02x09 - Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x09 - Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

The rules are the same as
in the preliminaries.

The match goes on until one of you
dies or admits defeat.

When it's determined that
there's a winner,

the match can be stopped.

But that's my decision.

Bushy Brow's Jutsu. Sasuke Style!

Hey Guy! You too, Lee...

Is your body all right?


Kakashi Sensei!

Oh! Sorry, sorry.

You must've been worried.
Sorry for not contacting you at all...

Oh no, Sakura's gonna get really mad...

I don't really mind that.

It's hard to see from here...


Kakashi Sensei...


You know about the mark
on Sasuke's neck, don't you?

Is that...?

No need to worry.

A mark?

So, that's that.










Eight of them...

There are eight members of
Anbu Black Ops in this spacious arena...

Two platoons are too few...

What's Lord Hokage thinking?

Well... without knowing how or when
the opponent would make their move...

It can't be helped that the Anbu
are dispersed and deployed

in important areas in the village.


It's about to begin.

We shouldn't let our guard down,
but for now...

We need to pay attention...
to this match.

Kakashi, I'll be carefully checking out
what sort of training you gave him...

as your eternal rival!

Huh? Did you say something

No! You're slick, Kakashi!

Why are you always so avant garde?!

Both of you, to the middle!


So this is the sand
Kakashi told me about...

Please don't get so mad...


What's he talking about...?

Earlier... Earlier I had you suck
awful tasting blood.

I'm sorry.

But this time it'll likely...

taste good.

His conversation's started.
This is dangerous.

This is the first time I've seen Gaara
get like that before fighting.

So it must mean his opponent
is that imposing...


It appears he's calmed down.

Come on.


Do you remember...
what he said yesterday?

At that time...

I will k*ll...you all without fail.

Just wait.

That's what he said...

But he didn't do it.

It was the perfect opportunity, but...

he didn't even see us.

Now, let me feel it!


unsatisfactory for him.

Right now, the only one who
can make him feel anything...

...is only Sasuke!

I live fighting for only myself
and loving myself...

And if I see that all other people
in this world

exist only to make me realize that,

there could be no world more wonderful.


Here we go

The Sand Shield became
a Sand Clone!

He's fast! This guy...
is just like that guy...

He's fast! It's nearly the same
as Lee's ordinary speed.


It's overlapping with the image...

of my Taijutsu!

Is that the Sand Armor?

Come on!

Thank you, Anbu man.

So apparently, Hinata will be
all right for now if she rests.

Oh, is that right?

Huh? You know this person?
What're you taking about?

This person is an Anbu...

Not that, but at the examination...?
What do you mean?

Well, this is what it means...

Come on!

If you're not gonna come at me,
I'll go at you!

He's fast!

What's the matter? Is that it?


That armor... I'll tear it off.

His speed is basically the same
as Lee's with the weights removed.

It's... It's exactly like
Lee's Taijutsu.

His speed is also completely
different from before!

Sasuke... You are indeed
a genius beyond imagination.

How many years did it take me
to attain that speed...?

And you attained it in a mere month...!

However, it seems to consume
a lot of stamina

to continue that movement.

What's Gaara planning to do?

The sand armor uses up too
much Chakra...

It can't last for very long.

What the heck sort of training
did you do?!


To get to that level in a mere month...

Sasuke had copied Lee's Taijutsu
with Sharingan.

So during the Taijutsu training...

I had Sasuke image Lee's movements.

Sasuke could make
that movement his own

only because he knew Lee.

Of course, Sasuke had to
work very hard for it.

But...with only that...

With only Taijutsu...
that Sand guy can't be taken down!

That Kakashi...

He must have seen the battle

between the hateful Gaara
and the lovable Lee.

Taijutsu that was taught suddenly

can't work against an opponent
that even Lee couldn't take down.

He should have known this only too well.

So if that's the case...

Why is it that he had Sasuke
master only Taijutsu?!

Why did I keep living?

But as long as you're alive,
you need a reason...

If you don't have one,
it's just the same as being dead.

What's this guy saying?!

So this is the answer I came to...

I am living in order to k*ll
human beings other than myself.

After living in the fear of never knowing
when I might be m*rder*d,

finally, I became calm.



We need to go over to where
Kakashi Sensei is right now!

What're you planning to do?


I'm going to...

stop this match!

Gaara couldn't possibly be planning
to use that Jutsu!

So he used all the sand for protection...

I didn't think there could be this
much of a difference in the hardness

with a difference in the density
of the sand.

So it's absolute protection.

The sand...
It's covered his entire body.

This is somewhat troublesome.

Now, how will Sasuke proceed?!

Kakashi Sensei!


Huh? What do you want?

Please stop this match right away!

That guy is totally different from us!

He's not normal!

What're you saying?

He lives to k*ll people.

In any case...

If this continues, Sasuke will die!

Jin, Saru,

Ne, Saru, Tori, Tatsuu, Ne, Saru...

There's no mistake about it.
It's that Jutsu!

This isn't good!
Our plan isn't even on Gaara's mind.


Kakashi Sensei!

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Yes, breathe in the air
Lift your face to the sky and jump

If it rains, take a break
Go where the wind takes you

So many regrets
Don't let this scar be for naught

Let's go carve the badges in our chest
Yes, it's Show Time, life begins now.

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Transform sadness into the wind
and continue to forge on

Forge on strong

Sasuke, when I fought you once, I said

Even if one understands visually,

it's meaningless unless one
can move physically.

I was filled with
a sense of superiority.

But now, you have a body that moves
at the same high speed as mine.

Moreover, you have...Sharingan!

I am really envious of you, Sasuke!
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