05x15 - (S) One Thing at a Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x15 - (S) One Thing at a Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Do you need a debrief right now?

I'm trying my best to preach
the idea of liberation across the country.

About this book you've been
giving out to pro heroes…

You must have read it very thoroughly.

You marked all the lines
with Destro in them.

You're one of a handful of people
who understand it.

Thank you.

Honestly, I don't understand
the book at all.

Please enlighten me.

Sure. It's not as hard as you think.

The spreading of our ideology
will be hastened

with you working on its publicity.

We would be glad if you could talk
some teenagers into joining your cause.

I'll keep up the work.

Hawks, you are really devoted.

You're such a good guy. He's a villain!

I wish I could have you as my sidekick.

Thanks for the compliment.

The Commission hasn't noticed
the existence of the Liberation Front.

They are investigating
whether the incident in Deika

was the work of the League of Villains.

The heroes did a great job
resolving the problem.

They are taking their sweet time
to train new heroes.

It's Izuku!

For real? What are the odds!

Judging by the performance,
they haven't learned much since then.

Well, they are still students.

You did well.

Hawks, you are dismissed now.

I worked myself hard
so I wouldn't give out any SOS signal.

My feathers can analyze
the types of sounds

based on their vibrations.

I can hear everything.

Are you sure about this, Spinner?

Yes, keep the warriors' morale high.

We're finally making a move.

Four months from now…

Everything will be razed by Tomura.

Four months from now…


"Our enemy…


…is the Liberation Front."

"They have…

over , people."

"In four months…"


How many heroes are working in the dark?

What is Shigaraki trying to achieve?

I can't move freely.

Retracting my wings will greatly reduce
the hearing range.

I still can't get hold
of the key information.

It will be too late when I do.

"Before that,

I will

give the signal."

Is Hawks working as an undercover
within the enemy's rank?

You cannot go in there.

But I want to check out the cafeteria.

You cannot go in there.

Okay, I got it.

If the heroes have this place surrounded…

No, I need the quickest plan possible.

I need to know their exact number
and their hideouts across the country.

All the heroes siding with them
will be taken out once and for all.

If I failed,
some villains might slip away,

posing a greater threat to the citizens.

Which is why…

"If I fail,

as a precaution,

their number…"

Is this why you asked us to come here?


Please give the students
more opportunities to fight the enemies.

That should help
with your self-development as well.

Hone their skills to the limits
with this internship, Endeavor.

The Commission and Hawks

got a glimpse at the enemy
and the covert operation is now ongoing.

Which means…

They are using this internship
as a precaution.

Seriously, I question
the morality of this.

How could they use the students
as insurance for our failure?


Endeavor is only interested
in mentoring Shoto.

So you two will be following me.

What was that?

I only came here to see
the No. Hero in action!

You still can!

Kacchan, calm down a little.

This is different from what I expected.

I'll talk to him.

This internship serves as a precaution.

Give me a break.
I can't really agree with this.

But for the time being…




I'll be your mentor.

Judging by the performance,
they haven't learned much since then.

I'm glad you're underestimating them.

It was worth it to steal that takedown.

Even without me,

they would have handled it just fine.

I never wanted to be a mentor.

But his determination to catch up
has inspired me and changed my mind.

Tsukuyomi, thank you for coming here.

You're a strong one.

Your friends are just as strong.

They are still growing by the day.


They are learning faster than I ever was.

The villains will never get away
with their scheme.

I'll make sure everyone
has a smile on their face

until the next blooming
of cherry blossoms ends!





I'll be your mentor.

But before we start…

Deku, Bakugo,
I need to know more about you.

What are your thoughts
about the current issues

and what do you expect to learn?

I want to have total control
over my power.

I hope to have
the best performance in mobility.

Your Quirk is powerful enough
to destroy your own body, am I right?


But I've found a way to use it
without causing damage to myself.


Well, as of now…

How should I put it?

There seems to be some additional…

Some sort of power
has manifested in a different form.

Show me.

With my full concentration,
this is the most I can conjure

without losing control.

With the slightest error,
it goes on a rampage.

What do you mean,
it's the best you can do with it?

How do you plan to use it?

It's a power that acts
like a flexible whip.

I want to use it as a w*apon
and not treat it as a threat.

I'm thinking of some way
to integrate it with my Air Force.

Air Force is a ranged attack.

I use it by creating air blasts.

But the attack itself exerts more strain
than what my body can take on.

If my current output without any strain
was around % to %,

Air Force would require an output of %.

It's a little too much for me.

I may not get any injuries in that state,

but it would hurt
as if I got hit by a truck.

That would affect my mobility.

I've been training so I can make
instant adjustments to put it to a halt.

If I could use the same method
to control the whips,

I could use them in battles.

But I am already adjusting as I fight,

with another thing to monitor,
my brain can't handle the calculations.

So I trained to monitor
all aspects as I fight.

It hasn't gone too well.

It's so lengthy and boring,
I don't understand it at all!

Was that a self-analysis?

You're too loud.

Which means you hope to learn

how to make instantaneous
and nuanced adjustments during battles.


He actually understood!
The No. Hero sure is amazing!

I've seen your success.

That's a wonderful Quirk.

A strong blast
with just the flick of a finger.

Just the power alone
could rival All Might.

You have quite a troublesome Quirk.

It seems like you're just like us.


Now what about you?

Unlike him,
I came here to learn what I can't do.

I like your hubris!

Shut it.

Don't you have a better place to be?

I'm on standby.

I meant what I said.

I can do anything I want
with my explosions.

I can be incredible with only this Quirk.

But I realized it took more than
sheer might to become powerful.

I'm here to find out what I lack
to surpass the No. Hero.

This kid…

Very well.

Let's get working.

May I say something?

Shoto, you're here
to master Flashfire Fist!

I've been using my right side to practice
my Quirk like the way you had taught me.

It all seems so boring now.

All I ever thought about
was going against you.

But after I met them at U.A. High,

after we had spent time living together
and competing against each other,

my eyes were open.

Endeavor, in the end, I'm still following
the method you intended.

That attack might still work now,

but it will soon reach its limit.

Come to me after you graduate.

I'll let you walk
down the road of the mighty.

But I want you to keep this in mind.

The person I look up to

is the man who showed up on the screen
when Mom and I were watching TV.

As a future hero and to become a hero,

I've made it this far with my will.

I'm only here for myself.

I'm sorry you have
to hear that, No. Hero.

So please stop acting like
you're my father in front of my friends.

I'll admit Endeavor is a spectacular hero.

There's no doubt about it.

Even now, I still can't forgive you
for what you did to Mom.

I want to see what steps

you'll take as a father.

Because he requested
to have his internship here,

I thought he finally opened up to me.

How could I make such a foolish mistake?

Fine. I get it.

From now on,
I'll start treating you as heroes.

Rescue missions, evacuations,
and fending off enemies.

These are the three main duties of a hero.

We normally choose either
rescue or defense as the main objective

and let the agency handle it.

But my objective is to complete
all of the three aspects.

I know my area of jurisdiction in and out.

Not a single suspicious noise
escapes my ears.

I'll arrive at the scene
wherever there is an emergency.

To keep the situation from escalating,
I use my heat to ward off any crowds.

Those are the basics.

It's parallel thinking and swift actions.

I must be able to do it on demand.

Parallel thinking.

The point is accumulation.

You accumulate your training at U.A. High.

You come here to accumulate experience.

Every bit matters.

All three of you will get your answers
through experience.

Before the winter ends,

try to take down a villain before I do.

Hold on!

The reaction time is too short.

It's not that I don't feel anxious.

I only got One For All when I was .

When everyone
was figuring out their future,

I had just taken my first step.

After I learned to control
One For All: Full Cowl,

I managed to make my body use
this power subconsciously.

Listen closely, young man.

Six more Quirks will manifest
in you in the future.

I must learn the way to use it
as my extension.

The culprit passed the crossroad
and is now heading east.


He's still accelerating!

He made a turn.

Oh, god!

That hurts!

We apprehended the culprit.

You're too slow!

It takes more time
to fly the gear in winter.

Bakugo, did you notice it?


There's no way you noticed it
and I didn't.

Come on. Let's hear it.

He's so petty.

He releases flame from under his feet
when he thrusts forward.

He used Jet Burn
against that Nomu in Kyushu.

I think he compressed the flame
and used it as a thruster.

I would know because I have his Quirk.

The speed in which he heated up,

and the fine control he had over it…

That's just a carbon copy of my expl*si*n.

What took you so long to notice it?

Indeed. It took me quite a while.

There's one more thing you should know.

This is the main road.

He's right.

He used his flame to intimidate
the culprit and cut off the escape route.

Hurry up.

We can handle it here.

You rarely see him mentor
anyone other than Shoto.

We'll catch up later.

Using my flame as thruster…

I lost control!

Aren't you going to work
with the sidekicks?

I let Hawks handle
some of the fighting in Kyushu.

But a hero should be able to accomplish
anything with their own strength.

By the way,

I noticed the crow guy's henchman as well!

Don't be so petty!



You want to know what you lack,
am I right?

You have excellent
and near-perfect mobility

for a rookie.

But you should realize by now
that you can never outrun me.

I need some preparation in winter.

Are you going to use the same excuse
when you fall behind?

You're not here for a lesson.

If you don't make it in time,
you don't lose points,

people might lose their lives.

Are you hurt?

I'm all right.

Shoto. Bakugo.

I have a question for both of you.

Why do you keep setting me up with him?

Is this about the Flashfire Fist?

Charge up before releasing.

Condense the power.

Unleash your maximum output in an instant

and tap-release the thrust.

Choose either one and keep practicing
until you manage to do it subconsciously.

Kacchan, it's just like your AP Shot!

How did you know so much?

Stay away from me!

Shoto is still developing
these two skills.

Practice the tap-release first.

You can control
the shape of the ice you make.

Use the same concept
on your flame as well.

Deku, you're able to increase
your power instantaneously.

Am I right?


Can you do it subconsciously?


I can do it with Full Cowl.

But I have to concentrate
while using it with Air Force.

So first, you must learn how to use
your Air Force subconsciously.

Leave the secondary power aside for now.

What about the parallel thinking?

All and all,

people can subconsciously manage
several tasks at the same time.

Look at the man who's driving his car.

He wasn't born with the skill to drive.

He controls the steering wheel,
brake, and throttle.

He checks the car behind
and in front of him.

He learned the skill one step at a time.

And eventually,
he can do it subconsciously.

First, try to do two tasks subconsciously.

For the next stage,
you must do three at the same time.

Whatever formidable power you have,

you need constant and steady effort
to master the basics.

There is always an exception.

But unless you're a prodigy,
you must go one step at a time.

At least that's the way I know.

The same training

gives you different results
when you're in school and a real battle.

Now you have
the best learning environment.

Make your body adjust to the skills
you've learned in school.


I've learned so much from All Might.

I've gained much experience
since I went to U.A. High.

The blazing speed almost got
the better of me.

But I must…

Don't worry and feel free
to embrace any defeat.

With the strength you three possess,
whatever result you deliver

won't get in the way
of the mighty Endeavor's job!

That's right. Keep moving forward.

With the greatest speed I have,

I must go beyond.

One step at a time.


Next episode…

Uraraka and Asui have received
a co-op request from Ryukyu's agency.

The request came
from Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie.

The objective is to capture
the smuggling ship.

Stay frosty, Uraraka and Asui.

Next episode, "Long Time No See, Selkie."

A hero will never give up.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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