04x14 - (S) Bright Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x14 - (S) Bright Future

Post by bunniefuu »

Why won't anyone...

...look at the big picture?

What I'm going to tear down
is this world--its very framework!

Your justice is small.
You only see what's in front of you.

It's mere sentimentalism.

You hero pretenders...

Stay out of my way!

If you get injured, you'll definitely
break yourself apart and restore yourself.

If I'm at % speed, then I can
get through during that opening.

And then, I won't let you recover anymore!

If I can't save...

...the one small girl in front of me...

...how can I become...

...a hero who saves everyone?

Too long...

"Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure"
"Villain - Chronostasis - Quirk: Chronostasis"

There's no way you'll lose, right?


I've been watching this whole time, how,

in order to preserve the dignity of the
organization, ever since you were young,

you were always willing to put
in an exorbitant amount of effort.

If Kai loses, then at least I'll take
the finished drug and serum and...

For the Hassaikai.

For Kai!

You're Kurono, right?

"Tamaki Amajiki - Quirk: Manifest"

I know the conditions
you need to activate your Quirk.


It's the police!

Resistance is useless!


Oh, good.

Lemillion's okay.

Miss Ribbit, how's it on your end?

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog"


"Villain - Overhaul - Quirk: Overhaul"

"Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All"

Eri, are you hurt--

Eri's Quirk is getting stronger...!


You got into a fight because
someone called us villains?

As yakuza, we can't raise
a hand in retaliation.

What you did was bad...

...but thanks for trying to protect...

...our honor, Chisaki.

Gunhead Martial Arts!

Uravity, what's the situation?

"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity"

Nighteye is in the back!

We've called for residents
in the vicinity to evacuate!

Deku's fighting Chisaki! But...

...something seems off!


Stop... He's going to die!

Each and every one action you take...


...kills people.

You're cursed.



Sorry, Midoriya!


I-It's over...

Is it?

We have a large number
who are seriously injured!

"Pro Hero - Sir Nighteye - Quirk: Foresight"

Call as many ambulances as you can get!


"Pro Hero - Bubble Girl - Quirk: Bubble"

Go check to make sure
we didn't miss any victims.

"Pro Hero - Ryukyu - Quirk: Dragon"

The League of Villains may be nearby!

Look for them!

Yes, ma'am!

"Pro Hero - Fat Gum - Quirk: Fat Adsorption"

"Pro Hero - Rock Lock - Quirk: Lockdown"

"Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation"

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening"

She started getting
feverish after passing out...

Let's take her to the hospital for now.

And you, too.

Yes, sir.

His pulse is dropping!




I forgot to tell you!


This is a different future
from the one I saw.

I don't understand why it happened,

but he made my wish into a reality...


You twisted the future...

A-All Might said he would live!

He said he couldn't face you...

You should definitely
see him again! See him, and--

So... hang in there!

We're in a hurry. Please stay back.


There are many injured,

so this isn't really the time
to celebrate without restraint.



And so, the battle to save a single girl

came to an end.



We are currently transporting
members of the Hassaikai.

All have sustained serious injuries.
We are heading to Tacodana Villain Hospital.

Their personal belongings
have been confiscated.

In addition to the aforementioned b*llet,

we have also confirmed
previously unreported capsules--

What's that?

"Villain - Tomura Shigaraki - Quirk: Decay"

In shogi, the point is
to get the king, right?

"Villain - Mr. Compress - Quirk: Compress"
"Villain - Dabi"

It's not that simple.

Yeah, they're here, just like you said!

To get from the Hassaikai
to the nearest villain hospital,

it's fastest to use this highway.

Thanks for letting us know.

Toga, you're so efficient. I'm much obliged.

Jin's the one who told me to call.

"Villain - Twice - Quirk: Double"
"Villain - Himiko Toga - Quirk: Transform"


I was too busy watching Izuku.

Run away!

In fact, I'm sorry to make
you get your hands dirty.

I only have one hand, though.

We couldn't get the girl
who's the crux of their plan,

but we think the finished
products are where you are.

We watched the police's movements
for a while, so there's a high probability.

Even if they aren't there...

k*ll them!

...we want to say hi, right?


Tomura Shigaraki from the League of Villains!

Hey, lizard! Stop weaving!

I get motion sick.

"Villain - Spinner"

Don't call me "lizard"! I'm Spinner!

What are you getting mad for? Shut up!

Is attacking the police

really following the will of Stain,
who wanted a true hero society?

I'm not sure about that!

It's a necessary sacrifice, Spinner.

I'm counting on you to drive.


What's with him?

The League of Villains!

A g*ng of evil spirits with
a grudge against society!

A hero! Of course there'd be one. Ugh!

Spinner, slow down!


If you touch something with all five fingers,
your Quirk will make it decay,

but you won't be able to do that with sand!

Then we're natural enemies.

He's famous, huh?

Shigaraki is the misdirection;
in other words, the decoy.

Let's go.

Police car gently levitating!

No trickery or devices involved.

Are you all right?!

That's right.

Heroes end up prioritizing lives.

Recently, burnt corpses have been
turning up one after another in various places.

Oh, are people talking about me?

That makes me happy.

Have you ever thought about
the feelings of those they left behind?!

That's hot...

Sand doesn't burn, does it?

From what it looked like,

he could only make the top half of
his body sand, so he'll probably die.

Who's going to be the next leader again?

Did you come to k*ll me?

No, I thought of what you'd hate the most.

I hate you.

You're too full of yourself.

Me, too.

There are two boxes here.
Which is the finished product?

Oh, well.

Give it back.

You know what, Overhaul?

A person who erases people's Quirks

shouldn't depend on their own Quirk, right?

If I don't cut it off,
your whole body will turn to dust.

All right, now you're a powerless,
helpless, Quirkless man.

And the fruits of all that effort you spent

are now mine!

Now you won't even have
a finger to put in your mouth

as you look on enviously at the rest of us.

Let's do our best!

Pursuers are coming! Hurry up and get in!

Next, it's our turn.

"Tomura Shigaraki"
"Quirk: Decay"
"He can make anything he touches with his fingers decay."

"Affiliation: League of Villains"
"Birthday: Unknown"
"Height: Unknown" "Blood Type: Unknown" "Likes: Unknown"

"Mirio Togata"
"Quirk: Permeation"
"His body can pass through anything. When he uses it, even his breaths pass through him."

"Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Course rd Year"
"Birthday: / "
"Height: cm" "Blood Type: AB" "Likes: Ramen, Comedy"

With over half the heroes and police down

from the life force-stealing Quirk of Shie
Hassaikai member, Rikiya Katsukame,

those who could move joined the local heroes

"Nejire Hado - Quirk: Surge"

and checked the damage.

From Chisaki's dismantling,
four houses or buildings collapsed.

But in terms of casualties, there
were only three with minor injuries,

and they were all just scratches.

It helped that it was a weekday
morning in a residential area,

but that's pretty miraculous.

Hey, hey, you know what?

Half of that was thanks to Deku.


I was exhausted and
about to fall over, but I saw.

He sent the huge Chisaki flying into the air,

and then slammed him
back down near the big hole.

He fought trying not to
damage more than he needed to.

That's hard when they're huge!

Meanwhile, those who
were injured in the fight

were transported to
a nearby university hospital.

I examined your whole body,

but other than your arm, there seems
to be nothing out of the ordinary.

Thank you very much.

But how did your arm end up like that--

More importantly, where's everyone else?

I went to check on them.

Mr. Aizawa! What about your injuries?

I had ten stitches.

Come with me.

Sorry I couldn't be with you when it counted.

It's all right.

Anyway, how's everyone else?

Kirishima has bruises and lacerations
on his whole body, but he'll live.

Amajiki cracked a bone in his face,

but none of his injuries will leave a scar.

Fat Gum has broken bones in a few places,

but he seems fine.

Luckily, the blade that stabbed
Rock Lock didn't hit any vital organs,

so his wound won't develop
into anything serious.

I'm so glad...

Um, what about Eri?

She's still feverish and sleeping.

She's being quarantined right now.

Quarantined... So, I can't even see her?

Apparently, it was decided based on
the information we got from you about her.

She can't control her
Quirk that rewinds people.

If something activates it again,
I'm the only one that can stop her.

You were able to touch her by continually
destroying your whole body, right?


There aren't many people who could do that.

Even if there was someone who could,

if that girl's Quirk became
powerful enough to surpass that...

Yeah, if you hadn't erased Eri's Quirk,
I don't know what would've happened...

Since it didn't work on the buildings
or the ground, but only on people,

training to teach her control isn't
something we can approach lightly.

Thinking about her emotional state
on top of the unknowns,

right now, it would be the most
logical to keep her quarantined.

For her sake, as well.

In other words,

we cannot depend on her Quirk.


All we can do is accept it.

He also just arrived.

"Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All"

All Might...!

And Recovery Girl...


"Pro Hero - Centipeder - Quirk: Centipede"

I called them... because...

Sir was always talking about All Might...


There's nothing else that can be done...

Honestly... it's mysterious
how he's even still alive...

"Pro Hero - Recovery Girl - Quirk: Heal"

There's nothing I can do
with my healing at this point...

Unfortunately, I don't think
he will live to see tomorrow...


All Might...

You finally feel like seeing me...
on my deathbed...?

There's nothing I can say to that...

I've done terrible things to you...


Live! Do your best!

You're being... very respectful...

I don't resent you at all.

Because all I wanted was
for you to be happy...

If you've decided to fight, then--

You should fight, too!

Please let me atone
for all I've done until now...

There's nothing to atone for...

I wanted to change the future
where you were k*lled,

so I kept looking for ways to change it...

But it was to no avail...

But today, Midoriya showed me.

I think... it might have to do with energy...

A strong vision with no room for doubt.

Energy that wished for a future.

I'm sure it wasn't just Midoriya.

Everyone believed strongly in it
and brought it together.

So I thought it could be the result
of that energy converging on Midoriya...

...and being released...

The future is uncertain--

You have changed my thinking...

That's enough for me...

My only regret is...



You can't!

Please, live!

You can't die!


You suffered so much because of me...

If only... I had been...

It was...

...because you taught me

that I was able to become strong!

It was because you taught me
that I'm living like this now!

Please, teach me more!


Forgive me...

At first, I only lured you
in as a vessel for One For All.

But you followed me and believed in me,

and before I knew it, you became my pride...

Mirio, you'll be...


You'll become a finer
hero than anyone else...

This is the only future...

...that shouldn't be changed.

So, smile...


A society without cheer and humor...

...will not have...

...a bright future...

"Bright Future"


Here's the preview!

Our fight with the Shie Hassaikai has ended,

and we were able to change the future.

But it wasn't all completely over yet.

As we were overcome
with grief at the loss of Sir Nighteye,

the League of Villains started
to move toward a new stage.

Next time, "Smoldering Flames."

That was the calm before the storm...

"Next time: Smoldering Flames"

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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