03x07 - The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x07 - The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

But thank goodness
your injury wasn't serious.

Naruto was relieved, too...

The rumors were true...

That the survivor of the Village's
honorable Uchiha Clan

was the most good for nothing kid...

Sasuke, you must be hungry.
Is there something you want to eat?

I'll go buy something for you.

The Battle Begins.
Naruto vs. Sasuke

To be honest,
I really don't understand.

It seems there were opinions that,

with the final exam being suspended,

no one should pass
this time around.

But I hear the late Third Hokage
highly praised your match.

It seems he intended to recommend you
for Chunin.

The lords of other lands
who observed the fight

and the proctors were of
the same opinion as well...

In that case, it's not in my place
to say this or that about it.

From now on,

strive to perform in a manner
that is worthy of that headband...

As of today, you're a Chunin!

- Wow...
- Wow!

Even you who's never motivated
look respectable.

It doesn't suit you.

Don't laugh, I say...

For the time being

let's have a toast to celebrate
Shikamaru's promotion to Chunin!

Let's eat!

Oh! Choji!

Don't eat the meat before the toast!

But, it'd be a waste if it got burned, so...

There's a lot of meat. Eat up!

All right!

Right now,
I have no interest in you...

Your target is Naruto, after all.

You'll end up in the hospital again, Choji.

Don't you know how to savor the taste?

Never mind!

Even if I eat a lot,
I know how to savor properly.

Hey! Choji, that's the last piece of meat
that I've been grilling

The last bite!

This is the conclusion and

will become the meat with
the greatest value that should be savored!

I won't hand over
this last bite to anyone!

What're you acting cool for,
you idiot?!

Everyone makes fun of you
because you're like this!

- You're just a fat
- Ino!

That's a taboo word!

But really, Choji...

A meal isn't a battle.

Relax at a time like this at least.
What a pain.

Vulgar... Dirty mouthed...
Too lazy...

I wonder if these guys
will be okay from here.

In particular...

Choji. With you it's nothing but food.

Do a little training sometime!


You're lucky that your mind
doesn't restrict what you eat...

I've got it rough with a diet.

Why do you have to diet, Ino?

Girls want to be seen as cute as possible
by the one they like!

But that person might not always
like a thin person.

In the first place,
most boys don't like fat

Not that... They like thin girls.

And, vice versa.

You should be a little more conscious
of your body, Choji.

You won't be popular.

Heh... She doesn't get it.

Men don't like thin women
as much as women think.

More likely men who like chubby women
are the most common.

And, vice versa... I'd say.

I bet she'd be twice as popular

if she were to gain a little more weight
instead of dieting.

You sure are a funny guy, Shikamaru.

And you're smart, too.


I know it in my heart...

You're much more awesome
than the likes of Sasuke or Neji.

Well, I've never even thought about that.
I'm me, so...

But you're the only one
who became a Chunin

in the Chunin Exam this time...

But you might be better
at fighting, right?

I might've given up if
I'd gotten into one with you.

But earlier,
Sensei told me that all I do is eat

and that I'm not progressing...

I'm me, I tell you. And you're you.

It's stupid talking about how which is.

Well, don't worry too much
about what Asuma says...

You should live naturally
and take things easy.

See you later! I'm going home.

My dad's starting to say
some troublesome thing

like he's going to teach me
a new Jutsu or something.




Good luck with your training.


You're a good guy...Choji.

Hey, Sakura!


The time is right...

Head for the Leaf Village, now!

I see... You've made up your mind, huh?


I'm carrying out fitness training
to get ready for the surgery.

I want to return as soon as
I can after the surgery, so...


Ow ow...


Yes?! What is it?

You won't die
if you give up being a Shinobi.

Why are you so fixated
on being a Shinobi?

My everything is proving that
even I can become a fine Ninja...

You might die. Even if you succeed...

Even so...

I promise you!

That's my dream, so...

Why...do you snap this much
at the mention of Hokage's name?

Unlike you...

I will be the heir to the name
of Hokage, no matter what!

Because, Hokage is my dream!

In this village, promising children
are being brought up.

Sarutobi Sensei... Sure enough,
you were a wonderful Hokage.

The surgery is in the afternoon.
Get ready!

Let's go, Lee! Are you prepared?!


I got some apples...
You like them, right?

Here, doesn't it look good?

Huh...? I wonder where I put the knife...

It's right in front of you, believe it.

It's so lame, you getting all scatterbrained
just because you're in front of Sasuke.

I'd rather hear lame
from anyone but you...


U zu ma ki!

Naruto 2K Barrage!

Knock it off already!

Summoning Jutsu!

I will...protect Sakura!

I-I give up, believe it...

Sasuke... Thank you.

You rescued me from
the Sand Ninja, right?


The person who rescued you...
was Naruto.

You are weak.

Why are you weak...?

It's because you don't have enough...


Good. I peeled it nicely.

I'll cut it to make it easy to eat, and...

Here, Sasuke.

Ow! What happened?


Huh? What's going on?


Y-You don't have to glare
at me like that.

Hey, Naruto...

Wh-What is it?

Fight me... Right now!

What?! Here you are,
just treated by Old Lady Tsunade.

What're you saying?

Just fight!


You think you saved me?

I don't care if she's the Fifth Hokage
or whatever, but...

she should've just minded
her own business!


You said you wanted to fight me, right?

I'm saying let's do it now!

Or have you chickened out?

S-Sasuke. Hey...
What's going on?!

Naruto, you say something too!

What's this all of a sudden?

This is perfect, believe it!

I was just thinking
I wanted to fight you!

S-Stop it, the both of you... Okay?

Come with me!

What's...this feeling?
My lower belly feels tight...

I want to fight you, too.

And... I feel a thrill.

What's so funny?

Nothing's funny, believe it!
I'm happy!

When I think
I can finally beat you here!

Abducting Naruto is the No. 1 priority
of our organization, Akatsuki.

What did you say?
Don't talk foolish, you failure!

I'm not going to be
a failure forever!

Right now,
I have no interest in you...

You... A loser like you better
not act all high and mighty!

Hah! It's unlike you to lose
your cool and raise a fuss.

So uncharacteristic.

It couldn't be that you picked a fight
and then got scared, could it, Sasuke?

Just bring it, now!

Put on your headband before that!
I'll wait.

I don't need such a thing...

Just do it!

You wouldn't even be able...
to put one knick on my forehead!

You're wrong!

I'm saying this is a testament to fighting
on equal terms as a Leaf Shinobi!

And I'm saying stuff like that
is acting high and mighty!

Do you think that we're equal?!

Yeah, I do! I've never once
thought that I'm inferior to you!

You're an eyesore!

That's because you remain weak!
Little Sasuke!



Don't be getting carried away!


Enough already, believe it!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

U zu ma ki!

Naruto Barrage!

The Tiger Seal!

Fire Style! Fire Ball Jutsu!


Wh-What is that Jutsu?!

Damn it!

Chidori: One Thousand Birds!


I'll win no matter what!

Don't flatter yourself!

Stop it, both of you...

Stop it!

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

After becoming a Three-Man Squad,
though we had fights,

we carried out our missions together.

And yet, both Sasuke and Naruto
have steadily gone on ahead

and only I've been left behind.

Say, Sasuke, I feel you at a distance
even though you're this close.

No matter what,
I can't see you, Sasuke.
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