05x10 - Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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05x10 - Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

The w*r in Belojka
raged on today

as rebel troops
seized control...

You're not answering
the question!

I'm trying to answer
the question!

What is the question?

Freddy, Freddy!

How did you feel
when you discovered

Ethel had taken
your husband

stolen all your money and
burned your house down?

( cheering )

Boy! Sometimes it seems

like the whole world is filled
with nothing but fighting.

Arthur, could I?

Not now, D.W.--
I'm busy.

I mean, why is it so hard
for people to get along?

Everyone wants the same things:
a home, enough food, friends...

I just wanted
to ask...

I said, not now!

If only people acted

like they were part
of one big family...


Quit bothering me!
I said I was busy!

Why don't you play
with Pal or something?

Where was I?

Oh, yeah!

If people acted like
they were in one big family

then there'd be peace
in the world!

( growling )

( timer dings )

Honey, you've got
to come quick!

I finally did it!

It's by far, the most amazing,
beautiful, colossal...

delicate, delectable,

Dear, what is it?

Behold the David L.
Read Super Soufflé.

( screaming )

She did it!
He did it!

She did it.

I'm telling you,
he did it.

Everyone into
the living room, now!

All right,
what happened?

D.W. wanted to play,
and I didn't...
I wanted to ask
Arthur a question...

She hit Pal
with his toy...
but Pal started
jumping up and down...

with that
slimy toy...

I tried to
teach her...

I've heard enough!

No TV for
both of you

for two months!

Why am I being punished?

It was her fault!

Was not!

Was, too!

That's it-- three months!

Three months?!
Three months?!

David, maybe that is a bit...

Four months!

Oh, forget it!

Look how upset
you've made Daddy!

Okay, you two, I think you both
need to cool down a little.

Up to your rooms.

Can I still go to
the petting zoo

with the Tibbles

And I have to go the Bionic
Bunny Arcade.

It just opened!

We'll just have to wait and see.

It's not fair!

She does something wrong
and I get punished, too!

I'll probably always
be taking the blame for her!

D.W., where
did you get

all this
"Crazy Bus" stuff?

( knocking )

Open up! It's the police!

( gasp )


What are policemen
doing in your room?

My room?! But this is....

Looks like we caught
the Crazy Bus Crook red-handed.

Book him, Charlie!

Hello, Arthur.

I asked Mom and Dad to come,
too, but they wouldn't.

They were
too ashamed.

You're the one who
should be in here!

I'm innocent,
and you know it!

Oh, blah-blah-blah-blah.

You'll be out in years.

Here, I thought you might
want a little music.

( "Crazy Bus" song playing )


( cackling )

I'd better do something about
this before it's too late!

Why me?

With all the good
brothers in the world

why did I get stuck
with Arthur?!

( pebble strikes window )

We wanted
to make sure

you were still
coming to the
petting zoo.

Probably not.

I'm being

for something
Arthur did!

That's the worst.

I'm always getting blamed
for something Timmy did.

I get blamed more!

No, I do!


the liar!

Look at
those two.

They can't go
two minutes
without fighting.

( sighs )

That's what Arthur
and I will be like, forever!

Admit it!

You broke the soufflé!

No, you did it!

I don't want to spend
all my time fighting.

It's so boring!

I've given it a lot of thought

and I think we should
do the right thing.

Me, too.

Well? Aren't you
going to confess?

Me? But it's your fault!

Is not!

Is, too!

Is, not!

Is, too!

( sigh )

We've got to get
to the bottom of this.

Your father and I have
come to a decision.

Arthur, you can go to the arcade

and D.W., you can go
to the petting zoo....

If, and only if,
we can resolve
this problem.

We want to hear what happened
from both of you.

If you want, you can draw
pictures to help explain it.

And we are not going
to interrupt each other.

Who wants
to go first?


Let's arm-wrestle
to decide!

No way! Your
arm's bigger!

D.W., how
do you think

we should decide
who goes first?

We should
flip a coin.




I was going
to say, "heads"!

Can we flip another coin to see
who gets to say "heads" first?

No, dear.

Arthur, you
go first.

I'll tell you
exactly what happened.

I was in the den,
sitting on the couch...

Liar! You were
in the chair!


your turn
is coming.

Anyway, I was just
minding my own business

doing my homework...

When D.W. came barging in,
wanting to play.

Play with me! Now!

I can't, D.W.

I have to finish my homework.

So she started bothering Pal.

She was throwing
his bacon toy all wrong

so I had to show her
the right way to do it.

Like this....

Then I threw it to her

but she missed it because
she wasn't paying attention.

I got it, I got it!

D.W., wait!

I tried to tell her

to watch out for Dad's soufflé

but I didn't get there in time.

( gasps )

Arthur did it!

And that's just
the way it happened.

So you see, it was
all her fault.

The end.

Boy, I'm surprised
we're not all asleep.

That's usually
what happens

when people listen
to fairy tales!

Okay, D.W., now you can
tell us what happened.

But what if you
believe Arthur's story

because he draws better?

You don't
have to draw it.

The arcade will be closed
by the time she's ready!

Sorry it took
so long.

I had trouble
finding the right
doll for Arthur.

All right, everyone.

Get ready for the real story!

First of all, I didn't
want to play with Arthur.

He always
thinks I'm dying
to play with him

like he's the
most fun brother
in the world.

Um, honey, maybe
we could just
skip to the...

Uh-uh-uh, David.

No interrupting.


I did want

to ask Arthur a question.

Dearest brother,
what is the time?

Quit bothering me!

I'm pretending
to do my homework!

( grunts )

( gasps )

Then Pal picked up
the bacon toy

because he wanted
to play with me.

That doesn't look
a thing like Pal!

And it's a female!


Okay, okay.

Everything was going fine

until Arthur butted in
and threw the toy really hard.

I ran into the kitchen
to get it

because I knew we shouldn't
play near Daddy's sloo-fay...

But then Arthur pushed me
into the table

and that's what made
the sloo-fay fall!

That's what really happened.


You're the liar!

( blowing shrilly )

D.W., did you actually
see the soufflé fall?


But you were both
in the kitchen

when it happened.

I see that neither
of you are wearing shoes.

The kitchen

is pretty
slippery in
just socks.

I was running
kind of fast.

So was I.

It all happened so fast...

I guess I could have slipped
into the table...

It's possible I slid into D.W.

( gasping )

Maybe we both
kind of made
the soufflé fall.

Now, isn't there
something we
can do for Dad?

Pal already
cleaned up
the mess...

Arthur and D.W.:
We're really,
really sorry!

I've got just enough time
to get to the arcade!

I hope the Tibbles
are still home!

( sighing )

( crying )

I don't think I've
ever seen Dad

looking so
down before.

Me, neither.

What can we do?

Did you separate
the egg yolks

from the egg whites?

Yup! Here are the whites.

I put the other part
in the sink.

Those aren't the whites!

Those are the shells!

And what
color are they,
Mr. Know-it-all?

Who put you
in charge

of making the
sloo-fay anyway?

It's soo-flay! Soo-flay!

You can't even
say it right!

( Dad sighing )

What is it now?

Well, we saw how
upset you were

so we decided
not to go out

and make you
another shoo-flay

but then Arthur...

You were trying
to make a soufflé?

Well, let's get to it!

Now, the key
is fresh Gruyere!

Oh, and we'll
need some nutmeg--

that's my little

David, that is the
most beautiful thing

you've ever made!

No, it isn't...

It's the most beautiful thing

we've ever made!

Being a kid

is about the most fun job
I can think of.

Whoa, I feel dizzy!

Me, too!

Isn't it great?



Let's do it again!


( groans )

That wasn't even close, Arthur.

I know,
but it was fun!

Hmm. It does have
a certain appeal.

( both laughing )

( laughing )

I really can't imagine

why anyone would ever be
in a hurry to grow up.

( ding, ding, ding )

Hi, Muffy.

Francine, why do you insist
on embarrassing me like that?

Excuse me?

That lunch box you're carrying--
it's so...


I mean, your mom
packs you

peanut butter and jelly?

Please, Francine!

"Mature Misses" head
for the salad bar.

They do?

Of course they do.

It says so right here.

( door opens, closes )

Oh, honestly, Francine.

PJs with feet are so

But... I like these.

Maybe so.

But "Mature Misses" only wear
pajamas without feet, see?

If you're so mature

then maybe you shouldn't
sleep over.

Maybe you
ought to find

someone else
to hang out with

Oh, really?

Yes, really.

Someone more...
grown-up, perhaps.

What a wonderful idea, Francine.

I think that's exactly
what I'll do.

I'll find a friend

who appreciates
my maturity!


I'm calling Daddy
right now

and telling him to send
the limo to pick me up.

Totally can't wait!

Angi's party will be,
like, the best ever!

Uh, look, I got to go.

I'll call you back.

Oh, Catherine

I overheard
your conversation.

I just want you to know

I think it's so cool
that you get to go to parties

and do other
mature stuff
like that.

Yeah, whatever.

Are you kidding?

It's completely amazing!

I can't wait to be
a teenager!

Really, Muffy, it's not
like it's all fun.

Sometimes it's a total

Like, take tomorrow
for instance:

I only have hours to pick out
an outfit for the party.

Talk about pressure.

Why don't you go

Everyone in Mature Miss is.

You're virtually
guaranteed to be unique.


Yeah. It's totally in.

I'd be happy to help you
pick out an outfit.

I know this
great little
boutique on...

I don't think
that's such a great idea.

Why not?

Because what if someone sees us?

You're in third grade, Muffy.

No offense, but I do have
a reputation to uphold.

You don't understand--

I'm very mature
for my age.

I'm sure you are.

I know!

We can go early
and beat the crowds.

No one will even see us.

I don't think so.

I'm not a morning person.

Oh, come on,
Catherine, please?

It'll be fun.

We can take
my Dad's limo...


( sighing ):
Okay, fine.

Be here at : a.m. sharp.


But understand it's just
the outfit, Muffy.

That's all the
hanging out we do.


This is going to be so great!

I finally get to hang out
with someone who's mature

someone who's actually my speed.


No, no.

Too nautical.

Catherine, no!

Never wear white
after Labor Day.

I just don't think this
is working.

I mean, we've been at it
two hours and... nothing.

I've got it!


Trust me.

It's so out,
it's in!

Oh, it's perfect

just perfect!

I couldn't
agree more!

What do you know?

I actually like it!

Thanks for helping.

I'll have
the coolest outfit
at the party.

Anyway, I'll see
you around.

Wait! I can't let you
go to a party

without getting
your toenails done.

Actually, I'm not really
into the whole pedicure thing.

But check out that
grasshopper green!

I read in Mature Miss

that it'll make any feet look
two sizes smaller.


Because my feet are a size .

When we're done,
you'll be a nine.

I promise!

I've got to say, Muffy

my feet have never
looked smaller.

Well, thanks
for noticing.

What do you say we
go get some lunch?

My treat.

That's so mature
of you.

I told you, Catherine,
I'm very mature for my age.

I'll have the house salad
and an iced tea, please.

Make that two.

Excellent choice, ladies.

I'll be right back.

I need to use the restroom.

At last, someone who
understands the joy of
age-appropriate food.

This is too good to be true.



What are you
doing here?

We're going
roller skating.

What are you doing?

I'm having a salad.

Not that that's any
of your business.


As a matter of fact, no.

I'm not alone.

I'm here with someone
very mature.

Oh, really? Who?

if you must know.


As in my sister Catherine?

That's the one.

But you
two couldn't
possibly have

in common.

in high school.

You're in
third grade!


You're in
way over your head.

You're kidding

if you think she'll
keep hanging out

with someone
your age.

We'll just see!

I guess we will.

Come on, Arthur.

Huh. So jealous--
just like a child.

I wonder where
our salads are?

I need to get going.

Actually, Catherine

I was just about
to give you this.

It's a ring I bought
at the thrift store.

The plastic stone
will go perfectly
with your new outfit.

Thanks, Muffy.

That's so cool of you.

Cool enough to go to the party
with you?

Uh, no, not that cool.

Come on, Catherine,

We can take the limo again.

Muffy, I'm sorry,
but you can't come
to the party.

I'll give you a ride.

You'll impress your friends
and I'll be with you

one last time.


But that's it.

Thanks for
the ride, Muffy.

Wow! Way cool limo.

It's my Dad's.

I'm Muffy, a friend
of Catherine's.

She's a friend
of my sister's.

And she was just leaving.

Hi, Muffy, I'm Angi.

And this is Debi and Tami.

Very cool outfit,

Thanks, I picked
it out myself.

Though I have to give
some credit

to the inspirational folks

at Mature Miss.

I have my very own

to their magazine.

You see, I'm very mature
for my age.

Why don't you
come on in

and join
the party,

We were just about to hear about
Debi's first date with Robert.

It'll be fun.

Sounds great!

And then...
at the end of the date

he totally planted one on me!

It came out of nowhere.

I so couldn't believe it!

You're so

He planted one what on you?


She's talking about
a kiss, Muffy.

A kiss good night.

Ew! That's disgusting!

I'd never let a boy kiss me!

Not in a million years.

You mean... you've never been
kissed by a boy before, Muffy?

Uh... of course I have.

I just meant...
never on the first date.

That's what they teach
in Mature Miss.

Of course that's what you meant.

( girls giggling )

( kissing )

( kissing )

Ew, gross!

Oh. I love this song.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Why don't we all dance?

I learned some great moves
in Mature Miss.

( music playing )

Uh, hello!

Dancing is for little kids,

Teenagers just sit
and listen to the
poetry of the words.

Oh... I mean, right.

Let's not dance.

Let's just sit and listen.

That's what I usually do.

Uh-huh, sure it is.

( girls giggling )

So, who wants a cup of instant
almond-vanilla decaf?

I do!


Mature Miss says
that coffee

stunts your growth.

Don't believe

everything you read

in those silly teen magazines.

Anyway, come on,

Coffee's this way.

Isn't she funny?

She's so "mature."

You couldn't buy
entertainment this good!

Are you okay, Muffy?

( sighs )

Oh, come on,
it's not that bad.

Yes, it is.

Your friends think
I'm a big joke

and I bet you do, too.

No, I don't.

I still think you're cool
for a third-grader.

Well, if I'm so cool, then how
come tonight is such a disaster?

It isn't
a disaster,

Even though you
may be mature
for your age

you're not ready
to hang out with

That's all.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

I mean, coffee?


The "poetry of the words"?

Who am I kidding?

I'm not sure.

But I know someone who wants
to hang out with you.

Someone who's been
moping all week,
missing you.


I'm sure she's so mad at me.

Do you think she'll
forgive me?

I don't know,
but it's worth a try.

You're pretty persuasive
when you want to be.

Thanks, Catherine.

I'm going to call
for a ride home.

Enjoy your coffee.

Hi, Francine.

The salad bar's that way.

Actually, I brought mine today.

Peanut butter
and jelly?

Yep. My mom packed it.

What's this?

An invitation
to my sleep-over
tomorrow night.

I don't know, Muffy.

I don't think I have
the "right" pajamas.

Oh, you can wear
whatever you want

at this party, Francine.

What's going on
with you?

Well, I'm not as mature
as I thought I was.

You were right about
the whole Catherine thing.

It didn't work out.

Anyway, I'm really sorry
if I hurt you, Francine.

Well, it's okay.

I know you want to be
a teenager.

I even think
about it sometimes.

You do?


So would you consider

getting rid of those
awful footie pajamas?

Don't push it,

Just kidding.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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