02x34 - Inheritance! The Necklace of Death!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x34 - Inheritance! The Necklace of Death!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

I never thought he'd attempt to use
the Fourth Hokage's Jutsu.

But it's still just this level...

It's completely different
from the original one.

That Tsunade...
Incredibly strong as always.

I remember a long time ago,

getting punched by her and
knocked back nearly 100 meters...

At any rate, Naruto's hopeless.

Are you okay?

Jiraiya, was it you...

who taught him that Rasengan,
the Spiral Chakura Sphere?


I'm his teacher, after all.

Humph... You and the Fourth Hokage are
the only ones who can use that Jutsu.

Are you in your right mind...

showing someone Jutsu
that he can't master?

Don't give him false hope.

That's why the moony kid starts joking
about becoming a Hokage!

It's no joke! Stupid! Stupid!

If I have three days,
I'll master this Jutsu!

You said it, kid.

Men don't go back on their word!

Hah! I stand by my words.

That's my Ninja Way.

Then... how about a wager?

A wager...?

I'll give you one week.

If you can master that Jutsu,

I'll acknowledge that you have
what it takes to become the Hokage

and give you this necklace.

Lady Tsunade! That's the precious...!

I don't need such a sorry necklace!

Don't say such things, Naruto...

That's the only one of its kind in this world.

And you could buy three mountains
if you were to sell it.

It belonged to the First Hokage.


Well, that'll be fine!

He'll do anything for money...?


However, you lose if you can't master
the Jutsu in one week!

And you'll give me all the money
you have on you.

Oh! Gama chan!

When did she...?!

Lady Tsunade! Why?

That necklace is...

He won't be able to do it, anyway...

Let's go, Shizune.

She never once used
that necklace for a bet...

You don't have to answer right now.

However, I want it in a week.

The Necklace of Death!

Huh? Who is it this late at night?

Okay, okay. I'm coming.

I'm sorry to bother you so late, Naruto.
I need to talk to you...

As for me, I'm going to get
a good night's rest and train tomorrow!

I'm sorry. But I didn't want you
to misunderstand Lady Tsunade...

As well as the necklace...

Humph! I could care less
about an old lady like that!

Lady Tsunade is not the type
of person you think she is!

Don't speak of her like that
when you don't even know her!

I-I'm sorry... for raising my voice.

She didn't used to be like that.

She was a kind person
who loved the village.

But, she changed...

After that day...

That day?

What's that day?

The day she lost her dreams,
her love, her hopes... Everything.

All that was left was
that necklace of memories...

It's as precious as life to Lady Tsunade.

It's really not something
to be offered in a bet.

I don't care about that!
She bet it on her own, right?!

Besides... that necklace is really
not something for you to wear.

It's not just a necklace!

It doesn't acknowledge anyone
other than Lady Tsunade.

If someone else wears it,
that person inevitably...


Nawaki, happy twelfth birthday!

I'm not a kid anymore,
so I don't need gifts on my birthday!

What're you saying?
You're still a kid, aren't you?!

But never mind that.
Hurry up and open your present!

You'll definitely be pleased!

Big Sister, could this be?

Yes... It's the First Hokage's,
our grandfather's necklace!

I love you, Big Sister!

I thought it'd be better than me having it.

You've been wanting it all along, right?
Take good care of it.

Not just this necklace!

This village is grandfather's treasure!
I'm going to protect it!


I'm the grandson of the Hokage who
built the Village Hidden in Leaves, so...!

You said it.
Men don't go back on their word!


Someday, I'll become just like Grandfather.
And the Hokage name will be mine!

Becoming the Hokage is my dream!

Take off your headband, Nawaki.

Just hurry up and take it off.
I have another present for you.

It's a charm to make
your dream come true.

It's best if you don't look
at the remains.

There's nothing wrong with that,
is there?

Even if she were to look,

she wouldn't be able to determine
that it's her little brother.

Enough, Orochimaru!

We are at w*r, now.
All Shinobi end up like this.

There are no doctors on
the b*ttlefield, so...

However, children really get
much too excited, don't they?

Especially on the day after
they receive a present.

Not just this necklace...

This village is grandfather's treasure!
I'm going to protect it!

First, in a mission where
a Four Man Cell must act alone

for a long period of time
in enemy territory,

by deploying one of the four
to be a medical specialist,

the survival rate as well as
the mission success rate

should go up significantly.

Therefore, establishing a framework

to foster Ninja possessing
advanced medical skills

and the development of
a medical institution

should be considered
an urgent task for the present!

Yes indeed, it's as you say.

But we're in the middle of a w*r now.

It takes too much time to
establish a medical framework.

And at present,
we don't have enough knowledge...

Enemies don't wait.

What did you say?! Hey, old man!

Then we'll never...

I agree with her.

I don't want the lives of the Shinobi
who died to be for naught.

There should be something
we can learn from that.

Excuse me!

Thanks for earlier.

What you said was right.


It's late.
Shall I walk you home?

What? Is that okay with you?
Where's your home?

The other way.

Then don't bother.

I don't mind.
I also want to talk with you.

And I would always use this path
to the Academy to pick up my little sister.

I loved this path.

What? You loved?

Yeah. In the battle when the Leaf
was att*cked at night one year ago,

my little sister was...

This man...is the same as me.

Tomorrow's mission will be
within enemy lines...

Fighting and losing cherished people
is not the only way for a Shinobi.

Uh huh.

I'm living in a world of Shinobi
where death always hovers.

I want to risk my life to bring
this w*r torn world under control.

I love this village and my comrades.

So I want to protect them.

Since my little sister died,
that sole thought has sustained me.

So I'll become the Hokage...

An existence that protects everyone...

Becoming the Hokage is my dream.


I'd like you... to take this.

Hang on, Dan!

Tsunade... I don't want... to die yet.

I have many things that I must... do.

Don't talk, Dan!

His kidney has been blown out...

It's futile even for Tsunade
who is known as one of the Sannin...

I... must not... die here.

It'll be okay. I stopped the bleeding.

So it'll be okay... You'll be saved, Dan!


Thank goodness...

Dan! Hang on!


Dang it! Don't come out...

Stop... Please stop!

Stop... Stop...

Stop... Stop...

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop, I say!

That's enough. He's dead!

You understand, don't you, Naruto...?

Ever since that day,

Lady Tsunade has been...
in a constant turmoil.


I'm heading out... for training!

Oh, you are already at it, I see!

Hi, welcome!

Why are you here?

You're cold. Don't say that.

Master Jiraiya...

Shizune, could you leave us?

It's been a while.
I want to drink with her again.

Master, sake! And some radish!

Coming up!

I'm counting on you, Master Jiraiya.

Your radish is ready.

Ooh. This looks good.

At any rate, to think you'd still be taking
good care of that necklace...

I thought you'd have lost it
long since to gambling.

It's a memento of those two, right?

Is he on your mind...?



Not particularly...

Still, it's immature,
taking on that kid as an opponent...

He shouldn't be able to master
that Jutsu in a week, right?

That's not what's called a bet.

What's with the fit of despair?

It's not a fit of despair!

Are you going to meet
Orochimaru again?

I can tell by looking at Shizune's face.

I don't know what kind of deal
he proposed,

but don't rush to a decision.

And... let me just tell you one thing.

The successive line of Hokages
have protected

the Leaf Village and those living in it.

They brought troubled times under control
and helped the village to prosper.

They risked their lives
for this dream, this ideal!

You're not someone who can't understand
the feelings of the previous Hokages.

Just try doing something
to betray the Leaf Village

When that happens, I'll k*ll you myself!

It has nothing to do with me now!

A person who has experienced
the death of people close to them

and doesn't feel anything
is just a butcher.

You're different, aren't you?

No one cared for the welfare
of the villagers more than you.

At that time, too...

That's enough with the lecture!

Why... did you bring that kid?

Becoming the Hokage is my dream.

He resembles him, doesn't he?

His age is about the same, too...

Not just that...

Becoming the Hokage is my dream!

Geez, you do nothing,
but reckless things.

Do you want to die?

You're still a Genin,
so on the b*ttlefield just run away.

Don't tell a man to "run away!"

That dream... And his cockiness as well...

No good! Dang it! Dang it!
Tomorrow, for sure!

My head hurts.

I totally got sick from drinking,
thanks to her...

It seems Naruto never came home
last night...

He's such a fool.

Why don't we make a deal?

I'll resurrect the little brother
and man, both of whom you loved...

with the Forbidden Jutsu I've developed.

Don't you want to see those two,

If I treat your arms...

What do you intend to do with them?

This time, I will completely
destroy Leaf Village!

No! You must not believe
in their sweet talk...

Their wishes...

Moreover, Tsunade, your wishes...
And dreams... Did you forget them?!

I'll be straight with you.

Tsunade, the village has demanded
that you become the Fifth Hokage.

I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

Darn it! What am I doing

I fell asleep at such
an important time!

Moreover, today is the day
of the bet!

Meanwhile, I don't even know where
that old lady Tsunade has gone to!

My training is not completed yet...

I've got to play it by ear
and rely on a one shot deal!
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