02x06 - Buster Baxter, Cat Saver/Play it Again, D.W.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x06 - Buster Baxter, Cat Saver/Play it Again, D.W.

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Now we'll never get
the medicine there!

Yes, we will!

Everyone in the plane!

Bionic Bunny!

Bionic Bunny is
the greatest hero there is

Except he isn't real.

But there are real heroes
living in town:

Like the fire fighters
who saved everyone

when the sponge factory

( siren blares )

And the paramedics

who get people
to the hospital fast;

and the biggest hero in town...

Buster Baxter!


Buster Baxter?



Buster, you're
braver than I am.

You always try
the new flavors.

Mmm, chocolate chicken crunch.

What makes the crunch?

I don't care.

( crunches )

Peppermint pasta--
what do you think?

( slurps loudly )

Good, but it needs meatballs.

Wow-- chocolate ice cream
with almonds and fish sticks.

I call it rocky trout.

Mmm, excellent.

Sure you don't want

some rocky trout?

No, I have to go
home for dinner.

See you!

Help me, anyone!

What's wrong?

My kitty is stuck
in the tree.


( mews )

( gasps )

You're a hero!

He plunged from the dizzying
heights to Buster.

He ate my ice cream.

Can I have money for more, Mom?

Your son is a hero.

Stop the presses.

This is important.

Stop !

( repetitive tune plays )

♪ Crazy, lazy,
crazy, crazy bus... ♪

D.W., can I use the...

No, it's my music time.

But you've played this song...

times since Monday!

♪ Let's go. ♪

♪ Wacky, goony,
goofy, spoony ♪

♪ High as a plane
or balloony... ♪


♪ Boppy, gloopy,
la hoopa, hoppy, hoopy ♪

♪ Dopey, doofy, screwy,
bluey, dewey, chewy. ♪


♪ Absolutely bus-alooey ♪

♪ Crazy, lazy,
crazy, crazy bus. ♪

♪ Crazy! ♪

( bus horn honks )

Finally, it's over.

( singing along ):

♪ Go crazy. ♪

One more time!

Aw, come on!

It's the worst
song ever.

You're just too old
to get it.

( singing along ):
♪ Crazy bus, crazy bus ♪

♪ Riding on the crazy bus ♪

♪ Riding up, riding down... ♪

I'll read the funnies to you.


Hey, Dad, look--
Buster's a hero!

Buster's a hero!

♪ Sloppy, sloopy,
gloppy, gloopy ♪

Buster's a hero!

You made me miss
the best part!

It was no
big deal.

I was just
in the right place

at the right time.

So you're a big hero, huh?

Um, uh... sort of.

Can I have
your autograph?

Here is our own hero--
Buster Baxter.

( applause and cheers )

( clears throat )

I was just in the right place
at the right time.

It's him--
the hero kid!

Wow, everyone
knows you.

You think so?

( cheering )

Hey, you're right.

All right!


I just love Buster-sicles.

"Buster eats here"?


There he is.

A reward for the hero.


( chatter and whispers )

They're doing a...
follow-up story about me.

Get a picture of me
with my fans...

um... classmates.

( dramatically ):
The helicopter lowered
me towards the kitty.

I leaped with precision,
risking my life.

I'm tired
of this story.

Not me--
it's always different.

Buster, we have
to stand in line!

( clears throat )

I'm Buster Baxter.

( crowd grumbles )

Everyone's mad
we cut the line.

I'm a hero.

Heroes always
get cuts.

You should
do my homework.


I need to patrol.

There might be
cats I can save.

And Buster's getting
everyone mad--

Acting like a big shot.

You're his best friend--
you should tell him.

Yeah, I think
I will.

♪ Wacky, goony, goofy, spoony,
high as a plane or balloony... ♪

There is no such word

as balloony!

♪ La-hoopa, hoppy... ♪

Buster, can I tell
you something?

Hey, look at this.

"Cat Saver"?

It's my TV show,
based on me.

All famous heroes are
on TV, right?

( moans )


Our story begins
in a secret headquarters...

Cat saver...

Can you rescue my car?

Why, yes, I can.

There's no job
too big for...

your car, not your cat?

My car.


Is it up a tree?

Um... yes.

I'm on my way!

( upbeat tune
with loud guitar plays )

♪ Cat saver, cat saver,
he can save anything ♪

♪ A cat, your mother
or the universe. ♪

♪ Cat saver, cat saver ♪

♪ He can get stuff
down from trees ♪

♪ Cat saver. ♪

( with evil voice ):
Cat saver's on his way!

Strong guy...


Get ready to rumble!

( laughs wickedly )

There's no car in trouble.

There's not even a tree.

It's a trap!

Kids, hitting
and punching people is wrong;

but that's no person,
it's a big ham!

He was so strong.

They were all over him...

Did you want
to say something?

Yeah, everybody's tired

of this hero stuff.

You better knock it off.

Then what did
Buster say?

He wouldn't
believe me.

He just kept doing
this dopey kicking.

Then he said his show
will be "edu-tainment."


We have to make him believe you.

He's not even a hero.

I heard that cat
just jumped to him.

What? And I'm
doing his homework?

♪ Wacky, goony,
goofy, spoony ♪

♪ High as a plane
or balloony... ♪

Hey, what are you doing?

( music stops )

That's better.

( off-key ):
♪ Crazy bus... ♪

If Buster didn't really
do anything the first time

he wouldn't know
how to save a cat if he had to.

( faintly meows )

( button clicks, meow repeats )

Here he comes.

I'll still save
the occasional cat

but my future's in TV.


Buster, there's
a cat in trouble!

( button clicks, meow plays )

Do something!

He'll save another cat
and we are here!

( nervously ):
No flash pictures.

I need to, um, concentrate.

What are you
waiting for?

( weakly ):
Here, kitty, kitty.

Yeah, we want
a picture of you
being a hero.

( weakly ):
Kitty, kitty...

( sobbing ):
I don't know what to do,
I got lucky before.

( screaming )

( meows weakly )

It's fake.

You did this
to make me look bad.

No, we did it

because everyone's
tired of you bragging.

You never did
a single brave thing.

You're right.

I'm sorry I acted so conceited.

I'm no hero...

Look out-- runaway piano!

Very funny.

Did you see him
save those kids?

Buster really saved us.

( cheering )

Here we go again.

st-Century Rat

proudly presents...

My piano slipped!

Look out!

( screaming )

When pianos cause trouble,
he goes to work.

Buster Baxter, piano tamer!

Anyone can save a cat

but there's only one hero
who will face a piano.

Buster Baxter, piano tamer--

"based on a true story."

Hold it.

This is not going
to be a movie!

It could be.

No way.

Coming to a theater near you.

It is not!

How about a CD?


A video game?


A comic book?


And now...

It was a crazy day.

My dog was in love with a pig.

My cat was barking.

My dog was meowing.

My newt talked to me

And we had a great conversation.

Weird things happen to our pets
but we know what to do.

My cat was crying.

I brushed her fur,
then she stopped crying.

My turtle was lost.

I looked everywhere
in the house.

I finally found him at the lake
playing with his friends.

My turtle was eating
chips in the bath

And I said, "Get out,
I have to take a bath."

My cat was talking
so I gave him soda

And he was fine.

My parrot was lost.

I looked for him.

I found him
eating Oreos in my bed

and now we always
have to hide the Oreos.

My cat barked.

( boy barks like a dog )

I took something out
of his mouth--

It was a toy dog
that could bark.

My dog was in trouble.

It was meowing.

So I gave it dog food
and it was barking.

My dog was in love with a pig.

I took it away
and the dog was fine.

♪ I bought me a pet
and my pet pleased me. ♪

♪ Oh, diddle, diddle, diddle
dee, dee, dee. ♪

♪ My pet gave me love
and he was friend ♪

♪ Stayed with me
till the bitter end. ♪

And now...

It's no big surprise

when my sister D.W.
does something annoying

like the one time
she beat me at checkers.

I won! I beat you!

Yeah, mama!

In your face!

Sweet victory!

You loser.

I beat Arthur.

Imagine that--
a kid like me

beat Arthur.

( sighing )

You should have
been there, Kate.

I jumped his king
and won the game.

He didn't even
see it coming.

What a pushover!

I was checker champ
and Arthur was checker chump.

But nothing ever in the
entire history of my life

has ever been as bad as this.

♪ Crazy bus, crazy bus,
riding on a crazy bus ♪

♪ Riding up, riding down,
and driven by a funny... ♪


( chirping )

( barking )

( chirping )

It's a perfect morning.

( rhythmic drumming )

That song...
it's that song again!

♪ Crazy bus, crazy bus,
riding on a crazy bus ♪

♪ Riding up, riding down... ♪

-- She's played it
times this week!

♪ Crazy bus, crazy bus,
riding on a crazy bus ♪

Where are your headphones?

( yelling ):
They broke!

Don't you just love this part?

♪ ...Spoony,
high as a plane or balloony ♪

D.W., can you turn that off


You should listen
to it more.

You'll learn
to like it.

( humming )

Mom, now she's
humming it!

( imitating
roaring engine )

Finally, quiet.

♪ Crazy bus... ♪

( groans )

♪ Riding on... ♪

I can sing louder than you.

No, you can't.

♪ Slappy, pappy,
goopy, goopy ♪

♪ A balloony,
driving, binding,
crazy, crazy... ♪

( kids continue singing
over song playing )

How can you stand it?

Excuse me?


Know what I have?

Tickets to "Crazy Bus" live!

Who would go to that?

You would.

We're all going

just like when we all went
to Bionic Bunny on Ice.

( whimpering )

Last stop,
everybody out.


Shh, if any of my friends'
brothers and sisters see me

I'll never live it down.

Call me "Steve."


You want
popcorn, Arth...?

uh, Steve?

( giggling )

That trunk is
a big improvement.

Ar... eh, Steve,
isn't that Buster?

Oh, no!

Hi! Hey,
great trunk,

He wants to be called Steve.

You came with
your little...

You don't have
a little brother or sister.

That's right, Steve.

Then why are you here?

Ever since I heard D.W. playing
it, I'm crazy for "Crazy Bus."

( gasps )

Come over later,
we can play the CD

♪ Driving down,
driven by a funny clown ♪

♪ Wacky, goony, goofy, spoony,
high as a plane or balloony ♪

♪ Crazy bus... ♪

( screaming )

♪ Come on with us
as we ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ Don't make a fuss,
just come with us... ♪

♪ Ooey, dooey,
absolutely bus-alooey... ♪

( yells ):
D.W., I'm trying
to do my homework!

And there's no such word
as "bus-alooey"!

If you don't stop,
I'm going to wreck that CD!


I can't bring
the music to
the party--

I've lost it.

Found it!


Mom! Arthur's going

to wreck my "Crazy Bus."

Turn it off,
I can't hear you.

( music stops )


They say if you touch it

they'll send you away
without TV!

D.W., wash up for dinner.

What were they thinking
they invented brothers?

What a dopey idea.

Now I can't watch TV

because I said
I'd wreck her CD

So I have to stay in here
and hear that song over and...

It's quiet.

What's that sound?

( birds chirping )

It's the birds.

Wow, I guess D.W.'s
finally giving me a break.

( yelling )

( yelling )

D.W., Are you all right?

What's wrong?

( yelling )

"Crazy Bus" is gone!

I left it on the thing
and it's gone!


It didn't get up and walk away.

I know--

Arthur took it.

I didn't!


I didn't take it, really.

Yeah, like you didn't
melt my snowball.

Let's not start that again.

( sobbing ):
Life is so unfair.


I can't sleep

because I'm forgetting
how the song goes.

She's scaring me.

Why don't you
return her CD?

I don't have it.

Don't you believe me?


I bet an ancient race

of squid people took it

To their hidden grotto
far beneath the sea.

Hey, Florence, you got
a "Crazy Bus" CD?

No, but I sure wish I did!

BOTH ( singing ):
♪ Absolutely bus-alooey,
crazy, lazy, crazy, crazy bus. ♪

♪ Crazy bus,
crazy bus, crazy bus. ♪

While we're out

be well behaved
for Catherine.

I know you
have it.


BOTH ( sweetly ):

Good, they're gone.


I caught you.


( struggling )


I'm doing
my vocabulary homework.

What's causing this vexation?


We're not on vacation,
we live here.

Vexation-- it means "trouble."

What's the trouble?

The trouble is, that's mine.

Is not--
it's a game

I borrowed
from the Brain.

Captain Smudge vs. Drain Boy
with -D drain-clearing action.


( muttering ):
I know he took it.

A criminal always returns
to the scene of the crime!

You forgot
your possum.

I was putting
it away.

You'll make
a mistake

and I'll catch you,
just wait!

D.W.'s haunting me.

Maybe your guilty conscience
is bothering you.

D.W., why don't
you sit with me.

( screams )

D.W. tore
my room apart!

She touched
all my stuff!

Tell her to stop
touching my stuff!

I was looking
for my "Crazy Bus."

This calls
for Solomon-like wisdom.

( humming )

D.W., you stay on that side

and Arthur,
you stay on that side.

No more bothering each other.

Boy, I'm good.

Give me my jacket!

It was on my side.

If you want it so bad,
my "Crazy Bus" must be in it.

I don't have your stupid bus.

It's not "Stupid Bus,"
It's "Crazy Bus."

"Stupid Bus" is
a lame puppet show.

Here's the music I promised--

the songs we danced to
in high school.

( music begins )

♪ Crazy Bus,
riding on a crazy bus... ♪

D.W.'s CD!

( Pal growling )

Pal, stop it!

( phone rings )

D.W., telephone.


I can't hear you.

We found your CD.

Your father
accidentally took it.

( "Crazy Bus" playing )

What are you doing?

I realize that the only way

for two people to stop fighting
is for one to say, "Stop."

I'm forgiving you.

This is a trick.

I know it.

Aren't you happy
your mom found
your CD?

( growls )

You can enjoy your music

but it isn't right
to annoy others.

I don't even want
to play that CD anymore.

Wow, that's

D.W. must be growing up!

Arthur, look what
Grandma Thora gave me.

Two hours

of your favorite song--

more fun than you can stand.

( screams ):

Crazy Bus,
the motion picture.

More fun
than a lighting fixture--

beginning, middle and an end.

See it more times
than your friends.

Play it again and again

and then play it
one more time again.

It's crazy!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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