlike now?

Is it the policy of an eccentric...?

He's so devoted to his urges that
you know he has no ulterior motive.

Either way, with these wounds, it'll be
hard to meet up with Nighteye's group.


You called yourself pathetic
at first, and seein' that,

Tamaki introduced you to me.

I kind of get it now.

Someone who knows their own weakness...

I want to do this again properly...

...with that man.

I showed you a pathetic side of myself.

Right now, you've been acknowledged
not just by me, but by the enemy.

"Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation"

One went ahead.

He can be ignored.

More importantly,
those guys need to be stopped...

There are only a few
minutes left of my boost.

In that case, I have to do it.

We have fallen into heresy.

"Villain - Joi Irinaka - Quirk: Mimicry"

We cannot stand still!

"Pro Hero - Sir Nighteye - Quirk: Foresight"

Hurry! We need to catch up to Mirio!

"Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All"

Th-This is...

The ceiling! And walls! And the ground!

They're coming nearer!

It feels like we'll be crushed to death!

We'll be turned into meatloaf!

This should at least stop the bleedin'.

It's frustratin',
but he'll need to rest for a while.

Is he better? I'll k*ll him!

How can he be better already?! Let him live!

Oh, since we're kind of talkin'
frankly with each other now,

this might be weird for a hero to ask,

but Rappa, why are you stuck
in a smalltime g*ng like this?

That's 'cause Overjerk was
the only person I ever lost to.

You lost...

He told me to join, coming out
of nowhere, picking a fight...

Of course, I left it up to who won.

And then, I died.

But just when I thought that,
I was back to normal.

Even after I joined,
I challenged him five times,

but I lost every time.

I stay here in order to beat that man.

He lost every time...?

Wait a minute...

That means Chisaki can handle
Rappa's power and speed...?

Even though Chisaki's so strong,

he's still left the fightin'
to his underlings.

Why won't he come out?

He's not here, right?

Either run away or hide.

What does Chisaki want to do?

Don't get ahead of yourself.

--Who'd tell an enemy?

--Trying to rehabilitate yakuza?
--Who'd tell an enemy?


I don't know the details,
but I've overheard them talking.

They said they'd distribute large
numbers of something or something.

Stop! Rappa!

And that they needed money for that.

As long as they clear that, then the day
will soon come to implement their plan.

These vibrations...

That usually careful Irinaka...

...looks like he's finally getting serious.

Rock Lock!

Stop acting like the leader!

We're in this fix because of your mistake!


Things that I Lockdown get locked in place.

"Rock Lock - Quirk: Lockdown"

Lock Hero: Rock Lock.

Quirk: Lockdown!

He can make the things
he touches stay in place.

However, his Quirk doesn't
work on living things.

It also doesn't apply to excessively
strong things or large surface areas.

This way!

This area won't move anymore!

Don't complain about how cramped it is!

I can't hold that many spots
with this Security Max Deadbolt.

This is the limit of my powers!

I-I can't let them through...

I won't let them through!

He's coming at us again from
the places I haven't locked down!

One For All: Full Cowling...

...sh**t Style!


Concentrating the wall coming near us
into one spot and digging through.

They're like moles.

If the Fat team were here,
it'd go even more smoothly, huh, Eraser?

"Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure"

I know!

He's pinpointing our location
and aiming for it specifically.

Where is he watching from?

Inside the wall?

At this rate, it'll only get worse!

We'll just keep getting cornered!

The boost won't last much longer...

No, even so!


This kid's persistent...!

I'm not making any progress...

There's a girl in trouble.

That's the most important thing.

Ryukyu and the others...

The heroes...

The members of the police...

Kirishima and Fat Gum...

I can't let the path they created...

...be stopped here!


It opened up?!

What are they planning this time?!


"Quirk: Double"
"He can create up to two copies of anything at the same time. He can also duplicate himself."

"Affiliation: League of Villains"
"Birthday: Unknown"
"Height: Unknown" "Blood Type: Unknown" "Likes: Unknown"

"Himiko Toga"
"Quirk: Transform"
"By ingesting someone's blood, she can transform into them."

"Affiliation: League of Villains"
"Birthday: Unknown"
"Height: Unknown" "Blood Type: Unknown" "Likes: Unknown"


Don't worry about it.

But why separate us now...?

Hey, everyone! You okay?

It's Rock Lock's voice!

The wall isn't that thick.

Did they change methods because
they weren't able to crush us to death?

It makes it easier for us to move, but...

But there will be more than
enough to make up for it, I'm sure.

Be careful!

It's coming.

The next move!

Be quiet. Whose fault is that?

This is...!



The League of Villains!

Shh! You're wrong.

Right now, I'm Toga from the
organized crime group that's obsolete

and should be a protected species.

We're the bad guys.

Rock! What's wrong?


Please move aside!

Rock Lock!

A fake suddenly appeared and att*cked me!

Be careful!

They've got new troops!
They'll appear again soon!

A knife wound...

Midoriya, are you okay?

Yes! We should hurry after Chisaki's--

A fake... A knife wound...

We do not believe they have
a good relationship with the League.

I see it all!

Himiko Toga?!

Toga! Yeah, it's me, Toga!

You remember me?

Oh, I'm so happy
to see you again! So happy!

Izuku, I'm so happy!

This is bad. No, if we stop her here,
we could turn it around!

That's it for you, Himiko Toga.

Mr. Aizawa?!

This teamwork...

The League and the Hassaikai have
a framework for cooperation set up...

Was the temporary opening and
change of strategy to put the League in...?

Mr. Aizawa!

I'm fine.

More importantly, stop Rock Lock's
bleeding and get the knife.

I've heard that Toga uses blood.

Yes, sir!

After hearing that people
had died during their fight,

I'd eliminated the possibility.

Based on Shigaraki's personality, I didn't
think he'd ever put himself under someone.

That body handling...

That transformation...

It was the same as that time...

You've got to be kidding...

What are you thinking, League of Villains?!

I'm glad I came.

"A few days earlier"

Have you ever played shogi?

"Shie Hassaikai"
"Residence of the head -
Underground reception room"


Hey, play!

Put that away. I don't
know the rules, either.

Come on, don't say that.
Use this chance to learn something new.

It'll help you look at the big picture.

"Villain - Tomura Shigaraki - Quirk: Decay"

Shogi's interesting because you can use
the pieces you take from your opponent.

Give us Kurogiri or Toga,
and maybe Bubaigawara.

If we let you move freely,
it'd be worrying for us, too.

They're all useful guys...

Trying to reduce our movements, huh?

They're cornerstones of our operation!

Like I'd give you so many.

Let's build our trust.

"Shie Hassaikai"

Right now, there's still ill will between us.

I've told you everything about my plan.

Next, it's your turn.

Your members are important to you, right?


I'm sad, Shigaraki...

"Shie Hassaikai"
"Residence of the head - Underground passage"

I'm getting excited!

Man, I was wondering what kind
of hero we'd get, but this guy?

He's like a normal businessman.

Don't underestimate the yakuza, bastard!

Get 'em, Big Bro Rappa!

You grazed me?

You're pretty strong.

What... just happened...?

These are battle support items,
high-density personal seals.

They weigh about five kilograms each.

They go with my businessman appearance

and are quite humorous
items, don't you think?

"Make a prediction and move first."

Perhaps because I have
seen the futures of so many,

I'm able to do that a little faster
than others during close combat.

But I didn't predict this.

I didn't think the famous League of Villains
would support mere yakuza.

He melted!

That yakuza's useless!


Damn it, you bastard!

The wall's too fast!

If you were a little later, I would've
been done in, slowpoke yakuza!

We're helping you,
so you should do your best, too!


Because of you, my mask is...

This is bad... It's bad...

I'm gonna split...!

All right!

I'm gonna tear apart!

No, you won't!

I need to wrap it up... or I'll split in two!

Once you're wrapped up,
you become one, right?


We're doing all this to help them, too.
Those organized crime guys are meanies.

Date me, Toga.

You're the devil.

What's with these crazy kids...?

It's sad, isn't it?

You feel the most responsibility
for Big Sis Mag's death, don't you?

Even so, you're bearing it
and helping them like it was decided.


Oh dear, it's so sad isn't it, Jin?

If the group you're helping is hopeless...

...then you won't get rewarded.

"A few days earlier"

Work with the Hassaikai?

"A certain place"

Yeah, don't make me keep saying it.

Their plan has enough potential.

Toga and Twice.
You two are yakuza from today on.

That's an unfunny joke.

Sounds interesting, Shigaraki.

They almost took Kurogiri,
too, but I held out.

Anyway, that guy's got his own
important job to do right now.

You'll be moving through
an underground route--

What do you mean, "potential"?!

Can you be the leader
if you just pretend to keep cool?

"Villain - Spinner" "Villain - Dabi"

Are you being influenced
by that masked bastard?

That guy k*lled Big Sis Mag!

"Villain - Mr. Compress - Quirk: Compress"

He blew away Mr. Compress's arm!

He's the guy I brought carelessly to us...!

I'm human, too, you know, Shigaraki!

Toga, you too!

Say something!

What are we to you, Tomura?

To me, the League is
a place that's comfortable.

Mr. Stainy is what brought me to you.

I want to make the world a place

where I can do what I want and live easily.

I'd like to do that if I can.

Hey, Tomura,

why do I have to do something
that's hard that I don't want to do?


It's for me, and for you guys.

They probably want to restrict
the League's mobility

and win you useful guys
over gently at the same time.

I want you to flatter them
from up close and conquer them.

I never thought of them as equals.

Twice, you said you wanted
to take responsibility, right?

This is one way to do it.


...trust you guys.

Shigaraki, I don't know what
you were thinking back then.

But you said you trusted us.

Then, because I am myself--

I will act as I wish--

All I need to do is do what I want.

This is why the yakuza are dying out!

They really are hopeless.

I'm sure it was because

that bedridden head guy they have

is useless!


What's this?!

Big Bro Irinaka sure gets mad easily!

Wimpy guys are the most short-tempered.

I'll beat up the guys I don't like.

Even if I ask, I'll be refused anyway.

If so...

Then just for now...

...we'll have you play with us, heroes.

Crush... and k*ll... them... all...!

"Crush and k*ll them all"


Here's the preview!

A compulsory search of the Shie Hassaikai.

Togata, who goes first,
gets through the underground maze

and finally catches up to Chisaki and Eri.

And then, Togata and Chisaki's
desperate struggle begins.

Next time, "Lemillion."

Please wait for us, Togata.

We will definitely catch up!

Go beyond!

"Next time: Lemillion"

Plus Ultra!
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