02x36 - Breakdown! The Deal is Off!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x36 - Breakdown! The Deal is Off!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

How is that your answer...
Princess Tsunade?

To think you'd try to k*ll me...

At any rate,
I have a sincere trust in you, Kabuto.

A trust for your loyalty and your eyes
that spotted Tsunade's attack.

Yes. We're both from
the same medical corps so...

Her Chakra was overflowing
with violent intent.

Tsunade... I was really planning
on resurrecting those two people.

And here I went so far as to promise
not to smash the Leaf Village...


I know that your promise of
"not touching the village" was a lie...

Even though I knew that... I...

Just one more time
would've been fine...

Just one more time,
I wanted to see them...

Just one more time...
I wanted to touch them...

Just one more time...
To see those smiling faces...


the moment I felt that
rush in my bones...

that I'd be able to see Nawaki
and Dan shortly...

I realized that I'm a hopeless fool!

Just by remembering those faces...

I become this blinded.

Big sister!


I loved them...
I truly loved them!

So, I wanted to see them
and hug them in my arms!

But... I couldn't...

I won't lose the bet,
no matter what!

Because of that kid...
I remembered the dreams of the two.

Here I was trying to forget...

This village is grandfather's treasure!

I'm going to protect it!

'Cuz I'm the grandson
of the First Hokage

who built the Village Hidden in Leaves!

I love this village and my comrades...

So I want to protect them.

Right! Someday,
I'll become just like Grandfather.

And the Hokage name will be mine!

Unlike you... I will be the heir to
the Hokage name, no matter what!

Since my little sister died,
that sole thought has sustained me.

So I'll become the Hokage...

An existence that protects everyone...

- Becoming the Hokage is my dream!
- Becoming the Hokage is my dream!

The precious dreams that
they risked their lives for...

Making those dreams come true
was also my desire...

Things that have formed
eventually decay... You said that.


after all, these are feelings
that won't decay...

So our negotiations have broken down...
It can't be helped.

Since it's come to this, I have no choice
but to ask forcibly.

Breakdown! The Deal is Off!

Come! Orochimaru!

Come to think of it,

we've never gone at it
even once until now.

That's right!

What're you saying?

I'm the one who has
to go at it with her, right?

Now I'm going to k*ll
you two worthless punks... here!

Incredible strength as usual...

It'll be over if you're hit once.

I can see that...

It's a bit cramped here
for fighting at a distance.

Are you going to change the location?

That would probably be better...

There was another troublesome person
with the Lady Tsunade's attendant.

That person may come
to her aid.

You're going down!

Who is... the troublesome person?

One of Sannin,
the same as you and Lady Tsunade...


I won't let you get away,
no matter what!

Wh-What's this?!

Huh... Princess Tsunade tore it up...
big time.

This means that Lady Tsunade refused...

Where did old Tsunade go?

That belongs to Lady Tsunade...!

Tonton... Which way?


It looks like you're quite
out of breath, too... Tsunade.

It's just about time.

I'm not that great at Taijutsu, but...

A Food Pill!

That Sign...!

This kid can also use Medical Ninjutsu...

He got my muscle...!

I severed, ever so slightly,

the bicep muscle of your upper arm
and the rectus muscle of your thigh.

Now you won't be able to release
your incredible strength.

A Chakra scalpel, eh...
Why don't you target the arteries?

Indeed, with this scalpel,

I could cut the muscles and vessels
without external injury.

But as may be expected,

I can't make a long, delicate scalpel
in the middle of battle

that can reach the arteries
and the heart muscle.

But, even so...

there'd be no problem at all
if I target the opponent's neck!

Dang it! My intercostals got hit.
My breathing...

He's no ordinary Medical Ninja.

His Jutsu sense and his edge
exceed even me in my heyday!

It would still be trouble
if you were to die on me.

I won't target your vital spot...

But with this, you can't move anymore...

She's amazing...

Ordinarily, one wouldn't be able
to budge due to difficulty breathing.

It looks like it will be necessary
to rough her up a little more...

but not enough to k*ll her.

Even though I'm trying to move my hand...

my leg moves?!

D-Don't tell me! This is...

You little!

In my present condition,

this seems to be the extent of my power...

I see...

It's... It's not the muscles...
It's the nerves!

It seems you've realized...
That's right. It's the nerves!

I changed Chakra into electricity...

made an electrical field and
poured electricity into your nerves.

The communication between
the brain and the body

is all done with electric signals...

Tsunade jumbled up all of
the electric signals that are exchanged

at a velocity of 360 kilometers per hour.

Having left battle and yet such power...

So this is the legendary Sannin?

Healing types use too much Chakra...

But in this condition...

If I try to move my right hand...

my left leg moves.

If I try to move my left ankle...

my right shoulder moves.

It's difficult...

But I've already grasped eighty percent
of what moves when I move what.

Don't mess with me...

with this low-level...


What?! In only a moment,
his body movements...

You're scared of blood, aren't you?!

I'll show you plenty from now!


It's been a long time... Jiraiya.


You've got an evil look as usual.




I see... So you know each other?

We took the Chunin Exam together!

Why are you here, Kabuto...?

Get out of the way!


I'll take...

these guys!

Just because you've mastered
your body movements...

it doesn't mean...

you can move like normal!

I won't let you get away now!

Too late!

My body movements have
finally returned...


Having two of the legendary Sannin
as opponents is hairy, isn't it...?

So even if it's just one...
I'll stop you!

Lady Tsunade!

Say! Say! What's happening?!

Why's Kabuto fighting
with old Tsunade?!

You're slow, Naruto...

That's why you're no match for Sasuke.

Take a good look at the headband!

He's Orochimaru's subordinate.


That's right...

I was a spy from
the Village Hidden in the Sound.

Wh-What're you saying?

You're lying, right, Kabuto?

During the Chunin Exam
you taught us a lot...

And you also saved us.

Well, I wanted to gather data
on you guys.

Naruto, there's something
I understood by gathering your data.

You have no Ninja ability.

Unlike Sasuke!

It's the first time
I've seen Lady Tsunade like this...

Please don't push it too far alone.

I'm your attendant, so...

Old Lady Tsunade...

Even with a fierce look,

you're just a cute Genin
who's a fish out of water.

Admittedly, I was anticipating
the monster dwelling inside you...

But now,
with the legendary Sannin before me,

you leave something to be desired.

You're just a puny zero.
So if you meddle...

I'll k*ll you.

You little!

Don't, Naruto!

My body's still...

That hand...

He shouldn't be able to use
that right hand anymore.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

I'll attack at once with four...

and break him from the right side
where he can't defend!

You little!




Poison Needles!

My neural reflexes still haven't
completely returned!

I can't dodge completely!

With the headband...!

Good job, acting so quickly...

Thanks, Shizune!


A Plasma Pill!

A Plasma Pill?

So he's trying to replenish
lost blood, huh...

That kid is a Medical Ninja same as me...

The blood is gushing out nicely,
eh, Kabuto?

Lord Orochimaru...

Please take off the bandage
on your left arm.

That man is Orochimaru...

At last, the real thing appears...



You take care of...
that guy with the glasses!

I'll take care of Orochimaru!

I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

Enough already, you traitor!

Don't you dare touch
Old Lady Tsunade again!

Hey Old Lady,
just like our wager

I will definitely win
that unlucky necklace from you!

I won't run away!
I won't give up!

Just watch.
This is my Way of Ninja!
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