05x09 - (S) Early Bird!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x09 - (S) Early Bird!

Post by bunniefuu »


Class A and Class B of U.A. High
are in a joint training battle.

After the third battle,
each class has won one battle so far.

And now, the fourth battle will begin.

Hold on. Are you serious?

Are you kidding me? Your strategy…

That's right.

Wait and see, you stupid Deku.

With Jiro and Sero on this battleground…

I have a bad feeling about this.
They are both very tough opponents.

Not to mention Bakugo and Sato
are both powerful as well.

Their team balance is impeccable.

It's best to assume they can wipe us out
if they have the upper hand.

Whatever it is,

we should chop them up now!

Let's strike them
with a preemptive attack!

Class A and Class B
have won one battle each.

Do you think their strength is equal?

But Class A only won thanks to Shinso!

Well, is their strength really
on the same level?

-Mr. Vlad King, that's too much!
-Mr. Vlad King, that's too much!

He can control blood, but not his brain.

He loves his students a little too much.

Are you done over there?

Sir, we are simply against
this bias broadcast!

Are you going to protest
if you lose a battle?

Class B's tactic is much more formidable
than you think.

That is a fact.

It seems like Vlad is the better teacher.

In the end, you're just troublemakers!

Don't you see that?

Only failures will cause trouble
to themselves!


Class B has been training day and night
to improve their skills and Quirks.

But Class A should be
capable of more than that.

All Might, you're still very fond
of Class A.

I like all the students.

I look forward to your performance,
Young Bakugo.

Move faster, you slowpokes!

I have to listen to their movements!

Stop nagging! Just catch up!

He always wants us to catch up.

He hasn't changed since sports day.

In any case, he always helps out.


Listen up, you second-rated jerks.

Just follow my lead.

Don't call us "jerks."

And stop saying we are second-rated.

I'll take the lead in the battle.

Your job is to provide me with support.

Ears, check for any sound
of their movements.

Find out where they are.

Stop calling me names. My name is Jiro!

Bakugo, are you going
to attack them head-on?

Their team is mostly people
who can counter our att*cks.

Since we have Jiro with us,

we can look for an opening
and proceed with caution.


That is exactly
why we should strike first.

We don't look for an opening.

We create it ourselves.

As long as we can track them down,
we can win.

Do you get it now?

Be careful!

This is dangerous!

Hold onto those.

These aren't very powerful,
but they will come in handy.

And there's more.

Is he certain this is the right tactic?

I spot someone!

-It's Jiro!

They are all in the area.

Find them!

Hurry up!

Be patient!

We fell for their trap!

Indeed. It's over for you.

We used Jiro's scouting ability
to our advantage.

Class B, Setsuna Tokage.

Hero name: Lizardy.

Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter.

She can divide herself into parts
and control them at will.

After further improving her Quirks,
she can control up to different parts!

Get out of my way!

Bakugo, over here!

All right! It's game over!

Glue Squall!

It's glue!

This is bad. We walked right into it.

It's like he created a web
to capture even himself!

I did it. It's just as Setsuna planned.

Class B, Kojiro Bondo.

Hero name: Plamo.

Quirk: Cemedine.

He can spray a large amount of glue
and adjust the rate at which it dries.

You are too slow!

Class B, Togaru Kamakiri.

Hero name: Jack Mantis.

Quirk: Razor Sharp.

He can produce large blades
from any part of his body.

We disrupted Jiro's hearing
by making noises.

The pipelines and tapes
are covered in adhesive.

There is no way to escape
if they touch it.

I must protect them!


The perfect timing!

I'll finish off Jiro first!

He saved his team and won the fight.

Win and save them all.

I'm much stronger than I used to be!

Don't forget…

When you're in danger, I will aid you.

You managed to withstand that.

You sure are fast as a bug!

For real?


Shut it!

They got away. Search for them.

I don't care if this is training or what.

I had made up my mind long ago.

I must win every battle
with undeniable victory!

I won't let them capture anyone!

That is…

the real victory for a true fighter!

This is strange.

Am I seeing things now?

I think he was protecting Jiro.

He did. But he also kicked her.

Bakugo is always so unpredictable.

Monoma, don't worry.

Your eyes are perfectly fine.

He changed his fighting style!

Well, yes.

This is the first time I've seen him

standing out to protect others.

I shouldn't fight him head-on. Retreat.

If we get into a real fight,
there is no way we can win.

As soon as the capture operation fails,
we must retreat.

We must keep ambushing them
to maintain our advantage.

There are too many noises.

But the number has dwindled.

The number has dwindled?

They are falling back.

Are they regrouping?

Jerks, they are looking down on us.

They are a one-man team that follows
Bakugo's lead in any strategy.

We can keep baiting Bakugo
by giving him more pressure.

When he makes a mistake,
the team will crumble!

I can't locate them.


I can recognize the sound
if I concentrate!

Let's go!

-They went into hiding!
-They are using their Quirks again!




Class B, Yosetsu Awase.

Hero name: Welder.

Quirk: Weld.

He can fuse different objects
at a molecular level.

But he can't activate his ability
unless he touches the objects.

Impressive precision!

There is no way your tape can hit me
in this environment.

Is this part of Tokage's plan?

She foresees everything.

Sugar Rush!


Curse you!
Don't you dare stick me to the pipes!

Do you have to be so upset?

I'm counting on you!

-Leave it…
-…to me!

When you're in danger, I will aid you.

On the other hand, when I'm in trouble…

Heartbeat Surround!

…I'll count on you guys to help me out.


He's headed for Bondo!

This can't be happening!

I'm feeling great on this winter day!

Do you feel warm now?

I got him!

Their coordination is flawless!

They captured two of my lovely students
in the blink of an eye!

I thought he knew nothing about teamwork.

He didn't just gain a nicer personality.


Bakugo is decisive.

The others assist his attack.

There will be some gaps in between.

We can make use of those gaps
and crush them from within!

That should do it!


How? Their teamwork is perfect!


Bakugo let them attack freely
because he trusts his teammates!

Their coordination worked.

His drumming practice
was useful after all.

Tokage can split her body into parts
and control them freely.

But the separated parts will stop moving
after a certain time.

Then the parts will regenerate
from her main body.

If that assumption is correct,

there must be a limit
to how much she can regenerate.

Just like Yaoyorozu,

she will be worn out
and her level of concentration will drop.

If she split her body into parts
to make noises,

that would work against her regeneration.

Which means these parts will return
to her body to reform and reset.

Jiro mentioned there were fewer sounds.
That proves my hypothesis!

That was close.


How much have you changed?

I've always been the same.

Whenever it is, my goal…

is to become the No. Hero
that surpasses All Might!



In less than five minutes,

Class A's flawless teamwork

won the battle
without losing any teammate!





There were no unnecessary casualties.

The capturing operation
was swift and smooth.

Bakugo acted as the main attacker
with his mobility and firepower.

The other three coordinated well.

You came up with a tactic
based on past data

while considering the difference in power.

But you didn't adapt to the situation.
You lack Honenuki's flexibility.

We failed miserably because of my mistake.

Never mind.
Let's take it as a learning experience.


That impulsive guy won't lose control
when he's thinking rationally.

You got that right.

That was surprising for sure.

Kacchan, there is nothing you can't do!

Jiro stole the spotlight as well!

I'm a hero, okay?

You look like a stray kitty
taken in by a delinquent.

I'm a human being, all right?

I got chills.

Did you catch a cold or something?

-Stand aside, you junk!

But I'm not even in your way…


I've moved forward even more.

Indeed. You were amazing.

I'll become stronger at a pace
you can't catch up.

I will surpass you.

Shut it! Was that supposed to be a threat?

There is no way
I would let you surpass me!

You useless trash!

We'll see about that.

You have a great childhood friend.


I wish his attitude could be better.


That hysteric expl*si*n guy…

This is going to be fun.

Sorry, Monoma.

One win, two defeats, and one draw.

There is no way we can win this.

Your apology is not needed, Tokage.

Your teammates will learn
from their mistakes.

Isn't that a great experience?

It's true Class B can't win,
but we haven't lost yet.

But I want all of you
to understand one thing.

People who get serious
and don't become a liability,

or the attention seeker
who resorts to unpleasant means,

who is on the correct path?

We are all supporting characters
of others' lives.

But we are the protagonists
of our own lives!

What do we do then?

Don't get so discouraged!

I think it's best
to follow Tokage's tactic.

In terms of team balance,

both teams have almost
the same composition.

Most of us have technical Quirks.

There are various ways
to launch an ambush.

Most importantly,
we have five combatants on our team.

Head-on battles won't do us any good.

After watching the last battle,
I feel resentment towards Midoriya.


That's her way of saying "scary."

I see.


His mobility and power are on par
with Bakugo's, if not better.

He even learned ranged att*cks recently.

If we make the slightest mistake,
we'll be decimated as the last team.

Midoriya will break through our defense.

Then let's make Midoriya our priority.

We must take him down first.

But he is capable
of breaking my Brainwash.

However, with Monoma's Quirk,

there might be a way to subdue Midoriya.

I feel a little daunted
with the high hopes.

After all,
there is a chance it might fail.

It might fail?

That means he can't copy
his opponent's Quirk.

I see.

Well, we must stop him if we want to win.

We're counting on you, Shinso.

The fifth battle is the last round.

How will Shinso perform?

The battle is a test

to see if he is qualified
to transfer into the Hero Course.

He put up a great performance
in the first battle.

But the same trick might not work twice.

That's true enough.

Class A is very strong too.

I wish him all the best.

We should first deal with Shinso.

I'm worried.

I don't want to get brainwashed.

Don't dwell on that.

They are capable of many ways

to ambush us
without even showing themselves.

And our Quirks…

I can float.

I can melt!

I can stick!

This is not looking good.

I have a bad feeling about this.

We can't go on defensive or offensive.

Very well!
We should use my Pop Off: Vineyard!

No one would fall for that.

We must find them
and let them fall into our trap.

I will act as the decoy.


But how?

You mentioned your Quirk was acting weird.


I'll be fine.

But after watching the fourth battle,

my guess is they will be wary of me.

I must be even more mobile.

-Are you sure about this?

We are counting on you to win.

Don't worry.

We will win!


The old you would have panicked instead.

Everything feels normal.

I've moved forward even more.

I'll become stronger at a pace
you can't catch up.

He left me with a challenge.

I must not let everyone down!

All right! It's the fifth battle!

This is the last round.

Are you ready?

Never let your guard down! All the best!


Next episode…

It's the final battle
of the joint training.

Class A will only need a draw
to secure victory.

But we must not be complacent.

Class B has Shinso on their team.

There is also Monoma
who can copy our Quirks.

I'm the key to winning this battle.
That's why I must strike!

Next episode, "That Which Is Inherited."

An anomaly manifests inside of me
during the battle.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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