06x09 - The Good Sport/Crushed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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06x09 - The Good Sport/Crushed

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

- Hey! DW!
- HEY!

Whoooaa! OH!

Do you ever wonder if any of your friends will be famous?

- OW!
- Hey, isn't that...?

I'm talking! And if they do - will they remember you?

The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to...Alan Powers.


Remember me? Binky Barnes! This guy is GOOD!

I could never do that... PH-H-H-UT! ..until he showed me!

Oh, yeah... PH-H-H-UT! ..we go way back!

- He's down there!
- Ahh!

- What's this?
- They only give Olympic athletes ten free tickets.

- So I have to choose who to invite.
- What?
- The Winter Games.

You have to write an essay on "Why I want to see Francine win".

The only friend I KNOW will be famous is Francine.

- She's already a legend in her own mind!
- I think that's...

Are you in the toothpaste commercial? # It's not just for brushing... #

No, sorry. I'm a figure skater!

It figures! I NEVER meet anybody famous!


- What is it?
- They're naming the Athlete Of The Year,

who'll attend a banquet honouring Michelle Kwan,

- world skating champion and graduate of Lakewood Elementary!
- This dump?

- Athlete Of The Year - that's gotta be me!
- Of course!

You MUST get me her picture - autographed to "my dearest friend."

Athlete Of The Year...

And there you have our very own Michelle Kwan!

You haven't been back in years. What do you plan to do?

I want to say thanks to all my fans,

but I REALLY want a skating lesson from the Athlete Of The Year.

You're in luck. Introducing Francine Frensky!

- Got any tips for Michelle?
- The first rule in hockey is - no dresses!

Figure skating is pretty, but hockey is serious. Hockey is a SPORT.

Thank you!

Now you try.

Don't feel bad. You've got to keep your hand low...



We're here for a very special purpose. Nine years ago,

- Michelle Kwan graduated from this school.
- Michelle RULES!

We have created The Michelle Kwan Athlete Of The Year Award,

to be given each year to an athlete.

- Way to go!
- Say hi, OK?

Miss Kwan is a world champion skater. We...OH!

Without further ado, the Athlete Of The Year is...

- Miss Jenna Morgan!
- Woo-hoo!

- It's not you!
- Huh?

- I can't believe it!
- But Francine...
- No WAY!

Um, thank you. Thank you very much.


- How COULD you?
- Making choices is never easy.

I'm the captain of the softball team, the hockey team,

the basketball team AND... I can sit on Binky's head!

- I should have won!
- You ARE a great athlete,

- but Jenna excels at some sports you don't.
- Like what?

She's a very good skier.

- She's co-captain of the badminton team.
- That's for wusses!

Jenna also takes time to help others.

She coaches soccer and bandages the wheelchair basketball team.

- We decided that she was the...
- Best representative of athletic ideals!

Can you believe it? Everyone knows I'm the best!

That's why I'm starting this petition. "We, the undersigned,"

"think badminton isn't a sport!"

"The Athlete Of The Year should rot at badminton."

"Like Francine Frensky."

I mean...nobody ever lost their teeth playing...BADMINTON!

Don't worry. Leave it to me!

- Won't this hurt Jenna's feelings?
- What about Francine? ..Here!

- Please sign this.
- Maybe she'll win next year.

How rude! Go ahead, Arthur!

I'll stay until I have , signatures!

Even if it takes another hour!

Hi, Daddy! No... I only have one signature. Mine!

I'm sorry, Francine. I failed you! I failed Michelle.

Never mind! I decided to be a good sport. You know me...

WHY do I have to be a good sport?

That's what you do when you lose. You accept it.

- Plus, it'll make me proud of you.
- Grrr!

- I know you'll do the right thing.
- OK, but it's stupid!

Hey! Maybe we can have a Michelle Kwan Good Sport Of The Year award!

- Mr Ratburn!
- Yes?
- In the spirit of good sportshood,

I think we should applaud Jenna for winning that thing!

- What a nice idea!
- Tell Michelle I said hi, OK?

If you'll all get out your history books... Miss Frensky?

- It's the Grape Wall of China. Geddit? The GRAPE Wall?
- Ha-ha!

We should have a party for Jenna.

- Huh?
- A party.

P-A-R-T-Y. Geddit?

You're being a good sport.

Yes. And that means throwing a party for the winner. Right?

- RIGHT?!?
- ALL: Right!
- OK.

We need someone to buy balloons, bring bagels and to...

- ..Eat bagels! I could eat them all day!
- Ha-ha-ha!


This party needs a song! # For she's a jolly good fellow

# For she's a jolly good fellow... #

Speech! Speech!

Uh, gee... Wow, thanks. I kinda feel...

This honour is the biggest award a person could get...

or NOT get! People are asking me:

"How come YOU didn't get it? You're the captain of EVERYTHING!"

But I say Jenna does some sports stuff, too.

She's pretty good at... What's it called? Yeah, BADMINTON.

- A lot of other...
- Thank you, Francine! I think we've had enough.

- I'm not finished.
- Oh, I think you are! Page , everybody.

That party stank! There wasn't enough stuff!

We need a parade, or a band or a really big balloon!

I'm not sure Jenna likes all this attention.

She better LEARN to like it! She's Athlete Of The Year! C'mon, Muffy.

- Is it me, or is Francine getting nicer?
- It's you.

Oh, no!


Stop giving me all these stupid parties!

I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!

You can hurt MY feelings all you want!

But when it comes to Francine...

Muffy, please... You should be grateful!

- Francine deserved the award! - I KNOW that! Everyone thinks that!

Does she HAVE to rub it in?

- I'm sorry, I...
- I certainly told HER!

- Oh, stuff it, Muffy!
- Well...!

Now, the moment you've been waiting for - please welcome Michelle Kwan!


- Thank you so much!

It's wonderful to be home in Elwood City.

I'm really grateful to this place for giving me a place to skate,

- and for believing that girls could be great athletes.
- Right!

- I could skate rings round you, any day!
- I'm delighted to present

the Athlete Of The Year award to Jenna Morgan!

What does SHE know? Figure skating? Right! Tra-la-la...!

I've had just about enough, Francine Frensky!

- Ah! What's going on? Where am I?
- Lace 'em up!

Ooh! Wa-a-a-ah! Ow!

You're not giving up already, are you?

- No, I just can't get my legs up in the air like that!
- Try it again!

A triple Salchow, followed by a double axel.

See? It's easy!

- And...jump!
- Ooh!

- STOP! It's too hard!
- What did you say?
- Ah!

I said figure skating isn't as wimpy as it looks! OK?

And stop skating rings around me!

Don't worry, in five years you could be really good. Let's try again.

Now THAT was weird!

Huh? "To Francine Frensky - the best hockey player at Lakewood School."

"Love, Michelle Kwan."

- Is this from you?
- Uh-huh. I told Michelle all about you.

- How you're a great athlete.
- I forgot to say congratulations.

I may be a good athlete, but you're a great sport.

- But I still think badminton's wussy.
- That's OK, I think hockey's dumb.


- I saw you on TV!
- So, Michelle...
- Did you tell her I said hi?

Your speech was great! Weren't you nervous?

# There are things that make me blue

# Like an old forgotten shoe Or a candy bar that I've never tried

# History tests are crummy

# Soggy toast ain't yummy

# And the weatherman on the radio He just lies

# Or you're playing with your poodle And he bites you on your noodle

# You hit your head on the bed That's gotta smart

# Nothing feels so bad Can make you so darn sad

# As when a baby-sitter sits Upon your heart

# Upon your heart - Oh yeah

- # Upon you he-e-eart! #
- STOP! Cut! No more!

- You were going to TELL them?
- Yeah, it makes a good song.

- Uh, due to...technical difficulties, there'll be no show.
- Don't listen.

He's just embarrassed. Roll the tape, Greg!

- It's a good story, Arthur.
- Aaaaah!


Come on! I don't need a baby-sitter!

- I'm eight! I've BEEN a baby-sitter!
- Sorry, that's how it is!

Is it going to be Mrs Grouse? She makes us dance!

I like Mrs Grouse. She smells nice.

- And the jitterbug is good for your arthur-itis, Arthur!
- I don't have it.

Mrs Grouse couldn't make it. You'll have someone new - Sally McGill.

Aw! Sally McGill. She sounds mean!

Your parents said they wanted to come home to a CLEAN HOUSE!

And hurry up! It's . pm - almost time for bed!

Aw! Don't stay out too late, OK?

- Kids! ]

- Come downstairs. The baby-sitter's here!
- Aw!

- Hi, Arthur!
- Hey!

You look too young! Can I see some ID?

Sally's , DW. That's years older than you! Do what she says.

Our contact information is in the kitchen, and dinner's in the oven.

First, let's get some business out of the way.

No TV until after homework, no staying up late,

brush, floss - I know the drill. Call me when dinner's ready.

I was going to ask if he preferred Chunky Skunk or Choco Chip.

Arthur doesn't like ice-cream. You can give his portion to me.

And my bedtime is pm!

The cows are coming! What shall we do, DW?

- Use the shield or the magic ankhs?
- I like it when the bunny jumps.

Hey! That's Darkbunny - Curse Of The Moomie!

Is it OK if I play your video games?


- You're really good!
- My high score is , .

, ? Uh, that's almost as high as my high score!

- We could use your help - we're on level .
- Take mine! This is boring!

The cows don't even sing.

- I've never gotten this far!
- This is where the high priestess,

Nocowariti, lives. The mummy of all Moomies.

- We're home!
- Aw! Already?

It was a short opera.

Don't you want to go out for dessert? We were at level !

We can save the game and pick it up later.

- Thanks, Sally. I hope they weren't too much trouble.
- None at all.

Call me any time. Later, Bovinator!

Did you and Sally have fun?

- Arthur?
- Huh? ..Oh, yeah.

She's OK.

Dad! Wagner's Ring cycle is coming to town.

It's a nine-hour opera. I thought you and mom might be interested.

There's a meeting on speed bumps tomorrow. You might want to go.

Clogging lesson, half-price dinner and a lecture on the Maya.

Did you know their temples are calendars?

Do you want rid of us?

No! I just thought you should get out more.

- I have been wanting to try Trattoria Verdi.
- All right!

I mean...you deserve it!

Only nine more minutes!


BOTH: Nocowariti!

The mummy of all Moomies!


Sally! I finished my homework so that we...AH!

That's it! Way to swing, DW!

Come on, Arthur! Put some hip into it!

La-la-la! Oh, no! A flying sheep zombie -

escaped from the tombs of Cowkunatin!

Don't worry, Sally! I, Bionic Bunny, will save you!

- Ah! Its wool is so coarse, my hands are bleeding!

- I'm outta here!
- Oh, no!

It's going to lick me with its rough tongue! HELP!

SPLAT! Baaaaa!

- Woolly lamb burger, Sally?
- Arthur! You're my HERO!

- Hey, cool drawing!
- Ah!
- Who's the girl?
- What girl?

- The girl you're saving.
- Oh, THAT girl!

Uh, I dunno. Don't you have some reading to do?


Are we having dragon?

The caterer at the Medieval Society has flu, so I'm filling in.

Luckily we found some help.

Sally and a friend are coming over. I hope that's OK.

You're quite an artist! OK, Arthur. Your turn to choose an activity.

- Darkbunny , Level !
- What a surprise!


- That must be my friend.
- What friend?

Arthur, DW - meet Corey, my boyfriend.

Hey, dude!

ID, please. You have to be to baby-sit us.

Hey, Arthur? I thought we were gonna play.

Um...maybe some other time. I've got some homework to finish.

- Hi, honey. Everything go OK, tonight?
- Yeah, great.

Mom? Are you and Dad going out again soon?

- No, not that I know of.
- Good.

La-la-la! La-la-la!

- Oh, no! Another big, flying sheep zombie! Arthur! HELP!

Get Corey to help you! He's your BOYFRIEND!

- I'm just a floppy-haired teenager! I can barely see.
- BAA!

Good sheep!

- Hey, is that the same girl?
- Yeah... I mean NO!

- Don't you have some reading?
- We're in the Sugar Bowl!

- Right.
- Arthur, you've been acting weird. What's wrong?

You have to promise not to tell ANYONE! I mean it!

- OK.
- I have this baby-sitter and, well, I really like her.

It all started when we were playing Curse of the Moomie...

- I understand.
- You do?
- Yeah!

- You were crushed! She walked all over you, right?
- Well, I guess...

- You're not ready. You should keep away from her.
- Yes?

Yes! I've got an idea. Why don't you stay at my place on Friday?

OK. Thanks! I feel better already!

Our night's going to be better than we thought!

Mom went out, so we have a baby-sitter.

- Do you guys want pepperoni pizza?
- Ah!

Your parents recommended her. She plays video games!

- Arthur's the pro!
- Uh... Excuse me! I have to unroll my sleeping bag.

(Thanks a lot, PAL!)

What did I say?

Still unrolling that sleeping bag?

I got kinda distracted. Thanks.

I was telling Buster how much fun we had. I wish Corey liked video games!

- You don't play with him?
- No, he never makes it past level .

- Luckily I've found someone equally matched to play with.
- You did? Who?

Oh, a new friend named Arthur Read.

Buster has Curse of the Moomie. Wanna find out tough Nocowariti is?

- ALL: Awww!
- Oh, well. Time for bed, you guys!

Wow! Level is a k*ller.

I told you - she crushes you! That's why she's the Mummy of all Mooomies!

You were talking about Nocowariti in the Sugar Bowl?

- Yeah. Who did you think I meant?
- Ha-ha! I thought...forget it!

- No, tell me! Who?
- No-one!

- I can keep a secret!
- Forget it, Buster!

# And I say, hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day HEY! #
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