05x17 - (S) The Hellish Todoroki Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x17 - (S) The Hellish Todoroki Family

Post by bunniefuu »

It's a new year.

Kacchan and I accepted
Todoroki's invitation

and went to Endeavor Agency
for our internship.

As soon as we got there,

we witnessed the overwhelming strength
of the No. Hero.

You accumulate your training at U.A. High.

You come here to accumulate experience.

Every bit matters.

All three of you will get your answers
through experience.

Before the winter ends,

try to take down a villain before I do.

If we follow in Endeavor's steps

and manage to close the gap
ever so slightly,

then I know that one day,

I will realize my dream of becoming
the best hero out there.

It's modern-day Japan.

I've spent a week working
in the top agency of the hero industry.


Someone, get a hero!

Every action we take will directly
determine the scale of the emergency.

We can only catch up to Endeavor's pace.

Hone the skill you focus on doing
so can be done even while you're asleep!


Before your mind decides
the best course of action,

your body must make it happen first!

I spotted it first.

He got it again.


He really is amazing.

-He managed to get ahead of us again.
-Thank you for the help, Endeavor.

Why would anyone carry cash nowadays?
Be more cautious.


Endeavor, there's been a hit-and-run
at Area .

I'm on my way.

-Curse it!
-Let's go.


Thank you.

I'll leave the rest to you.

That's all for today.

Return to your rooms and get some rest.

I can still fight!


What about you? Aren't you going home?

I'll patrol for another while.

We'll start early tomorrow.

Don't let the fatigue get to you.

Whatever formidable power you have,

you need constant and steady effort
to master the basics.

The same training

gives you different results
when you're in school and a real battle.

Now you have
the best learning environment.

Make your body adjust to the skills
you've learned in school.

I doubt I can catch up to him
in such a short time.

But I'm not going to give up.

Every little bit matters.

One step at a time.

Nice job, Endeavor.

I'll take a break.

Let me know if there is any problem.


"Our enemy is the Liberation Front."

"They have over , people."

Hello? Dad?

I was told Shoto is working with you now.


He's with his friends, am I right?

Why didn't you tell me?

When I learned about it,
I was so touched that I almost cried.

School is reopening soon.

It will be hard to have any free time.

It's Saturday tomorrow.
Invite them over to our home if you could.

I'll prepare a delicious dinner
for all of you.

What more can I do
for my family at this point?


This is the question I ask myself
every night.

I've been having the same dream.

My wife and the kids are having
a delightful time at the dinner table.

They talk about trivial matters
in everyday life.

They appreciated every moment

of this sliver of happiness.

But I am never at the dinner table myself.

I'm well aware of the answer.

I know it all too well.

They don't belong
in the same world as you.

Stand up.

If something like this knocks you down,

you won't be able to take down
any villains, let alone All Might.

Please stop. He's only five.

He's already five. Don't interrupt!

It's your fault.


Because you did that to Mom…

Is this all you can say?

I'll win using only my mother's power.

I'll never use your power in a fight.

Shoto has been visiting Rei
at the hospital?


What about Rei?

Shoto said Mom was willing
to see him again.

They even talked to each other.

I see. Rei is opening up to Shoto.

I think Shoto plans to write her letters

when he's too busy
to visit her at the hospital.

Shoto is trying his best
to overcome his past.


our family…

will be whole again.

I only found out that
Shoto likes soba noodles today.

That's because you forbade failure like us
to even talk to him.

Fuyumi and Mom somehow forgave you,

but you've always been
the same madman to me.

You may look different,
but you never changed.

You never care about us.

You may be the No. Hero
and defeated powerful foes,

but I'll never forget the things
you had done to us.

Mom's screams, Shoto's cries,

and it was the same for Toya!

You're so selfishly trying
to turn over a new leaf

to make up for the terrible things
you had done, it's disgusting!

Shoto started to visit Mom again.

We've become closer with you.
Mom is smiling again too.

I thought we could have a chance
to be a family.

I'll admit Endeavor is a spectacular hero.

There is no doubt about it.


I don't think Natsuo is wrong.

Even now, I still can't forgive you
for what you did to Mom.

I want to see what steps

you'll take as a father.

From my experience,
it takes merely a single moment

to make people change.

The former No. Hero.

What is the symbol of peace?

To be honest, I don't know either.

For a long time,

I believed that this country
needed a symbol.

So I trust forward.

The bright ray is hope and a warning.

I swore to align myself
with such an implication.

That was what sustained me.


I understand the situation you're in.

I hear what people are saying.

They keep comparing you to me.

But you're different.

You have no need to pursue
the symbol I created.

You just need to carve your own path.

Why do you want to remain strong?


The answer

is very simple.

Endeavor, there's been an emergency!

Head to the scene now.
All sidekicks, deploy!





Endeavor's agency
has a very comprehensive hostel facility.

We eat and live with the sidekicks.

-Good morning.
-Good morning!

Have you made any progress?

Good morning, Burnin.

Don't make too much noise!

What about your target of taking down
a villain before Endeavor does?

Oh, no!
I apologize for my lack of delicacy.

I know it's not an easy goal to reach.

Good morning, Burnin.

Good morning, Shoto.

Midoriya, Bakugo,
it was such a shame yesterday.

Remember that feeling from yesterday.

We must beat Endeavor to it today.

It was such a shame for me, you jerk!

You were too slow! So I'm better than you!

I'm still not used to tap firing.

I think I'm getting the hang of it.

-I see.
-Don't ignore me!

Charging up the attack
is quite a challenge too.

It takes some time
to reach the maximum output.

Fools! Just charge up
whenever you're awake!

You're right!

I think they've had enough motivation.

Let's move out.

Come with me.

More! You still have more to learn!

Your thoughts, actions,
and control over your power,

shorten the time you need for every task!

Every second counts.

Stop the disaster from ever happening.

And to do so, you need keen observation.

Uproot the evil that lurks
in everyday life.

Learn to overcome any person
and situation.

This is not something
you master overnight.

But with experience,
you gain better precision.

Keep moving forward!

Become a better version
of yourselves every day!

Having no improvement
is just as bad as regression!

A hero must never stop reaching
for greater heights!

We didn't catch up to him today.

Damn it.

But we're doing much better
than we were on the first day.

Invite them over to our home if you could.

I'm only here for myself.

I'm sorry you have
to hear that, No. Hero.

So please stop acting like
you're my father in front of my friends.


You have no idea of the redemption
you've given me.

Let's go!




My sister invited you over for dinner.


She wants me to introduce
my friends to her.

Tell her we're not your friends!
Is that clear?



Thank you for taking out
some time to come here

despite your busy schedule.

Nice to meet you.
Thank you for looking after Shoto for me.

I'm his elder sister, Fuyumi.

Thank you for the invitation.
We appreciate it.

I'm in the same class as Todoroki.

My name is Izuku Midoriya.

I know about you!

I watched your match against Shoto
during the sports day on TV!

About that…

I'm sorry I had put your brother
in danger.

I'm terribly sorry.

It was just a match.
Don't worry, Midoriya.


I apologize for the sudden invite.
I kind of did it on a whim.

I'm having fun!

I rarely get invited to my friend's home.

Is Natsuo here as well?
I saw his shoes at the entryway.

I want the whole family
to know about Shoto's stories.

Allow me to introduce myself again.

I'm Fuyumi Todoroki, Shoto's elder sister.

I'm a teacher at an elementary school.

This is Natsuo, Shoto's elder brother.
He's still in college.

Nice to meet you.

Shoto, could you introduce
your friends to us?


They are my classmates at U.A. High.

Midoriya and Bakugo.

Nice to meet you!


Anyway, let's not wait
for the food to get cold.

Don't force yourself
if you can't handle the food.

Yes! I'm digging in!

-I'm digging.
-Me too.

It's delicious.

The Ryuta fried chicken is incredible.

I'm glad you like it.

The meat is flavorful,
but the outer coat is still crispy.

The delicate texture
makes my taste buds dance!

Stop analyzing the food!
You're making the Mapo tofu unbearable!

The filling is so rich and juicy!

Of course.

After the maid retired
because of her hip injury,

my sister has been making meals
for our family.

I see.

Natsuo is a good cook too.
We take turns making dinner.

So I've tried his cooking before?

I'm not sure.

I usually like heavy food.

Endeavor wouldn't let you put it
in your stomach.

I bet he would stop you
from even trying it.

I never noticed it.

What do you usually eat at school, Shoto?

I eat the food from our cafeteria.

I should try Natsuo's cooking…

I'm full.

Now that you've seen me,
it's time for me to go.


Sorry, Fuyumi.
I still can't bring myself to do this.

Where should we put the plates?


Kacchan, do you know
about Todoroki's family issues?

What? You guys were the ones
who talked about it where I could hear.

You overheard the conversation?

I feel sorry to ask for their help
with the chores.

They would feel bad if you didn't ask.

It's not that
I don't share Natsuo's feelings.

But this is our chance.

Shoto, what do you think of our father?

I always thought he was the one
who gave me this scar.


I'm so sorry, Shoto!

This can't be happening!

Mom lost it because
she had reached the breaking point.

I can't forgive him for pushing Mom
to the point of a mental breakdown.

But she is doing her best
to overcome this trauma.

Dear Shoto,

how have you been lately?

The weather has turned very cold.
I'm worried you might catch a cold.

I often go out for walks nowadays.

According to the doctor,
I could be discharged if things go well.

I want to live with you,
Natsuo, and Fuyumi.

I'll do whatever I can to stop myself
from making the same mistake.

Honestly, I'm at a loss
as to what I should do.

What should I think of my father now?

As of now, I am totally lost.


Don't show us this kind of touching moment
after you invited us over!

We have dishes to wash!

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Well, Todoroki told me the story.

Normal people would think you're close
when you ask them over for dinner.

You totally ruined the Mapo tofu for me!

Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.


I'm sure you're preparing
to forgive him at some point.


If you really hated him that much,
it wouldn't be wrong not to forgive him.

But because you have a kind heart…

it seems like you're waiting
for the right moment.

Perhaps, it's not the right time yet.

At this point,
what more can I do for my family?

I've been having the same dream.

My wife and the kids are having
a delightful time at the dinner table.

I wish…

you were there too,





Next episode…

Kacchan and I learned about

Endeavor's wish to make up to his family.

But his enemies seem
to mock that very thought

and are planning to launch an as*ault.

Let's go, Todoroki, Kacchan.

We can't allow the villain
to do as they please.

Next episode, "The Unforgiven."

We can't change the past,

but with the determination to make amend…

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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