05x12 - (S) The New Power and All For One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x12 - (S) The New Power and All For One

Post by bunniefuu »

At the Hero Course of U.A. High,
Class A and Class B held a joint training.

Class A won the match
with three victories and one draw.


I still have a long way to go.

I've seen how amazing
the Hero Course can be.

I will not be satisfied
with just passing the test.

I will work even harder
to achieve greater heights!

That's good to know.

Fight on with your Plus Ultra spirit.


Shinso, in the end, you were trying

to cause disruption and shift the battle
to your advantage, right?

You were quick to block my way
with those pipes.

You were moving like Mr. Aizawa
with your binding cloth.

In the first battle,

I thought the team's coordination
enabled you to unleash your potential.

But that wasn't the case.

Shinso's mobility and reactions
were impeccable.

You were on par with those
from the Hero Course.

You made me nervous for a moment.

You're much better at using your strength
for others than I ever was.



We will make another assessment.

But it's likely…

No, it's almost certain

that Shinso will join the Hero Course
in his second year.

Don't you let him overtake you!

-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!

Sir, which class will he be in?

-Class A?
-Class B?

We'll decide when the time comes.
It's too early to be certain.


Mineta's actions were so low.
Please punish him now.


It was nothing but a lucky coincidence.

Not to mention, I was giving my all
to deal with Shota and his teammates.

It's undeniable that Class B lost.


we didn't lose to you when it came down
to the marvel we displayed!

Had I known Midoriya's Quirk
wasn't compatible with mine,

I would have come up
with a strategy against that!

Which means

the outcome might be different
if we fight again!

That's not going to happen.
Today's class is over!

Speaking of which,

Monoma activated Shota's Quirk on me,

so we must have made physical contact.

So One For All was copied too.

My Quirk, One For All,

has many people's extreme physical powers

compiled into one.

A weak body can't support it all,

so you may explode into pieces.

That was what made me worried.

Had I known Midoriya's Quirk
wasn't compatible with mine…

What does he mean by "compatible"?

Excuse me, but I have some questions.

Monoma, come to Eri's place tomorrow.

They are visiting Eri tomorrow?


You've learned how to write.

Yes. I want to write a letter.

A letter? For whom?

For you and Deku.

I don't know what I should say
so I want to write it down in a letter.

I want to thank you.

What's wrong with you?

Are you scared, you jerk?

I told you to wait!

Hold on! It's not coming out!


This isn't what you're supposed to do!
Calm down!

His new power came out
when he was in danger!

No. We are training to keep it in.

Young Midoriya, how do you feel?

It's not coming out.

I can no longer sense it.

A Quirk from the previous wielder…

Is this what One For All
has developed into?

Do you always chitchat in this place?

Yes. I was surprised when you came here.

Bakugo is also keeping this
a secret for us after all.

All Might, do you know what happened?

About those black tentacles?

I saw those for the first time too.

A bald wielder in the past…

The wielder before my master
was a young man with dark hair.

One For All holds the powers
of all its previous wielders…

Perhaps even my master didn't know it.

So you're the first
to have it all, you trash.

Don't call him that.

Was there anything that triggered it?

Nothing at all.

The bald guy told me the time has come.

There might be
other external trigger points.

Could it have anything to do
with All For One?

After all, that guy gave birth
to the Quirk of One For All.

Having multiple Quirks at once.

I see. It's the same as his power.

You just said what I hated
to admit the most.

In any case, to prevent Midoriya
from becoming him,

we need to know more about this new power.

You lack danger awareness!

If I keep crushing you,
it will come out for sure!

So if I crush you
while the tentacles are out…

Please tone down your motivation.

If One For All
is answering to my thoughts,

then at that moment…

This power exists before One For All.

I decided it was a power
I couldn't master at the moment.

Perhaps that's why the Quirk
seemed to be sealed away.

In that case, I should try to imagine it
as locking and unlocking a door.

I must first learn
how to unleash those tentacles.

This is too boring, you jerk!

It's pointless if you can't use it!

I'm out of here.

Your nagging is getting on my nerves!

I think that's all for today.


All For One's power?

You fool!

You fool! How can you be so discouraged?

But my performance today
was nowhere as remarkable as yours.

I could withstand the heat
because my body is made out of metal.

And because it's metal,
there is a limit to its hardness.

Unlike you, I can't get denser
after taking a beating!

You and I…

We each have our own uniqueness!

Yes! Tetsutetsu!

We're having beef stew for dinner.

-That's great!
-Wow! That's amazing!

Class B is here too.

Some of them are here for a postmortem
and to exchange thoughts.

Midoriya, I've been looking for you.


-Do you have two different Quirks too?

On the sports day…

Come at me with all you've got!

You looked very serious back then.

So it would be shocking to me
if you were hiding a Quirk from us.


How should I put it?
I think it's an extension of my Quirk.

I think they are still
the same thing at the core.

I was terrified when it happened
for the first time.

I see. It must have been hard for you.

I apologize for ever doubting you.

What happened today was too shocking.

That sharp and dim-witted fool.

You did well too, Todoroki.

You already have so much control
over your flame.

No, I still have much to learn.
I was just as surprised as you were.

Which is why…

I must work to improve myself.


I can't believe it.

You actually came to me.

Well, that settled it.

I can handle the related paperwork.

You should focus on teaching.

I appreciate your help.

Shinso is very much like you
when you were younger.

Do you see yourself in him, Aizawa?

Or perhaps you saw…

Just get to the point.

I still have work to take care of.

It's nothing. Just chitchat.

The dark side of U.A. High…

What is this kid talking about?

I told her during the school festival
that you were the dark side of U.A. High.

I'm a man who walks
the path of righteousness!

What exactly are we doing here?

Midoriya. Togata.

I'm sorry to ask you here.

But I need a favor from Monoma.

It's frustrating because Eri and Monoma
don't have much in common

in their personalities.

What do you take me for?

Well, Monoma?

It's a feint.

I'm sorry, but the result
is disappointing, Eraser Head.

I see. What a shame.

He copied Eri's Quirk.

But for what purpose?

Monoma, what do you mean, it's a feint?

Both of your Quirks are of the same type.

Your Quirk is the accumulation type.

My Quirk allows me to copy
the fundamental qualities of other Quirks.

But if the Quirk stores energy
to be unleashed,

I can't copy the energy
that has already been stored.

I see.

Fat Gum's Quirk allows him
to store energy from fat.

If Monoma copies the Quirk,
his body will still be as weak.

This kind of thing happens.

I copied your Quirk, but I couldn't use it
because of this principle.

Had it worked the other way,
I would have caused Monoma to explode!

But why is he copying Eri's Quirk?

Even if we let Eri activate
her Quirk again,

the same disastrous incident will happen
unless we know how to control it.

So I thought I could ask Monoma to copy
her Quirk and show her how to use it.

It would have made her life much easier.

But I don't think that's possible now.


I am always causing you trouble.

My power will only make everyone worry.

I wish I could get rid of this power.


It doesn't just make people worry.

Remember, you once saved my life!

What matters is how you use it.

Take a kitchen knife as an example.

The knife can be dangerous,

but a sharper knife makes it easier
to make delicious cuisines.

Your power is amazing.

After all,

that guy gave birth
to the Quirk of One For All.

That is true,

but this power will become my comrade.

I will try my best.

I must master the power of One For All
and make it my own extension.





It's snowing!

Clear the mind
and rub down with a dry towel!

Your shirt is getting drenched!

Be careful not to fall down!

Close the windows! Tsuyu stopped moving!

Oh, god! Sorry, Tsuyu!

Let's check the weather forecast.

When is Todoroki coming back?

I want to borrow the next volume
of the manga he lent me.

Around : p.m.

This is the last day
of the provisional license test.

If they pass the test today,

all of us from Class A
will be provisional license holders!

After today, I won't see you fools again.

This is worth celebrating!

Are you ready, puny plankton?

All right, let's begin.

They should be taking the test now.

I wonder if they are doing well.

Don't worry.

Bakugo seems to be doing well lately.
But he is still a jerk.

I should make a cake
for when they come back.


The only thing I beat them at
is getting my provisional license.

Don't be so petty.

Petty Kaminari!

What was that?

Kaminari, you're special too.

Thank you, Shoji.

They have announced venturing
into the market of hero support.

The fish took the bait!

-My bag! Give it back!
-Curse it.

The heroes will be here soon.

Is there trouble?

Where are the heroes?

It's been less than seconds
since it happened.

Then leave it to me.

No, we should confirm the situation first.

I checked. Please handle the evacuation.

You can't fight, but we can.

You have a point, but…

Boss, you were right to pick a holiday!

This is a torrent of wallets!

But you've only had your license
for minutes.

Thirty minutes?


How long does it take to be a hero?

What's wrong with you two?

Do you think you're heroes?

Leave this place now!

My goodness! It's All Might!

Those wallets and bags…

It's wrong to rob.


Cursed kid.

Do you think your ice
is enough to make me…

give up the money?

To pull this off,

we probed all the patrol routes
in this area thoroughly!

It's near the end of the year!

It took us one month to plan this!

A place and time
with crowds and no heroes…

This is the perfect place!

Get a job!

Sorry to disappoint you,
but your plan is ruined.

Ruined? You are too naive, kids.

You two still have a lot to learn!

Listen up! I can control carbonic acid.

I live to seek thrills!

My resolve is much stronger than kids
who go home from school every day!

I have the resolve to get away!


They passed out.

I was only using enough firepower
to immobilize you.

Have you lost your resolve?

Show me your resolve to lose!

Who would want that?

It's too strong!

A carnival of ice and snow!

Lady, please stay away from there!

Go somewhere else
if you want to end your life!

This is my most powerful attack!

It could get a little ugly,
but I guess there's no other way.

Flashfreeze Heatwave!

With heat,

carbon dioxide will evaporate.

Curse you! That move just now…

I controlled the output.

Are you hurt?

No way, you jerk.
Are you looking down on me?

What about that girl?

She's fine, you jerk!


Are you two all right?

You must be that crazy kid from U.A. High.

Mind your words!

Did you two take care of these villains?

They robbed the wallets and belongings
of the people on the street.

We confirmed the enemy's number
and apprehended them.

-And the things they took?

I gathered everything
before they could get burned.

A flawless execution! This is amazing!
I can't believe you're still students!

Thank you so much!

You'll become outstanding heroes
in the future!

Leave the cleaning up to me, Slidin' Go!

His gauntlet exploded.


It must be some half-baked item
from the black market.

You two did well.

Thank you.


All right, let's head back.

You must be starving.

I have to melt the ice first.

I'm not going to help you.

Why is it so dark in here?

Has everyone gone out?


…on getting your provisional license!

-Have some cake!
-No one can eat that much!


-Thank you.

Nice job, Bakugo!

Kacchan, we can now go
on hero activities together!


Don't act so high-and-mighty,
you stupid nerd!

-That's not what I meant!
-Don't argue with me!

Next episode…

Kacchan and Todoroki
got their provisional licenses.

All of Class A can now take part
in hero activities.

The second semester ends on December th.

We're throwing a Christmas party!

Next episode, "Have a Merry Christmas!"

But we didn't know
that darkness was brewing

while we celebrated in joy.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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