03x14 - Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight/D.W.'s Perfect Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x14 - Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight/D.W.'s Perfect Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Did you chop
the onions?

They'll be here soon.

If you hadn't forgotten
your friends were coming over

we wouldn't be rushing.


We're in the kitchen!

Keep chopping!


Arthur said he'd
play "Confuse the
Goose" but he won't!

I said maybe!

But I have to do

How can I do homework

if she's staring
at me like this?

Can't you do something until
Arthur's ready to play?

But if I don't bother him,
he'll never play with me.

I never said I'd play!

Okay, I'll play
with her.

I'll stop
bothering him.

Keep chopping!

I'm chopping,
I'm chopping!

( gasp )

( gasp )

You've probably heard
the expression

"Don't cry over spilled milk"

but did you ever imagine
it would lead

to Arthur and D.W.
having to live alone

and raise themselves
and go to an orphanage?

My name is Nadine.

I'm D.W.'s imaginary friend

and I'll be your host for, "Mom
and Dad have a Great Big Fight."

( howling )

Ah, you're back.

Bet you've been waiting
to see this thing smash.


Don't let the...

Grab the...

Milk thing...

( giggling )

( sighs )

But let's back things up
just a little...

( giggling )

( backward garbled speech )

And see what my friend D.W.
was doing as that thing smashed.

Okay, I'll play with her.

I'll stop
bothering him.

You have to wait
till I'm done

with my homework,
you know.

I know it.

Why do
they have to be

so fair all the time?

"Let Arthur finish
his homework."

"Stop bothering

I wish my parents
were different.


Mom, Arthur
said he'd play

"Confuse the Goose"
with me, but he won't!

( stupidly ):
I said maybe!

Oh, my
poor D.W.!

Arthur, play with
your perfect, lovely,
adorable sister.

But I have to do homework!

What's more

homework or the
happiness of a
little girl?

Is that a trick question?

( stupidly ):
Okay, I'll play
with her.

Stop that!

What'd I do?

You were looking at D.W.
without smiling.

Boy, wouldn't it
be perfect?

If only I could
change them.

( crashing )

I didn't do it!

( giggling )

How could you
do that?

They'll be here
any minute!

You put it there!

I don't have time
to argue about this.

Who's arguing?

I have to start
the batter

all over again!

( door creaks open )


Don't come in here.

No! Don't yell!

You look scared.

If you saw something
scary, tell Dad.

I can't, Arthur.

It's Mom and Dad
who are scary!

They were yelling.

I don't believe you.

I heard it.

Nadine and I were going to play
"Confuse the Goose"...

Then why do you need me
to play?

Because Nadine and I always
tie at everything!

Stop interrupting--
so there we were

and then there was
this kersmash!

( parents yelling gibberish )

That's when
I ran up here and...

Wait a minute.

What did they say?

I didn't hear it exactly.

It's not important anyway.

What's important is
they hate each other.

You're playing a trick

and it won't work.

You do look scared.

I'm going to check this out.

Right now.

Here I go.

Last chance to
give up this joke.

( sniveling )

I don't hear... Ah!

Don't do that.

I don't hear

That's the end of
the worry, right?


Oh, honey,
just leave it.

I'll get it, please.

No, I've got it,
I've got it.

It's my fault.

Let me do it.

( parents' garbled speech )

I told you.

This is all your fault.

How can it be
my fault-- I
was up here!

If you played with me,
they wouldn't be mad.

It's your fault!


Because you're
such a big pain.

You never practice
the piano!

You slide your peas
under the plate!

You... you wear glasses!

Mom and Dad
are not fighting

because I wear glasses.

Maybe they are!
Are you them?

Are you
in their brains?

I don't think so, Arthur Read!

( both sigh )

What if they never speak
to each other again?

Tell your father,
"Merry Christmas."

Mother says "Merry
Christmas," Father.

Tell your mother,
"And a Happy New Year."

Every conversation will take
twice as long.

We'll only get half as
much done in our lives.

D.W., you're
being silly.

Two people wouldn't
live together

and never talk
to each other.

( gasps ):
You're right!

One of them is going
to move away!

( whistling happily )

Good morning, Mommy!

Good morning!

It's so good to see
your beautiful faces!

Um, what's
for breakfast?

I don't know-- your father
always made breakfast.

So there's no breakfast?

( giggling ):

( stomach growling loudly )

Dad leaving is totally

Mmm! Thank you, Dad!

Dig in!

You know what I always say:
Dig in!

( everyone eating noisily )

Dad, I need a ride to the park
later for the big jamboree.

Sorry, your mother took
the car when she left.


What if neither
one of them

wants to take all of us?

After all,
you're a lot of trouble.

Oh, I can't believe it!

D.W., did you break
my truck? D.W.!

Arthur, did you forget

that D.W. doesn't live
here anymore?

She left with your dad.

Oh, yeah,
I forgot.

That's why it's
so peaceful.

I'm going to take
Pal for a walk.

Arthur, Pal doesn't live here
anymore either.

I got you and Kate.

Dad got D.W.
and Pal.

( gasps )

( snoring )

What if neither one
of them wants us?

What if we have
no parents anymore?

We'll be organs!

You mean "orphans"

like in Oliver Twist.

( in cockney accent ):
Please, sir, may I
'ave some 'ore?

You want some 'ore?

There-- that's
some oar, huh?

Get it?
Some oar.

( laughs )

Oh, I'm hysterical.

I should get paid
by the laugh.

We have to avoid

going to an orphanage
at all costs

especially one set
in the s.

All we have is
each other.

If you take
care of me

I'll take care of you.

We don't need
anyone else.

( D.W. humming,
Arthur whistling )


( gags )

( groaning ):
We can't cook.

( To tune of
Brahms' "Lullaby" ):
♪ Go to sleep, go to sleep ♪

♪ You've been awake
for so long now ♪

♪ Count all the sheep
and subtract a cow ♪

♪ So you can go to sleep. ♪

( howls mournfully )

Arthur, this isn't working.

I miss Mommy and Daddy.

I know,
I miss them, too.

I never knew
you could feel
this lonely

even when
you're not alone.

We can't let that happen!

It's all my fault!

I wished they
were different
and now they are!

Let's tell them that we don't
want them to hate each other.

We're a family.

Our opinions count
and stuff.

I don't hear

You stay, I'll go.

No, I'll go.

I'm the one
who should go.

I'm going
and that's final.

Daddy's leaving.

choking... me.


Daddy, don't go!

But I have to go.

No, you don't!

We don't want
you to go!

If I don't,
we won't have any milk.

But we... huh?

You're going
to the store?


Where did you
think I was going?

Don't leave us!

You and Mommy don't
really hate each other!

Hold on-- what
makes you think
we hate each other?

We don't want
to be organs
like Oliver Twits!

Did you say you were
going to the store?

She heard you

and thought you
hated each other.

( laughs sheepishly ):
Kids are so funny, huh?

D.W., we don't
hate each other.

Sometimes adults lose
their tempers and argue.

Just like kids disagree
sometimes or get mad.

You and Arthur fight

but it doesn't
stop you

from loving
each other.

You're going
to the store

to buy milk?

Yeah, and I have
to hurry back

because my friends
are coming over.

Guess I solved that one.

Of course, the moral
of our story is clear--

don't put your milk
close to the edge

because somebody's
going to knock it over.

Thank you and good-bye for now.

It's not hard to make
your own calendar.

You can draw your favorite
cool things for every month.

This is a big year,
so I drew big stuff.

January-- Bionic Bunny
moves a huge iceberg.

February-- Bionic Bunny
versus a giant Valentine

that wrecks buildings and makes
everybody fall in love.


March-- Bionic Bunny brings
a mammoth birthday cake

because D.W.'s birthday
is on March first.

D.W. sure loves her birthday.

Last year, she never stopped
reminding us it was coming.

Speaking of birthdays...

who's speaking
of birthdays?

No one, but now
that you mention it

mine is coming up.

Don't forget my
birthday's coming!

( groans )

This year will probably
be worse.

Hey, today is D.W.'s birthday,
but she hasn't said a word.


D.W., did you forget
that your birthday's today?

No-- how could I forget
about my own birthday?

Now leave me alone!

( yells )

How could D.W. not be excited
about her birthday?



I said leave me alone, please.

First tell me
why you're not excited

about your birthday.

You really want to know?

Do you think you
really want to know?

Um... Yeah.

Oh, okay, just checking.

It all started
when I told daddy

what kind of birthday cake
I wanted.

For my birthday,
which is coming soon

I want
a normal cake.

You sure?

How about a big, purple...

Normal-- white frosting on top,
white cake inside.

No crunchy stuff, no gushy
red layers, no lamb

no surprises.

You sure you don't want to try
my aloha coconut blizzard cake

with peach and banana
pectin filling?


I'm joking.


Got it.

I can't wait for my birthday.

My daddy is making
me a normal cake with...

You know, turning
five is a very
big step.

With white icing
on top and...

D.W., I am five
years old already.

Listen to me.

When you're five,
you cannot do

the same things
you did

when you were
only four.

What do you mean?

I mean, you have
to leave

childish things

You will be going
to real school--



You will never be
a little kid ever again.

( echoing ):
Ever again... again...

And now, here it is,
my birthday.

They're going to give me
normal cake

and then, whammo, I'm five.


So I don't know if I'm ready.

I'll never be
four again, you know.

Did I do
everything I could?

Did I waste
my fours?

Have I fribbled away
my childhood?


No-- that's it?

A simple three-letter
word like "no"

doesn't exactly
make me feel better,

( sighs )

Oh, come on.

You did plenty
of great stuff, D.W.

Like what?

Like you fooled
the tooth fairy
and got money.

Look-- look what the
tooth fairy left me!

( sing-song ):
I tricked the tooth fairy.

I tricked the tooth fairy.

And besides that, you taught us
all about fire drills.

No talking!
Remain calm!

Faster, people,
there's a fire in here!

What's it say?

Three minutes,
nine seconds.

Not bad, but
we must get it

down to seconds.

( groaning )

And you got to go to
the hospital and get stitches.

You were
very brave, D.W.

It doesn't
look so bad.

Well, it feels bad.

These are the golden memories
of my childhood--

A buck, a fire drill
and a fat lip?

Okay, I'm sure
there was more.

Um... Yeah, remember
when you learned to do flips

on the balance beam?

Not exactly, Arthur.

She's too scared
to do it.


( all gasp )

She's going to chicken out.


Am not.

( all gasping )

( D.W. yells )

( whistle blows )

I learned I was
too young to do flips.

Oh, well, I know--
you made a deer friend

when we went camping.


But I couldn't bring him home.

No, but Mr. Rogers
came to our home.

♪ There are stops
along the way ♪

♪ For thoughts
of all the soft things... ♪

That song put me to sleep.

It was supposed to.

It's a lullaby.

But I was asleep,
so it's not one of my memories.

You weren't asleep

when you met the president
in the White House.

Beautiful horse,

Yeah-- do you work here?

I've worked here
for a couple of years now.

Then maybe you can help me.

My family got lost.

They're with another tour guide.

Come on, follow me.

I can get you back
where you came from.

Are there
more paintings
with horses?

Lots-- I'll
point them out.

So I met some people.

How hard is that?

I didn't do anything.

Sure you did.

You helped build a chicken coop
at Grandpa Dave's house.

And went to "Crazy Bus Live."

And caught chicken pox from me.

That wasn't fun.

But I bet you'll
never forget it.

And you rescued cousin Lucy's
ring to save her wedding.

Thank you, D.W.

We couldn't have done
it without you.

And you took good care of Kate
when she was born.

Everyone stand back.

I know what she wants.

I just thought
of something else I did.

I saved a snowball in the
freezer and somebody took it.

It wasn't me.

Can't you forget
that and look

at all the cool
stuff you did?

It was a great year.

except for the snowball.

What's this for?

Because you made me remember
how great I am.

You're my
little sister.

I want you to have
a happy birthday.

I'm going to be the world's
coolest five-year-old.

Make a good wish when you blow
out the candles on your cake.

That's right, and I know
the perfect thing to wish for.

You can't wish
for a million more wishes.

It's against
the rules.

Oh, you're
such a spoilsport.

Well, I'm going to really
make this wish count.

I'll get ideas
from Mommy and Daddy.

Mommy, I...



Happy birthday!

Make a wish and blow
out your candles.

Go ahead and blow
them out, honey.

I don't know what
to wish for, Arthur.

What did you wish
for last year?

That's right before
Kate was born.

I remember making a wish
and blowing out the candles.

But I can't remember the wish.

What if I wish
for the same thing again?

I'll waste it!

Hurry up, that
cake looks

It has to be the perfect wish.

You don't get this kind
of power every day.

It must be used wisely.

Why don't you wish
for a happy year?

Mommy, there has to be
something in it for me.

Why don't you wish
for new sneakers?

You don't wish
for clothes, daddy.

Clothes just happen.

Wishes are for big things,
like a pony.

I have to advise you

not to waste
your wish on a pony.

Yeah, that's not
a great idea.

It won't come true,
trust me.

I won't eat cake
with wax all over it.

Hurry up-- look,
Kate's starving.

( giggles )

Think, think.

Think, think.

D.W., you don't have to fret
over your wish like this

Because on my birthday...

I wished that you and Arthur
have happiness

and everything you need.

And a grandma's wishes
for her grandchildren

always come true.

So you mean, it's like I'm
already covered wish-wise?



Who else but Grandma would give
up her own birthday wish for us?

Do we have to keep hugging
so much here?


I know exactly
what I'll wish for now.

ARTHUR ( sighs ):

( giggles )

( barks )

( sighs ):
That's the best normal
cake I ever had, Daddy.

So what did you
wish for, D.W.?

It won't come true if I tell.

Will you tell me
after it does come true?

Oh, you'll know.

Look out!

( all sigh )

What-- you didn't think

I would let that big old
mushy cake hit me

in the face, did you?


( gasping )

( laughing )

Boy, that was fast.

What was fast?

Oh, nothing.

( giggling )

Hey, was this
what you wished for?

You're not
to tell

a wish, remember?

( barks )

Even if it does come true.

Hey, Pal, cut it out!

And now...

The idea for Pal came

when we wanted to get a pet
at our house,

and I invented a pet
that Arthur could have.

I start with this oval shape,
and then I give him eyes

and a little triangle
for his nose.

And Pal's a pretty happy dog,
so we'll make him smiling.

And we'll add his ears.

Now we'll give him his collar,
and he's off for an adventure.

( kids laughing )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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