01x27 & 01x28 - Attention Deficit/Out on a Limo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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01x27 & 01x28 - Attention Deficit/Out on a Limo

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪

- Is that it?


Oh, there it is!


There it is!

- [reverse beeping signal]

- No.

This may be the coolest
day of my life.

You're looking at
the grand prize winner

of the Steve's Mustard

"Win a Limo for
a Day" contest.

I had to eat my weight
in mustard.

But I finally found
the winning jar.

- [musical limo horn]

- Here it is! Here it is!
Here it is!

- GIRLS: [chattering]

- Good morning, sir.

I'm Kirby, your personal
chauffeur for the day.

- GIRLS: [chattering]


- [buttons beeping]

- [disco ball tinkling]

- [water splashing]

- Peek-a-boo!


- Oh, this limo has a fancy
mustard collection!


- Let's go pick up my team.
- Let's go to the mall.

- I know a funeral
procession we can ride in.

- Guys, guys, I know you're all
excited about Lincoln's limo.

But let's let him enjoy
it for awhile first,

then he'll come back
and take us for a ride.

Right, Linky?
- Sure.

How about I pick you all
up at : o'clock

and we can all go down
to the Burpin' Burger?

- GIRLS: Yay!

- Hungry, y'all?
Look no further.

- ALL: ♪ Come on down
to Burpin' Burger ♪

♪ Grade B beef
and special spice ♪

♪ When it comes back up
it's twice as nice ♪

- [huge burp]

- GIRLS: [chattering]

- [limo engine starts,
tires squealing]

[brakes screeching]
- LILY: [cooing]

- ♪

- Your premium transportation
experience begins now, sir.

- What's all this "sir" stuff?
Call me Lincoln.

- Whew! Well,
that's a load off.

I'm used to driving
around snobby guys.


Hey, so where to?
Anywhere you want?

- I know just the place.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Double straws?

First one's free.

You're payin' for
that second one.

- [musical limo horn]

- Sweet bimminy boo.

One side!
Important customer!

[raps on window]

Uh, welcome to Flip's.

Uh, please enjoy your
complimentary Flippy.

- Wow, Flip, you've never given
me anything free before.

- Well, you never
had a limo before.

- CROWD: [chattering]

- I'm here with a very
important limo rider

who just rode into town.

Tell us--how did you
get to be so important?

- Uh...
- [musical limo horn]

- [limo brakes screeching]

- Say there,
I like your limo.

How did you obtain it?

- Uh, mustard.

- Oh, you must be the heir
to the mustard fortune.

What's your name?

- Lincoln Loud.
But I'm not the--

- I'm Lord Tetherbee,
heir to the Tetherball fortune.

I was just heading to
my exclusive country club.

Care to join me?

- [slurping]
- [taps limo]

- Kirby, follow that limo.

- ♪

- Thanks, Kirby.

- ♪

- [gasping]

- Welcome to the Tetherbee
Country Club.

[snaps fingers]

- Ooh, comfy.

- Of course.
Now shall we dine, old bean?

- Sounds good to me,
old, uh...


- Is there anything else
I can get you, sir?

- Oh, you don't need
to call me "sir."

You can call me Lincoln.

- BOTH: [gasp]
- [heavy thud]

- See here, Loud,

a man in a limo doesn't act
all chummy with the help.

It only confuses them.

Now let's hit the town
as limo people do.

- [limo engines start]

- [whistle shrills]

- Limo! Limo coming through!
- [brakes screeching]

- [limos zooming]

- ♪

- [snaps fingers]

- ♪

- Wow, I never knew life
could be like this.

- I say, it's a quarter
to five, Loud.

Shall we check on the markets
before they close?

- That's okay, my mom usually
does the shopping.

Wait! A quarter to five?

I'm supposed to
pick up my sisters

and take them to
to the Burpin' Burger.

- The Burpin' Burger?

- Yeah, you know...

♪ Grade B beef
and special spice ♪

♪ When it comes back up
it's twice as nice ♪

[huge burp]

- Look here, Loud,
you're a man in a limo.

You can't be seen
in some rat hole

named after
a bodily function.

It's just not done.

- But my sisters...

- We all have
embarrassing relations.

I have a second cousin who
takes the bus to work.

Can you imagine?

The point is we can't
let them hold us back.

Now come on, old bean,
it's time for limo sailing.

- [ship's horn blasting]

- This view is incredible!

Oh, look, dolphins!

I think I'll ride one.

- Wait for me,
old broccoli stalk.

- I've got a little
surprise for you.

We're holding a gala
at the club tonight

to welcome our newest

- Wow, thanks old, uh, celery?
- Don't mention it.

I think you'll fit
in splendidly.

And remember,
it's black tie only.

- No pants or anything?

- [chuckling]

Oh, Loud, you are a stitch.

- [brakes screeching]
- [limo door slams]

- [feet padding]

- [door creaking]

- Sorry! Wrong house!
[slams door]

- Where have you been?

- We were standing on the curb
for over three hours.

- The garbage guys literally
tried to take Lana to the dump.

- I'm really sorry.

I had a busy day with the very
wealthy Lord Tetherbee

and I just couldn't get away.

- I cannot believe
you have been hanging out

with some random
rich guy all day,

instead of taking your own
sisters to the Burpin' Burger!

- A man in a limo
can't be seen

in some rat hole named
after a bodily function.

It's just not done.

- You're not a man in a limo.

You're a kid who ate
a bunch of mustard.

As soon as your limo's gone,

this little fantasy of yours
is going to be over.

- Oh, really?

Is that why they're
making me a member

of their club tonight, hm?

Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to put on
my formalwear.

- You'll see, Lincoln.

You're no better
than the rest of us.

- [door slams]

- No better than
the rest of us?

How dare she?

I'm the important person

and I've got important
places to be.

Speaking of which,
why aren't we moving?

- [vehicle horns honking]

- This is unacceptable.

Can't you drive
around this?

- There's nothing I can do.
Sorry, Lincoln.

- Don't call me Lincoln.
It's sir.

Tetherbee was right.

If you get too chummy
with the help,

it just confuses them.

Let's keep this
straight, Kirby.

I'm the man in the limo.

You're the man
driving the limo.

[huge sigh]
And what's all this beeping?

- It's the timer, sir.

Your day is up.

You're no longer
a man in a limo.

- What?

- [tires squealing]

- Well, the joke's on you,

'cause I took some
of your mustard.

Where the heck am I?

- [dogs snarling]

- Nice puppies.

Do you like spicy brown?

I'm more of a classic
yellow fan, myself.

- [dogs snarling]
- [screaming]

- [dogs barking]

- The joke's on you.

These aren't real
dress shoes.

They're sneakers I colored
in with a marker.

- [dogs barking]
- Whoa!

- [trash can thuds]
- [cat yowls]

- [truck horn blaring]
- [mud splattering]

- But the joke's on
you 'cause, uh...

Oh, who am I kidding?

The joke's on me.

- [dogs snarling]
- LINCOLN: [screaming]


[knocking on door]
Hello, Tetherbee?

It's me, Loud.
I'm here for my gala.

- I say, Loud,
what happened to you?

And, more importantly,
what happened to your limo?

- I don't have it anymore.

- Without a limo, you cannot
possibly join the club.

It just isn't done.

- But, old, uh, sprout,

I thought I fit
in splendidly.

- You did--when you
had a limo.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have about Lincoln
balloons to pop.

- [balloon pops]

[balloons popping]

- [screaming]

- [brakes screeching]

- I'm here with
a former limo rider.

Tell us, how does a man who
rose so high sink so low?

- Well, I started to think that
I was better than everybody

and acted like a real jerk.

But the truth is,

I'm just a kid who ate
a bunch of mustard.

- Looks more like ketchup
to this reporter.


- Burpin' Burger?
That's it!

I know how to
fix everything.

Can I get a ride?
- In the news van?

It just isn't done.

- [van door slams]
- [tires squealing]

- [trash can clanks]

- [dog snarling]
- Oh, come on.

You guys like ketchup, too?

- [dogs barking]

- [musical limo horn]

- Oh, it's Lincoln and his
fancy mustard limo.

- I thought he only
had it for a day.

We've gotta put up with
more of his attitude?

The limo's not for me.

It's for you.

I'm sorry about the way
I acted yesterday.

I never should have
broken my promise

to take you guys to
the Burpin' Burger.

- Hungry, y'all?
Look no fur--

- Quiet! He's groveling.

- Right, so, I called
Kirby and apologized.

He's agreed to give
us one more ride.

Now I know you're
probably so mad at me

that you don't even want--
- GIRLS: [laughing, chattering]

- I guess they forgive me.

- [limo brakes screeching]
- Welcome to Burpin' Burger.

May I take your order?

- Eleven burgers
and fries, love.

- Don't forget one
for Kirby.

- KIRBY: Thank you, sir.

I mean, Lincoln.

- The only thing better than
being a man in a limo

is being a family in a limo.
- ALL: [chomping]

- I say, Loud, it's good
to see you back in a limo.

What say you ditch
the riff-raff

and come back to the club?

- You know what, Tetherbee?

How about some mustard!
- [mustard splatting]

- To go with that baloney!

Hungry, y'all?
Look no further.

- ALL: ♪ Come on down
to Burpin' Burger ♪

♪ Grade B beef
and special spice ♪

♪ When it comes back up
it's twice as nice ♪♪

- [huge burp]
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