05x05 - (S) Operation New Improv Moves

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x05 - (S) Operation New Improv Moves

Post by bunniefuu »


The Hero Course of U.A. High
Class A and Class B

are in a joint training battle.

In the first battle,

Shinso's Quirk successfully disrupted
the coordination of Class B.

The battle ended with Class A victorious.



What have you learned
from the first battle?

If the opponents
are avoiding a fight with me,

my Quirk is basically useless
in the battle.

If that were a real battle with villains,

Shiozaki would have
finished me off instantly.

I must learn how to order insects
with greater precision.

I did a great job, didn't I?

I bet you are all awestruck,
but that's okay!

I know it's hard to control the urge
to fall in love with me.

No sweat!

I lost Koda and Kirishima
when the battle began.

I wanted to win
without losing any teammates.

But I messed up so badly.

The binding cloth…


I failed to put the tool Mr. Aizawa
gave me to good use.

That was unacceptable.

It wouldn't be so challenging
if it were easy to use.

It took me six years
to finally master this tool.

Don't be sorry, just be better.


The two who went to the internship
are very strict with themselves.

That is only natural.

Shie Hassaikai, wasn't it?

I heard it was
an impossible battle to win.

They actually pulled through that fight.

Even if this is only a training battle,

their attitude and motivation
are undoubtedly different.

Compared to that,

Jamming-way's outstanding performance
was a genuine surprise.

Listen up!

Kirishima, you must learn how to bait
your opponent into battling you head-on.


Koda, it's as you said earlier,

you need more precision
in controlling the animals.

Aside from a direct attack,
you must learn to take them by surprise.

Kaminari, you got too complacent at first!

Does this mean you can't do well
unless you lose your teammates?



Remember not to dwell on mistakes.
Instead, learn to recover from it quickly.

Yes, sir.

Reflect on your mistake and utilize
the lesson for future training.

That's all!


They won, but came to realize
their lack of experience.

But they are not disheartened.

They are already figuring out ways
to improve for the upcoming battles.

This is inspiring!

Shinso's freshness is awesome!

Hey, you…

I'm pretty sure you are well aware of

why you failed.

Whether you played to Shishida's strength

or played to Shiozaki's strength,

had you coordinated better,
you would have won easily!

Your glare is scaring us, Mr. Vlad King.

Shiozaki is too honest.

Shishida, expecting her to lie
was your failure.


It's true we allowed our opponents
too much time to get ready.

Sorry, Shiozaki.

May the inferno incinerate you.

However, that was
a great battle you put on.

I couldn't wait to fight by his side.

Hey, Shinso!

Let's compose a strategy that will
annihilate Class A and their pride!

We'll make them shut up for good!

We'll instill despair into their hearts!

-He is so excited by himself.
-They will kneel…

-We should come up with a strategy too.
-before Class B and surrender!

Let's list out the ideas
and tactics we have.


Let's design a combo,
like an ultimate move!

We should brainstorm together.

Todoroki should be
our main offensive strength.


That's a sound plan.

Bakugo, we should discuss
our strategy as well.

You! Don't you dare slow me down!

He's loud as usual.

-We'll face Shinso in the fifth battle.

His voice is a threat to us all.

-Sticky Acid Flying Kick!
-What kind of ultimate move is that?

The field is full of obstacles,
making it easy to hide.

Which means I can search more easily.

You can count on me.

I'll come up with the plan!
I'll come up with a plan for my fight!

Ida can be our trump card
during an emergency.

But before that,

I must tell you about my Recipro moves.

Instant k*ll Swimming Orb!

What kind of an attack is that?

Injured combatants,
proceed to the infirmary.

Puny humans can't change
their damaged parts.

This is it!

-The younglings' spring of freshness!
-But it's winter right now.

It's already the end of the year.

Everyone is doing their best to develop
their Quirks and ultimate moves.

Young Midoriya has learned the ways
to use One For All.

He can use sh**t Style and Air Force
for his att*cks.

He's earned his provisional license.

He's battled the villains
of Shie Hassaikai.

And the school festival as well.

With every event and obstacle
that came to pass, he grows stronger.

This is his chance to test
his strength against others'.

He will learn what his place is as of now.

This training will serve as a lesson
that covers all aspects.

All Might.

How was Shinso's performance?

Not bad.

He doesn't falter at all.

The fact it's hard for him to accept
his defeat deserves a compliment.

This is the entrance exam for him
to transfer to Hero Course.

I believe he will give his best
for the next battle.

Vlad, commence the next battle.


Second battle,

get ready!


What is it, Kendo?

Why didn't you join the pageant contest
during the school festival?

I thought you would join for sure.

That was because Mr. Aizawa
didn't tell me about the contest.

We were too busy practicing
our band performance too.

Perhaps Mr. Aizawa
didn't think I needed to participate.

I see.

After we filmed the advertisement
during that workplace training,

we've always been seen as a pair.

This must be the "pair pushing."

Pair pushing?

Pair pushing means

everyone likes it no matter what.

During the school festival,

people kept saying your names together,

That did happen.

Idol worshiping.

How should I put it?

Yaoyorozu has the better Quirk and grades.
But people are comparing me to her.

That really gets on my nerves.

I've personally been looking forward
to fighting you.

I humbly…

accept your challenge.


You and I are the same.

Shihai Kuroiro.

Your Quirk is Black,

you can move freely
in dark objects, am I right?

Our rivalry is destined.


I see. You can read the abyss as well.

Stay in eternal darkness.

They really don't shine at all.

Both teams are ready.

Well then…

All the best, Team Kendo!

Second battle, start!

Please stop this bias broadcast!

-Stop it!
-Stop it!

Very well, let's go!


What is Kendo's role in Class B?

Kendo is amazing!

You're speaking too loud!

After all,
she is our class representative!

Her mind works fast and she keeps calm
when she makes judgments!

She has the courage to step forward
when time calls for it!

Her cheerful demeanor brings
our class together!

Without her, the entire Class B
would have sided with Monoma!

Hey, don't say that so loudly.

The big sister of Class B!

That's right. It's Itsuka Kendo!

Can Yaoyorozu's operation be
ex*cuted successfully in this battle?

What operation?

Please scout ahead for us, Tokoyami.

Roger. Dark Shadow.


Report back
as soon as you spot the enemies.

Leave it to me!

I basically know all about their Quirks.

But I have no idea what new moves
they have come up with.

That might lead to our defeat.

Which is why…

we'll have to see how it goes first.

Dark Shadow seems
to have found our enemies.

It's right under that chimney.

Let's head over there.

You're getting no time to think!

I'll deal with the weak ones first!

I'm counting on you, Kuroiro!

I'll be right back.

Dark Shadow went really far.

Did you level up during your internship?

That's hard to tell.

The further Dark Shadow goes,
the harder it is to maintain its form.

He's back.


Everyone, scatter!


What is going on?


We fell for their trap!

What's going on with Dark Shadow?

Did it go berserk?


The field is bright enough for Tokoyami
to keep Dark Shadow under control.

Is something else controlling Dark Shadow?

It must be the Quirk
of someone from Class B!


Hagakure, release your beam!


Warp Refraction: Say Cheese!

Return, Dark Shadow!

Kuroiro came out from Dark Shadow!

He disappeared!

He merged with the shadow.

That's Kuroiro's Quirk.

Class B, Shihai Kuroiro.

Quirk: Black.

He can merge with darkness,

and even move the object upon possession,

but only if the object is movable.

Fumikage Tokoyami.

I will take you out.

You and I are destined to be rivals.

I see, my rival.

Very well!

I will use the move I invented
when I worked with Hawks.

Black Fallen Angel.

Black Fallen Angel?


Black Fallen Angel.






He always settles everything on his own.

This is the real deal!

Real diamonds!

These should fetch me
at least million!

What? Oh, god!

I got you.



You are too slow for me.

I heard that someone
is causing trouble at a bar in Cantina.

I have to go there next.

I'll leave the cleaning up to you.


I have to deal with this criminal.

Hawks is simply too fast.

This is the most efficient way to operate.

I'll go after him.


He sure is full of spirit.

It was the first time Hawks took part
in nominating a student.

I was always running after him
during the workplace training,

constantly cleaning up
after he had completed the job.

That raised a question for me.

If the damage spread
while my sidekicks were catching up,

wouldn't that be unacceptable?


Why did you nominate me?

Because we're both birds.

You're joking, right?

No, there's a little truth in that.

I need some information
from those in Class -A.

It's about the thugs
from League of Villains

that att*cked your class.

Since I've been looking for information,

I should get it from an outstanding
student who can catch up to me.

So I chose the bird guy

who has a fairly high ranking
during the sports festival.

I need to know more
about the USJ incident.

What can you tell me?

When I was about to tell him
the details about the USJ attack,

the unwillingness almost took over me.

I'm not a pigeon.

The workplace training ended
with me learning nothing at all.

Hey. How was your time in Kyushu?

Nothing special.

Nothing at all.

For my internship,

he accepted me once again.

Much had happened between the time
of my workplace training and internship.

He must be after more information.


Don't look down on me, the No. Hero.


He's the No. Hero now.

Tsukuyomi is so determined.

He has a bright future ahead.


-Great work today.
-Great work today.

Tokoyami, may I have a word with you?

What is it you want this time?

I'm not going to ask questions.


We are flying like the wind!

You've never learned how to fly?

I would say % of my reason
for choosing you

was because we're both birds,

% because I wanted to know more
about the League of Villains,

and the rest was because
you're wasting your time.

The sky is great.

You can see everything from above.

What do you mean I was wasting my time?

It's a sound plan to strengthen
your skills in close-quarter combat.

But never forget to develop
what you're already good at.

You can move more freely.

I never wanted to be a mentor.

But since we're both birds,
I guess it must be fate.

You belong in the sky if you can fly.

Don't limit yourself to the ground.

I will use the move I invented
when I worked with Hawks.

Black Fallen Angel.

Black Fallen Angel?

That sounds fun.

Let's see what you've got!

He is moving in the shadows!

I would never have expected them
to launch a solo as*ault.

It's the same situation
as the first battle.

It's time to improvise.

But the place is full of pipelines.

There is no way to tell his location.

Tokoyami, are you all right?


Fumikage Tokoyami.

I will take you out.

I'm his target.

I bet that's what you think, Class A.

Our rivalry is destined.

I started psychological warfare
before the battle even began.

I made them think Tokoyami was my target.

They are certain of it,
but they are wrong.

Scheming Hero: Vantablack.

That's how I roll!



His scheme…

This is despicable.

Repent with the purest intent.

With my speed
and the complex layout of this arena,

Dark Shadow and its master are connected,

which makes it hard
to navigate this place.

In that case,

they will never catch up to me!

Is that so?

Dark Shadow!

Black Fallen Angel!

-He is flying!
-He is flying!


That is his new move!

How can he fly?

The principle is simple.

Dark Shadow is always floating in the air.

It can carry Tokoyami as it moves around!

Thanks to the mantle,

sunlight is blocked out,
allowing it to stay active even longer!

The way Dark Shadow carries him
also allows for the use of his hands!

Dark Shadow is floating!

Everyone takes that feature for granted
and overlooks its potential!

It's simple yet hard to imagine!


You're awesome, Tokoyami!

But never forget to develop
what you're already good at.

Hawks, you have my thanks.

I'll take it up a notch!

Twinkling Laser Date!

Plan A failed.

Aoyama, use your Navel Laser!

Tokoyami, keep flying.

Dark Shadow, grab the jacket!

All right!

I just need to disrupt the shadows!

Navel Buffet!

I found him, Hagakure!

Yes, I'll get him this time!

-That's as far as you can get.
-There is nowhere to run.

We didn't expect you to operate solo.

But every unexpected outcome

is already within my expectation!

You saw this coming.

Stop right there!



I knew it.

Kendo anticipated your expectations!

Just as Kendo foresaw.

If I see the light,
that means Kuroiro's plan A failed.

Plan B commences.

You'll all be covered in mushrooms.

Next episode…

Class A launches their counterattack.

But the wide-range att*cks
from Fukidashi and Komori

have turned the battle to their advantage.

Not only that, Yaoyorozu is isolated.

What should Class A do now?

Next episode, "Foresight!"

Yaoyorozu predicted the battle,

she will start creating
to secure their victory!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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