01x19 - Pups Save a Super Pup/Pups Save Ryder's Robot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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01x19 - Pups Save a Super Pup/Pups Save Ryder's Robot

Post by bunniefuu »

Paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

we'll be there on the double ♪

whenever there's a problem ♪

'round adventure bay ♪

ryder and his team of pups ♪

will come and save the day ♪

Marshall, rubble, chase, ♪

rocky, Zuma, skye ♪

yeah, they're on the way ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

whenever you're in trouble ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

we'll be there on the double ♪

no job is too big, no pup is too small ♪

paw patrol, we're on a roll!

So here we go paw patrol ♪

whoa-oh-oh, paw patrol ♪

whoa-oh-oh-oh, paw patrol ♪

All: Cool.


(Snoring continuing)

Apollo the super pup?


Announcer: It's time for another adventure of...

Apollo the super pup!



I love Apollo the super pup!

Are you comfy, rubble?


Thanks, rocky.

Hey, rocky,what are you doing down there?

You can share with me.

Thanks, buddy.

No problem.

Can Apollo save the dayhis own super way?

You can do it, Apollo!



He's flying the kitten on his back, cool!

High five!



Sorry, rocky.

No problem.

Once again, Apollo saves the dayhis own super way!

Tune in next week for another exciting episode of...

Apollo the super pup!

Wow, that was so amazing.

Isn't Apollo the superest super pup ever?

He sure is.

Hey, pups,who wants to play soccer?

I do!


Let's go!



Coming, rubble?



Uh, no thanks, ryder.

I'm going to play rubble the super pupand save the day my own way!


Who can I save?

Farmer yumi might need some help around the farm.

Great idea, ryder.

Okay, super rubble.

Rubble the super pup is on his way!


(All clucking)

Oh, peach fuzz.

Da da dun, da da dunhi, farmer yumi.

Need a super pup to save the day?

My chickens flew the Coop when I left the door open.

Can you help, super pup?

Don't worry!

Here comes rubble the super pup,flying across the farm,on his way to save the day!

(Clucking, barking)





I'm here to save you.


Da da dun, da da dun(clucking)


(Clucking, barking)




Da da dun, da da dun(clucking)

I can give you a ride,just like Apollo the super pup.

Here they come, farmer yumi!


Back in the pen.

Rubble the super pup saves the day!

Thanks, rubble.

You really are a super pup.

(Groaning happily)


What else can rubble the super pup do for you?

I'm done my chores, but mayor goodway might need some help.




Rubble the super pupis on his way!

Rubble the super pup is hereto save the day!

Hi, mayor goodway.


Rubble, just the pup I need.

The train engineer calledto say there's been a rockslide.


A rockslide?

Goodway: The train is stuck inside Mountain tunnel.

Can you get ryder and the paw patrol and take care of it?

Don't worry, mayor goodway.

Rubble is hereto save the day!

Thanks, rubble!

I'll get ryder and the pups.


I don't have to stop ryder's soccer game.

Rubble the super pup can save the day his own way.

Da da dun, da da dun(panting)

(Voice echoing:)

Rubble the super pupis here to save the day!

There you are, rubble.

I knew the paw patrol would save the day.


But where's your rigand ryder and the other pups?

We don't need ryder and the paw patrol.

Rubble the super pup can handle this,just like Apollo the super pup does...

On my own.

All by yourself?

Looks like more rocks could come down,if we're not careful.

Stand back.

I'll take care of everything in no time.

(Panting, grunting)



Need to move...




Look out!




Are you okay, rubble?

I'm fine,but the tunnel is blocked.

We have to get out the other end.


(Panting, rumbling)

Too late, the other entrance is blocked too.

Now we're completely trapped.

Aw, I'm sorry.

I thought I could do it myself.

I didn't save the day.

I just made everything worse.


That's okay, rubble.

You were just trying to help.

What should we do now?

Call ryder and the paw patrol!










Hi, rubble.

Hi, ryder.

I need the
paw patrol on the double.

Why are you in the dark?

There was a rockslide.

I'm trapped in the Mountain tunnel with the engineer.

Can you and the paw patrol get us out?

Don't worry, rubble.

No job is too big, no pup is too small.

We're on our way.


Paw patrol, to the lookout!

All: Ryder needs us!


Close pup pack.


One, two, three, four?

Wait for me!



One of us is missing.


Is it me?

(All laughing)

(Elevator bell ringing)

Ready for action, ryder, sir!

Well, most of the paw patrol.

We're one pup short, ryder.

I know, pups.

This time we have to save rubble.




There was a rockslide at the Mountain tunnel.

Rubble tried to fix it all by himself.

That's too big a problem to take care of alone.

Now he and the engineer are trapped.


Chase, I need your winchto move the bigger rocks out of the way.

Chase is on the case.


And Zuma I need youto drive rubble's rig.


We need his truck to move the rest of the rocks,once we get him out.

Zuma, uh...

on the double.

All right!

Paw patrol is on a roll!

(Barking, cheering)

Rocky: Good luck, pups!



Whoo, yeah!






Whoa, dudes!

How do you work this thing?

I got it!

(Tires squealing)

Hey, was that my rig?

(Metallic creaking)

Zuma: It's cool, dude.

All good.

Zuma, be careful!

Chase, see if you can make rubble an exit.

I'm all set.



Start it up!



Great job, chase.

Rubble, can you squeeze through?


Thanks, ryder.

Now, where's my rig?

Right there.


(Metallic creaking)



(Chuckling nervously)

(Metallic creaking)


(Metallic creaking)



Okay, Zuma.

Hey, rubble.

Wanna take it from here?

(Chuckling nervously)


Rubble on the double!

Okay, rubble, you know what to do.



(Rocks shattering)

(Train whistle blowing)


All right!

Rubble, you did it!

You saved the day...

Your way!

You mean I helped save the day,the paw patrol way!

Both: Mm-hmm!

You're right.

Thanks, ryderand you too, pups.

You're welcome.

Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help.

(Train whistle blowing)

(Groaning with pleasure)

Oh, yeah, that's the spot.

(Groaning with pleasure)

Hey, who wants to play frisbee?

I do.

Me too.

Let's all play together, the paw patrol way.

(Barking and laughing)

(All laughing)

(Barking and laughing)

(Beeping, tapping)

Is it working, ryder?

I think so.

Let me try the remote.

Okay, robo dog,walk.




Robo dog is working!

Let's see...


(Beeping, barking)

Robo dog takes commands perfectly!


Hey, cool robot, ryder.

Thanks, skye.

I just finished him.

Let's try...





He sure can dig!

Where'd he go?






Where did you come from?

Sorry, Zuma.

I see you've met robo dog.

Yeah, he totally woke me up.

Let's try...

Flying robo dog!




(Rockets blaring)


All right!


Wow, it sure can fly.


What else can it do?

It should run super fast.

Aw, no robot can outrun me.

That totally sounds like a challenge.

A challenge, huh?

I'll do it.

I'll race the robot.

I'll start it.




Runners to the starting line.

(Laughing and cheering)

On your mark, get set...




(Rockets blaring)


Rocky: Yeah!




(Rockets blaring)



(Rockets blaring)

Way to go, Marshall!




I'm stuck.

(Rockets blaring)


Time to try turbo power.


(Rockets blaring)


(Rockets blaring)

You won't beat me!


(Rockets blaring)





(Sparks popping, electricity buzzing)


Ryder, the robo dog!

Marshall: Look, it's antenna is all bent and broken.



(Electricity buzzing)


(All gasping)

Where did it go?

I don't know.

That broken antenna means I can't control it.

Robo pup?

One Porter burger with onions.

What was that?


(Chuckling nervously)

Fruit salad's on the house.

(Rockets blaring)

(Tires screeching)

(Rockets blaring)

What the-- whoa!






Ryder, help.

Someone's peculiar pet poochhas gone positively punchy!

Uh, is that pooch kind of metallic looking?

Now that you mention it...

That's my robo pup.

It's kind of a little out of control.

A little out of control?

You have to stop that robot.

Don't worry, mayor goodway.

We'll take care of robo dog.

No job is too big, no pup is too small!


Paw patrol, to the lookout!

All: Ryder needs us!

Watch your step, rocky.

You don't want to fall in a-- whoa!




Look out!

All: Whoa!

And that is how we roll.

(Elevator bell ringing)

Ready for action, ryder, sir.


Thanks for getting here so quickly.

We all saw what happened to robo dog.

It's broken and now it's going haywire all over town.

We have to stop it before it causes any more problems.

(All speaking at once)

Robo dog's already been spottedand has made a big mess at Mr.

Porter's restaurantand city hall.

When we catch it, there's an off switch on its pup tag.

If we turn robo dog off, I can try to fix it.


Skye, with your helicopter and goggles,you should be able to locate it in no time.

Let's take to the sky!


Rocky, I need you to help us build something,so we can catch it.

Green means go!

The rest of you pups,please help clean up the mess robo dog is making around town.

All right!

Paw patrol is on a roll!

(Barking, cheering)

Rubble: Good luck, pups!





(Laughing, barking)





It went thataway!

No sign of robo dog at city hall.

I'll keep looking.

Thanks, skye.

(Rockets blaring)

It's headed towards the water tower!

(Rockets blaring)

Come on, Callie,just a little bath and you'll be all clean.


(Rockets blaring)



(Rockets blaring)



Guess he didn't want to use the doggy door.


There goes robo dog!




Here comes rubble, on the double!


Here's the last of the watermelons, Mr.


Thanks for helping clean up, pups.

I think we got all of it.

(Rockets blaring)


(Rockets blaring)


Hey, guys, have you seen robo dog?

You could say that.

Both: He went that way!

(Rockets blaring)

Is that what I think it is?


Ryder, your robot is out here,heading for me!

Can you get him to fly towards rocky's truck?

I'll do my best.

This pup's gotta fly!

(Rockets blaring)


Ready, rocky?


If we can launch this magnet close enough to robo pup,it'll stick to his metal body.

And skye can hook the magnet and bring robo dog down here.

Any second now...

(Rockets blaring)

Right on time!

Ready, rocky?





Perfect shot, rocky!


Okay, skye, you're on!

You got it, ryder!

(Rockets blaring)


Lower hook.


(Rockets blaring)

Ooh, close!

(Rockets blaring)

Coming in for a second try!

Got it!

Hang on, ryder.

Robo dog is coming home!

(Helicopter whirring)


(Barking, electricity buzzing)

Sorry, buddy.

Turning off robo dog...


(Powering down)


Robo dog sure was great.

I guess it's back to the drawing board.

Rocky: Hold on, ryder!

I have an old antenna for you.

I think it'll work.

Good idea, rocky!

(Powering up)




It works, ryder!

Thanks, rockyand thanks to all you pups too.

I couldn't have fixed it or even caught robo dog without you.

Well, you know, ryder, if you're ever in trouble...

Just yelp for help.

(All laughing)

What a bunch of good pups.

So, who wants to play with robo dog?

I do, I do, I do, I do, I do!

Me, me!




(Barking and laughing)







Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Robo dog?




Now that's a happy pup.

(Barking and laughing)
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