06x03 - Prunella's Special Edition/The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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06x03 - Prunella's Special Edition/The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm The rhythm of the street

# Open up your eyes Open up your ears

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...


.. , , , .

steps to begin your quest. Now what?


The Raven by Poe, The Seagull by Chekov, The Wild Duck by Ibsen.

All these titles have something in common.

- Aaah! Get off!

Snickety snappety, sugary smore, magic wand, show me the door!

Whoa, that was close.


Oh...must...reach rug.

The book! I found it!

And it's all mine!

But the pages are blank, all blank.



I predict that you will shortly see Prunella's Special Edition.

Three minutes till midnight. I wish they'd open.

I'm so excited about Henry Skreever And The Cabbage Of Mayhem.

Where's Prunella? She's always first in line.

Maybe a truck crashed at her house.

Maybe she's got the book!

Tell me she didn't. I wanted to finish it first this time.

The chances she has an advanced...


What's going on?

OK, Pruny, what's the deal?

- What's the password?
- Let me guess. "Whatever"?

Wrong. I am SO ready. Only one more day.

Only hours and minutes to go.

Hicklety picklety, pocklety pea.

Lakewood School, I transform thee.




Mr Morris, that mangling maple needs trimming again. It's getting wild!

- Prunella, how far did you get in Henry Skreever?
- Page a million?

No. I don't even have a copy yet.

- BOTH: What?
- I've ordered a monogrammed, limited edition

from England.

I don't care, I wanna finish it first.

Fat chance, Francine. Even with your head start,

I'll still beat all of you!

I have three. This one's for reading in the morning, this one's for night.

What's the third one for? In years,

this book will be worth thousands.

I'm gonna sell it on that show Antiques Jackpot.

I also have the Cabbage Of Mayhem watch. Isn't it divine?

'I'm Henry Skreever. I'm on your wrist. We're friends.'

It's a fake. Henry had his braces removed

- by the Oracle Of Orthodenture in Book One.
- Well...

Muffy, maybe you should read Pretty Rainbow, Pretty Colours.

Borrow mine from when I was little.

Crosswires do not BORROW. We lend.

Houncery trouncery, victory splash,

make me the star of a Soupitch match.

Look at that fancy rug work, folks.

The real challenge is to catch that bouillon cube. Prunella's got to have

complete control of her carpet. She's gone wall-to-wall.

Uh-oh! Here comes a beefsteak tomato.


- Are you OK? It looked like you tripped twice.
- Huh?

- Henry Skreever, here I come.

Mom! Mom!

She's not home...

Oooh! All the way from England.


What is this?

"Dear Friend, We hope you will enjoy this monogrammed, Braille edition

"of Henry Skreever And The Cabbage Of Mayhem, all the way from England.

"Sincerely, Neeka and Caldra Books, Speciality Division."

Neeka and Caldra Books, New York office.

- I ordered a monogrammed edition...
- And you got sent a Braille copy?

You're not alone. You'll have your printed copy lickety split.

- Great! How soon?
- In about three weeks.

Hello, hello!

I finished chapter five last night. It was totally marvellicious.

- Now I know why Henry has cucumbers growing out of his nose.
- What?!

Or when he dusts his grandmother's piano

- and a genie named Alfredo comes out.
- Stop! Please!

Hasn't your super-rare, fancy-pants edition come yet?

Muffy, you have three copies. Please can I borrow one? I'll do anything.

Sorry, I need them. If you need something to read,

you can have my copy of Pretty Rainbow, Pretty Colours!


I'm sorry, all copies are out.

Wait, here's something. Coleslaw Recipes Of The Stars. Interested?

(Did you hear what happened to Henry?)

Oh! It's hopeless. Everyone knows what's going on but me.

I'm as lost as Per-se-phone in The Tweezers Of Woe.

- I believe it's pronounced Persefanee.
- Huh?
- Persefanee.

Taken from Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Demeter.

She's also a character in the new Henry Skreever book,

which I'll never read because every copy is out or bought.

There must be some way to get the Cabbage Of...Mohair.

- If you put your mind to it, something will click.
- Click! That's it.

Where can I get a copy

of Henry Skreever And The Cabbage Of Mayhem?

Cabbage Of Mayhem Collectibles? No.

Cabbage of Mayhem Fan Club? No. Let's go bowling with cabbages?!

This is ridiculous!

'You've just received an e-mail.'

"Prunella, I just finished reading chapter . Arthur.

"PS Henry turns himself into a kumquat." A-a-ah!

I thought you were on chapter six.

- I haven't even finished chapter three.
- I gotta go.
- Why?

I'm on chapter four. I want to keep my lead.

I've got no other choice. Boy Scouts Manual,

Braiding Rope... Here it is! How To Read Braille.


Prunella! I heard you were learning Braille. How's it going?

- I can recognise the letter...X.
- I know a little Braille. I could help.

- Really?
- Sure, but not now. I only have two more chapters to go.

I could use it as a paperweight.

- Oh!
- Oh! In bowling, that's called a strike!

- My name's Marina.
- I'm Prunella.

Is this mine?

Whoa! This is the new Henry Skreever.

- You read Braille?
- Yes. Don't you?

Oh! No. I'm not, um...

Blind? It's all right to say it.

How did you get a Braille copy

of the Cabbage Of Mayhem? I've been trying for weeks.

- You haven't read it yet, either?
- No.

Oh, gosh, this is really cool!

Prunella? I know we just met,

- but since Braille's not your thing, can I borrow it?
- Have it.

I can't keep it. Your name's on it.

- It is?
- Here, give me your hand.

It says, "This Book Belongs To Prunella."

If you wanted, I could read it to you.

I kinda wanted to read it myself. I do all the voices out loud.

- You can still borrow it.
- Great! I'll give you it back next Saturday.

Oh, so soon, too! Henry Skreever, you don't waste a second!

Wait! What happened? Tell me!

OK. "Henry awoke to the sound of a creaking, croaking voice.

"His enchanted dresser was talking

"and it had a strange tale to tell."

That was the longest book I've ever read - pages.

Actually, it's if you count the dedication.

- It was so good I started it again.
- It's a whole year till the next one!

Look, she hasn't said a word about the book all week.

You don't think she's already got the sixth Henry Skreever book?

"Chapter . Henry And The Kumquat."

Hey, Marina, you do Persephone's voice perfectly.

Without you, I'd still be saying Per-se-phone!

Veronica, what are you doing in Daddy's clothes?

Daddy went to the Food Co-op and he left me in charge.

You babies look a little hungry. I better feed you your favourite food.

Mashed lima beans.

Lima beans!

Yuk! We gotta get out of here before Veronica comes back.

Why, Bucky? I like Lima beans - they make me smelly!

We can climb up the pyramid.

Why not just use the door?

I can't believe this show. It's so unrealistic.

If it were that easy to escape - I'd be in Paris! Where are the parents?

I like the one with red hair!

Now, Vidiboobies, there was a show with substance.

- I wish DW still liked it.
- Maybe she does.

'..Like this insubstantial pageant fade-in, leave not a rack behind.

'We are such stuff as dreams are made of and our little life

'is rounded with a sleep. Stinky Pinky, I am vexed.

'Hallo, Dabby Dabby...'

Come on, DW! Not this show.

What? I didn't change it. You probably did. It's like Love Ducks.

The clicker was right next to you.

- Admit it, you're a baby show...
- They're at it again.

- Blah, blah...
- Blah, blah...

Sometimes I'm very happy I don't understand a word they say.

'The Secret Life Of Dogs And Babies.'


You see, Pal, the baby in the sun represents our unity with nature.


Ah! If it isn't the walking trash can.

Does Arthur never give you a bath

- or did you roll in something dead?
- You wanna piece of me, Nemo?

Let's go, right here, right now.

- Heel, boy, heel.
- You should take that dog to a shrink! He's wacko.

Did he scare you, little Nemochka?

You're lucky your master's here to protect you.

Cat's don't have masters.

Just good friends.

The bride and groom is gone!

And Ed Crosswire's niece's wedding is in an hour.

Check your pockets.

- Something's wrong with Daddy.
- Fleas?
- No, he's looking for something.

Something that goes on top of that.

- Can't you just buy a new bride and groom?
- No, Ed wants it to look like

his niece and her fiance.

I stayed up all night sculpting them out of marzipan.


- That looks like the people in the picture.
- No, they don't.

They're flatter... and they smell different.

I bet it's what Daddy's looking for. I'm sure of it.

If I don't find it, I'll never get a Crosswire gig again.

That's half my business. I'll help you find it.

DW, come here and clean up your toys.

The den! I haven't checked there.

What? Mother! Now is not the time for a nap. I must help Father!

Daddy daddy, doody, Katie-waitie.

Bye, dearest Kate. It's only an hour but it'll feel like seven to me!

- Pal! You have to get that statue and give it to Daddy.
- Why?

I don't know why. I just know it's very important. Promise me, Pal.

I promise, Kate.

Almond paste. I don't see what the big deal is.

I could understand if it was made of, say, bacon!

But a promise is a promise.

It's not fair! All I do is work in this house. ]

Some of these things aren't even mine.

Hey! Arthur, your crazy dog is trying to eat my toys.

He's hungry because he hasn't had breakfast yet.

I wonder what could be so important about that statue.

It must do something.

When all the grown-ups are babies again,

the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and there will be peace on earth.

That dog eats five breakfasts a day. What do I get? Chores!

Oh, no! The statue!

This pen is too high to climb and there's no plastic yellow key!

I could try crying. It works for everything else...

Wah, w-a-a-a-a-ah!

What is it, Kate? Are you hungry? Tired? You wanna see my toys?

Larry the Lemon? I don't want Larry the Lemon.

Chicken Feast.

Oh, Chicken Feast. No, must...be...strong.

Kabu lobby dobby.

Pal! Blabby, blooby boo.



# Heaven, I'm in heaven

# And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

# And I seem to find the happiness I seek

# When I have that bacon in between my cheeks. #

Pal! Help! Help!

No, it's too delicate to play with.

Pal, I've got the statue. But I can't hold on much longer.

- Give me a hand.
- But I don't have one.

Just do something.


- Nice catch.
- Oh, that was nothing.

I was second in the Elwood City fetching competition.

It was in the Lapdog category...

Pal! Bloopy bloop blah!

- Wow, wow!
- Not now, Pal.

That's what you get for being Man's Best Friend.

No, Pal. You DIDN'T?

- BOTH: Didn't what?
- Eat the bride and groom!

I'm doomed. You'll just have to tell Ed.

I'll come with you. Bloo blah. Bad doggy, Pal.

Come on, boy. Let's go for another walk. It might be our last.

- Did you give the statue to daddy?
- I tried. I waited for seconds!

- Grown-ups are slow, Pal.
- OK, I'll try again.


I heard "Muffy" a couple of times, we might be going to her place.


Almost there.

Well, well, well. What have we here?

Poor, Pal. All dressed up and no place to go.

Nemo, help me. I'll do anything.

Hmm, let's see. You could be my scratching post for a week.

No, I'd probably catch your mange.

- Quickly, Nemo.
- Hah! I've got it.


You're a cruel beast.

Oh! That's rich. I love it!

- How do I get to Muffy's place?
- Make a left at the bakery smell,

then straight till you smell money!

You see, Ed, at the last minute I thought we'd try something more...


Pal, I knew you'd make it.

Just throw that little statue up here.

I've only got one shot! This has to be perfect.

Who wants people on a cake when you can have flowers?

We know it isn't what you expected...

No, it isn't.

It's much better!

I'm so glad you're mum decided to stay. This gristle is divine.

Kate, you haven't touched your formula. What's wrong?

Oh, it's nothing.

I just thought that when we put the statue into the tower,

everyone would turn into babies.

They may not look like babies but they ARE behaving like babies.

Playing with toys, acting silly...

Even sharing food!

Kinda tastes like chicken!

You're right! They are different.

I don't know how they'd survive without us

# And I say, hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# And I say hey, HEY What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day HEY! #
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