05x11 - (S) Our Brawl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x11 - (S) Our Brawl

Post by bunniefuu »

Why? What is this?

Aizawa! Vlad!

We should stop him now.

Something is not right.

Deku! Calm down!


Brainwash him now!

Help me stop Deku's rampage!


Fight me!

Very well!


Nice timing!

Are you all right?

I found you! Eat this!

Midoriya! Uraraka! Are you all right?

Everyone is here!

Let's get ready to rumble!

Eat this!


I can't let anyone else get hurt.

What should I do now?

I feel like my mind is going to explode!

Eraser Head, how should we proceed?



-All Might.

Let's observe for a little while.

Aizawa, what do you mean?

The fifth battle…

should proceed.



No matter how you see it,
Midoriya was acting very strange.

If it happens again,
I will put a stop to him.

Shinso managed to stop him
with brainwashing.

If it's still part of Midoriya's Quirk,
I can stop it.

Aizawa, why?

They want to continue the battle.

Both Midoriya…

and Shinso.

No, not just the two of them.

All of them desire…

to win this battle.

You are surprisingly optimistic.

I guess I am.

Deku's strength was outmatched!


I can't use my Quirk right now.

I might put everyone else in danger.

We should retreat and regroup.

If we fall back, we lose.

Shinso is right before us.

This is our chance to win!

But wouldn't that mean you have to fight

without using your Quirk?


Uraraka, I need a favor from you.

Acid Shot!

-We can't keep taking damages.

Twin Impact!


Grape Buckler!


The ball can stick to any surface,
but only I can bounce off them!

The balls I laid down
are traps for everyone else,

but they are platforms for me!

I calculated everything.

I knew I couldn't withstand
Twin Impact's power.

I knew this would happen too!

Stop messing around!

Give me a break!

Acid Layback!

Grape-Pinky Combo…


This is bad!

Stop dodging!

We have to retreat.

But he is moving too quickly!

We have no chance
to devise a counterattack!

That's right.

Mineta and the others are doing well!

Ashido can be in range if they close in!

She is amazing!

Shoda alone must protect the other two
who can handle close combat.

The number advantage
became their disadvantage.

Should the teachers stop them?

Midoriya and Uraraka are…

You can't become stronger on your own.

I can only copy others' Quirks.

I don't have the qualities
to be in the spotlight.

But I never hated my Quirk.

Every masterpiece has a side character
that can outshine the main protagonist!

Your power…

Could it be…

I'm taking it!

Is he copying One For All?

A weak body can't support it all,

so you may explode into pieces.

No, Monoma! Don't do it!

You're too late!

Gunhead Martial Arts!

It's not your Quirk!
He was tricking you! Run!

I couldn't activate it.

-Curse it! It was a bluff!



This is my first fight with you
after the sports day!

Isn't that right, Midoriya?

If Shinso gets away,

the enemy will have
the upper hand later on.

You're a great threat, Shinso!

Eraser Head, Midoriya is on the move.

I'm watching him.

That hurts.

If you took six years to master it,

can I really use it at will?

I had to learn from scratch on my own.

Having these tips makes a huge difference.

People like you and me,

if we can't defend ourselves
during critical moments,

we'll die for sure.

Practice as I say.

I am not going to waste my time
on useless matters.

I'm different now.

I should have acted faster
with my binding.


I will become a pro hero
with my own strength.


He is different from earlier.

My doubts and insecurities are gone.

So your priority is to control your heart.

His aura and voice…

He shared so many resemblances
to All Might.

Learn to master your heart.

Use these abilities as yours.




My doubts and insecurities
for the power are gone.

This new power is my comrade.

I must control my heart.

You can become a hero.

All Might said that to me.

My training with him at the bay park…

My starting line…

Just remembering these…

Whenever it is,

I feel invincible.



He seems different now.

He relies on Young Uraraka's Quirk
to focus on his own power.

What happened in the last few minutes?

Young Midoriya…

Come on. What was it just now?

Was your rampage just an act?

You've disrespected my spirit!

It's gone.

That power…

It disappeared in an instant.

It's a pain that comes from within.

Due to the accumulated power
of One For All,

this Quirk is much stronger
than when I wielded it.

The new power is too much
for my body to withstand.

This isn't a power that I can control
with % of my max output.

I can feel it deeply.

This power exists before One For All.

It's a power I can only master after
having total control over One For All.

But even so, using inaccurate air blasts
might trigger another rampage.

If I use One For All at %…

Under these circumstances,
Midoriya won't be brainwashed.

Sorry, Monoma.

I feel resentment towards Midoriya.

If we make the slightest mistake,
we'll be decimated as the last team.

Midoriya will break through our defense.

Then let's make Midoriya our priority.

Well, we must stop him if we want to win.

We're counting on you, Shinso.

I wasted the opening you created for me.

But I won't let this be game over for us!

It seems like the Poltergeist missed.

It's been around five minutes
since the battle started.

Monoma can only copy a Quirk
for five minutes.

Maybe my Quirk can last for ten minutes.

If I attack now,
can you beat me on your own?

Oh, my. You thought of everything.

She is wary of Shinso's Quirk.

Do you know how many Quirks
I can copy at a time?

I can confirm that he copied
Yanagi's Poltergeist and Kodai's Size.

Finally, he will need Shinso's Brainwash
to execute their plan.

Three Quirks at a time?

Is it because I have three timers on me?

If I pretended to only copy three Quirks,

what would you do
if I started using a fourth Quirk?

I can copy different Quirks.

I can't activate them all at once,
but there's residue power I can use.

Except for powers that affect the body,
most Quirk effects can last.

Such as Kodai's Size.

Even after activating other Quirks
after I enlarged the bolt,

its size remains.

Do you not get what I mean?

This is the "fire."

This is the last struggle
of a side character.

What did Monoma do to Deku?


Uraraka, I need a favor from you.

I need you to make me weightless.

I'll close in on Shinso.

I leave Monoma to you.

Afterwards, regroup
with Ashido and Mineta.

Don't worry about me.

I can't win against him in direct combat.

Then I must lure him into my field!


He's too fast! He's catching up!


Twin Impact.

It creates a second impact
on the point of impact.

Shinso, I apologize
for getting caught so soon.

Did I manage to create an opening?


Could it be…

He used Shoda's Quirk in that instant!

-Oh, god!
-And they say I have a dexterous physique.

Things should be easier
after we take one of them down!

It's not looking good for Ashido.

Good job, Shoda!

You can turn the battle around!


Remember the starting line…

at all times!



Kodai! Yanagi!

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.

We can win!

Curse it.

I've been looking forward to this fight.

I wanted to show you
how strong I've become.

But everyone has moved forward.

They never stop moving forward.

They go beyond!

Plus Ultra?

Curse it.

The Hero Course is amazing.


There were come close calls
during the battle,

but the fifth battle is over.

The match is over.

All of you managed
to anticipate the enemies' att*cks.

You performed well.

We'll announce the results now.

Class A won the first battle.

Class B won the second battle.

The third battle ended in a tie.

Class A won the fourth battle.

Class A also won the fifth battle.

The victor of this joint training…

is Class -A!


I wasn't feeling that competitive, but…

I know. This feels bad.

Almost everyone was very tactful
in battles.

Mr. Aizawa.

I can't achieve anything on my own.

I still have a long way to go.

This joint training also serves
as my entrance test, right?

You knew all along?

Did you tell him?


But I could tell based on the timing
and form of this training.

The lack of communication devices
makes it easier to test my skill.

Not to mention only I joined both teams.

Either way, we still have a postmortem.

You should get ready.

The postmortem starts now.

First of all, Midoriya,

what happened to you just now?

Oh, well…

You showed some dark manifestations.

You lost control, but the maneuver was…

Was it a new move?

It was way beyond the limit
of raw strength.


I still don't quite understand
what it was.

The power was surging,
and I couldn't control it.

It was as though the very thing I trusted
had backfired at me.

I was terrified too.

But Uraraka and Shinso stopped my rampage.

That helped me realize it wasn't
what I thought.

If Shinso hadn't brainwashed me,

things would have been worse.

Shinso, you asked
whether it was a trick or not.

But at that moment, I had no idea either.

Thank you, both of you.

I only said that
because I wanted to brainwash him.

But he's still concerned about it.

It was clear to everyone
that you weren't acting.


Shinso was amazing
when Midoriya lost control.

Uraraka deserves praise
for her quick reflexes and reaction!

She risked her life
to calm down her friend!

Yes, that's the way to do it! I like it!

Uraraka, you flew to him right away!

You were so fast!

You hugged him with your arms.

I charged out without thinking too much.
I should have reacted with more caution.

But it's better than doing nothing
and ending up with regrets afterward.

I want to…

save people.

You are showing
great improvement, Uraraka.


I didn't use my Quirk for Midoriya alone.

I merely followed Uraraka's instruction.

More precisely speaking,

I saw those black whips
attacking Monoma and the others.

In any case,

our chances of winning would dwindle
unless we could subdue the rampage.

I only stopped Midoriya
because I wanted to fight and beat him.

What happened back then
was merely a coincidence.

I could barely handle everything
that was going on--

No one asked you to go out
of your way to do such a thing.

Everyone here

is training hard to become a hero
that saves lives from danger.

Only a genius like All Might
can catch up so quickly to all of them.

You can't save anyone if you're obsessed
with what people think of you.

If you can't save yourself, you don't have
the strength to save others.

On this point alone,
your performance just now

was enough to pass the test.

But I still have much to learn.

One thing I've learned after real combat…

is how amazing the Hero Course can be.

I will not be satisfied
with just passing the test.

I will work even harder
to achieve greater heights!

That's good to know.

Fight on with your Plus Ultra spirit.


Next episode…

One For All's new power has awakened.

That power is the Quirk
of the previous wielder.

That mysterious man told me

there would be six other Quirks
manifesting inside of me.

Wouldn't that be similar
to All For One's power?

Next episode,
"The New Power And All For One."

Control your heart.

Wield One For All like your own extension!

Go Beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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