01x09 - Arthur Babysits/Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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01x09 - Arthur Babysits/Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( growls )

( laughs )

( growls )

( giggles )

D.W., let Kate
drink her bottle.

when mom and dad
come in

I'm telling them

you bossed
me around.

you're lucky!

did I ever tell you
about my baby-sitters?

like Mrs. gudder?

she was always practicing
her golf swing.

then there was ms. schmegeggi.

she made great cookies,
but she was clumsy.

( phone rings )

these houses-- poor design,
rotten construction.

the worst was
Mrs. Featherfoffer.

( dramatic music
playing on tv )

Kimberly, I know
you weren't there.

Oh, Roger, if you must know,
I... I was... bungee jumping.

( Arthur imitating
plane zooming )

Don't make noise!

Go to bed!

It's daytime.

Go to bed!

Some baby-sitters
are a real pain

and I don't know why, because
it's the easiest job on earth.

( giggles )

( croaks )

( barks )

Wait! Come back!

( Arthur imitating car engine )

( Kate giggles )

Don't push the
stroller too fast.

Okay, Dad.


Why are you
so blue...?

And green and red?

We did finger-painting
in school.

Neat! How'd you get
paint all over you?

It was those Tibble twins.

They're driving me crazy.

They should be
in cages.

They can't be
that bad.

You don't know.

They give our teacher headaches.

Don't get too close--
that's where they live.

( screaming )

( laughing )

Hey, D.W.!

Hey, D.W.!!

I said it

Hey, D.W.!!!

I said it loudest.

Let's run, okay?

They don't look
so bad.

the problem?

the problem.

Why, hello, D.W.

Hi, Mrs. Tibble.

I can say it

You certainly can, sweetheart.

Has anyone seen
the baby-sitter?

She had to go
home-- suddenly.

( both yelling, arguing )

Oh, dear!

I have no baby-sitter

and I must go next door
to visit Mrs. Fogal.

you know, Arthur is
a great baby-sitter

and I'm sure he'd
be glad to do it.

Oh, would you?

It would help me out
so much.

Just for an hour
or so.

Sure I can do it.

I'll be back
this afternoon.


I can't play kickball.

I'm baby-sitting
the Tibbles.

You mean
the terrible twins?

What do you mean?

My sister baby-sat
for them once, just once.

She's still having
nightmares about it.




( screams )

( laughing maliciously )

What did they do?

I don't know.

She wouldn't
talk about it.

Back out of it while
you're still alive!

It'll be like watching
D.W. and Kate.

( crying )

I'm hungry, too.

- , - ,
- ...

( laughing )


The Tibbles are
a little worse

than your sisters.

I've got to go.

Be tough.

You're in charge

and what you
say goes!

We may never see
him again.

Arthur, come in.


( twins whooping and hollering )

My grandsons are
very energetic

but I
don't think

that will be
a problem.

( vase smashes )

( twins laughing )

( clock chiming )

Are you okay,

( gasps )

Arthur is here!

So what?

Faster! Faster!


That's Tommy
in the red kerchief

and Timmy
in the blue one.

They should sleep
until I'm back.

See you later, boys!

( sighs with relief )

She's gone!

( purring )

( yowls )

Mountain lion on the loose!

Tommy! Timmy! Tom...

Don't move!

It's a vicious mountain lion.

Look, guys...

nap time.

You tired?

No. You?

No! We're not tired.

We want to play

Be tough on them
or you're dead!

What I say goes:

it's nap time...


We're not


Listen to me!

I'm the baby-sitter!


( gasps )

Stop that right now!

( clock chimes )



( phone rings )


Hi, Arthur, it's D.W.

Just calling to see
how things are going.

( twins imitating train noises )

( crashing into furniture )

They won't take a nap
no matter how much I order them.

Try playing a game
to calm them down.

They'll get tired.

Good idea.

Thanks, D.W.

Just don't let them
have any paint.

( giggling )

Hey, guys, let's play a game.

Oh, boy!

Let's play

Nope. How about
playing cards?

I know
a good game!

It's called







Let's play

No. You wouldn't
be interested

in playing cowboy,
would you?



Now, I'll be
the sheriff

and you're
my deputies.

I'm your boss

We're the bad guys
and you can't catch us!

( twins shouting )

( phone rings )



Arthur can't come to the phone.

He's all tied up.

You ready to play

Okay, okay.

You're it.

Count to .



Ready or not, here I come.

It's nice and quiet now.

Too quiet.

Oh, no!
What if they went out?

I'll be in big trouble!

And so would the town!

( crowd screaming in horror )

( laughing )


( roars )

( growling )

This is Arthur's fault.

He was supposed to watch them!

Yeah, it's
Arthur's fault!

He's going
to pay for this!

( phone ringing )

Arthur? Is that you?

What happened?


I can't
talk now.

I'm looking for the twins.

( raising his voice ):
I think they left.

( twins giggling )

You'll go to jail for
losing two innocent children!

I'm especially
worried because...

( louder ):
the swamp thing might get them.

The what?

The swamp thing

rises every day
around this time

to hunt for
something to eat.

Uh, Arthur...
are you feeling all right?

( twins screaming )

I'll call you back.

( twins screaming )

The swamp thing
is outside!

What do we do?!

Sit down
a safe distance

from the doors
and windows

and I'll tell you.

The swamp thing
is a nasty creature

covered with green, slimy gunk,
and it's always hungry--

hungry for twin boys!

But twins are hard to find

so he's always very hungry and
that makes him mad-- mean mad.

And you can't hear him
sneaking up... behind you!

( twins screaming )

But as he walks

the swamp thing drips
a trail of stinky swamp water.

( doorknob rattling )

Swamp thing!

Hello, boys, I brought
some ice cream

from Mrs. Fogal.

It's melting!


They didn't feel tired,
so we played.

I'll clean up.

Can we help Arthur clean up?

You want to help clean up?

I think I might faint.

You are the
first baby-sitter

who didn't run screaming
from the house

like running
from a monster.

Because the monsters
are on my side.

See you later, guys.

Good-bye, Arthur!

You're home early.

Couldn't take
it, huh?

Didn't I
tell you?

They were horrible!

Admit you
were wrong.

Admit it!

We had so much fun

Mrs. Tibble wants me
to watch them every afternoon.

And you're going to do it?

They just want to have fun,
not be bossed around.

They asked me
to bring you along tomorrow

so they'd
have somebody

their own age
to play with.

Mommy? will you take
my temperature?

I feel really,
really, really sick!

I hope this
never happens to you.

Hurry, they'll be here soon.

( sponge squeaking )


you missed
a spot.

No, it's not
cleaning day.

You missed
a spot, Mom.





A little lower...



No, it's not
a holiday.

Lawn mowed?


Party fun list?

Check... it's not
a formal dinner.

Beds made?
Teeth brushed? Dog fed?

Check, check, check.

There, Daddy

that's perfect.

It's all
these things
and more.

We're as ready
as we'll ever be.

( sighs )

Welcome to
the Read family reunion.

( birds chirping )

( thunder )

( doorbell rings )

Can you get that, Arthur?

Don't forget the list.

Hi, welcome to the Read...

Hey there, Artie,
like my new camera?

This supernova
solar flash is
a real dandy.

Don't just stand there,
Mr. Piano Man, invite us in.

Oh, right... Welcome
to the Read family reunion.

Come on in.

Dad planned party games,
so get ready for fun, fun, fun.

Son, fun is
my middle name

and I don't need
a list to have it.

( mocking laughter )

Monique, don't
lag, darling.

We brought your cousin Mo'.

Cousin... ( gulps ) Mo'?

She has a nice surprise for you.

You remember
Cousin Mo', don't you?

( echoing ):
Remember your Cousin Mo',
don't you...

Now, play nice with
little Cousin Arthur, Mo'.

Sure, we're going
to have lots of fun

Aren't we, Cousin Arthur?

( laughs )


That's just a simple throw.

Here's one I made up myself--
"the headlock of death."

( gasps )

Hey, everybody, look at Arthur.

ARTHUR ( muffled ):
It's not funny.

Oh, how cute.

Honey, look
at Arthur.

MAN ( laughs ):
He's so funny.

ADULTS ( laughing ):
Oh, how cute! He's so funny.

( laughter echoing )


( gasps )

My, Arthur's
certainly growing
into an excitable boy.

Okay, the
sauce is ready

the buns are ready,
the coals are ready.

All we need
are the burgers and hot dogs.

I didn't get
burgers and hot dogs!

I got the
burgers and
hot dogs, dear.

Ah, that's right.

Ah, target sighted.

I just have to get
across the backyard

and through the party
to the house.

Then I can hide in my room
until she's gone.

But how? How?

Hi, Arthur.

( gasps )

( loudly ):
What are you doing hiding

in this tree?

Don't run--
I hear Mo' has

a big surprise
planned for you.

We'll see about that.

Maybe she wants to give you
a ride in the washing machine

Maybe she wants to give you
a ride in the washing machine

then hang you
on the clothesline to dry.

Or maybe... ( grunts )

Arthur, help me down! Arthur!

Hey, Ricky.

Look at my boy go.

Quite an athlete.

Bet he beats Artie
in the sack race.

Oh, my gosh,
I forgot to get sacks.

Broom closet,
behind the mop.

Arthur, I brought
my comic collection.

This is
Spider Guy # .

I had to trade
three copies

of Mr. Stupendous,
but it was worth it.

Mr. Stupendous
could never beat
Spider Guy.

And this
is... oh.

Anyway, this is
the latest issue
of Mega Metal.

Hello, Dear--
I thought

I'd just give you
a little hand.

I know how hard
cooking for a
crowd can be.

I'm doing
fine, Loretta.


Look what I just
found in the kitchen

this flip'omatic I sent you.

Doesn't seem to
have been used much.

Maybe you don't
know how.

Just set the
spring like this

slip it under
the burgers,
and then presto!

I may have that set
a little too high.

Ah, what a perfect day!

The sun is shining, the air
is clear, the burgers are...

the burgers?

( splat )

( grunts angrily )

Okay, time for fun, fun, fun

with the
sack race.

On your mark...

Get set...

Hold on,
just let me get focused.

Arthur, want
to join the sack race?

Sorry, burlap
makes me itch.

( stammering )


Get set.


( barking )

Wowee, that Artie's fast
for a little fellow.

( growls )

The race is over,
Arthur-- you won.

( burgers falling )

I guess we could
turn it down one
more notch.

My latest project
is an original mystery.

It's about a man
haunted by his past

on the run from a dreaded enemy.

He's hounded
everywhere he goes.

Oh, you mean like The Fugitive?

Or Les Miserables, or just
like The Thirty-nine Steps?


Well... yes,
but completely different.



( giggles )

( cheering )

Go, Sean, go...


( whistling )

Come on, Grandma,
you can do it.

Come on, Grandma!

Hey, Ricky, piece of cake.

You're doing it.

Hang on, Grandma,
you're going
to make it.

You're going to win,
Ricky my boy...

next time.

Way to go, Grandma!

( cheering )

Bridge Over the River Kwai?

The Bridges of Madison County?

A Bridge Too Far.

"London Bridge is Falling Down"?

Oh, we give up--
it's been

half an hour


On the Bridges
of Medieval Paris:

a Record of Early
Fourteenth-century Life

by Virginia
Wylie Egbert.

( groaning )

We said pick
a popular book.

Well, all my friends
have read it.

Everybody ready
for musical shoes?

( groaning and sighing )

Honey, I think

ready to rest now.

Nonsense! I'll make this
a reunion to remember.

Where's Arthur?
he's missing all...

( thunder )


I'm sure

it's just a sonic...

( thunder crashes )


( many thunderclaps )

It's probably
just a light

( thunderclap )

Of course, Dear...

Whatever you say.


it's only me.

Can't you just tap
me on the shoulder
like anyone else?

I slipped.

Maybe the road
will wash out

and Mo' will have to
stay with us all week.

Arthur, are you
feeling okay?

( piano playing faintly )

What's that?

( playing lively song )

( hitting wrong notes )

( testing key )

( playing sequence )

No, no, it's...

( continues song )

Oh, you mean like this?

( continues song
on higher notes )

( stops playing )

( playing "Chopsticks" )

When did you
learn to play?

When I saw you play

at other reunions,
it made me want
to learn, too.

I've been
waiting all day
to show you.

I thought you
wanted to decorate me
like a christmas tree.

You're my favorite

I only come to
these dumb reunions
to play with you.

I'm glad it's the
piano this time.

♪ ♪ ♪

Forget my
Mince-o-matic demonstration...

this is where
the real party is.

( playing fast dance tune )

I don't want

to miss a minute
of this.

Rain or no rain

this has been the biggest
and best reunion ever!

Rain or no rain

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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