01x04 - D.W.'s Imaginary Friend/Arthur's Lost Library Book

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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01x04 - D.W.'s Imaginary Friend/Arthur's Lost Library Book

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )


D.W., sit!

Nadine's hungry,

Here, Nadine!





Nadine, you can have
my cauliflower!


Nadine wants her
"bisketti" cut up.

Coming through!

Dad! You're on her tail!



If you don't have
a little sister

you probably think it's
really cool or something.

But D.W. is a different story.

It's bad enough
she goes in my room...

here's his teddy.

He doesn't want
anyone to know

he still sleeps with it!

( giggling )

And now for the
really good stuff.

Up here is the secrets box
he thinks nobody knows about.

( girls giggle )

But now that she has a friend
no one can see, it's even worse!

Oh, Nadine!

Look what you did
to Arthur!

( croaking and barking )

Wait! Come back!

Nadine says she's sorry, Daddy.

That's all right.

Just finish
your dinner

and no more
monkey business.

I can't come here
anymore, D.W.

because your brother hates me--
I know it.

He does
not, Nadine.

likes you.

I even gave him
a picture of you

to hang on his wall.


( ripping paper )

( phone rings )

I got it!


Channel four, quick!

Coming to Wonderworld...

You'll whirl, you'll hurl!

You pick the speed--
motion sickness bags provided.

Barf bags!

Can I go to the hurl-a-whirl

on Saturday? Please?

Arthur, do you know you have a
piece of "bisketti" on your ear?

So can I go?
Can I, Dad?

I'll think about it,
but right now... aha!

But Dad!

Barf bags are provided!

I want a barf bag!

I want
one, too!

Let me go!

Okay, okay, sure.

All right!

Nadine, too?

( chuckles )

Nadine, too.

( gasps )

Nadine!? Aw, she'll
wreck everything!

Having your little
sister around

is bad enough.

Do you want
that cherry cobbler?

I'll trade you
this sandwich.




If Nadine is there, it'll
be a gazillion times worse!


( eerie music plays )


Nadine's scared!

Stop the ride! Stop the ride!

( screaming )

see what you did!

Who's she talking to?

I don't see anybody!

Pretend friend!

What babies!

( singsong ):
Arthur's a baby!

Baby, baby,
baby, baby...

We got to stop her!


you like
reading, right?

Trade you my
library card

for that cake.

Don't worry.

We'll figure
something out.

Here, have some
of my chocolate swirls.

Swirls! Wait a minute--
that's it!

We want you to come.

But if you can't
take this

you'll never take
the hurl-a-whirl.

Do your worst.

I think it's working!


How many is that, Nadine?


! Only left!

I'll do some of those
headfirst-- it's harder.

Feel any better now?

Yeah, I think...


How long has it been?

This is nothing--
if you're feeling sick...

I'm not sick,
I meant it's late

and you know how
Buster's mother worries.


Oh, no! Got to go!

Call you tomorrow!

It's a good thing
you tested me.

So I'm ready

to go on the

how can you go on a ride

if you can't even say
the name right?

I can and I am going
on the hurly-whirl.

I proved I'm brave
enough, right?

Okay, okay.

Nadine will probably
scream like crazy.

They might have to
stop the ride for her.

Hope there's
"bisketti" tonight.

Nadine's hungry.

Hey, who knows?

Maybe she'll forget about it.

It's not like she's
camping out waiting to go.


If she didn't bring Nadine,
it might not be so bad.

There's only one thing left.

You pretend to be sick.

Hey, that's it!

Everybody will think
you're scared of the ride.

Not me!

( phone beeps )

Can I stop spinning now, D.W.?

If you can't
take this, Nadine

you'll never
be able to take

the hurly-whirl.

Keep spinning!

Hey, D.W.!

Don't bother trying
anything funny, Arthur.

I'm coming and
that's that.

I know, I know.

Say, does Nadine
look funny to you?

That's a chair.

Nadine's over there, spinning.

O-o-oh, sure.

I just meant...

Did you notice
those spots

on her face?

Spots! What spots?

Didn't the Tibble twins
have chicken pox?

Maybe you brought
the germs home

from preschool.

Chicken pox!?

Oh, no!
poor Nadine!

I guess you'll have
to stay home.

I'll go get
the thermometer.

I'll understand if you want

to stay here
with her.

Nice try.

It's just for
a few hours.

Nadine will be fine.

We have to go back
and get her.

She's lonely!

We can't go back now!

We're already here!

Everybody's here!

And anyway,
Nadine's just pretend.

Then how come you
said you saw her?

I lied!

Then she's
not sick.

We have to go
get her.

Only babies have
invisible friends.

Did you hear him?

Dad, everybody's
waiting for me.

Wait a minute--

Do you hear

It's coming from in here!

What is it?

It's Nadine!

You came,

You came!

Oh, aren't we lucky!


Mom, can I go
in now?

you only have

a few orange

Use them

You ready?

Let's go!

( kids gagging )

Two orange
tickets, please.

Hands and arms inside--
and here.

What are these?

Motion sickness

Barf bags!

Oh, we're going
to die!

Let's pick our speed.

"Whirl," "twirl," "blend,"
"whip," "liquefy."





( screaming )


( screaming )

( gagging )

I wish I could keep this,
but my mom would freak.

What's next?

I know!

( screaming )

( gagging )

I could ride
that forever!

Arthur! There
you are!

Want to go on the hurl-a-whirl?

We used our
last tickets.

I only have
green ones left

and they're just
for baby rides.

Arthur! Arthur!

Well, see you
around, Arthur.

Arthur! We've been
looking for you.

Nadine has something
to show you.

I changed my mind.

Let's go on
the merry-go-round.

Who's Nadine?

Race you!
see you later, D.W!

But I don't want to.

Arthur, wait-- it's important.

Later-- we're busy.

What's the matter
with you?


Oh, well,
you'll see in a second.

Arthur, Nadine
found these.

They're tickets!
for the...

( carefully ):

We found them.

But Nadine said,
"Give them to Arthur."

She wants
to be friends.

She did? She does?

What are you
waiting for?

Let's get in line.

See you

I'll be right
back, Francine.

There's one extra
ticket, D.W.

You want to go
with us?

You know you're
tough enough.

I know I'm tough enough, only...

( whispering ):
Nadine thinks she
might get scared.

Maybe we can go
when she's older.

It's good Nadine
has a friend like you.

Plus, if we
keep looking

we might find
some tickets

for the

since you love it
so much!

Hurry up!


Take my
green tickets.

When I get back

I'll go on any ride
you and Nadine want.

Any ride?


( clunk )

Me and my big mouth.

Arthur sure is lucky

to have you for
a little sister, D.W.

You're so right.

Because you've been
such a good girl

I'll give you a tour
of his room

when we get home.

Hang on, Nadine!



( sighs )

And now...

It's good to have
an imaginary friend.

They can help you with
your imagination and ideas.

Well, today we're making
pictures of an imaginary friend.

We had to make one up.

We're writing
a cinquain poem about it.

And this is a cinquain.

It's a kind of poem.

At the top, you write a noun,
then two describing words.

And then you write
three action words.

And then you do,
"makes me feel..."

At the last, you give something
that's just like the noun.

I came up with
an "Arthurosaurus."

It looks kind of like Arthur

and if you do something
you're not supposed to

He says he did it.

"Dinosaur: helpful, funny,
running, jumping, leaping

makes me feel warm--

"Blob: green, ugly

plays, flies, eats,
makes me feel brave-- ugly."

"Friend: cute, friendly
listens, plays, loves

makes me feel warm-- something."

"Monster: k*ller, smasher,
helps, wrestles, slices

makes me feel slimy--
slimy creature."

"Anteater: big, strong,
protects, teaches, cleans

makes me feel safe-- Arthie."

And now...

The library's great.

It's got all kinds
of music to listen to.

( piano dance song playing
through headsets )

Story time for kids...

( all scream )

LION ( coughing ):
Whoa! I'm not eating
that-- it's spoiled.

( all laugh )

And books for everybody.

This says chalk comes
from fossilized seashells.

I'm reading
about sports rules

so I know officially
how superior I am.

unless you'd like
to challenge me.

Buster just called me.

No, I didn't.

( giggling )

What are you

A joke book.

Hey, what do you call

two banana peels?

I don't know.

A pair of slippers.

( both giggle )

I love it here, but last week

I thought they'd never let me
come into the library again.

( birds chirping )

( thunder )

Chapter one-- "Arthur
goes to the library."

I'll get
this one and...

Wow! I'll have
to read that,
and this, too.

Why not just take one?


I want to read them all.

And this one, too.

You're one
under the limit.

I can take one more?

The new Scare
Your Pants Off
is in.


The Mysterious Hand.

( all shouting excitedly )

It's brand-new.

No one else

has opened

Come on,
you have enough books.

You can't read
all those in two weeks.

( all shouting for book )

I want to read it first--
then you can.

( all shouting )

Don't be a pig--
that's too many.

This is not
too many.

You're all just mad

because you weren't
fast enough.

Aw, man!

Chapter two-- "One week later."


What? What, Mom?

I found this
in the laundry.

Be careful with
library books.

I am.

Aren't they due soon?

No, next week--
I still have
a couple to read.

I'll trade two of these
for one of those

and two more
for that one.

Is that one of
your library books?

Oh, yeah.

How'd it get out here?

( in spooky voice ):
Was The Mysterious Hand good?

Oh, wow, I forgot
I had that one!

We didn't.

There's a
waiting list for it

after you return it.

I'll start it tonight.


What are you
hiding from?

I'm looking for
The Mysterious Hand.

There it is.

Where is it?

Over here.

( laughing )



Arthur's chasing me.

Where did I put it?

I saw those books
you brought home.

You didn't have

That one.

I didn't?

One of the kids could have
taken it when I was leaving

The library.

They all
wanted it.

Time for detective work.

I'll call Buster.

Wait, I can't call Buster--
he's a suspect.

a suspect.

No, not everybody.

One person would never want
to read that book...

or any book.

( dog barks )

You want me to help you find out
who took some dopey book?

Only you can
help, Binky.

You don't even read
words in comics.

If they were good,
they'd be on TV.

What do you
want me to do?

We have to cleverly
narrow down the suspects.

Do I get a badge?


Chapter three--
"The Investigation."

( all crying out )


( gasps )


( thud )


( laughs nervously )

Hi, Brain.

I'm down to three suspects:

Buster Baxter,
Francine Frensky

And Sue Ellen Armstrong.

How'd you do?

Everyone I talked to
was afraid... very suspicious.

Why don't I focus on my suspects
and you focus on yours?


Do you like
my drawing?

This looks

Like The Mysterious Hand.

I just finished
reading it.

I should have known

it was you!

Just give me
the book back

And I won't
tell anyone.

It's my book.

I had to buy it
because you have the
library's only copy!


Arthur, I didn't
take that book.


Muffy says

you think I stole the book,
but I think you lost it.

I told you you had
too many books.

Where is it?


Come on,
hand it over.

Binky, you
have to tell them

what you're looking for.

If they took it,
they'll know.

There's another suspect.

Hey, you!

Francine says you think
I stole the book.

It's gone, and
you wanted it.

You probably
lost it.

But I looked

( gasps ):
Maybe giant mutant
mole people took it.


I don't have it.
you got it?


You'd better find it

because we all
want to read it.

Chapter four--
"It's Lost, Okay?

Face it, you lost it."

( muttering )

We know you're in there.

We know you're in there.

We know you're in there.


MAN ( over bullhorn ):
Throw out the book gently

and no one will get hurt.

You can't escape
the long arm of the law.

( Arthur screaming )


Oh, no!

We have
special rules

for little boys
who lose library books.

( muttering )


( gasps )

what's this?

( in a shaky voice ):
It's how I have to check out
library books now.



Next time,
don't make me use the crank.

( yelling )

You're not going

to find the book
in your cereal.

You'll have to
pay for the book.

$ ? That's
three action figures!

( moans )

Did you enjoy all the books?

All except
the one I lost--
The Mysterious Hand.

I guess I have to pay for it.

It's not lost--
here it is.

He just returned it.


Binky, you found it!
you found it!

Who had it?

A boy from school.

Which boy?


( laughs )

Very funny!

No, who really had it?


I found it on the sidewalk.

I started reading it--
it's really good.

I never thought
it was the one you lost

because you'd never throw
a library book

on the ground.

But when no one
else had it

I figured it might
be the same one.

Why didn't
you tell me?

I thought you'd laugh.

I wouldn't
laugh at you.

You just did.

Oh, yeah... sorry.

Don't blab I'm reading books

or else!

Since I didn't read that book

can I check it
out again?

Sorry, you
can't renew it

because there's
a waiting list.

( moans )

The end.

( laughs ghoulishly )

Scared you, didn't I?

( moans scarily )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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